137LE6EN0 • Indicates monument found, o Indicates I'lronPlpe monumeotset m •'�- R••z�. pis �� BASIS Of BEARINGS The bearing, NO°0 30"W.,"of the wester/y boundary line "TrocfNo, 24/0 Normandy P/ace Uh///0,5, "asrecordedin Book /06W#amaipage5l, Santo Clara CounfyRemrds, was taken as fhe basis of bearings shown an this map, SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This map correcfly represents a survey mode by me or under my direction /n conformance with Me requlrements of Chapter l5 of Division 3 of the Business and Profe.Vb7S Code of the request of fhe Cupertino Union 5*010isfrictin✓onuary1960, R.C.E. N0, 7595 LAND9 9 UPEQ.T G. F LONGFELLOW s 0°01'30" E. 808.62 (Ree) WAY \� 8.824 ±ACRES Gy i os o c\ LANDS OF 06005 �. �\ ea \� 179.27 COUNTY SURVEYORS CERT/f/CATS This mop has been examined for conformance wifh the requirements of Chapter l5 of 0ivlsb7 3 of the Busi ess and Professions Code this Z Clay of 96/. JAMES T.OTT ountySur'myor. by Deputy set Nail M_ a LELLAN_ N.89°59'30'W, 1325.46 Cupertino Union School District, (RIS Bo0k15ofdaps page56) Fd.l°I.P, per RIs---,, Book 21, P3, 32 . \ RECORDER'S CERTIFIC47E File No, XM?Fee��� Filed for record fhrsL =day of _2A(ac1L_- 196/, of z M,inBookIMIPfMops atpoge of the request of George 5Nolte. PAUL R. TEILN CountyRecorder, by Deputy n&�� SURVEYOR'S CERMICA 75 This map correcfly represents a survey mode by Inc or undermy direction in conformance with fhe requirements of Chapter /5 of Divisio73 of fhe Business old Professions Code of fhe request Of fhe Cupertino Union School DistrlctinMoyl960. R.C. E, 7595 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This map has been examined for conformance wifh fhe requlrementsofChapter l5 of Divlsion3 of the Business and Professions Code this - '� day of Q 6 11961 JAMCS . POT unty&urveyor by Depufy��- � RECORDERS CERTIFICATE 0 file No. Fee© Filed forrecord this L'_ day of _M-s� 1961oto-21PM.,i7Book/0of1dapsotpage_L at fhe request of George S, Nolte, PAWL Q, TE14H, Count Recorder. by Deputy�- L ANDS OF GALL o Fd.Br. Plug Mon. e _ • •���lo.00 j�..... Pd. 3/r I.P, LANDS OF 0HAP-A LANDS OF HACHEN L,= 0 I-IACHEN RECORD OF SURVEY RECORD UNION SCNOO OF A PORTION OF THE QUITO RANCHO SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA. SCALE: VdOO' JANUARYJ960, GEORGE S. NOLTE CIVIL ENGINEER •••• LAND SURVEYOR PALO ALTO --SANTA CLARA••WALNUT CREE*SAN RAFAEL BASIS Of BEARINGS The beach y, N,0°07VOW, of the center/Ine of Bubb Road asshown on the *cord of survey of Lands of RA. 4ftnco"recorded1;7Book25of Maps afpage N6, Santa Cloro County Records, was token os thebaeis of bearings shown on this map, RECORD OF SURVEY OFA PORTION OF THE N.W.It4OF SECTION 23,T.7.S.,R.2W.,M.D,8.&M. FOR CUPERTINO UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA. SCALE: VxZOO' MAY1960. GEORGE S. NOLTE CIVIL ENGINEER •••• LAND SURVEYOR PALO ALTO- SANTA CLARA-•WALNUT CREEK- SAN RAFAEL ISO (30 8