648�eQ E. f/.l,uQA/J.4,U Y�P�Q^s��c v 56r 7h16 mop correcl/y reRresents o survey mode under my d/rec&a in conlormonce w/ih /hP of ('hao%! /5 o{Divisior� 3 oifhe Business and Professions Coale of Ae rPyUPsl o{1hP .ton Jose Wo%r WorF6 in Jul , /ys8. Reg/15 -a, �ivi/fngirx�r ,lJ' ?578 The (coring (.U94'38E) o//he cen%r /ine e/ Lindy Lone as a/escr;6ed io deeo� Lawrence //. /s/odson e/o/ /o Caunfy 91.ton161 Coro, recomled /n Book /6/2, aage 429, Officlbd eecora's of.%n/o Caro County, was used as 6osis of hem-in9s showo noon Phis mo//o�. ,4// disfonces 000d oiine//sions are shown iv feet/onol o1ecimo/s thereof. This moo hos heen examined for conlorinonce wl/h the /rayuiremenfs o{ Choofer /S a/ Division 3 v/ fhe Business and Prafessior/s Coale �his�doy of d�G 19s8. ��// ,Jame., B, Fvliclns QC//n ratwyor ,ay A-yu/y IS- 7 74 9 8 filed for record fhisdoy BooF�a/Mo/os o/Poye-A�&—ol1he reyuesf o� Mork Thomas e Co. �o --0 o Jy/ C Ta//y. Cooniy Recorder RECORD OF SURVEY MAP NO. 144 SAN JOSE WATER WORKS LANDS SHOWING ASSESSMENT LOT NO. 197 BEING PORTIONS OF SW 1/4 OF SEC.23.T7S , R2W MDM SANTA CLARA COUNTY CALIFORNIA SCALE: I -100 JULY 1958 MARK THOMAS & CO. CIVIL ENGINEERS 8. SURVEYORS SAN JOSE CALIFORNIA t.- 101 48 R/