271BI MOR ANDA D21YE :.; N Oo 49'28" £ 357.96 L 200.00 r 31�S00 y o Ta�rcel A o rj AREAt 0.356 Ac. rtelti N i• "Iseit*Cal dub)ect to;urthar P2000SE� 30 Fr approval. (.Sac notab) AEC/PROCAG EASEMENT O ,3-------------�::-------------------------- - m a ' oa parcel C �� � �` o • :� u o� 4�• �s" t: zoo 0o Nf a � a N r o `r' AVXA% 0$40 Ac. TieC �` N 0° 49' 2$" E 200.00 `' h parcel subject to ftttithar Ln Z -- s -------------------- --------------- ayproval. (Sae "at&*) �... a �-reel BLR O to AVER ft 0.356 Ac. UA c- , CSubject to f"TU%xv . ' approvart. (Sae "otos) 188.00 200.00 _:.. 45 49' ZS"E 388.00 BASIS OF IF FAXIUQ *rho bearing x189°10'13"W of the eenl;erline of }Homestead Road as shown on lhat Veeor3 of Survey `f rpo of portion of the lards of -Mary login recorded 'fR BooL 168, Page 4. NOTES AND LEGEM10 x11 distances m%a dirsansions aye shown in feat and. decimals Thereof. -- 0 Yndi.eat.e S; 514" Iron pipe found oraS •notad- -�- J-naicalc$8*14" T„on -Pira $al or as r#ad. —{�]-- Staraarat County YAO'"umen'ts. M to "NOTES: 45' ( 1. Da"wotie water Supply shalt be approveet by tha Santa Clara. County MeaLtth p¢part- me"t. ;...• , ; ; I I ' 2. Saab pareet subject to further approval. •, . •.. Each parcel is subjaat to conditioning by :...... Sa.»ta clava county lama Davexa mant Committee as per Tina 12, ChapterZ and 5 of Santa Clara County Ordinance Code. These conditions to i7icluda, but 'not Limited to, roaddedieatio»and road improvements, sawage disposal anal fire protaction. STZ1119C 10AID rr V Oz' 500 E SURIVEY01H•5 CERTIFICATE ?'his -mcLV was •prepared by *me or unbar mV direction and is basad -porta ficia survey i» conformance wish the vequiraments of the Subdi.vision"Mc p.Aet at The request of Kenneth 163oye1 on Ylovembe7 Z9, 2969 2 herebtj eerllfy (that it conforms tol'hacgTroved ientativ¢'mar andco"ailions of a'p'proval '#hereof, 'the!) alt provision$ of apptica'ble Sial¢ Y.avv and local ordinantaas 'have been eom-pUccl wish. 1rTlNETN.1l. 130>fD 12,C.V, 16682 COUVTY SURVty0jV$ CE112TI F1C,A'YE '1'hi3 may'has.bamn axcsminad 'this day os ✓une 1990, for eo+lformanee wiles 'the 4requirement of Seetion11575 of the Sub- divil ion 1"c pAct. 7A111Mt:..Y0T1r COU UTY SURVEY01t by Depul� KECOlvorl 'S CER-r1-E1CA1TE-;0-38'21509 'ftt¢ A}o. Fee Paid °°Filed t1�islLda`f of J*iWgr ,1970ctW" e.m- tin BOOV-4of -mars at *PQ*aithe request of He»»eth R.'Boyd. G (kE-E.r0WLr$ CODUTY 1t't:C0)2DE12 by De y CERTIPICA1'E OF CORRECTION RECORQEO--�tI/.Y IG . __119-73 PlIe N° izrvw tv).t,/ 177 PMW 37a Q -rf mm AIRCTI D);411 OF THEA WDS OF T. Iawranee wtwton and *Robert *Uccler In 'rhe Sr 34 of Stenon 11,1-'75, 1Z? -W M013! M tL h 'th C . COUUTY OF SA1d.TA CIAAA, CAITFORM1A Seale: 1"=30' December 1969 COX60'ER, TOWUSEUD iASSOCIATES ComsutTlAty £1NOMERS San JoSe, Colifornia v. a N Oo 49'28" £ 357.96 L 200.00 r 31�S00 y o Ta�rcel A o rj AREAt 0.356 Ac. rtelti N i• "Iseit*Cal dub)ect to;urthar P2000SE� 30 Fr approval. (.Sac notab) AEC/PROCAG EASEMENT O ,3-------------�::-------------------------- - m a ' oa parcel C �� � �` o • :� u o� 4�• �s" t: zoo 0o Nf a � a N r o `r' AVXA% 0$40 Ac. TieC �` N 0° 49' 2$" E 200.00 `' h parcel subject to ftttithar Ln Z -- s -------------------- --------------- ayproval. (Sae "at&*) �... a �-reel BLR O to AVER ft 0.356 Ac. UA c- , CSubject to f"TU%xv . ' approvart. (Sae "otos) 188.00 200.00 _:.. 45 49' ZS"E 388.00 BASIS OF IF FAXIUQ *rho bearing x189°10'13"W of the eenl;erline of }Homestead Road as shown on lhat Veeor3 of Survey `f rpo of portion of the lards of -Mary login recorded 'fR BooL 168, Page 4. NOTES AND LEGEM10 x11 distances m%a dirsansions aye shown in feat and. decimals Thereof. -- 0 Yndi.eat.e S; 514" Iron pipe found oraS •notad- -�- J-naicalc$8*14" T„on -Pira $al or as r#ad. —{�]-- Staraarat County YAO'"umen'ts. M to "NOTES: 45' ( 1. Da"wotie water Supply shalt be approveet by tha Santa Clara. County MeaLtth p¢part- me"t. ;...• , ; ; I I ' 2. Saab pareet subject to further approval. •, . •.. Each parcel is subjaat to conditioning by :...... Sa.»ta clava county lama Davexa mant Committee as per Tina 12, ChapterZ and 5 of Santa Clara County Ordinance Code. These conditions to i7icluda, but 'not Limited to, roaddedieatio»and road improvements, sawage disposal anal fire protaction. STZ1119C 10AID rr V Oz' 500 E SURIVEY01H•5 CERTIFICATE ?'his -mcLV was •prepared by *me or unbar mV direction and is basad -porta ficia survey i» conformance wish the vequiraments of the Subdi.vision"Mc p.Aet at The request of Kenneth 163oye1 on Ylovembe7 Z9, 2969 2 herebtj eerllfy (that it conforms tol'hacgTroved ientativ¢'mar andco"ailions of a'p'proval '#hereof, 'the!) alt provision$ of apptica'ble Sial¢ Y.avv and local ordinantaas 'have been eom-pUccl wish. 1rTlNETN.1l. 130>fD 12,C.V, 16682 COUVTY SURVty0jV$ CE112TI F1C,A'YE '1'hi3 may'has.bamn axcsminad 'this day os ✓une 1990, for eo+lformanee wiles 'the 4requirement of Seetion11575 of the Sub- divil ion 1"c pAct. 7A111Mt:..Y0T1r COU UTY SURVEY01t by Depul� KECOlvorl 'S CER-r1-E1CA1TE-;0-38'21509 'ftt¢ A}o. Fee Paid °°Filed t1�islLda`f of J*iWgr ,1970ctW" e.m- tin BOOV-4of -mars at *PQ*aithe request of He»»eth R.'Boyd. G (kE-E.r0WLr$ CODUTY 1t't:C0)2DE12 by De y CERTIPICA1'E OF CORRECTION RECORQEO--�tI/.Y IG . __119-73 PlIe N° izrvw tv).t,/ 177 PMW 37a Q -rf mm AIRCTI D);411 OF THEA WDS OF T. Iawranee wtwton and *Robert *Uccler In 'rhe Sr 34 of Stenon 11,1-'75, 1Z? -W M013! M tL h 'th C . COUUTY OF SA1d.TA CIAAA, CAITFORM1A Seale: 1"=30' December 1969 COX60'ER, TOWUSEUD iASSOCIATES ComsutTlAty £1NOMERS San JoSe, Colifornia v.