4152OWNER'S CERTIFICATE !ye hereby certify fhaf we are the Oryneis of or Aare some riyl7/, 111/e or interest in vnd to the feat properly /nC1410e r' in the 941ho4X/510,7 shown within the blue border as shown on !his map, Av/ we are the o17/y persons whose consents are necessary to pass a clear Al/e /a said property amt we hereby consent to the ma/ring of saia' map and said subaiP'1$10r7 * a/so hereby dedicate to public use a// sheets 7170'J001-110175 of streets 01!17/n said 5400'/y/51017 as shown on said map and a/so dedcale easements for any and a// public uses under, upon or over said 511-&&15 antiport/ons !hereof. Me also hereby dedicate topah1le use easemenls fora//public sefy/ce lac///1/es /17c/11ai/�g poles, w/re, conduits, s/arm sewers, sanitary sewefs, gas, wafer and heal mains and 0101 /fe 1111/ities 4'170',717 and at/ appur 1&17,717.-,5 to /he abare under, upon or over !hose rmla/n strips of land each des.g7=led as wPub/ic U/i/ify Easemenl°or 1-pU.E. easements u7de, on or over /hose cerlain strips a/'/,7/7d Bach designated as 5171711-71-1 Server Eosemenf`ar S5.E.° a....c..! r..,._...,,_s., _..•� and ease eels for, vire clearoare purposes a' over /hose Ceder/n areas oesignaleas 'Wlre Clearance fasememl" or plf E. ". Sanitary Sewer Pub/ie f//i/ify 0047 117, -hal' Easefnen/s /o be yep/ Clear of bvi/dings and structures OP any y/nd ereepl 1111/ify company slfuclures and /00111/ fences. IfIlle Clearance Ea5e177e171,5 to be //mite' to bu//dings, struclur&s and appurtenances thereto which have a =01-1=11= h&igh/ of f/flees M) feet abovegrade al the prawn'/ire ofpd&s le a/50 dedicale topub/c use for a wa//'way /17471 IFS11-1,0 0f land across Z01 497d d&s917,71ea' os 7a*'L1(#1A'y° OAX KNOLL COMPANY, a partnership OlyNE11 /911101- vey v v ram tlrtar 11511 rot VA/LEY TITLE CORPANY) a corpofpl/on, T905TE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY tOF SANTA CLARAS.S.I On !1715/f.o'ay 0f..A.o`ej(,....1966, before IIV4 9�904.F/G4-....a Hofafytub/C /n 917d 10f sa/d stale and county, resi0iifg lhereirf, duly M0117 and &0=11-1-/,95/0170; personalty appeamd,1A9 P1O 19 Ai?M/A.2/,V . knvw17 to me to be lh& person whose name /s subscr/bed to The with/n instrument as the altorney /n feel of 0101. &044..00117, AIP ............... and ac/rn0wladged to me that ....... he subscr/hed the 1-10177........ Of. r, -Ne e&,044. ..... Abereto as princ/pal.........., and 17.15... own name as affvrffey in 10& 1N #11TNE55 {yt/ER.EOF 1 have Ameunlo set my bond and affixed my off/ciat seol the day and year 1171171,5 cert/ficale f/rsl above wfitlen. CAROL FILICEG2/-�Q��c%ca/....... ae NOTARY PU�Lle a Santa Clara County, Calif. NOTARY "41C IN ANO fOR 7112F COUNTY s 0000 asaaoa Of SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALffORN/A stark' Of CadIMIMIA COUNTY OF 94NT4 CZARA}'''°' On 1171.5 40,Y71 of��6�... /966, befof& m�!� a �ofory Pub/c /n and for sa/d s/ate and county, res/oi17g fher&/n, duty sword 91701 4017=155/012eY, personally appeared ... !/on.. ys?ncoclt _ ..... . known to me to be the Tice President 01117& corp0ra110,7 117,71 ter&Muted lbe within /ns/4uf7enf, /mown To me to b& 117&person who erecutedfhe ov11h/9 instrument on b&ha/f of 117& Ma�wrafioft fh&re/n names and a4lirroui/edged to me 11701 50417 Morporation ere<uf&d the mllhin 1,7.V1111177&171,R&1-54'0171 fo its by -/alts or a reso/inion o/ its board of tit&Mtors as T1pUS7,FE 141 #'1741ES5 1f11Z110,' /have hereunto set 11711 hang' and elf/red my officio/ sea/ the day 0170'y&411- /r? this certif/cafe //rs1 above wr//te17 ® Dasa®ease AUCK. CAROL NOTARY Santa Clara CoNOMFY A40AIC iN ANL7 fOR THE COON7Y 0000 o �uaooDOf SANTA CUM, 5754)7 Op 6,41fF0,M4 } TRACT NO, 4152 (1N1 KNOLL HOLLS CONSISTING OF TWO (2) SHEETS BEING A .PORTION OF THE SAN ANTONIO RANCHO LYING WITHIN THE CITY OF CUPERTINO SCALE : I"= 100' JANUARY 1966 RUTH, GOING AND BECK CIVIL ENGINEERS SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA BASIS OF BEAR/NGS The bearay H85°.16'V'li' of Ae center/iae of Harlman Drive as shown on fhaf arlaw map 'T/1AC7 N0. 7B0 - afS701Y ON17 N0. 2;' recorded in AMA O of .Haps alpayes 32 and 33 in the offs� of the Coa1711v 1/ccorder of Sanla Cfoftr County, Ca/fofnia, was /ak0n as the basis of aft bearings shown on this reap STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA}S. S. On 117/s/'P"doy 01Ai el4......1966, before mea 1101,711 Pub1le /n and for sa/d dale and munfy, les/d/ng lAme/n, du/y sworn and commiss/oned, personally aRoealwalAo wlal1T0'�.,W ./mown fi me to be the person whose name is subscr/bed to the within /nstrumenl as lh& alforney dl lael of .GlA:C' . '4�;Y044.. .......... and a41700 401 ed t0 me that ......... fie subscr/bed the name ......... ...........1her&to os principal........., and &<5'... awn name as attorney /n faC4 /N 1r1711f55 1f'11CM-OF 1 have 17mefralo set my hand and affixed my ofhc/al seal the day and year /n 1h/s mrlvelwle hrsl a60Ye wr/lle17 NOTARY RMVC 04M FOR T11f C910Y77 Of SANTA 0LAf4, STATE Of UIIA091i/A am,,A:,.,�aes0000aaowyr,4 r. ,.,a00 ` CA17ZOL FILICE NOTARY PuailC Santa Clara Covnty, Calif. 09000 a 8 V0900.0 sada. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE TJ CLARK BECK, certify that 1 ara a Registered Oy// Engineer of the Stale of Ca/ifvrnia, fhaf this map consisting of two (2) sheets cvrrectty represents a sufyey made under my direction in January, /966; that the survey is true and comp/ete as shown; lhal a// monuments of the !rinds shown hereon 0&1110//y exist or will be set by January, 1968.11701 theirpositions are correct/y shown; and that such monuments are sufFc/i�enf toQenable the survey fa be retraced. /� Ya �G /�L C/l L7a1e ........ 3.-a,4. -. 1966. / � CSC ....4 ......... B&gislered 0J -it Engineer Cerlifieale No. 9226 CITY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify !hal /have eramiaed the w/lhirr fha/ map of 7RAC70 4/52 - OAK KNOLL 111LL5, 11701 the sabaiy/sion shown hereon is substanliolly the .same as /1 appeared on the Ienlaf/ye map !hereof and any approved a11&fat/0175, !hat all provisions of the Cal/forma 51ale Subdiv/sion Map.&l and any focal old/namm app11eahle al the lime of approyal of the tenlative mato have been comphed with and / am sal/sfied /ha/ said map /s techs/cal/y correct Hale ..... //1 ay... .1-900, ROBERT S SHOOK • C/ty Engineer 611y of Cupeftino Californ/a ?Z � . CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATE 1 hereby certify Ilial The w/thm firma/ map of 7/T•4C7 NO. 4152 - a," KNOLL 111LL5, was approved by the ellyC�unc// of the C�fy of Cupertino at iIs 1-&1111/a1- meeting he/d on the.. !.$..301011 of... f! i /..... _. /966 and /hat Sald Coanci/ did, al said meeting, accept the tied/canon of a// streets and portions of streels and a// easemer7ls offered for oedcafforr and shown on said map #1-/117/17 sa/d suhdiy/sion. XAY V. HA0L70N 0 City Clerk ofrd Lr- Clerk (C�/ty_ launch of rhe C/fy of cape, -1117o COUNTY RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE fl -le No. ....... fee $ 7°° Paid. ,41mepted for record and recorded h7 Book /. 0 O flaps at popes afrd. 1'`�. /17 the offlee of the f/ecomkr of Safrla Clara County th/s ?Ge day �4-........../966 /WIL R. T£/LH' County Recorder 504710 Clara County, Eal/fore/a By...�-, �. �� ....... gEPurY BASIS OF BEARINGS The bear/1711 NB5°36'50"iY of the cent&rline of Hartman Drive as shown art fhaf cerlairr map 'TRACT NO. 780- CRE670N, UNIT Na':?; lr--orded in Book 0 of /haps at ppages ,32 a,70'99 /n The offIce of the County of 501710 C/era Cou1711, Ca/ilornia, was 101017 as the bas/s of a// bearings shown 017 11715 map. NO TES A// distances anal o'/me17s/ons shoK'n hereon are /n feel and dec/ma/s lher,571.' The area w/1h/n the b10e border /s /9.353 Ac. The blue border denotes 11V boundary of th/s suhdiy/sion. A soils repoff was prepay&d January 1963 by 6riba/do, Jacobs, ,tones and ,4ssoaates SHEET NO. 1 Of e SHEETS ✓OB //0 1947W 51001.z DETAIL "A " NO SCALE DETA/L "B NO SCALE REcO80E0...... . � V.?-'(�/lo.4...... AVE NO... 3QG�jE.S��/....__ _ BGY1K.%/.O OF MAPS, P46E5.2', AAV2-: 7 WMA DR/VE CURVE DATA ,YO 9 _A 2 20. 00' 90° 07' 4o" 3/. 42' 3 T.O. 00' B9° 59' 20" 3/. 4/' 4 20. 019' 400 0941" /4, 02' S 2o. 00' 34° //' 4/" //. 94' 6 20 A7' tw 57' 05" 29. 65' 75W.. OT 1 00 X' 53" 4B. or 8 5440, 00' 0" 32' 59" S2,491 9 2a 00' 9f 3.9',510 34 or /0 5440, 07' 0014,510 23. 50' // 970. x, /° 57' 02" 33. 02' /2 /000• 07' /° 57' 02" 34. 04' /3 /030. 00 105702, 35. 07' Ar 20. 00' B3° 29' 44" 29. /5' 20. 00' 95°52'58" 33. 47' 20 ao, B3° 47' /9' 29. 25' Lle 20, 00' 96" /2'4/" 33.59' 370, 6b' 500,0 45" 32. 00' T RACT NO, AK KNOLL CONSISTING OF TWO (2) SHEETS BEING A PORTION OF THE SAN ANTONIO RANCHO LYING WITHIN THE CITY OF CUPERTINO SCALE : I" = 100 JANUARY 1966 RUTH, GOING AND BECK CIVIL ENGINEERS SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA BASIS OF BEAR/NGS The beariny Nd5'36".50"lr of /17e cen/orf/ne ar /tartmo/7 !Dive as 5AM17 017 that certain /nap '794C7' NO. W - C1fE.5TO1V, UN/T NO. 2; recorded /n Bao/r M of Mops at poyes 32 07a,79 /n The office o.P The Coun/y Recoroer oP Santa C/ora COanfy, Caf/fornfa, was faker as /he Ams of a// beor/iys shown o17 this map NOTES 41/ distances and d/inens/O/75 shom7 hereon ace in Pee/ and decimah Thereof. The area /r/Th/n fhe blue border /s /9..53 Ac. The b/ae border denairs /he Laundafy Of th/s 5abdir/sion A soi/s report was prepared ✓anuory /963 by &iba/do, Jacobs, ✓ones and ,4ssociafes. LEGEND o /ndicates f'4 " Ilan Pipe set • fndfcates 1114 " flan P/pe found, unless ofhemise noted. /ndicatcs Standaro' City Monument set. ® /nd/cafes Standard Cify :Tonumenfs found. P. U.E. Pub/ic Ufi/ify Easemef/T. IF, S. E, sanitary Seiner Easement 3/4'/ro/7 Pipe sel at a// /of comers and curve p011715 AICE, iY/re Clearance Ease/nent. SHEET Z Of R SHEETS ✓OB Na /3, 474 �* 51001.2. 2-3-