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10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino~ Caljfotnia 95014 (408) 777-3308
Mayor, City Councilmembers, C~,.and Planning Commission
Robert S. Cowan, Director of Conui1unity Development e.sc..-
February 4, 1998
Minor Modification of 15-U-96 (M)for a 201 unit ap~ment complex.
Chapter 19.132 of the Cupertino Municipal Code allows for administrative approval of minor
changes to a project. The Director reports his deciSIon to the City Council and Planning Com-
mission in time to allow any Councilmember or Planning Commissioner to appeal the decision
with fourteen calendar days.
Application: .. , .
Director's referral of a minor modification to modify setbacks of an apartment complex and rec-
reation building. "-
This minor modification is only for the setback chan.ges, which are small enough to be processed
at staff level. Proposed changes in elevations are' considered more significant and are scheduled
for the February 9 Planning Commission meeting.
Sheet 1 shows the approved (in parentheses) and proposed setbacks between buildings and the
property lines. In many cases, the proposed setbacks are greater than those approved. In six
cases, they are less, and are highlighted in yellow. The west setback on Building 7 was previ-
ously approved with a minor modification. The remaining five setbacks are:
1) 40' vs. 41' between Building 5 and the west property line
2) 21 '7" vs. 22'8" between Buildings 3 and 4
3) 29'10" vs. 30'2" between Buildings 3 and 5
4) 20'6" vs. 22'5" between Buildings 4 and 6
5) 21 '6" vs. 24'5" between Buildings 2 and 5
The applicant states that the increase in setbacks results from reduction in the size of the podium
garages. The decrease in setbacks results from minor modifications to the floor plans. The ar-
chitect also stated verbally to staff that small changes from conceptual to working drawings re-
sult in shifts in building location and unit size.
Setback 1 is acceptable because the condition o'fapprova~,fqrthis use permit requires a minimum
setback of 40', which it is. Setback changes 2ah&'j are 110t significapt.. .setback 4 decreases ap-
proximately 2', largely due the proposed prohusion of all 18" bay window. Setback 5 is the most
significant change, which is due to repositionin.g of Building 5 and a larger D unit. Staff believes
these changes are acceptable.
The Director approves the setback modifications:
Sheet 1
Applicant's letter, dated February 3, 1998 .
G: planning/pdreportfrnisceIl/15u96rn(rn)