㜷ⴷ㌳㠰਍䅆㩘⠠〴⤸㜠㜷㌭㌳ളഊ䌊䵏啍䥎奔䐠噅䱅偏䕍呎਍਍畊敮㈠ⰴ㈠〰സഊ䨊桯敊湯൧ㄊㄲ‷⁎慍湩匠牴敥൴匊污湩獡‬慃‮㌹〹ശഊ匊䉕䕊呃›䕄䥓乇删噅䕉⁗佃䵍呉䕔⁅䍁䥔乏䰠呅䕔⁒‭灁汰捩瑡潩塅ⵃ〲㠰ㄭരഊ吊楨⁳敬瑴牥挠湯楦浲⁳桴⁥敤楣楳湯漠⁦桴⁥敄楳湧删癥敩⁷潃浭瑩整ⱥ朠癩湥愠⁴桴⁥敭瑥湩൧漊⁦畊敮ㄠⰹ㈠〰㬸愠汬睯湩⁧⁡潰瑲潩景愠琠潷挭牡朠牡条⁥摡楤楴湯琠湥牣慯档椠瑮桴൥昊潲瑮礠牡⁤敳扴捡祢愠灰潲楸慭整祬漠敮映潯ⱴ氠捯瑡摥愠⁴㠱㈷‵楔獬湯䄠敶畮ⱥ਍捡潣摲湩⁧潴删獥汯瑵潩潎‮㜲⸴਍਍汐慥敳戠⁥睡牡⁥桴瑡椠⁦桴獩瀠牥業⁴獩渠瑯甠敳⁤楷桴湩漠敮礠慥Ⱳ椠⁴桳污硥楰敲漠൮䨊湵⁥㤱‬〲㤰മഊ䄊獬Ɐ瀠敬獡⁥潮整琠慨⁴湡愠灰慥景琠楨⁳敤楣楳湯挠湡戠⁥慭敤眠瑩楨㐱挠污湥慤⁲慤獹਍牦浯琠敨搠瑡⁥景琠楨⁳敬瑴牥‮晉琠楨⁳慨灰湥ⱳ礠畯眠汩敢渠瑯晩敩⁤景愠瀠扵楬⁣敨牡湩Ⱨ਍桷捩⁨楷汬戠⁥捳敨畤敬⁤敢潦敲琠敨䌠瑩⁹潃湵楣⹬਍਍楓据牥汥ⱹ਍਍਍晦栺縠映䜭മഊ䄊獳獩慴瑮倠慬湮牥਍楃祴漠⁦畃数瑲湩൯ഊ䔊据潬畳敲㩳਍敒潳畬楴湯丠⹯㈠㐷਍਍捃›夺⵵桃⁩慔ⱹㄠ㜸㔲吠汩潳癁ⱥ䌠灵牥楴潮‬慃㤠〵㐱਍਍牐湩整⁤湯删捥捹敬⁤慐数൲ ਍塅ⵃ〲㠰ㄭരഊ䌊呉⁙䙏䌠偕剅䥔低਍〱〳‰潔牲⁥癁湥敵਍畃数瑲湩Ɐ䌠污晩牯楮⁡㔹㄰ഴഊ刊卅䱏呕佉⁎低‮㜲ഴഊ伊⁆䡔⁅䕄䥓乇删噅䕉⁗佃䵍呉䕔⁅䙏吠䕈䌠呉⁙䙏䌠偕剅䥔低吠⁏䱁佌⁗ു倊剏䥔乏传⁆⁁坔ⵏ䅃⁒䅇䅒䕇䄠䑄呉佉⁎佔䔠䍎佒䍁⁈义佔吠䕈䘠佒呎夠剁ൄ匊呅䅂䭃䈠⁙偁剐塏䵉呁䱅⁙乏⁅但呏മഊ匊䍅䥔乏䤠›剐呏䍅⁔䕄䍓䥒呐佉ൎഊ䄊灰楬慣楴湯丠⹯ഺ䄊灰楬慣瑮ഺ䰊捯瑡潩㩮਍਍塅ⵃ〲㠰ㄭര䨊桯敊湯⁧夨⵵桃⁩慔⥹਍㠱㈷‵楔獬湯䄠敶਍਍䕓呃佉⁎䥉›䥆䑎义升਍਍䡗剅䅅ⱓ琠敨䐠獥杩敒楶睥䌠浯業瑴敥漠⁦桴⁥楃祴漠⁦畃数瑲湩敲散癩摥愠灡汰捩瑡潩潦൲愊硅散瑰潩潴琠敨匠湩汧⁥慆業祬䐠獥杩敒畧慬楴湯㭳਍਍䡗剅䅅ⱓ琠敨䐠獥杩敒楶睥䌠浯業瑴敥映湩獤琠慨⁴桴⁥档湡敧⁳牡⁥敢敮楦楣污愠摮挠浯慰楴汢൥眊瑩⁨桴⁥畳牲畯摮湩⁧牡慥഻ഊㄊ‮桔瑡琠敨氠瑩牥污攠普牯散敭瑮漠⁦桴⁥牰癯獩潩獮漠⁦桴獩琠瑩敬眠汩敲畳瑬椠敲瑳楲瑣潩獮਍湩潣獮獩整瑮眠瑩⁨桴⁥灳物瑩愠摮椠瑮湥⁴景琠楨⁳楴汴㭥਍⸲吠慨⁴桴⁥牧湡楴杮漠⁦桴⁥硥散瑰潩楷汬渠瑯爠獥汵⁴湩愠挠湯楤楴湯眠楨档椠⁳慭整楲污祬਍敤牴浩湥慴潴琠敨瀠扵楬⁣敨污桴‬慳敦祴‬牯眠汥慦敲※湡൤㌊‮桔瑡琠敨攠捸灥楴湯琠敢朠慲瑮摥椠⁳湯⁥桴瑡眠汩敲畱物⁥桴⁥敬獡⁴潭楤楦慣楴湯漠⁦桴൥瀊敲捳楲敢⁤敲畧慬楴湯⁳湡⁤桴⁥業楮畭慶楲湡散琠慨⁴楷汬愠捣浯汰獩⁨桴⁥異灲獯⹥਍⸴吠敨瀠潲潰敳⁤硥散瑰潩楷汬渠瑯爠獥汵⁴湩猠杩楮楦慣瑮瘠獩慵浩慰瑣愠⁳楶睥摥映潲൭愊畢瑴湩⁧牰灯牥楴獥਍਍低ⱗ吠䕈䕒但䕒‬䕂䤠⁔䕒体噌䑅ഺ吊慨⁴晡整⁲慣敲畦潣獮摩牥瑡潩景洠灡ⱳ映捡獴‬硥楨楢獴‬整瑳浩湯⁹湡⁤瑯敨⁲癥摩湥散猠扵業瑴摥਍湩琠楨⁳慭瑴牥‬桴⁥灁汰捩瑡潩潎‮塅ⵃ〲㠰ㄭⰰ椠⁳敨敲祢愠灰潲敶㭤愠摮਍਍桔瑡琠敨猠扵潣据畬楳湯⁳灵湯眠楨档琠敨映湩楤杮⁳湡⁤潣摮瑩潩獮猠数楣楦摥椠桴獩删獥汯瑵潩牡൥戊獡摥愠摮挠湯慴湩摥椠桴⁥異汢捩栠慥楲杮爠捥牯⁤潣据牥楮杮䄠灰楬慣楴湯䔠䍘㈭〰ⴸ〱愠⁳敳൴昊牯桴椠桴⁥楍畮整⁳景琠敨䐠獥杩敒楶睥䌠浯業瑴敥䴠敥楴杮漠⁦畊敮ㄠⰹ㈠〰ⰸ愠摮愠敲਍湩潣灲牯瑡摥戠⁹敲敦敲据⁥敨敲湩മ ਍敒潳畬楴湯丠⹯㈠㐷਍慐敧㈠਍਍塅ⵃ〲㠰ㄭരഊ䨊湵⁥㤱‬〲㠰਍਍䕓呃佉⁎䥉㩉䌠乏䥄䥔乏⁓䑁䥍䥎呓剅䑅䈠⁙䡔⁅佃䵍乕呉⁙䕄䕖佌䵐久ൔ䐊偅⹔਍਍⸱䄠偐佒䕖⁄塅䥈䥂協਍灁牰癯污椠⁳慢敳⁤湯琠敨瀠慬敳⁴楴汴摥∠慔⁹敒楳敤据ⱥㄠ㜸㔲吠汩潳癁ⱥ䌠灵牥楴潮‬䅃਍㔹㄰∴挠湯楳瑳湩⁧景猠硩瀠条獥‬慤整⁤慍⁹〱‬〲㠰‬硥散瑰愠⁳慭⁹敢愠敭摮摥戠൹挊湯楤楴湯⁳湩琠楨⁳敲潳畬楴湯മഊ㈊‮䕒位䅖⁌䙏䔠䍘卅⁓啃䉒䌭呕䄠䑎䐠䥒䕖䅗൙吊敨愠灰楬慣瑮猠慨汬爠浥癯⁥潰瑲潩獮漠⁦桴⁥牤癩睥祡琠慨⁴牡⁥潮⁴楤敲瑣祬椠牦湯⁴景琠敨਍睴ⵯ慣⁲慧慲敧愠摮猠慨汬愠獬敲畤散琠敨挠牵⁢畣⁴瑡吠汩潳癁⹥਍਍⸳䰠坏䔭圠义佄南਍汁敮⁷楷摮睯⁳湩瑳污敬⁤獡瀠牡⁴景琠楨⁳牰橯捥⁴桳污慨敶愠氠睯攭猠数楣楦慣楴湯漠桴浥മ倊慬湮湩⁧瑓晡⁦桳污潣普物桴獩瀠楲牯琠獩畳湡散漠⁦畢汩楤杮瀠牥業獴മഊ㐊‮佒䙏吠䅒华呉佉ൎ䄊灰楬慣瑮猠慨汬洠歡⁥⁡敢瑳攠晦牯⁴潴眠牯楷桴倠慬湮湩⁧敄慰瑲敭瑮猠慴晦琠浳潯桴湥琠敨਍牴湡楳楴湯椠桴⁥潲景楬敮戠瑥敷湥琠敨攠楸瑳湩⁧潰瑲潩景琠敨栠畯敳漠敶⁲桴⁥慦業祬爠潯൭愊敲⁡湡⁤桴⁥楫捴敨牡慥愠摮琠敨渠睥爠潯汦湩⁥癯牥琠敨渠睥朠牡条⹥਍਍⸵丠呏䍉⁅䙏䘠䕅ⱓ䐠䑅䍉呁佉华‬䕒䕓噒䄠吠佉华传⁒呏䕈⁒塅䍁䥔乏൓吊敨䌠湯楤楴湯⁳景倠潲敪瑣䄠灰潲慶敳⁴潦瑲⁨敨敲湩洠祡椠据畬敤挠牥慴湩映敥ⱳ搠摥捩瑡潩൮爊煥極敲敭瑮ⱳ爠獥牥慶楴湯爠煥極敲敭瑮ⱳ愠摮漠桴牥攠慸瑣潩獮‮畐獲慵瑮琠潇敶湲敭瑮਍潃敤匠捥楴湯㘠〶〲搨
ㄨⰩ琠敨敳䌠湯楤楴湯⁳潣獮楴畴整眠楲瑴湥渠瑯捩⁥景愠猠慴整敭瑮漠⁦桴൥愊潭湵⁴景猠捵⁨敦獥‬湡⁤⁡敤捳楲瑰潩景琠敨搠摥捩瑡潩獮‬敲敳癲瑡潩獮‬湡⁤瑯敨⁲硥捡楴湯⹳਍潙⁵牡⁥敨敲祢映牵桴牥渠瑯晩敩⁤桴瑡琠敨㤠ⴰ慤⁹灡牰癯污瀠牥潩⁤湩眠楨档礠畯洠祡瀠潲整瑳਍桴獥⁥敦獥‬敤楤慣楴湯ⱳ爠獥牥慶楴湯ⱳ愠摮漠桴牥攠慸瑣潩獮‬異獲慵瑮琠潇敶湲敭瑮䌠摯൥匊捥楴湯㘠〶〲愨Ⱙ栠獡戠来湵‮晉礠畯映楡潴映汩⁥⁡牰瑯獥⁴楷桴湩琠楨⁳〹搭祡瀠牥潩⁤潣灭祬湩൧眊瑩⁨污景琠敨爠煥極敲敭瑮⁳景匠捥楴湯㘠〶〲‬潹⁵楷汬戠⁥敬慧汬⁹慢牲摥映潲慬整൲挊慨汬湥楧杮猠捵⁨硥捡楴湯⹳਍਍䅐卓䑅䄠䑎䄠佄呐䑅琠楨⁳㤱桴搠祡漠⁦畊敮㈠〰ⰸ愠⁴⁡敒畧慬⁲敍瑥湩⁧景琠敨䐠獥杩敒楶睥਍潃浭瑩整⁥景琠敨䌠瑩⁹景䌠灵牥楴潮‬瑓瑡⁥景䌠污晩牯楮ⱡ戠⁹桴⁥潦汬睯湩⁧潲汬挠污潶整ഺഊ䄊䕙㩓਍低卅ഺ䄊卂䅔义ഺ䄊卂久㩔਍਍佃䵍卉䥓乏剅㩓䌠慨物䜠敩敦Ⱳ䬠湡摥ൡ䌊䵏䥍卓佉䕎卒›潮敮਍佃䵍卉䥓乏剅㩓渠湯൥䌊䵏䥍卓佉䕎卒›潒敳਍਍呁䕔呓ഺഊ䄊偐佒䕖㩄਍਍ ⽳瑓癥⁥楐獡捥楫਍瑓癥⁥楐獡捥楫਍楄敲瑣牯‬潃浭湵瑩⁹敄敶潬浰湥൴ഊ⼊猠䰯獩⁡楇晥牥਍楌慳䜠敩敦Ⱳ䌠慨物਍‮敄楳湧删癥敩⁷潃浭瑩整൥ ਍൲ †∧✠•∡縠†爠洭✢浏⸠•⹭⴮〠†‰⸮⤭‾煾†橉※⸠ഢ †∡Ⱐ⸮儠㰾漻㰾縠兾†′ㄲㄸ†㬠ര †††洠†娠†ൾ《映⥜屬昩⥜䥎⥜屉
縠晾楦氠繩ⴠ‼✢㸩ⵦ਍瑾繪縸㠸映䩉⸮㨭㩉㬠㭯潯䤺縺漻椠橩漻穭⁺㸩㩤㩉ℾⅬ⅏氼汊㨠繪⁾椿縠⁩㨤†⸦㉾映䩉娠㰻繾਍‮浥传䤺›〻†⁚∢㭭൯ 晏䩉氠汩㉜㉜℺縡漻楩⁩繾㩩繬⁾繾繾⁾卾牬漭穾⁣′䤺›椠⹴䜠‾⸮⸰⸮⸮⸮縠℠氺縢਍℠䥉䝾㡾繾洠㨺※琭ⴭ㩚㨺唺㭣町映䩬䥦⥊‾㭭⸮‸⸬⵾❾•⸠⸮縮†㌰⁧繾†∧਍⸠⸮晦繩繾繩‮⠰⤱縠⤠㨾㩉㭾景䩉⥇⁾⸻‬⸻ⴠ㭧ㄸ†挠敭਍縠✢繺ⵯ縠㨠㩉䑉縠Ⱞ縬挠敯〠氡㩬䨡昺繩㨻Ⅎ䤠䥩ⴧ㨠⁧㄰縠⹾‡洠ⴢ†䠻⁩⸮⸮†㩩伻਍洠㰭縠㩾℻㭦繆′㭳㭳潾†氻縺†〻縠਍洠㈡縠映䩉浟縠映䩉稠㬺‡繾汾汩椠汩㸩氡椡氺㩯℻⸮‭㸩捾縠映繤㩩⁴†〻‰縠ൾ 氺琡㡪杻晾汬杻洠湲挠浮㨠繪繾汬縠湳†樺‿䥦⁊൚ 笡浬洠⁲㬻繬✢Ⅎ䤠汩㨭㩉楬㩬℻⁛楉⹬⴮⁾⁾㠮‰†ㄠ㬵ㄻ㬠㬺਍儠℡㬡ⴲ唻⸠⴮稠䤠⁄†朠†∧਍儠浯昲䨱佯洠琠繩洠‿⸮㨠⸮†⸠⸺㨮縮†椠൏ 㡾⠠㉧⁺⁾⁾Ⅹ氡℡氠汬⵾‼䥦⁊⸮‭††ൺ ⁧‮縲⁾ 䥉⁉⁾†繉†‸〠਍⸠⴮氠汩㭮⸮㨭℻映汊††‰浟†䥉਍儠㉾繾㈠爠⸮‮ⅾ汩映䩉㬺洡∠‧⁾†⸠洠縠†഼ 㨠Ⅼⴠ‼††挠൯ ‰†††⁾†ഡ ⁾繾繣††††㨻†℠†㠠਍††††⁺††縠†⸮਍縠漠汤††††縠†⸠‮匠†朠਍縠洠†††††൧ 㨺㨺町〠儠†††††‸††㠠਍漠㨠†††††††ള 䥦⁊′†††††ള 氠汩਍†㬺ഡ 洠਍†楩൬ഊ䔊ൂഊ倊佒䕐呒⁙䥌䕎⠠〱⸸㜷⤧਍਍൭縊਍〻਍൯㬊ര縊਍⸮ഭ⸊⴮਍਍਍਍⵾ⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭ਍൉縊਍਍⴫娠䤧൯ഊ昊䩬⽃ഩ縊ഭ⸊⴮ㄭ਍湲൭㰊∺ൕ縊㭳ഺ縊൚縊਍਍繾㨠䥊縢✢ⴺ✢਍縸繾繾ൾ氊汩杯潾繾਍䥦繊縰㬸ㅯ汩਍∢ⴰⴠ㭩町㹭਍㬻縺漻㈸ㅭ漵਍繾ⴠ縠縼਍繾繪繾ൾ稊縠⁾椡൩縊〠‭ഭ縊縠⁾ൾ䤊㭪稠⁥〻਍㨺㩬汪㭪䜠ാ㈊琠㩪℺縠਍Ⱜ‰㸩਍婏䜠ാ㨊䩬൭⤊㬾‰ൡ㠊ൺ㈊⁆ൾ⤊‾㸩਍〻㬠ര縊縠਍ൾ䜊ഩ洊਍਍਍⸮മ㨊㩉਍൭昊䩉挠⸮⸮മ㠊਍∮਍൭漊਍ഢ縊਍〻਍∧਍⁾唢਍㬻※㨺ഡ✊✱਍਍†††††††††഼㨊Ⅹ䤠††††††††㔨਍⁾䤠††∢圧⸠†††Ⱒ≶⅗⁊‮൚Ⰺ‮䤠†⸠⁾⸬Ⱐ⸮⹟⸮⁦⁩Ⱞ†††❜㴠൩漊⁾‰⁉†㬠†††〠ⴠ഼䤊†⸠縠†映Ɒ縢䥄儠††††൉《†彟彟⁊†‮䤠†††††⁴㩳ഺ挊†✠•†朠㰠†✧∰†縠†ℬ椠⤠ാ昊䩉਍洠映䩉††⁾⁉捊⹮∬㐢㰠屯樨⸮⸬⸮†⁩†唢਍†㬠㬺⸠•†⁾⁾䡏Ⱜ∭਍†洠㬠‰†∠䤧扯湲儠㑾縠††ⴧ㑙❬晴਍〠†䥦⁊‰縠†✢ഴ †⁾∮†⸠⸮⸮䤠爠਍†洠਍†縠⸠⁾縠Ⱐ✠‴Ⱜ牾††⸠✢✧✧就ര †‰⁉†∧映椠縠ㄠ䨨氮㹡睯਍†✠ഢ †⸮‭⁺⁉✢爠‧⁲†⹍渮睬⽬•‮൜ †⁺††•മ †⁾㬠映尠‬⹾縬††Ⱐ⸠਍††⸮∮䤠䥉†⸧㬺✧ㄧ਍††✰〪‬⁾∧਍†††മ ††ⴭ∧†††ബ †††㸠⁊椠縠⁴⁴繾਍††††✢ 㬠⸻ㄠരഊ尊਍ൾഊ縊⁾മ瘊Ⱒ縮ൾ⠊縱਍献爮ബഊ縊㔠‧䥍⹎਍椺氡਍〠਍㬠ര 㨼洠਍洠䐠椧਍縠਍ⴠ‼⸮⴮਍洠洠਍㠠㬠ര ൾ ൾ 㬠രഊ䐊਍≲ൾഊ㰊㨺൉㨊䩊਍൯ഊ⤊ാ尊ൊ∊ര堊൬㈊਍㸩਍⵲਍਍ൾ⸊☠㄰ㅜ਍ㅁ繶਍਍✢ㄧമ⠊ൄഊഊ䤊਍㔼ഭ縊਍਍൜ഊ漊ൊഊⴊ൦䤊਍ൾഊ縊縠਍汴縠਍⁾൩ഊഊ吊呉䕌‬剐䩏䍅⁔义但䵒呁佉ൎ䄊䑎匠呉⁅䱐乁਍਍䕒䥖䥓乏൓ഊ匊䕈呅吠湩㩅਍਍മ愊椠਍⁩楩匠℠ൃ⸊‬ㄱ℠‮ൾ㐊縠਍਍਍ⅾⱉ孉䤩∢∢⸢⁾䥰繬✢䨼਍਍∮⸬⸬⸮⸮⸮䅴⸮Ⱞ਍਍昧਍✱繽ൌഊ氊坬ൾഊ✊䨡汑汉条⸮潯㑤਍മ儊਍਍牃❴縤牏਍਍繾繾⡾਍ㅃ⹉⹗⸮⸬⸮⸮⸮⸮മഊ猊഻娊਍൯昊䩉਍൥㬊ര㰊਍氡ഡ縊਍⸮ഭ洊਍൭洊਍ൺ䜊ാ稊਍൭洊਍〻਍ㄵധ稊਍൯ഊ∊⤱浭氧浊㨺℺਍㨺町㰾㰾㨺町㰾椭਍繾繾橾楬਍㬨娩繚≚䨱਍木繾繾ലㄊ氡繾渻偾൬ℊⅬ䁾朸ൾ縊洲漻樺ൾ㈊ㅦ㭊㬺㉾漻਍湥㠠㭚繮਍•㩑℺਍∮℠㭬ൾ猊※Ⱞ⴬਍⁚㭓䥦ൊ稊楩൪⸊ഢ䤊㭪਍൚ഊ倊佒䕊呃㨠਍਍䅔⁙䕒䥓䕄䍎൅ㄊ㜸㔲吠䱉体⁎噁⹅਍啃䕐呒义ⱏ䌠⁁㔹㄰ഴഊ䔊ഹഊഊ漊ൾ挊潯਍⸢⸮⸮਍乭਍㨻啑൉ⴊ㩴㨺൬ⴊ⴮਍縭ൾ《ാ㸊഼縊湲਍മഊⴊ൉⤊ാⴊ഼㨊㨺ര洊਍⽃ഩ䌊ൊ洊਍ൺ⠊ൊ洊਍⥇਍㸩਍ൾ䜊ഩ洊਍㸩਍䩃਍䩃਍䤭਍൯娊਍਍⸮മ⸊⸠਍䍊⹄䤠据㨮਍਍㈱㜱丠‮䅍义匠⹔匠䱁义十‬䅃㌹〹ശ吊䱅›⠴氩⹉㜠㈶㌭㠱ഷ䔊䴭楁㩬樠摣湬㉣儱慹潨⹯䩡䥉റഊ⸊ൊ ਍縮਍縮਍縮਍縮മഊⴊ∭✭∭✢縺਍਍縮਍਍൲ഊഊ洊਍㰾਍湥਍椭਍ൺ䜊ാⴊ਍൯洊਍㨳਍൯䌊਍椭਍൯娊਍吢൉㨊㨻ര攊൮ⴊ൩∊䥔਍൲漊਍൯∊㨬㨻ര縊唢਍猺㨻਍氼稡਍മ縊਍਍㸩਍൉⸊⸮潊മഊ漊縠਍⁾൭琊⁩ൾ縊椠਍਍਍㽃†楃†㼼㰠䌿‿䌠ി椊††琠㔠✴㐭ഢ氊繡ㄠ✰䤠㔠ⴧ〱‧⁉䩥渠䤠❉䤠ㄠ✵਍਍൭㬊㨰਍㸩਍∧਍楩൬✊ഢഊഊ 洠਍†∧†䩏਍†⁾縠਍†⁄漻洺洠†〭਍†縠縠椠਍†娠洠⸠⸮਍洠†⁾൭ ✠•∧✠ഢ 繾†␺〠縠儠਍氠䥬⁏映尻氠氡稠縠਍氠氨ℿ†ര ⤠ാ ⥇†〻ഺ ∠਍††ⴠര洊਍•†⸠മ縊††摩਍琺਍†愠※漢ഡ娊਍਍൯朊਍℡൉ഊഊ爊ⴭⴭഭⰊൄⰊ縠਍‬ൾⰊ縠਍‬ാ㨊爠❲਍繾⁵畵ㄠ㴧‽㴽㩲䩲਍਍ഢ㈊਍㰭਍ൾ爊਍൲ഊ爊㩲ⴧ✽റ✊爮ഭ✊䥉਍䤧൉✊䥉਍✺✧ⴭ਍䱌㴺਍਍൭縊਍〻ഺ縊਍ൾഊ洊਍൲㰊ഺ稊਍⥇਍ൾഊ縊⸮⸮‮⹟洠਍਍〭਍਍ⵉ㴽㴽㴽㴽㴽㨺㴽❾ⰺ਍ഢ∊਍ഢ∊਍ൾ縊਍ബ昊❬✢਍ഢ∊਍ഢⰊ਍਍ൎ✊ഢ∊਍൑ഊ✊✡✹ㄮ✰਍਍൭漊਍∧਍㨼਍൭椊਍㰭਍൭㠊਍൭ഊ氊㵩㴽㴽✽൬爊ⴭⴭധ䤊‬‬⁉൭㨊㩜⸮⸭ⴭⴭ⸭ㄺ⸠ഺ爊‮⁾ൾ縊縠䤠਍਍Ȿ爧ⴭⴭ✧✮椠楩਍汾弭ⱟ⴮晊ബ䨊⁲ㄱ椠ധ渊䤠൉䤊⁉ഢ䤊㴻㴽㴽汾਍਍㴮‮ⴭⴭⴠⴠⴭ‭‭ⴭ潃縠ⵟ⴮ⵟⴠⵟൾഊⴊരഊ⸊⴮⸬⸬ഢഊ洊਍൯✊ഢ㰊ഺ洊਍൩ⴊ഼ഊ洊਍൯✊ഢ㰊ഺ洊਍൩ⴊ഼洊਍സ洊਍਍䩃਍਍㸩਍〭਍✭崺਍䩏਍ൢ㰊∮਍瀭਍⵲਍਍ൌഊ⠊ഩഊഊ⸊਍਍਍繭਍൩ⴊⴭⴭ汩䩬‭ഭഊ✊ഢഊ琊ൊഊⴊⴭⴭമⴊⴭⴭ਍ഭഊ椊ൊഊഊ∊਍਍❾൜䤊ധ嘊਍ㅦ਍⁾൩樊഻琊ഡഊ∊•䤧ⵎ縬⸠⹉彾‧⸮⸢∢Ⱜ⸬Ⱐⱟ਍਍ബⰊ⸮ⰮⰬⰮ⥣਍਍䕒䥉卉佉华਍਍䡓䕅⁔䱭㩅਍਍剐䩏䍅⁔ഺഊ⸊⸮਍‮മ䨊䑃‮湉⹣ഺഊㄊㄲ‷⹎䴠䥁⁎呓‮䅓乕十‬䅃㌹汉㙏਍䕔㩌㐠☰㜭㈶℮㑬㜸਍ⵅ䅍䱉›捊携湉㩣ㄲ祑桯潯挮湡਍਍⴮ൊഊ☊മ縊਍ു☊മ⸊⹴਍਍塅卉䥔䝎䑉䵅䱏呬佉ൎ䘊剉呓䘠佌剏倠䅌ൎഊ吊奁删卅䑉久䕃਍㠱㈷‵䥔卌乏䄠䕖മ䌊偕剅䥔低‬䅃㤠〵㐱਍ ਍⽲਍਍㽃†⁑縠縠⁾縠਍†††匡✵㐮ഭㄊㄠⴰ〱‧㔠ⴧ〱‧✠⁡繲‱∧ㄠㄠ✵਍‱റ 传ൊ ††‭‭‭‭ഭⴊⴠⴠ਍਍䨮਍਍㨼樺ⵑബ爊‭‱㵲਍䥉ഭ縊਍਍‮∧਍∧ⴠ഼㈊〱਍繾਍繣ㄠ䨡਍汦ൾ椊ൾ縊ൾⰊ✬∱਍画㭳ഡ洊䤠ഺ縊℻൬⸊ൾഊ漊਍ൾ縊਍‽ℱ൩✊ഢ瀊縠਍⁀മ縊✠ഢ䐊屖਍‬湾⠮㹛坉❉਍ൾ䤊൩䤊䥉縠਍਍∧਍晩഻娊਍਍㩉਍സ洊਍⸺਍∧਍ഢ昊汬਍∧਍∧਍൯ഊ⸊⸮⸮മⰊ⸮਍਍㘭ബഊ㬊彟ⱟ✠繲ൾ縊䰠彟⹟⁊ⴧ⸠縠਍′⸬Ⱐ縬Ⱐ✮ഢ猊›⁾⹜䘠਍氾縠縠縠਍⁾‸⁾∧਍⁾⁾⁜ൾ䤊彟彟繟䥾⁾ഴ䤊椠਍⁉⁾ൔ縊縠縠਍繾縠਍‱⁾⁉ⴱ∹਍∧⁩⁾ഭ✊•ള縊縠਍∧㸠഼䜊
⁾൩ഊ✊ഭഊㄊ਍爳ⴭ൴挊※പ漊⁾㄰ഺℊ❬✧氡砧਍⥇㬻⁅⥇橴਍桕਍⹾ഭഊ㨊൛嬊瑉縠甠਍㴽㱶਍਍ഢഊ㴊਍਍ㄧⴠ䩜਍਍ഢഊ縊∠਍ഢ∊਍ഢഊഊ縊‭㴽㴽㴽㴽㴽㴽㴽✺•㨺਍ഫഊⴊ⵲縭൬ഊⴊ਍਍†㌺†⸠ഭㄊ‮✠•ℱ⁩繾縠ബ ര 氾爠਍″⁲㭩㰠›ഢ挊※⁚㩭‼ഢ㨊″⁾⥇℠汬⁾䥉਍⁘∧洠⁾䥉਍⸰⸮縠⁾⁾㄰ഺℊ❬✧橪琺ധ䜊㬩䔻✠⁸ㄧ†ⴰ਍穾䜠⸩⸮†繾਍≾൬琊繩稠㬻⁅縠ൾ䜊娩਍縠਍਍൉縊਍㨺൪ℊ汩਍ൾ㸊഼ഊ伊ൊഊ䌊ിഊ⤊ാ伊橻਍吢ൊ⸊䨬⤬਍൯㰊਍债਍⸬മഊⰊ਍❃਍Ⱒൊഊ䰊ധഊ䌊⹪਍਍㬱਍਍※ൾഊ∊琧⁾㸩縠਍‬⁕ൾ縊⵾⹧റ刊⤧张尠愠ൾ縊䤡縠⸮⸮⸮⸮挠≩縠਍≾‮氨㼬捾ാ∊縠樠㩬㨺
⁾ൾ✊松ൾ⠊‧⁉⸮✠✭਍൉ഊ㸊※⹯⸠⸱⹊ൾഊ⸊✢∮縠⸠⸻‮ⴺഢഊ⸊ⴠ⁩⸦删噅卉佉华਍⸮ㄠ⸠潴਍⹨਍繾਍൲ഊ猊䕴牅吠呉䕬ഺഊㄊ椡਍൯✊ഢ㰊ഺ洊਍ൾⴊ഼洊਍സ䰊਍਍ൾ䤊ഺ縊⸮⸮⸮਍∧✠⸮਍ൾഊ䤊਍㈰਍✢ഭⰊ✠ഢ䜊伩਍繾਍潺਍⥇⸠਍繾਍Ⱒരഊ縊ൾ洊਍∧਍൭漊਍⥇਍ാ✊ഢ✊ഢഊ䤊਍਍㹬਍਍ൾ縊਍਍൯氊✡਍ൾഊ倊佒䕊呃㨠਍਍剐偏协䑅਍䥆卒⁔䱆住⽒䱅䍅剔䍉䱁倠䅌ൎഊⴊ਍਍㴱਍ㅛഭ䰊਍਍ℱ൩縊਍਍ℱ൩✊ഢ⠊റ縊਍⥇਍൭縊਍਍䥴✵䤭㍉♉਍਍ൾഊㄊ椡਍൯✊ഢ㰊ഺ洊਍ൾⴊ഼ഊ縊਍∧਍൭縊਍൯縊਍ൾ縊਍⥇਍൭ഊ縊਍਍ⴧഭഊⴊമഊㄊ椡਍∧਍ശ椊਍㰾਍਍䅔⁙䕒䥓䕄䍎൅ㄊ㜸㔲吠䱉体⁎噁⹅਍啃䕐呒义ⱏ䌠⁁㔹㄰ഴഊ䌊ിഊ䨊㨺晦⁩ൾ縊ㄺ縡਍⁺⸮മ縊縠℠汬਍潾ൾ椊樺Ⅼ穪਍൯Ⰺമ䤊ഺ∊਍਍⸮മഊ⸊਍਍ℱ൩漊਍∧਍㨼਍൭縊਍㰭਍൭㠊਍ൌഊ 䥉⁉ബ ൲㨊㨳晦⁩൭䜊ാ稊⁾⁺⁾൭稊਍ⅾ模縠℡ര縊縠ൺ爊䜠ഩ ⁲ൾ െഊ琊਍਍〭਍਍∧਍ൾഊⴊരഊ儊਍楉ഩഊⴊരഊ⸊ഫഊⴊ✠ഢ縊✠റഊ儊਍਍〭਍਍ⴰ਍Ⱒള儊⸮⸮਍繾਍橬橴਍㬻൅縊䤠਍਍㹬਍਍∧਍൑縊਍਍䥍ⱎ❳਍਍䀭਍㠭਍਍㽴⴬✴਍਍ൾ洊਍ൾഊ爊਍൚洊਍繴਍਍ℱ൩縊਍⸮മഊ《഻ഊ㬊❈਍਍††മ ††‰†൲ †††൭ ⁴⁴‮漠⁾❇ഩ 洠਍✠•††娠਍†††㰠⤺਍✠•㹕洠†•画✠ഢ ∧娠爠†⁲✯ഡ 挠⠠ഩ ⸮✠•⤨†‰൲娊ⴠ‼⁲ⴺ‧✠•㹕ⴠ਍∧唠‾†㹕⠠ഩ∊∠〠†㹕洠洠਍∧縠挠†⤨✠•൲氊›㨻•洠爠娠਍⁲娠਍⁲∧†ⴠ⁴㭣✠ഢⴊ⁴縠⤠‼爠㨠椡爠਍⁾㨠樺縠†㭣∠挠഻ ⤨†℺⁩൉ ∧†•⸮മ✊氡†✠氡†•⁾ഢ †•ഢ ††⁾琭਍†††൓ ††洠਍††⸠⸭਍††⸠⸠਍䍊⹄䤠据㨮਍㈱㜱丠‮䅍义匠ⱔ匠啁䅎ⱓ䌠㥁㤳汬ശ吊䱅›㝾⁾†縠਍ⵅ䅍䱉›捪湤㉣縱挬湡†⴮൬ ਍਍൲ഊ∊稧਍✢ര㠊ㄭ਍昻⸱റ⤊ാ⸊⸮മ洊਍∧਍ൾ《㸩਍ㄾള氊氺ൾ洊ൾ縊ൾ縊ൺ縊ൾ洊਍吢റ娊਍਍㨺✢䥾⁜ഭഊ㬊ൾഊ✊ഡഊ⸊✧䤧⹴⸠牾ⰠⰮ⸠⸠⸮ധഊ 挠⸮ാ ⴠര 㨠㨺ര 〠਍†〭਍†ര 攠൮ 洠਍†ര 挠਍†〭਍†〭਍†ൾ 㨠㨺ര 㨠㨺ര 〠਍†ര 湲∧਍縠漭਍縠㭳ഺ 娧਍縠਍†爠൮ ∠縠਍㸩†⁾൭䤊†⁾ൾ⠊⸬
⁺൩㰊㸺਍਍਍਍ൾഊ✊ഢഊഊ縊ⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭഭഊⴊരഊ洊਍㰾਍湥਍䤭਍ൺ䜊ഩ㨊㨺ര漊਍൯爊⹮ഢ縊漭਍獾㨻਍㨬ൺ縊਍਍䥒䝄൅ഊ縊਍吢റ縊਍਍ൾ䜊൬⤊ാ氊℡਍൭攊਍਍ⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⰭⴭⴭⴭⴭഭഊⴊേഊ䤊਍൉䤊਍൉䤊਍Ⱝ਍Ȿ਍൉ഊ縊਍汇਍㸩਍Ⅼഡ洊਍∧਍ൾഊ縊਍਍ഢഊ✊ഢ漊਍汇਍൭ഊ刊䑉䕇਍਍ൄഊ㤊㨺ഡ琊ⱥ਍㨺氺਍❲ര⸊ഫ䌊਍⸮⸮਍䑃਍਍㸩਍䩬਍ㄢ⤧਍䩊਍൯縊਍൲ഊㄊⴭⴠⴭⴭⴭⴭ਍਍〭਍਍൯䨊ൊ漊਍਍ൾ縊਍਍ൎⴊര㨊㨺ര《਍〭਍ര攊൮洊਍ര爊਍ര縊਍㨺〺਍㨺〺਍‰ൾ《਍湲∧਍⵾൯縊㭳ഺ✊൚縊਍਍਍彌彟彟彟彟彟彟彟彟彟਍਍〭਍਍彌彟彟彟彟彟彟彟ൟഊ縊਍∧਍സ∊ㅔ਍൭∊਍汇਍൭ഊ䜊൬⤊ാ✊ഢ縊਍൭搊਍∧਍൭縊਍ൾ洊਍൉縊਍൉⤊ാ✊ഢ䤊ⅉ਍਍䩏਍਍⵾ⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭ਍਍㬻਍⵾ⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭ਍਍䥒䝄൅ഊ縊਍⵲਍㸩਍਍䥒䝄൅ഊ漊਍਍൯ഊ✊ഢ漊਍汇਍൭ഊⴊരഊㄊⴭⴠⴭⴭⴭⴭ਍਍൩爊ഭ爊ഭ⤊ാ伊ൊഊ䌊൬✊ഢ漊਍㰾਍䥒䝄⁅℡൬ഊ洊਍൭縊਍∧਍ൣ縊਍ൣ縊਍彌彟彟彟彟彟彟彟彟ൟഊ縊਍਍൯ഊ洊਍ൾ縊਍਍਍൮ഊ伊ൊഊⴊⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭ∭∧਍൉䤊਍൉䤊਍൉䤊਍൉䤊਍൉Ⰺ❉朮਍਍਍ㄧ਍਍਍ൊഊㄊ਍਍⁴〲㈭ㄠ㈯ഢഊഊ倊佒䕊呃㨠਍਍䡓䕅⁔䥔䱔㩅਍਍䕒䥉匱作华਍਍⸮മ⸊⸠਍䍊⹄䤠据㨮਍਍ൾ☊മ㐊ഭ䄊਍琮൯ഊഊ吊奁删卅䑉久䕃਍㠱㈷‵䥔卌乏䄠䕖ബ䌊偕剅䥔低‬䅃㤠〵㐱਍਍塅卉䥔䝎䑉䵅䱏呬佉ൎ刊住⁆䱐乁䌠㵦㈱繯献਍ ਍൲ഊㄊ✰㘭ㄱ⸱ഢഊㄊ✰㘭⼱ⴴ਍਍✮਍਍✲㈮⼱ഴഊ娊ⴧㄲ㐯਍਍✮਍਍兩਍䑾਍਍ൎㄊ⸮਍਍‮൲ഊഊ䐊਍਍‮൲ഊ ⸠਍丠਍洠†൭ ⁸砠਍攠攠൮ 椭†椭਍娠†൚ ⥇†⥇਍㬠‰∠ㅔ਍†〻਍䜠
〠਍㨠㨺㩉†⁚䔡൪ 椭䌠䨸ⴠ൩ ൭ ⁲൲ ൭ ☺†⁾ൡ 椭਍〠†ര ⁺稠਍†氠汊ഭ氊汊攠縠縠਍⁾ര⸊⸮䌠਍縠攠൮縊ⴠ⁩Ⱐⴠ൩㨊㨺㩉†⵾਍മ縊਍਍਍›⹩㨺਍਍⸭਍⸡䨧਍਍ⴢ‮ഩഊ縊縻਍਍奦似✢਍਍∳਍਍縧›റ縊‮‡∩‾屾਍•縬⸼ബ䤊∠㩴⤺਍⹾⸮㸮椠⸠ⴠ䨮‮牾䤠਍繾∬∢縠縠朠縠਍‬⸨⁾ൺ⸊✠㨳㨺‾㩣਍⁩″൜《∧∧਍❾䌠⁄ൾ䤊⸠മ䤊਍਍†⁾⁾䕒ㅖ䥓乏⁓瑳䕅⁔䥔䱔㩅倠佒䕊呃㨠਍〠☠††⸮മ⤊‾⁩縠†吠奁删卅䑉久䕃⸠⸠਍⁾⁾⁾⁾⁁塅卉䥔䝎䔠䕌䅖䥔乏⁓䨠䑃‮湉⹣ഺ稊椠縠⸠潴†ㄠ㜸㔲吠汩体⁎噁ⱅ਍瀠†䌠偕剅䥔低‬䅃㤠〵㐱ㄠㄲ‷⹎䴠䥁⁎呓‬䅓䥌䅎⹓䌠㥁氳〱ശ †水‮†䕔㩌㰠氼ⵓ昷㉬㠮㠴ഷ †††䔠䴭䥁㩌樠污据ㄲ祑琱愱⹯浡਍†䨠††䨮਍ ਍൲ഊ䜊⥯਍਍㨺〺਍൭縊਍㨺〺਍൭爊਍൭縊਍椭਍൯娊਍湲张਍⁾൭䤊ൾ縊攠൮Ⰺⴠ൩縊ഭഊ漊縠縠਍㸩縠洠਍⁉⁾⁾ൾ䌊ㅊ楾ൾഊഊ✊䤡❚䤭≏਍਍✮਍਍✴㐭ഢഊഊ稊਍⸬਍氢汻਍㩜ൾ縊ൾ縊ൾ㌊ഢ琊ൾഊ䈊਍਍ൂഊഊ洊਍‬ഡ㨊ㄭ਍屜഻ഊ䐊਍㬢ഢ漊਍਍繃਍਍ൾ㬊ⱬ਍਍汑਍਍਍㬱਍റഊ琊਍ൾ縊ൾ縊ൾ縊਍瑾਍縱਍⴮⵬਍൳琊਍਍ൎഊ㨊㨺ര䜊ാ㨊㩊਍椭਍൭爊਍൭✊⸬㰠਍尻縠਍㸩〠਍景ൊ∊⁷൚㨊䨯爠湥㨠਍⤨✠縬〠䤠਍⁾樧樻䌠㨠਍⸮⸮‮✬⸺㬮ⴠ⁩൉爊✠汩㨡㩊ഺ⸊⸮ⴧ∢䤠਍縻㬻䤠਍∧✠ⴭ਍਍ⴧ⸮∮Ⱐⱟ匠䕈呅吠呉䕌✻਍਍਍℧卉䤭⁏⼳ⴴ਍਍✶㔠ⴧ㌴㐱ഢഊഊ朊਍⸬਍Ⱜൾ爊൉∊ഢ⠊㹦൲唊ൈ縊ൾℊൾ縊਍ൾഊഊ朊൧攊ൾ縊ൾ∊സ✊ഢഊ爊ഭഊഊ稊਍繃਍⸬⸮਍繾਍✢✧ധ縊ൾഊ挊ൾ縊ള䔊ൾ⨊✱റⴊⴭ縠ⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭഭ縊൯ഊ昊汩਍਍ൖഊഊ䤊਍൉䤊਍൉䤊਍൉䤊਍൉䤊਍൉ഊ∊਍൲Ⰺമ⠊㹦਍昨ാ漊൪ഊ縊਍ൣഊ倊佒䕊呃㨠਍਍丨
䱅噅呁佉华਍਍湲ⴠ਍਍⁾ൾ椊楬攠൮渊椭਍⵾਍਍汴ⵓ㌶㐯ഢഊ㘊‧✵〭ㄳ∴਍਍䥉਍㨺〺਍൯娊਍椭਍൭爊਍൭縊਍椭਍൯娊਍਍਍൧ഊ✊രഊഊⴊു縊ഢ嘊ധ縊਍൜椊਍屜਍繾਍൜Ⰺ਍റഊഊ吊奁删卅䑉久䕃਍㠱㈷‵䥔卌乏䄠䕖ബ䌊偕剅䥔低‬䅃㤠〵㐱਍਍⸮മ⸊⸠਍䍊⹄䤠据㨮਍਍㈱㜱丠‮䅍义匠ⱔ匠啁䅎⹓䌠㥁氳〱ശ吊䱅›␴㜭㈶氳㜸਍ⵅ䅍䱉›捊汤据㈺䌱敢佨㸼挭湡਍਍䨮਍ ਍਍潃浭湵瑩⁹敄敶潬浰湥⁴敄慰瑲敭瑮਍਍牐橯捥⁴灁汰捩瑡潩畓浭牡൹ഊ䘊汩㩥䔠䍘ⵟ兾㠰ㄭ‰彟剟䔱✲捾䥥琲潩൮ഊ䔊癮物湯敭瑮污›硅浥瑰਍਍繉ⴭഭ爊⸠倮⡎⥳਍㜳ⴵ㠱〭㄰਍਍牐橯捥⁴慎敭›潊湨䨠潥杮਍਍慍慮敧㩲倠畩䜠潨桳਍਍潎楴散吠灹㩥㍟〰映ൾഊ䰊捯瑡潩㩮਍㠱㉚張楉獬畑癁⁥吨祡爠獥摩湥㭬攺ഩഊ䐊獥牣灩楴湯ഺ䔊捸灥楴湯琠桴⁥楓杮氮⁥慆業祬删獥摩湥楴污䐠癥汥灯敭瑮爠汾瑡潩獮琠敲畤散਍桴⁥牦湯⁴慹摲猠瑥慢正漠湡椠牲来⹴氡牡祬猠慨数⁤潬⁴祢愠灰潲楸慭整祬漠敮映潯൴爊獥汵楴杮椠湡愠灰潲楸慭整祬ㄠ‹潦瑯映潲瑮礠牡⁤敳扴捡䩾⅑縺牯楴湯漠⁦⁡敮൷琊⡷
慣⁲敾愠⁴湡攠楸瑳湩⁧潨敭਍਍彟繾䥾Ⅼ䱴 弮ㅵℿ琮ⴡ牨彧 繟繾彵⹟ⴡ来Ⅱൟ㔊㈯⼷〲㠰਍਍剄⁃䍐਍⸭ⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭ਍⼶㤱㈯〰സ䌊湯敳瑮‿രഊ䌊ൃഊ䤊਍ⴭ൉ഊ䌊湯慴瑣൳ഊ䨊桯敊湯൧ഊ吊灹⁥摁牤獥൳ഊ䌊湯慴瑣ㄠㄲ‷⁎慍湩匠൴匊污湩獡‬慃‮㌹〹ശഊ倊潨敮‬慆ⱸ攠洭楡൬ഊ上浡൥ഊ⠊〴⤸㜠㈶㠭㠴ഷ樊摣湩㉣䀱慙潨⹯潣൭ഊ夊⵵桃⁩慔൹ഊ伊湷牥਍਍㠱㈷‵楔獬湯䄠敶਍畃数瑲湩Ɐ䌠⹡㤠〵㐱਍਍㐨㠰
㠵ⴴ㤰㤶਍楴獬湯癡䁥慹潨⹯潣൭ ਍䥉਍਍汒䔠䍘偅䥔乏䄠偐䥌䅃䥔乏⸠但䵒਍਍潃浭湵扩⁦敄⸧敊潬浰湥⁴敄慰瑲敭瑮਍〱〳‰潔牲⁥癁湥敵਍畃数瑲ⱨⱯ䌠⁁㔹㄰ഴഊ⠊〴⤸洠㌭〳‸⁉慆⁸㐨㠰
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Application No. (s): Applicant: Location: EXC-2008-10 John Jeong (Tay residence) 18725 Tilson Ave Exception to the Single family Residential Development regulations to reduce the front yard setback on an irregularly shaped lot by approximately one foot resulting in an approximately 19 foot front yard setback for a portion of a new two car garage at an existing home Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed. Staff member Ghosh explained that the applicant is requesting the exception due to the odd shape of the lot. The applicant is proposing to demolish an existing non- conforming garage and construct a new two -car garage and add two bay windows to 2 Design Review Committee June 19, 2008 the front if the house. Staff supports the application since the lot only has three property lines. The property line used to measure the front is the one that runs most parallel to the street. In this case, the literal application of the R1 Ordinance would cause a very large portion of the front yard to be counted as setback area. In the past, other such exceptions have been granted for similar situations. Chairperson Giefer asked for clarification of the existing setbacks and what the length of the driveway is. The applicant spoke to the Committee. They want to improve the look of the property and have a two -car garage. They are re -designing the pitch of the roof in order to be able to add insulation. Commissioner Kaneda asked Staff member Ghosh what the roof re- design entails. The applicant stated that they would just be removing a window in the rear of the house. The Commissioners suggested that the applicant to purchase low emission windows. Chairperson Giefer asked the applicant to revise the design plan to incorporate a "hip" line to eliminate the awkward tie-in between the existing roof and the new construction. After discussion, it was decided that the applicant would do the best they could to incorporate the suggested roof design change. If the cost to make that change is prohibitive, then it is not required. Commissioner Kaneda said he felt the proposed change in the home was fine. He appreciated that the applicant had come up with the best design possible given the difficult lot size. Chairperson Giefer agreed. MOTION: Commissioner Kaneda moved to approve EXC-2008-10 with the additional conditions to have low emission windows installed and an attempt should be made to transition the new roof construction with the existing roof using a "hip" line. SECOND: Chairperson Giefer ABSENT: Commissioner Rose ABSTAIN: none VOTE: 2-0 OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None Respectfully submitted: / s /Beth Ebben Beth Ebben Administrative Clerk g:plannin&ORC CommitteelMinutes061908 ''County of Santa Clara U NTr Office of the County Clerk -Recorder Business Division County Government Center 70 West Hedding Street, E. Wing, 1" Floor San Jose, California 95110 (408) 299-5665 CEQA DOCUMENT DECLARATION ENVIRONMENTAL FILING FEE RECEIPT PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: 1. LEAD AGENCY: City of Cupertino 2. PROJECT TITLE: EXC-2008-10 Santa Clara County Clerk -Recorder's Office State of California REGINA ALCOMENDRAS, County Clerk -Recorder by Veronica Aguirre, Deputy Clerk -Recorder, _ 3. APPLICANT NAME: John Jeong PHONE: 408.777.3308 4. APPLICANT ADDRESS: 18725 Tilson Avenue 5. PROJECT APPLICANT IS A: ❑ Local Public Agency ❑ School District ❑ Other Special District ❑ State Agency O Private Entity B. NOTICE TO BE POSTED FOR 30 DAYS. 7. CLASSIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT a. PROJECT THAT IS SUBJECT TO DFG FEES ❑ 1. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE §21152) $ 2,606.75 $ 0.00 ❑ 2. NEGATIVE DECLARATION (PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE §21080(C) $ 1,876.75 $ 0.00 ❑ 3. APPLICATION FEE WATER DIVERSION (STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD ONLY) $ 886.25 $ 0.00 ❑ 4. PROJECTS SUBJECT TO CERTIFIED REGULATORY PROGRAMS $ 886.25 $ 0.00 ❑ 5. COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE FEE (REQUIRED FOR as=1 THROUGH as=4 ABOVE) $ 50.00 $ 0.00 Fish & Game Code §711.4(e) b. PROJECT THAT IS EXEMPT FROM DFG FEES O 1. NOTICE OF EXEMPTION ($50.00 COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE FEE REQUIRED) $ 50.00 $ 50.00 ❑ 2. A COMPLETED "CEQA FILING FEE NO EFFECT DETERMINATION FORM" FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF FISH & GAME, DOCUMENTING THE DFG'S DETERMINATION THAT THE PROJECT WILL HAVE NO EFFECT ON FISH, WILDLIFE AND HABITAT, OR AN OFFICIAL, DATED RECEIPT I PROOF OF PAYMENT SHOWING PREVIOUS PAYMENT OF THE DFG FILING FEE FOR THE "SAME PROJECT IS ATTACHED ($50.00 COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE FEE REQUIRED) DOCUMENT TYPE: ❑ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ❑ NEGATIVE DECLARATION $ 50.00 $ 0.00 c. FILING THAT IS NOT SUBJECT TO DFG OR COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE FEES • ❑ NOTICE OF PREPARATION S. OTHER: FEE (IF APPLICABLE): $ 8. TOTAL RECEIVED......................................................................................................................................... $ 50.00 *NOTE: "SAME PROJECT" MEANS NO CHANGES. IF THE DOCUMENT SUBMITTED IS NOT THE SAME (OTHER THAN DATES), A "NO EFFECT DETERMINATION" LETTER FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME FOR THE SUBSEQUENT FILING OR THE APPROPRIATE FEES ARE REQUIRED. THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED AND ATTACHED TO THE FRONT OF ALL CEQA DOCUMENTS LISTED ABOVE (INCLUDING COPIES) SUBMITTED FOR FILING. WE WILL NEED AN ORIGINAL (WET SIGNATURE) AND TWO COPIES. INCLUDE A THIRD COPY IF YOU REQUIRE AN ENDORSED COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS. CHECKS FOR ALL FEES SHOULD BE MADE PAYABLE TO: SANTA CLARA COUNTY CLERK -RECORDER PLEASE NOTE: FEES ARE ANNUALLY ADJUSTED (Fish & Game Code §711.4(b); PLEASE CHECK WITH THIS OFFICE AND THE DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME FOR THE LATEST FEE INFORMATION. . NO PROJECT SHALL BE OPERATIVE, VESTED, OR FINAL, NOR SHALL LOCAL GOVERNMENT PERMITS FOR THE PROJECT BE VALID, UNTIL THE FILING FEES REQUIRED PURSUANT TO THIS SECTION ARE PAID." Fish & Game Code §711.4(c)(3) 0049-2008 Document No.: 15176 Number of Pages: 2 Posted On: Through: 11/29/2008 ,�_ OL 910 W _•, CRO Order Number: 146741 Fee Total: 50.00 REGINA ALCOMENDRAS, County Clerk -Recorder by Veronica Aguirre, Deputy Clerk -Recorder, _ 3. APPLICANT NAME: John Jeong PHONE: 408.777.3308 4. APPLICANT ADDRESS: 18725 Tilson Avenue 5. PROJECT APPLICANT IS A: ❑ Local Public Agency ❑ School District ❑ Other Special District ❑ State Agency O Private Entity B. NOTICE TO BE POSTED FOR 30 DAYS. 7. CLASSIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT a. PROJECT THAT IS SUBJECT TO DFG FEES ❑ 1. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE §21152) $ 2,606.75 $ 0.00 ❑ 2. NEGATIVE DECLARATION (PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE §21080(C) $ 1,876.75 $ 0.00 ❑ 3. APPLICATION FEE WATER DIVERSION (STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD ONLY) $ 886.25 $ 0.00 ❑ 4. PROJECTS SUBJECT TO CERTIFIED REGULATORY PROGRAMS $ 886.25 $ 0.00 ❑ 5. COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE FEE (REQUIRED FOR as=1 THROUGH as=4 ABOVE) $ 50.00 $ 0.00 Fish & Game Code §711.4(e) b. PROJECT THAT IS EXEMPT FROM DFG FEES O 1. NOTICE OF EXEMPTION ($50.00 COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE FEE REQUIRED) $ 50.00 $ 50.00 ❑ 2. A COMPLETED "CEQA FILING FEE NO EFFECT DETERMINATION FORM" FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF FISH & GAME, DOCUMENTING THE DFG'S DETERMINATION THAT THE PROJECT WILL HAVE NO EFFECT ON FISH, WILDLIFE AND HABITAT, OR AN OFFICIAL, DATED RECEIPT I PROOF OF PAYMENT SHOWING PREVIOUS PAYMENT OF THE DFG FILING FEE FOR THE "SAME PROJECT IS ATTACHED ($50.00 COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE FEE REQUIRED) DOCUMENT TYPE: ❑ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ❑ NEGATIVE DECLARATION $ 50.00 $ 0.00 c. FILING THAT IS NOT SUBJECT TO DFG OR COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE FEES • ❑ NOTICE OF PREPARATION S. OTHER: FEE (IF APPLICABLE): $ 8. TOTAL RECEIVED......................................................................................................................................... $ 50.00 *NOTE: "SAME PROJECT" MEANS NO CHANGES. IF THE DOCUMENT SUBMITTED IS NOT THE SAME (OTHER THAN DATES), A "NO EFFECT DETERMINATION" LETTER FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME FOR THE SUBSEQUENT FILING OR THE APPROPRIATE FEES ARE REQUIRED. THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED AND ATTACHED TO THE FRONT OF ALL CEQA DOCUMENTS LISTED ABOVE (INCLUDING COPIES) SUBMITTED FOR FILING. WE WILL NEED AN ORIGINAL (WET SIGNATURE) AND TWO COPIES. INCLUDE A THIRD COPY IF YOU REQUIRE AN ENDORSED COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS. CHECKS FOR ALL FEES SHOULD BE MADE PAYABLE TO: SANTA CLARA COUNTY CLERK -RECORDER PLEASE NOTE: FEES ARE ANNUALLY ADJUSTED (Fish & Game Code §711.4(b); PLEASE CHECK WITH THIS OFFICE AND THE DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME FOR THE LATEST FEE INFORMATION. . NO PROJECT SHALL BE OPERATIVE, VESTED, OR FINAL, NOR SHALL LOCAL GOVERNMENT PERMITS FOR THE PROJECT BE VALID, UNTIL THE FILING FEES REQUIRED PURSUANT TO THIS SECTION ARE PAID." Fish & Game Code §711.4(c)(3) 0049-2008 Filek 15176 1013012008 City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Notice of Exemption To: County Clerk -Recorder 70 W. Hedding Street, 1" Floor East Wing—Business Division San Jose, CA 95110 Project Title: EXC-2008-10 Project Location - (be specific): 18725 Tilson Avenue Project Location - (City):Cupertino Project Location - (County): Santa Clara Description of Project: Exception to the Single Family Residential Development regulations to reduce the front yard setback on an irregularly shaped lot by approximately one foot resulting in an approximately 19 foot front yard setback for a portion of a new two car garage at an existing home. Name of Public Agency approving project: City of Cupertino Name of Person or Agency carrying out project: John Jeong Exempt Status: (check one) — Ministerial (Sec. 21080(b)(1); 15268); — Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080(b)(3); 15269(a)); _ Emergency Project (Sec. 21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c)); x Categorical Exemption. State type and section number: 15301 (e, i) _Statutory Exemption. State code number: Reasons why project is exempt: Minor two -car garage addition to an existing single family home. Lead Agency Contact Person: Piu Ghosh Area code/telephone number (408) 777-3277 Signatuur ate: October 16, 2008 Title: Associate Planner G: IPlanninglERCExempt l2008exemptl exc200810. doc CUPERTINO CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE / CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 375 18 003 SULLIVAN BILL 10430 CALVERT DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-3872 O�QSes POST'94' F 7 ® MTNEY BOWES 02 IA $ 00.42° 0004358612 MAY29 2008 ti MAILED FROM ZIP CODE. 9501 4 NIXIE: 95 1 Dc 1 00 06106/00 (� C RCTURN 'i0 SENOCl2 / I 1 NOT DEL2VERADLE AS ADDRESSED UNABLE TO FORWARD SC: 91501432'S.S99 *2836 -05567-29-30 CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue 408 -777 -CITY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Committee of the City of Cupertino will hold a public hearing on the matter described below. The public is encouraged to attend and speak. APPLICATION NO.: EXC-2008-10 APPLICANT: John Jeong (Tay residence) LOCATION: 18725 Tilson Ave APN : 375-18-001 DESCRIPTION: Exception to the Single family Residential Development regulations to reduce the front yard setback on an irregularly shaped lot by approximately one foot resulting in an approximately 19 foot front yard setback for a portion of a new two car garage at an existing home HEARING DATE: June 19, 2008 beginning at 12:30 p.m. ADDRESS: Conference Room A, City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue If you challenge the action of the Design Review Committee in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Cupertino at, or prior to, the public hearing. Please note that Design Review Committee policy is to allow an applicant and groups to speak for 10 minutes and individuals to speak for 3 minutes. The agenda for this application will be available on the Friday afternoon preceding the meeting. The file and plans are available for viewing/preview during normal hours of operation. Questions concerning the application should be directed to Pin Ghosh, Project Manager al (408) 777-3277. NOTE: Agenda may be subiect to change. If interested in an item, or have questions, please call the Planning Department at 408-777-3308 prior to the meeting date to verify that the item is still on the agenda. The time this item will be heard on the agenda cannot be predicted. NOTE TO OWNERS OF RECORD: This notice is sent to owners of real property as shown on the last tax assessment roll. Tenants are not necessarily notified. Steve Piasecki Community Development Department 375 17 001 375 17 002 375 17 003 LAIRD LINDA L PAW RICHARD T AND MELENDRES JE YOM CHAE HO AND SOPHIA 10430 WUNDERLICH DR 10420 WUNDERLICH DR 683 S HENRY AV CUPERTINO CA 95014-3665 CUPERTINO CA 95014-3665 SAN JOSE CA 95117-2213 375 17 004 375 17 005 375 17 028 PATHAK VIVEK AND DEEPIKA TSU STANLEY F MARTINEZ RICHARD D AND HENRIET 10400 WUNDERLICH DR 10390 WUNDERLICH DR 18831 BARNHART AV CUPERTINO CA 95014-3665 CUPERTINO CA 95014-3646 CUPERTINO CA 95014-3601 375 17 029 375 17 030 375 17 031 SOONG HWEI-PIN ET AL SCHULKEN JEFFREY D AND JENIFER YEUNG LORRAINE TRUSTEE 10405 CALVERT DR 10415 CALVERT DR PO BOX 31 CUPERTINO CA 95014-3807 CUPERTINO CA 95014-3835 LOS GATOS CA 95031 375 17 032 375 17 033 375 17 034 MCKEE ELLEN D TRUSTEE GIALLANZA DONALD A AND KILPATR FAN CHING-CHANG 10435 CALVERT DR 18771 TILSON AV 18785 TILSON AV CUPERTINO CA 95014-3835 CUPERTINO CA 95014-3859 CUPERTINO CA 95014-3859 375 17 035 CURTIS ROBERT C 10464 WUNDERLICH DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-3648 375 17 036 CHEN LIHUNG AND CHOU MANDY 18780 TILSON AV CUPERTINO CA 95014-3858 375 17 037 CHEN LIHUNG AND CHOU MANDY 18780 TILSON AV CUPERTINO CA 95014-3858 375 17 039 375 17 040 375 17 042 MARTINEZ RICHARD D AND HENRIET FARQUHARSON RODNEY J TRUSTEE BECKETT LAURIE J 18831 BARNHART AV 18760 TILSON AV 18750 TILSON AV CUPERTINO CA 95014-3601 CUPERTINO CA 95014-3858 CUPERTINO CA 95014-3858 375 17 043 375 17 044 REDDY VENKATESHWARA N AND REKH EVANS ROBERT A 18740 TILSON AV 18730 TILSON AV CUPERTINO CA 95014-3858 CUPERTINO CA 95014-3858 375 17 046 AGRAWAL ADITYA AND CHUNG MIIN 21345 RUMFORD DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-1335 375 17 049 EIZIPS DANIEL AND IRIT TRUSTEE 18739 BARNHART AV CUPERTINO CA 95014-3803 375 17 054 MARTINEZ RICHARD D 18781 BARNHART AV CUPERTINO CA 95014-3803 375 17 047 KUSHNER ANNEDORE 10481 JOHNSON AV CUPERTINO CA 95014-3862 375 17 045 FLYNN THOMAS 18720 TILSON AV CUPERTINO CA 95014-3858 375 17 048 BEHER JUAN A AND MARIA E 10055 BON VISTA CT SAN JOSE CA 95127-2702 375 17 050 375 17 051 GIUSTO MICHAEL S AND MARKUS KA JOHNSON ALLEN R 18747 BARNHART AV 1220 TASMAN DR UNIT SPC 513 CUPERTINO CA 95014-3803 SUNNYVALE CA 94089 375 17 055 375 17 056 LU ER P AND YU LAN-QI MARTINEZ RICHARD D AND HENRIET 10490 WUNDERLICH DR 18771 BARNHART AV CUPERTINO CA 95014-3648 CUPERTINO CA 95014-3803 375 17 057 375 17 058 375 18 001 REDDY VENKATESHWARA N AND REKH DUNCAN DEXTER W AND MARTA E R TAY YUCHI AND KURODA YUKA 18740 TILSON AV 19 RENNIE AV 18725 TILSON AV CUPERTINO CA 95014-3858 SAN JOSE CA 95127-1620 CUPERTINO CA 95014-3857 375 18 002 RAZAVI SAEID AND PISHDADI MITR 10440 CALVERT DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-3840 375 18 005 EDWARDS THOMAS L 10410 CALVERT DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-3840 375 18 043 WILLIAMS SONYA N 3433 BUCKNER DR SAN JOSE CA 95127-3410 375 18 046 BHOGAL RAJVIR ET AL 10425 JOHNSON AV CUPERTINO CA 95014-3813 375 18 049 BOYLE PHILIP P AND NANCY M 18731 TILSON AV CUPERTINO CA 95014-3857 375 26 022 WONG TONY AND DIANA 12354 PRISCILLA LN LOS ALTOS HILLS CA 94022 375 26 041 REMLEY JAY E SR AND DEBRA J TR 18691 BARNHART AV CUPERTINO CA 95014-3801 375 26 044 TSENG HSUEH-CHIAO 10464 JOHNSON AV CUPERTINO CA 95014-3814 375 18 003 SULLIVAN BILL 10430 CALVERT DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-3872 375 18 006 MA FREDDY K AND RITA L 1355 STEPHEN WY SAN JOSE CA 95129-4142 375 18 044 WILLIAMS MARILYN A 2100 CURTNER AV STE C SAN JOSE CA 95124 375 18 004 SINHA RAJIV AND SONAL R 10420 CALVERT DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-3872 375 18 007 CHIANG PAMELA 10390 CALVERT DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-3872 375 18 045 WU DAVID AND BETTINA S 10417 JOHNSON AV CUPERTINO CA 95014-3813 375 18 047 375 18 048 BARRY GARY L AND TAMIKO C TRUS HUANG STEVE X AND HAN DUAN P O BOX 244 10441 JOHNSON AV LOS ALTOS CA 94023-0244 CUPERTINO CA 95014-3813 375 26 007 KULKARNI RADHA TRUSTEE 18671 MEDICUS CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-3821 375 26 023 MALAHY PATRICK 18671 STARRETT CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-3863 375 26 042 CAMPAGNA J P AND PAMELA A 12233 MENALTO DR LOS ALTOS HILLS CA 94022-4234 375 26 045 BHARVIRKAR GIRISH AND BHAKARE 956 AZURE ST APT 4 SUNNYVALE CA 94087 375 26 008 BHAISA NINA F TRUSTEE 18660 MEDICUS CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-3821 375 26 024 GILHAM FRED M JR AND LI M 18660 STARRETT CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-3863 375 26 043 TAN PETER L K AND HING JENNY H 10472 JOHNSON AV CUPERTINO CA 95014-3814 375 26 046 SCHUTZ BRIAN D AND KATIE L 10448 JOHNSON AV CUPERTINO CA 95014-3814 375 26 047 375 26 048 375 26 049 SOLORIO JORGE SALMAN MUTHANNA AND NIDAL WONG DAMON AND IRENE LAI 10440 JOHNSON AV 10432 JOHNSON AV 10424 JOHNSON AV CUPERTINO CA 95014-3814 CUPERTINO CA 95014-3814 CUPERTINO CA 95014-3814 375 26 050 375 26 051 375 26 052 HSU RICHARD AND FLING LI BOWEN CHRISTINA R TRUSTEE TORREY MARGARET S AND LEON E 10416 JOHNSON AV 10408 JOHNSON AV 901 FERNGROVE DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-3814 CUPERTINO CA 95014-3814 CUPERTINO CA 95014-4664 Basemap Labels Abc Street Names Address - --- Freeway Basemap - Easements Street Centerline County Freeways County Major Roads ��-Right-of-Way Parcels City Boundary Cl,y of Cupert..io SCALE 1 :2,775 200 0 200 400 600 FEET N L)I http://gissvr/cupertinointranet/home/mapFile.aspx Thursday, May 29, 2008 9:41 AM To: Design Review Committee Date: June 19, 2008 From: Piu Ghosh, Assistant Planner Subject: Application: EXC-2008-10 Location: 18725 Tilson Ave Project Description: Single family Residential Exception to allow a portion of a garage addition to encroach into the front yard setback by approximately one foot. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Design Review Committee approve EXC-2008-10, based on the model resolution. BACKGROUND: The project parcel is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Tilson Ave and Carver Drive in the R1-5 zone. The applicant is proposing to add approximately 160 square feet and raising the pitch of the roof of the existing single story home. The applicant is proposing to demolish an existing non -conforming one -car garage and construct a new two -car garage and two bay windows on the front elevation of the house. The Floor Area Ratio of the home after the addition will be approximately 30%. The following is an aerial of the property. The property is an odd shaped lot since it only has three property lines. JLme 19, 2008 EXC-2008-10 DISCUSSION: According to the definitions section of the Zoning Ordinance (see Exhibit A), for a lot with only three property lines, the front property line is the entire length of the property line most parallel to the street. This results in a very large front setback of 20 feet along the front of the property. The remaining two property lines form the side property lines. The side setbacks for the subject property are five feet. Small portions of additions on other projects have been allowed to encroach into required setbacks as minimally possible in order to allow flexibility for lots that have portions of the lot that are less than 60 feet wide, or have less then four sides. The applicant is requesting an exception to permit a partial reduction of the required front setback for a length of approximately five feet. The most it encroaches in to the setback is 1'2". Also, the garage is located in about the same place as the existing garage so that it does not impact the intersection at Tilson Ave and Carver Dr. The applicant shall also remove portions of the existing driveway that are not necessary after construction of the garage in order to reduce the width of the driveway curb cut on the street. Staff supports the exception because the intent of the ordinance is addressed. The lot is irregular in shape, and the addition has been designed to minimally encroach into the front yard. Findings for Exception Per Section 19.28.110 of the R1 Ordinance, the Design Review Committee may grant an exception based upon the following findings: A. Literal Enforcement of the provisions of this chapter will result in restrictions inconsistent with the spirit and intent of this chapter The intent of the ordinance is addressed. The lot is not typical in shape, resulting in unreasonable restrictions that limit the use of the lot. B. The proposed development will not be injurious to property or improvements in the area, nor detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare The location of the garage has been proposed so that it is away from the intersection thereby ensuring that there is no impact to public health, welfare and safety. C. The exception to be granted is one that will require the least modification of the prescribed design regulation and the minimum variance that will accomplish the purpose Historically, the majority of the proposed setback exceptions are proposed along portions of a parcel that is non -conforming in width or shape. The subject lot is triangular in shape, and the addition has been designed to minimally encroach into the front yard. 2 June 19, 2008 EXC-2008-10 D. The proposed exception will not result in significant visual impact as viewed from abutting properties The proposed garage will be located in approximately the same location as the existing one -car garage. The new garage and associated fagade improvement will improve the curb appeal of the home. Approved by: Steve Piasecki, Director, Community Developmen Prepared by: Piu Ghosh, Assistant Planner Enclosures: Model Resolution 11" X 17" Plan Set 3 EXC-2008-10 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 RESOLUTION NO. OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO TO ALLOW A PORTION OF A TWO -CAR GARAGE ADDITION TO ENCROACH INTO THE FRONT YARD SETBACK BY APPROXIMATELY ONE FOOT. SECTION I: PROTECT DESCRIPTION Application No.: EXC-2008-10 Applicant: John Jeong (Yu -Chi Tay) Location: 18725 Tilson Ave SECTION II: FINDINGS WHEREAS, the Design Review Committee of the City of Cupertino received an application for an Exception to the Single Family Design Regulations; WHEREAS, the Design Review Committee finds that the changes are beneficial and compatible with the surrounding area; 1. That the literal enforcement of the provisions of this title will result in restrictions inconsistent with the spirit and intent of this title; 2. That the granting of the exception will not result in a condition which is materially detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare; and 3. That the exception to be granted is one that will require the least modification of the prescribed regulations and the minimum variance that will accomplish the purpose. 4. The proposed exception will not result in significant visual impact as viewed from abutting properties NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That after careful consideration of maps, facts, exhibits, testimony and other evidence submitted in this matter, the Application No. EXC-2008-10, is hereby approved; and That the subconclusions upon which the findings and conditions specified in this Resolution are based and contained in the public hearing record concerning Application EXC-2008-10 as set forth in the Minutes of the Design Review Committee Meeting of June 19, 2008, and are incorporated by reference herein. Resolution No.271 EXC-2008-06 May 14, 2008 Page 2 SECTION III: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. 1. APPROVED EXHIBITS Approval is based on the plan set titled "Project: Tay Residence, 18725 Tilson Ave, Cupertino, CA 95014" dated May 10, 2008, except as may be amended by conditions in this resolution. 2. REMOVAL OF EXCESS CURB -CUT AND DRIVEWAY The applicant shall remove portions of the driveway that are not directly in front of the two -car garage and shall also reduce the curb cut at Tilson Ave. 3. NOTICE OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS The Conditions of Project Approval set forth herein may include certain fees, dedication requirements, reservation requirements, and other exactions. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d) (1), these Conditions constitute written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations, and other exactions. You are hereby further notified that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other exactions, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(a), has begun. If you fail to file a protest within this 90 -day period complying with all of the requirements of Section 66020, you will be legally barred from later challenging such exactions. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of June 2008, at a Regular Meeting of the Design Review Committee of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ATTEST: Steve Piasecki Director, Community Development G:\Planning\DRC\resolutions\2008\EXC-2008-10 res.doc APPROVED: Lisa Giefer, Chair Design Review Committee County of Santa Clara Office of Development Services County Government Center, East Wing 70 West Hedding Street, 7th Floor San Jose, California 951 10 Bldg. Inspec. (408) 299-5700 Land Devel. 299-5730 FAX 279-8537 www.sccbuilding.org REQUEST FOR COPY OF BUILDING PERMIT Date: L 7-05- The -05 The Undersigned Interested Parry requests a copy of building permit(s) on the following properly: Property Address Service checks - ready a Bldg. Permit # �ozo, 3 c-2 92-0 ;e 's $4.75 r address pl.$0.10 I to th UNTY OF S 1 Request Made By: Affiliated With: Telephone: Please Check One: Mailing Address:_ Date Issued 6 each copy. Make LRA. Your copy(s) will be Will Pick Up* �, y Mail ( ) *Copies not picked up in 15 working days will be discarded and fees paid will not be refunded. 7/62004 19) M10 PERMIT NUMBERCLARA ISSUED BV DATE APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Q j 8 °WY. PPM. CLE D °ATE A COUNTY SANTO0] ` � LBACKS X/y1 BUILDING INSPECTION DI SION /] �,�/1n�T Ss OWNER rr/O /...� U/ A •„�"/L.E � 7- VVJ C ARE BY DATE 70 W. HEDDING ST., SAN JOSE, CA 95110 TEL 2932351 3. HEATING MAILING ,^T�, ('� ADORES" i% (�J(JV'-C— L 4FVPEV. RED. COMP_ LAND DEVELOPME T NGI IEERING&SURVEYINC DUCTS JOB ADDRESS: 7zS 14vC l�D" _ DATE LEAR E D F OR ISSUANCE BY DATE 21P STREET NUMBER S. GIRDERS PHONE ❑ COMPLETE PRIOR TOO CUP CY. FOR INSPECTION CALL 299-2591 �.� 2 ❑ RD.IMI. ❑ COMPLETE PRIOR TO OCC,I ANCY FOR INSPECTION CALL NEAREST CHOW STREET RD. Imp. CLEA .ATE I. FOUNDATION FORMS U .l lJ f POST °WY. PPM. CLE D °ATE OffI ICITVI 211 I � LBACKS X/y1 PERMIT EXPIRATION /] �,�/1n�T Ss OWNER rr/O /...� U/ A •„�"/L.E � 7- VVJ C ARE BY DATE PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK 3. HEATING MAILING ,^T�, ('� ADORES" i% (�J(JV'-C— L 4FVPEV. RED. COMP_ TRANSP RT TION AGENCY DUCTS A, COMFORT c00—G CLEARED FOR ISSUANCE BY _ DATE 21P S. GIRDERS PHONE ❑ COMPLETE PRIOR TOO CUP CY. FOR INSPECTION CALL 299-2591 �.� ARCHITECT ENGUEERAOORESS LIC, NO, ❑ RD.IMI. CLEA PATE 6. ROUGH PL-. ARTIAL CONTRACTOR SELF O OWY. gFWi. CLE R e OAT: C LA55 ❑ ]. BOND BEAAB IUONC.BLN.1 MAILING PHONE ADDRESS CG•/G 7 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTHB. RO'E.G. CONFLETE CITY ZIP SANIT. DIST. NO. ' ,V SEPTKPERMITNO. FOR INSPECTION CALL 299-5080 SEWFR INFER BUILDING INSPECTION DIV. ^� 1o.CAB LOT_p 5 BLOCK -/ TRACT 715—/ J Q A/.N.-�J /� / V ^� / PLAN CHECK HO. 7 r CLEARE° FOR RSUANCE BY R.S. DATE RESSURE FRAME I. ROUGH ROOF FLUES CLFAREOFOROCCUPANCYBY S. DATE TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT L° RMO R BUIEDEL A00 FIRE MARSHAL DEPT. IaPR GN ELEc H NQ, TO EIAIR MOVE CONVERT DEMOLISH FOR INSPEC .N GLL �L� SO. ET Ne, al No. R1 SIZE D330 fAMIIIES STORIE� PERMITNUMBER ITEO CLEARED FOR ISSUANCE BY OATf C� 0 (] 2 O 60820 //�� ��j/tea\/��]�� STR REe�5 + � `/ �,\�V CLEARE°FOR OCCUPANCY BY GATE 13'INSULATION COMPLETE BACK OF F/ RST PAGE RFRURU lar nlullr a MIARI— FORM " �wIY in Nx PLUG nwI b,nW b 1M 0„IIAIA elllaM In \ j'Y coaIn ,m annFnu � EppliaMl McUIPnIFI W IUM SFwlf CINE DWTY pdnB•a \v7(\f . FORM 37 0183 CLEARED FOR OCCUPANCY BY: VALUATION SEPTIC FIREK C O. ISSUANCE FEE MARSHALL ` CHECK .A /V. PERMIT 6.3.E f -Ills- -Z9,' FOR BUILDING INSPECTION MINIMUM 24 HOURS FOUR NO CONCRETE UNTIL THE ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED 00 NOT CGVER FLOORS UNTIL TME ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED WATER SERVGE I SERVICE: BONDING: CC NOT INSULATE UNTIL ABOVE NAS SEEN SIGNED 0 NO UTILITIES WILL EE CLEARED UNTI—EILDING COMPLETE" HAS PLANNING 1/.SHEET ROCK cli/ DI SET FRONT SIDE REAR ZONE IS.STUCCOWIRE LBACKS X/y1 PERMIT EXPIRATION ! EET OR LATH PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK VARIANCE OR� Jr ^ / L 4FVPEV. RED. COMP_ IS.PFINAL ILUMSIEINO .1Vm1 • / SPEC. RED. J ✓ ARCH. SITE FORINSPECTI°NCALL 1T APPGASLIANCES �.� LAST CALLED INSPECTION. OVAL— O 299-2521 L ICE LEC RICAL /1 CLEARED fOfl ISSUANCE BY INAL I -I—) ATE CG•/G 7 1 ENERGY FINAL COMPLETE BACK OF F/ RST PAGE RFRURU lar nlullr a MIARI— FORM " �wIY in Nx PLUG nwI b,nW b 1M 0„IIAIA elllaM In \ j'Y coaIn ,m annFnu � EppliaMl McUIPnIFI W IUM SFwlf CINE DWTY pdnB•a \v7(\f . FORM 37 0183 CLEARED FOR OCCUPANCY BY: VALUATION SEPTIC FIREK C O. ISSUANCE FEE MARSHALL ` CHECK .A /V. PERMIT 6.3.E f -Ills- -Z9,' FOR BUILDING INSPECTION MINIMUM 24 HOURS FOUR NO CONCRETE UNTIL THE ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED 00 NOT CGVER FLOORS UNTIL TME ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED WATER SERVGE I SERVICE: BONDING: CC NOT INSULATE UNTIL ABOVE NAS SEEN SIGNED 0 NO UTILITIES WILL EE CLEARED UNTI—EILDING COMPLETE" HAS EEEN SIGNED E_ PERMIT EXPIRATION PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK r` IS NOT STARTED WITHIN 180 DAYS OF PERMIT ISSU- ANCE OR 180 DAYS FROM �.� LAST CALLED INSPECTION. C' O G E THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE BY LIMITATION AND BECOME NULL AND VOID IF WORK IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 1B0 DAYS. r� 'N "REFUND: WHERE NO PORTION OF THE WORK OR CONSTRUCTION COVERED BY THIS PERMIT HAS BEEN COMMENCED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE HEREOF, REQUESTS FOR REFUNDS MUST BE MADE IN WRITING TO THE DIRECTOR OF THE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION ON OR BEFORE ONE HUNDRED-TWENTY (120) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT." " f GRADE LINES AS SHOWN ON DRAWING ACCOMPANYING THIS APPLICATION ARE ASSUMED TO BE CORRECT. IF ACTUAL GRADE LINES ARE NOT THE SAME AS SHOWN! REVISED DRAWINGS SHOWING CORRECT GRADE LINES, CUTS AND FILLS, TOGETHER WITH COMPLETE DETAILS OF RETAINING WALLS AND WALL FOOTINGS REQUIRED, MUST BE RESUBMITTED TO THIS DIVISION FOR APPROVAL. 1 INSPECTOR MUST BE GIVEN MINIMUM 24 HOURS NOTICE FOR EACH INSPECTION. WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION LICENEEDC N R TORS DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I hay a cert 'cate pf consent to self-insure, or a certificate of 1 hereby affirm t am licen d u er provisions of Chapter 9 (Commencing with Workers' 'Compensation nsu nce, r certified copy thereof (Sec. 3800, Lab. C.). Section 7000) of isi n of th Busi ss and Professions Code, and my license is in Policy No. full force and effect. Certified copy is here fPa u 'she P. License Class Lic. Number ❑Certified copy is filed ith the county building inspection department or county Date Contractor department. OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION Date- I.- Applicant 1 hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the follow- CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTIQN FROM WORKERS' ing reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which requires COMPENSATION INSI�IR41VCE a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issu- ance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is or less.) licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9 (com- mencing with Section 7D00) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that I certify that in the performance of the work4of which thispe is issued, I shall not he is exempt therefrom and the'basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section employ any person in any manner so as t/be a 4ubject to t Wp ers' Compensation 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not Laws of Californ'a. more than five hundred dollars ($500).): Q�/� 0 v O I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, Date Applicant will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business NOTICE TO PPLICANT: If, after making this Certificate of Exemption, you should and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply . an owner ss become subject to the Workers' Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through forthwith comply with such Provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. i s his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. CN If, however,t the building or improvement is sold OSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY within one year of completion, the � owner-buildei will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the 1 hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of purpose of sale.)., the work for which this permit i issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). OI, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractbrs Lender's Name �(_x to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's 1' License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, Lender's Address and who contracts for such projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Con- ttrracctor's License Law.). ) LYI am exempt under Sec. , B. & P.C. for t ' reason I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. ' \ I agree to cc ly with all city county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction nd hereby auth ize epresentatives of this county to enter upon the above- mentio d roperty for inspe.ti purposes. _ Date Owner i 1 Signature of 4pplicant or Agept Date "� - N i ' SITE �1.AN REVI9W . `:bL1NTY OF SANTA C{,ARA CFIQRAL PERMIT OFFICE 'rapanr b . .. /Y7 .. . Mink,= lot aWro,,i�p - s«ti.ae - t•.oar a . tna.e_ �,_ R..r ;�_' coolome to zoning Rsauln earn - - bp# Q Doe> No Tong ' PLAN MUST BE POSTED ON JOB FOR FINAL APPROVAI S IT E PLAN Iw�n MAN 7 wrap eMrwr� .. , SCALE : 'id'' 1' tiTgx I 0.pflM'7l � B➢Aid '? lIAiTE1S.fl4 O 6PB1+1"J. cN� a - s �- THE ENTIRE BUILDING'.' 7s – SHALL BE PROVIDED - WITH SMOKE DETECTORS 1 � �41iCHEN `!I, t/�lNiNB AMS _ ..I... lAmlt1..KI�I n �/0 e O � I� aioXAGE I F' i _. CAA PoAT 1EGEpF0 EY ISTT"G N NEW PLANAS SUBK41 S .:. SUBJECTTOFIELD FOR _ INSPECTION SUfLOIN SH a PEF {, MBLY-NEC (1984) d ' ,UPC,UBC (1982) By TE �''-Z'.t=i1: 1gT.Z5' TILSUN..fi�. PF-:TfNo - FLOOR PLAN SCA;` y6s,1 r :. ,.,..• ...a:..-: :. .-.. .,--.wawaea.,s.><awao.:a•rc��i.�...eiwu£ru-:...r•......._�...a..�,,.►.i....�;v�.:i.'..�._:1,�..- ' INDIAN BURIAL SITES - Upon dism-ring of umarthing any burial site as ebF — . danced by huMm skelelel remains or artifacts, the person —i -in, i-11 elscr-'Y$1,111 immediately notify lbs Co ty Com+mr ct 3L: 6252; NO EUCROACHMENT WITHIN eaten Ion 536, end County Sur• No disby vrkhe iceCou of the ab may be mal O "pt 8 auihortherind be mato o.cept as authurized by the Count' Svrvgor M in ANY EASEMENT* OR RIGHT accord with provisions of this ordmancd- (County Ordin 0, e� Ci. Section B&18) WAY IS APPROVED. - N i ' SITE �1.AN REVI9W . `:bL1NTY OF SANTA C{,ARA CFIQRAL PERMIT OFFICE 'rapanr b . .. /Y7 .. . Mink,= lot aWro,,i�p - s«ti.ae - t•.oar a . tna.e_ �,_ R..r ;�_' coolome to zoning Rsauln earn - - bp# Q Doe> No Tong ' PLAN MUST BE POSTED ON JOB FOR FINAL APPROVAI S IT E PLAN Iw�n MAN 7 wrap eMrwr� .. , SCALE : 'id'' 1' tiTgx I 0.pflM'7l � B➢Aid '? lIAiTE1S.fl4 O 6PB1+1"J. cN� a - s �- THE ENTIRE BUILDING'.' 7s – SHALL BE PROVIDED - WITH SMOKE DETECTORS 1 � �41iCHEN `!I, t/�lNiNB AMS _ ..I... lAmlt1..KI�I n �/0 e O � I� aioXAGE I F' i _. CAA PoAT 1EGEpF0 EY ISTT"G N NEW PLANAS SUBK41 S .:. SUBJECTTOFIELD FOR _ INSPECTION SUfLOIN SH a PEF {, MBLY-NEC (1984) d ' ,UPC,UBC (1982) By TE �''-Z'.t=i1: 1gT.Z5' TILSUN..fi�. PF-:TfNo - FLOOR PLAN SCA;` y6s,1 r :. ,.,..• ...a:..-: :. .-.. .,--.wawaea.,s.><awao.:a•rc��i.�...eiwu£ru-:...r•......._�...a..�,,.►.i....�;v�.:i.'..�._:1,�..- uw' jar Ulm. NOT ; ALL FRAMING MATESIALt 1 TQ 8E DOub.fit '2t6TR. ROOF, FRAMING TYF.. — 5CALE: U4"=1' H=H FRAMING DETAIL TYP. SCALE: '�a•1' S 1 FOUNDATION DETAIL TYF SCAL!. 1"=1' _ / e BPTH ENDS I PLANS AS SUBMITTED BUILDI) jG PERMI-r EXISTING WAi MEET �� Of ` uCOMPLY-NEC (1984) &1 UMC'JPC,UBC(1982)' .. �... f87Z5_ TItSON AVE. �. ROOF .FITAMW4.., TAIL TYP. St E.: 1"=1' _ .._ _ , ._ ;. .... .,, w .,..,� ..-...�...... .... . .. ..... _ .. sem.,.. .,... .:._ ._.. __.... .., ..."..� _.:. �._ .... _..... ....... . „ ..- .. .,.... . . I'ISI'I�I�I'I'I'I�III'I'I'I'I'I'i�l'I'I'I'I'I'I'ISI'I'I'I'I'I'I'I�I�I'I�I'I'I'I�I'I'I'i'I'I'I'I�I I AIX 10 117a. 'I • f 3¢ ■ 8° p.o. t It �ffiEiiNBE tAFAIED SLS NOT ; ALL FRAMING MATESIALt 1 TQ 8E DOub.fit '2t6TR. ROOF, FRAMING TYF.. — 5CALE: U4"=1' H=H FRAMING DETAIL TYP. SCALE: '�a•1' S 1 FOUNDATION DETAIL TYF SCAL!. 1"=1' _ / e BPTH ENDS I PLANS AS SUBMITTED BUILDI) jG PERMI-r EXISTING WAi MEET �� Of ` uCOMPLY-NEC (1984) &1 UMC'JPC,UBC(1982)' .. �... f87Z5_ TItSON AVE. �. ROOF .FITAMW4.., TAIL TYP. St E.: 1"=1' _ .._ _ , ._ ;. .... .,, w .,..,� ..-...�...... .... . .. ..... _ .. sem.,.. .,... .:._ ._.. __.... .., ..."..� _.:. �._ .... _..... ....... . „ ..- .. .,.... . . I'ISI'I�I�I'I'I'I�III'I'I'I'I'I'i�l'I'I'I'I'I'I'ISI'I'I'I'I'I'I'I�I�I'I�I'I'I'I�I'I'I'i'I'I'I'I�I PUBLIC WORKS CONFIRMATION Community Development Department 10300 Torre Avenue (408) 777-3308 / Fax (408) 777-3333 19, Cupertino, CA 95014 planning@cupertino.org CU PE RTI N O http://www.cupertino.orp,,/planning, PLEASE NOTE: A Public Works pre -application conference is required prior to submittal on all applications. The purpose of this pre -application is to determine whether all preliminary Public Works issues have been identified, which may adversely affect this application. Please contact Jason Chou, Public Works Department, at (408) 777-3354 or email him at iasonc(Ocul2ortino.orl; to review your project with him. Please provide a phone number you can be reached at. Please submit this form to the pre -application meeting along with a copy of the site plan for his review and signature. Include this form in your application submittal. Address: 7 i S j 4 Aver Email Address: V., Applicant Name: c c-�1 l t �� Phone No: 1 35 For Internal Use Only - Do not write below Public Works Department Addition: %\' _ Single Family Dwelling Flood Zone Designation: Dedications Required: n U AL NOTES AND COMMENTS: INSilr J�AwAA, ON Pi -Ar- , Gc ._-I sft,> ,, A.- &X157jNh A -pit? New l C4'EcltzfC <85. t.�A-7Z2 5r--i,6re- f]Fc� /Ul a4 a1 vl S c- 70 77N4. 5 i t c.tr (-,�) CNc (c.2 A L41 t" ),n 11 1 S IEVC— NGti✓ J 2,f N A j AGP/%�) A -N A0 -TJ /t Ncls'c P&.'G1NA'%l lv, "L"'r .-vA -lc . ��W if `1 X.77 a L�lv'GZ,,Ati t i ,.1y Sky �LI�OJ�tS�. Signature Title Date Page 40f4 SXC App 200-, doe Revxed 1 %102078 e