1027_ —HOMESTEAD SASS OF SEAR/NGS The hearing, s. 000s z, of the nnkrline of KimAr/ey &ivsasshow wMal certain map entitled "Trail No.1W, Homsshad Par,4, UnifNA I, is vd. sd in sack 62 ofMapie of Poye0,, Sank C/ara Lavniy Rsaw4, Calrfornia, was faker as Me bo*i of bsarhp shown anihis map. ROAI ra �.ss" — WOMS«,tt COUNTY RECORDERS CERTIFICATE File NO,131.5 Foe IF/ DollaraPaid Filed ai Me repesf of Gsorge S, Na/le and Mcordid in Boc,4Z!?of Mops of ./.4 SmokCkreCamty Records, COIMO ma, this day ofL12A� 4�i_ 1957, ctLL i 9M SYL C, TULLY, CauntyRecardsr• PowrY CIVIL ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE George S. Nolh, hrrrby certify thol l am a Reylolered Civil En meer of the St71e of Coll?' ornio; Mot M4 map is a correct represenialion of a survey made undsr my supervislon during the monih of January, 1A Sarveyedaiths regusst of W W Ro/den. CEORGE S, NOLTE, Civil £yneer. Doted L92. X7 — CITY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE /, Dona/d M Somers, hereby certify Thal tho Record of Survey shown hereon has been checked malhematically and approved thek&cfa of}t�ZL4t3 r ,/M7• DON—A�LD M. MOM, City Engineerr. Dated 2-.2� � — By: �• ��"^�s.�- COUNTY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE I, Leonard Bushnell, hereby certify thol the Record of Survey slow hereon hos hern checked mathematical/y and found aefrsfacfory. ` LfONARD BUSHNELL, Cauniy Engineer Dated — l&/7 L2E7 By_ _ XAMY NOTES o /ndkela a *'Iron Pipe Monumeni set • Adkotes 0 114"Iran Pips MOAMMAnf found unless clherwise stated. All distances and dhnensrone are shown in feet surd decimals fhe wd RECORD OF SURVEY REINS A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION tl, T.T S., R,2 W.,M.O E+•BcM. SUNNYVALE. CALIFORNIA SCALE, I'•100' MMM_926- JANUARY,19S7 GEORGE S. NOLTE CIVIL ENGINEER LAND SURVEYOR SANTA CLARA ••• PALO ALTO -• WALNUT CREEK