Citizens Budget Committee 05-11-93CITIZENS' BUDGIET COMMITTEE
MAY 11, 1993
3:30 F'.M.
The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p. m.
Staff present:
City Manager Brown
Director of Finance Snyder
Committee members present:
Allan Bidwell
Robert Hendrickson
Roberta Hollimon
Barbara Jones
Stephanie Russell
Darwin Throne
David Wheeler
2. Committee review of preliminary decisions and update of information.
Following review of the committee's draft proposal, they decided to make no significant
3. Approval of minutes
a) Apri128, 1993
It was moved by Comm. Hollimon, seconded ley Comm. Bidwell and passed unanimously
to approve the minutes as submitted.
b) May 4, 1993
It was moved by Comm. Hollimon, seconded try Comm. Bidwell and passed unanimously
to approve the minutes as submitted.
4. Review of recommendations with staff.
City Manager Brown expressed appreciation for the opportunity to review the committee's
report prior to it being put into final form. He did not want to debate philosophies, but
merely to review for errors or faulty assumptions implicit in the work. He stated that
members of the committee had applied themselves diligently and theirs was an impossible
task. He was not sure what the committee's actual chazge was and recognized the
members' frustrations in regazd to the limited tune and data they had.
Mr. Brown then made general comments. IIe did not see in the report a discussion
regazding the City's current financial situation. Cupertino has opinions from independent
auditors and rating agencies. However, it is useful to have the committee members' view.
Does Cupertino have a serious financial probl~;m? Does it need to make major, serious
cuts? In regazd to privatizing intergovernmental cooperation, he reviewed the nature of
Cupertino as a municipality, how the City is organized. He stated Cupertino is a contract
city and reviewed regional cooperation, spe~;ia1 districts, and specific services under
contract. The City has a low number of emp]'~.oyees. The City is currently looking at a
joint vehicle maintenance program with the Cupertino Union School District. It is doing
maintenance of school sports fields. The DeAriza College print shop has bid on some of
the City's printing jobs. The City regulazly evaluates the cost of having work done by City
employees or by contracting it out. In regard to full cost recovery, all taxpayers pay for
capital investment and maintenance of infrastru~~ture.
Mr. Throne stated that he feels that the City is doing that type of thing or starting in that
direction. He used recreation programs as an example. He felt that if something is not
part of the basic infrastructure, like streets, th~~ users should pay for the majority of the
costs. These are program items. A facility is ~c community benefit. The program held in
or on the facility should be paid for by the people participating; 100% user fees do not
cover the facility also.
Mr. Hendrickson felt that participants in youth sports should pay some kind of a fee. It
was suggested that examples be used in the final report for purposes of clarification.
Mr. Wheeler asked if the City looked at what the mazket will beaz in regard to charging
fees. He was informed that the City does do some of that; mazket is looked at as well as
other recreation programs. At Blackberry Golf Course, fees have been raised twice in the
past yeaz.
Mr. Brown said that he would be willing to go a little higher than others to test the
It was suggested that another increase in fees at Blackberry be examined.
Mr. Brown stated that the library had not been addressed. The City pays $47,000 a year
to keep the library open on Sundays. No funds are received in return. There are some
things the City does that no one would do to m~~lce money. They are the things that define
a community, such as recreation programs, libraries, and even public information
programs. No business would do those things.
Mr. Bidwell said there is real concern at the county level regazding libraries. There have
been some suggestions that there be an annual nominal fee for a library cazd. This is in
discussion at the county level.
Mr. Brown suggested that they also look at a little higher chazge for video or CD rentals.
Mr. Hendrickson suggested that school librari~~ and Cupertino Library do some sharing
rather than competing.
There was discussion regarding abolishing the i upertino Scene and using the newspapers
for disseminating information.
Mr. Snyder said that he has worked for three: cities and, in his opinion, the Cupertino
Scene is one of the best ways for the commu~lity to respond to the City. Every week,
soundoffs are received in City Hall. This helps staff keep contact with the pulse of the
community. These cazds can be sent in anonymously and aze postage free to the sender.
Mr. Hendrickson said he believed this could still be done through a newspaper.
Bazbaza Jones suggested that the City work with the Chamber and perhaps use the
Chamber newsletter as a way of disseminating information. Other suggestions were to sell
advertising in the Cupertino Scene and to finance through the private sector.
City Manager Brown reviewed a history of the Cupertino Scene and legal issues, such as
maintaining a non profit status. The City's cable television and publication of the
Cupertino Scene helps make Cupertino differe~it from other communities. These provide
a high level of service.
Ms. Hollimon said she believes the people living in Cupertino expect that kind of service.
People in Sunnyvale complain they don't get the: same level of openness.
Mr. Throne said maybe there is a different way to provide the same thing. The committee
is just saying, rethink this. Council may still want to provide the service.
Mr. Wheeler said that if cost cutting is ne;cessazy, he would recommend these items.
Committee members were asked if there is a level of service the City should be looking for
as far as police protection enhancement. The committee said they were responding to
Captain Wilson's presentation, during which he said things were getting worse. In regard
to Cupertino's level of service, it is better than ~iverage in response time. The crime rate is
below average. That's what the City uses a;c a guide. Staff will probably recommend
dropping the special driving under the influence program. There is a change in service
demands. The Public Safety Commission also looks at police protection. The commission
and staff look for trends.
Ms. Hollimon stated that the emergency response time of three minutes or less and six and
one half minutes average for all calls is very good.
Mr. Brown was asked if the time the sheriff is at schools comes from the City's budget or
the schools and that should be looked at. He: stated that the Public Safety Commission
reviews the statistics every month. The City sloes share the cost of the juvenile diversion
program with the schools . S o far, in staffs judgment, this is a better way to spend the
money than to have another deputy.
Mr. Throne expressed concern about gangs and increasing gang activity in Cupertino. He
did not want to see any cuts in this area so that things did not get out of control.
The City Manager addressed the committee regarding short term debt. (City Clerk's
Note: These minutes were taken from a tape r~:cording; the balance of the meeting did not
record. )
/ G
City lerk