09-030 Pavement Engineering, Inc03/05/200A 1 :1$ FAX 408 777 3333 gGREEIIAENT ~JOO03/0008
~ 1A3W Tone Avenue
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/~ ~ aos-~rn.~oo NO. ~
BYTHIS ACRE ode and entered into on the day of L.,i~ ~ ~.~
blr and be the OF CUF'ERTINO (He matter referred to as CITY] and
Name (t) (~) ~~' 70~ ?bit 533
Address „,~ .._.~
referred as
~Y~'~~°`` s ~,t, 'e 7'ip~'~ Phaze~~?7,)76~'~.5
in considerati~m of their mutual cavenarrts, the parties hereth agree as
COtTRACTOR shall provkie or fu ish the s ~ftied services and/or tart s:
EXHIBR • The fotiowtng altaChed exhtbtts hereby are made part of this Agra
Ti~~~i~ se3rvt~alydTor ~er1ta~ts rn~£~T ~'~tfi7~~`~~77"~~t~~ `~ I~ii1'C
under this Agreement shall cofimencs on
and sttaii be oompteted before j~,~-~f,}.,'~k~
COMPENSATION: ~for the full performance of this A9~~ment, CITY snail CONTRACTOR:
~~~~~ ~ ~~.- ~~:~= ~~-~~. ENTERED
Hold Harmless. Contractor agrees to save and hold harmless the City, its offloers, agents and employees from arty
and alt damage and liabtitty of every nature, including ail a~sis of defending any claim, caused by or arising out of the
pertonnance of this Agreement. City shall not be liable for acts of Contractor in pertormtr~ services described herein.
Insurance, Should the City require evkience of insurability Contractor snail fits with City a Certificate of Insurance
before commencing any services under this Agreement. Said Certifrcatte shalt be subject to the approval of City's
Director of Administrativve Services.
Non-Ulscrtmina#on. No discriminat2on shaft be made in the empioyment,of persons under this Agreement t~caasa
of the race, color, national or~in, ancestry, religion or sex of such perm.
interest of Contractor. tt is understood and agreed that this Agreement is not a txyntract of emptoymeM in the sense
that the relation of master and servant exists between City and undersigned. At alt times Contractor shall be deemed
to bean independent contractor and Contractor is not authorized to bind the City to any contracts ar other obligations
to executing this Agreement. Cwrtractor certifies that no ~xre who has or will have arty financial Interest under this
Agreement is an ofttc~r or employee of Ctty.
Changes. This Agreement shall not be assigned or transi`erred without the written consent of the City. No changes
or variations of any kind are authorized without the written consent of the Gity.
CONTRACT C{?-OHDINATOR and repn3sentative for CIiY snail be:
NAME L~~ ~T ~~ at=~ARTMENT ~ c.- ~ - p c
This Agreement shall become effective upon its execution by CITY, In witness thereof, the parties have executed this
Agreement the day and year first written above.
CONTRACTOR: t~1TY ~ ~ltr RT1N0:
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03!06/2009 13:19 FA3 408 777 5333
Pavement Engineering /rrca
• ~ipns ta~~ Ar~;t~„~~
CatTrans/AMRi CrCfQA • Coristructio~ ManagP~nent
January 16, 2009
JAK 2 0 2009
Mr. Glenn Goepfert
City of Cupertino
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
~ fl004/0008
MP 09-012
Subject; Pavement Evaluation & Engineering Design Services:
- Blaney Avenue, Bollinger Road, Homestead Road
- Neighborhood Zone 1
-- Neighborhood Zone 10
-- Access Ramp Evaluations & Design
Dear Glenn:
It was a pleasure to meet with y,~u this week to discuss current
and future projects in the City ~~f Cupertino. As requested, we
are providing our proposal to provide pavement evaluation and
engineering design services. This proposal covers our work to
perform the following projects:
Task O1 - 2009 Arterial Deflection Testing
Task 02 - Contract Documents for Neighborhood Zone 2
Task 03 - Contract Documents for neighborhood Zone 10
Task 04 - Access Ramp Evaluation F~ Design
Our services for each Task will include the following:
Task O1 - 2009 Art~azial D~fl~ctiox~ fiastintt
As we discussed earlier this week, PEI expects to be
significantly impacted if/when the federal economic stimulus
package becomes available to the various municipalities
throughout the state. In an effort to get a head start for
Cupertino, we propose to perform all of the pavement evaluation
work in advance for three Arter3.a1/Collector roadway segments:
- Blaney Avenue from Cedar Tree to Homestead
- Bollinger Road stbourid only) from Miller to Windsor
- Homestead Road {Eastbound only) fxotn Mary to Franco
Our services for this task will include deflection testing in
each lane of roadway at 100 foot intervals and taking cores
8 ~ \ Bwineaa\2eaL\2sarke;.inq\escPoaals\ Yroposait2009VKP09~-012_pr. rpd
3820 Cypress Ddve, Suite 3 Petalum8, CA 94954-5673 Tel. (707) 769-t~3,30 F$x (70~ 769-5333
20260 Skyperk Drive Redding, CA ~UD2-5~'1 . Tel. {530) 224-4535 .Fax 1530) ~4.rs39
3485 Sacramerno Drive, Suite A San Luis Obispo, CA 9`;40 i-7156 Tei. (SQSj 787! 2265 F,gx (8t)5J 781.2267
03/05/2009 13:18 FAb 408 777 8333 ~I0005/0008
Mr. Glenn Goepfert
January 16, 2009
Page 2
through the pavement layer at 1000 foot maximum intervals for
depth measurements. As thesF: are collector and arterial
roadways, no R--value sampling and testing is deemed necessary,
During the field investigation work, traffic control will be
handled on Homestead and on :gollinger by using a lighted
arrowboard to direct traffic intro the adjacent lane. Warning
signs will also be placed in advance of the work to provide
early notice to vehicles.
Traffic control on Blaney Avenue will pose a bit more of a
problem, since there is only one lane in each direction. On
this street, flagmen will be utilized at each end of the
operation to temporarily stop on<:oming traffic, and then waving
them around the set up when the way is clear in the opposite
To avoid a traffic back up during busier times of the day, we
would propose to perform the deflection testing with traffic
control on Blaney at an early morning hour (i.e. 4 AM).
deflection testing for this segment would be expected to be
completed in less than 2 hours. The coring work would need to
be performed later in the day, to avoid noise complaints from
adjacent neighborhoods. However, only 4 cores are needed on
this section of road, which should take approximately 1 hour to
Following all field investigation work, the findings from our
investigation will be compiled into a report, complete with
maintenancelrehabilitation recommmendations far each roadway
segment. Please note that the deflection test results are
generally good for three years ~sfter the date of testing, so
recommendations for any segments ~zot constructed this year would
still be valid through Spring of 2,012.
This proposal does not include services for preparing plans,
specifications and a cost estimate for these streets. We will
submit a separate proposal for these services at the request of
the City,
Our fee for the 2009 Arterial Deflection Testing will be $7,815.
R: \8uairgs\TSxt\lLZrkatinq\Pa~osals\Prnpoaa1~2009Uti09-OlI_gr..~gC
03105/?008 13:20 F.~3 408 7TT 3333 (~ 0008/0008
Mr. Glenn Goepfert
January 16, 2009
Page 3
~aek 07 ~ Neighbarh~ctd Zane 2 Pev~e~aent Mai.nteaanr~a ~-ro j
We anticipate that this project will proceed very similarly to
the neighborhood projects that were designed and constructed in
2007/2008. The project will. likely incorporate pavement
overlays, slurry seals, and cape seals an the various street
segments. Pavement deflection te:;ting, coring, and R-value tests
will be performed on streets identified for pavement overlay
All roadways will be measured in the field to determine
construction quantities. Intersection details will be prepared
to show limit of the various types of work at each street limit.
Location plans and details will be prepared as has been done in
the past to clearly show the work to be performed.
The final product will be in the "binder" format previously used
by PEI and the City of Cupertino. The binder set will also
include technical specification.,, quantity estimates, bidding
documents, and any construction c.etails necessary to communicate
the intent of the design.
PEI will be on hand to assist the City during the bid process,
including attendance of a bid mE3eting, answering any questions
during the bid, and preparing addenda as necessary.
This proposal does not include our services fox construction
administration, inspection and testing. We will submit a
separate proposal for this scope once the project design is
Our fee for the e~ighborhood Zone ~, Pavemen~Ma~'nten~,,~ce projec
will be $65,525.
'Task 03 - Neighborhood Zone 10 Pa.y'emert Main ®~mnee Proierst
The limits of this project a~il1 include all streets in
Neighborhood 10 that were not addressed last year in the Local
Streets IlMajor Streets Pavement Maintenance Project. The
process of preparing contract documents for this project will be
identical to method described for Task 02 in this proposal,
03/05/20.99 13:20 .F.~X 408 777 3333 ~J0007/0008
Mr. Glenn Goepfert
January 16, 2009
Page 4
It will be our intent to perform the 'deflection testing and
coring work for Tasks 1, 2 and 3 concurrently, which will
minimize the mobilization cost to the city.
As mentioned in Task 2 above, this proposal does not include our
services for construction administration, inspection and
testing. We will submit a sepaxate proposal for this scope once
the project design is completed.
Our fee for the ~ orhood done 10 ~,~vement MaintP~~
~roi will be $34,215.
Task Oil - ADA Rama Eva3.uati xs4 s & pesica
The work for this task will include evaluating the condition of
existing wheelchair ramps at various locations throughout the
city and designing new facilities to replace existing ramps
found to be non-compliant.
Ramps will be evaluated for conformance with current ADA
standards as dictated by the California Building Code and
current Caltrans standard details. Evaluations will include
reviewing dimensions, slopes, presence of truncated domes,
grooved border at top of ramp, and any other items required fox
ramps and adjacent landings. Ramps found to be out of
compliance will be identified on the ,intersection plans for
Neighborhoods 1 and 10. Plans will reference the appropriate
style of xamp per Caltrans Standard Detail A88A for all new
Please note that in some instances, it is not possible to
construct ox retro-fit a fully compliant ramp in accordance with
the most current set of standards. This is most commonly caused
because of excessive slopes of the street and/or sidewalk,
insufficient space within the public right-of-way, or because of
an obstacle such as a utility vault, curb inlet, signal pole, or
some other existing feature which cannot be relocated in a cost
effective manner. If a situation. is encountered wherein a ramp
does not appear to be fully feasible, PEI will design a solution _
which will attempt to comply a:s closely as possible to the
current code. In these instances, we will notify the city of
O~i05/2009 13:21 FA% 408 777 3333 I~ 0008/0008
Mr. Glenn Goepfert
January 16, 2009
Page 5 ,
locations where a compliant ramp does not appear to be. feasible.
PEI has identified 175 ramps w:Cthin the limits of the street
maintenance work identified in the three tasks above. This
count does not include ramps that were recently constructed and
are already known to comply with current ADA standards. Our
proposal is based on evaluating these 175 ramp locations, and
providing plan information to address any issues of non-
compliance, If the City wishes to increase the total number of
ramp locations to be evaluated and redesigned, we will reserve
the right to negotiate the increase in fees accordingly.
Our fee to perform the ~~gamo Evaluations & Design as
described herein will be $9,425.
As always, our proposed fees are subject to negotiation with the
City. The attached. proposal cond.Ltions will apply.
It is our pleasure to continue working with the City of
Cupertino, and we anticipate a successful outcome in each
pzoject. If there are any questions regarding this proposal,
please feel free to contact tzr. Mike Wasden, the Project
Manager, at {707) 769-5330.
Very t y yours,
ul R. Curren, P.E.
Senior Principal Engineer
pc: C File
M File P/R/S
MP 07-404
' i ~
March 26, 2009
Pavement Engineering, Inc
3820 Cypress Drive, Suite 3
Petaluma, CA 94954
To Whom It May Concern:
10300 TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255
TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3;23 • FAX: (408) 777-3366
WEBSITE: www.cupertino.~rg
Enclosed for your records are fully executed copies of the agreements with the City of Cupertino. If you
have any questions or need additional information, please contact the Public Works department at (408)