376SUNRISE _y J W C o N n b0* z Zi 9A16. STEYEA S CREEK RD, SCOFIELD DRIVE m fE RODRIGUES &ALE III =60 NBT03'29W AVENUE BASIS OF BEARINGS � NOTES The beoring of Rodrigues Avenue, N89°03'ZOI! as given upon fhe mop o' 1racf N4.3743, Cupertino 7ow17 a7ler recorded in Book /B6ofivl�page 36 ond371 Xmla Cora County f cords, is the basis ofbearmys shown hem a;7. The hke harae'rdelmeolesthedoundary ai'/he/andsubdr1ided6yfhis map. hown in re1al7ddecirnats dhe D/s}unces are sreof. LEGEND o Indeates monumenfi^vundosno%d. • Indrealespoinl faundasnofed. o Indicates 3/ i�orrpioe set CONSISTING OF ONE ,SHEET BEING A SUBDIVISION OFLOT 9 OF TR.AG'TJ743 (86 MAps-,%f30 LYING' WIT.IIIN THE CITYOF CURERTI tTO, CALIFOI?NIA fd� 3i41.P. SCALE P= 60' CITY ENGINEERS CERTIFICATE This m6p conforms with fhe repuiremenfs o}'fhe subd/il/sion Mop Act ana'/oco/ orr/inonce. BERT J, VIA/.KOVICH, . Director of GL6/ic /Narks, k.C.E. NJIMSo, 20168 #C CALIFORNIA FU NOTARY tURtC C SEPTEMBER 1878 sa kaA 4.Somtw Cii " A*l1wft& SAN XSE, CALIF :...., 01ME'RS CERTIFICATE Me hereby car/ifythatwe are the owners of orhoile some /w ""' fide 6r /nfer�st in ohdlo %reo/,orooerfy iac/uded within the subdivision sfhiown upon 1/iis �rrgo; }fiat we qre %ie ori/ypersons whose coaser�fisr�ecessary lopors o c%r fif/e /v said re%o�o/�erty, ar�drhof we coasenf to tfie inokinq and recordny alsdidrr�o/rondsub��isron osshown wrihihfheh/ue6order7irie. NORTHERN CAL/FORN/A SAV/NGSANDLOANASSOC/AT/ON, FORIVERLY-PALO ALTO/SAV/NCS AND Z-OANA550C/AT/ON OWNER ssisrA.vr src�cFrs i/icr'• Rr'sin E•.vr SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE %his mop wasp Fo�vd 6y me arunder my dredionn and it based u ori a fe/r/ F411'V(Fq 1126M ewlWlVe w11h 117ere9uiremenfs offheSubdrvision�o /ic/offhe re oast f e /Morn Jo in a d as ,9ssociafion in tepternbe�/y��I/,ereby ""-' safe t�a he poke mop�oroce urns of the oca/ ggeneyhove been compo/ed with andffjaf thifpgrce/rnoo corr�or�nr is the app�ved fenfofivernao and conditions of gpprova/thelwl'which were Irfuiredlo heAllll//edtpriorla fhe • fi%ay of fhec�rce/mop. HEN No. 3656. RECORDERS CERTIFICATE Fi/ed this a day oflb°s , /97-, q/ t ao P ,M. rn Booker of Maas, ,00ge_at the re9uesf of MacKay Jarps; Civi/ Er/yineers. Fi/e No. Jtla,2;M/b" tANTA ;URA COUNTY State of o/ifornio SS Mru E;r*, Jam Is, 4e 45, CounfyoFSantoC/aro} lIiEORC�E fl.l[�J1�lU1V, County Recorder: On thisZday of /are y d e� i97,9 before me 0 Nva oly fgihlla hnandfbrsaidCouofyandfs`afeoe�roria//y Pceoredr� ee/ c'. In.. sl ne.— known &me fo be fhe ssi fan7' �ss.re�e� and_yce - �r�.s;�tenr-,respecfiue/y, offhe Association ifiat 2xec�rfed fhe withinii�shumenf ondacknoW/edgea�lomefhaf ezeeufedfhe some. onGe/jo/f of soidAssociotior,and that saidA�ocia/ion execu�`ed fhe sorrre Qs Oill1we. I OF I SHEET Job No. S4/6. 3. 3