5351m CITY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE Z, Ber{ ✓.'Skov:ch, City Eny/neer o/ /he C/ty of Cu ertina, hereby certify That the tvilh%n filial map oTracl No: 535/ has beep examined by me; that /he suba'/v/sion shown hereon /s su6staol/a//y the same as // gppeared on the approved tentative reap, and any approved a/terat/ons thereof ; that a// prows/ons of the subd/vision map act, as amended, and of any local or- dinance qoo/scab/e a/ the 1/me of approval me the tentative map has been camp//ed wi/h and I Qin salls;Pled that said trap /s techs/tally correct. D01e Ae o,1g73 k�d Oepll Visko vlch , C//y h-n•9ineer Cvperf/no, Ca//f. R.C. E No: 20468 CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I, /,///lliAm E. Ryder, C/ly Clerk of the City of Cuper- tino, hereby eerl/Py that this map, des/ynaled as Trac/ No: was approved by the City Counci% oP the 4%141 of Cvoert%no ata eel/ny of said ccunci/ he/d on the— day or' /9731 and /hal Said Covnc/l diol eceept the ded%cat/an oP a// s/reel and,ow- f/ons a/ streets, eosemenls, And other parte/s a/ land offered lbr dedleat/on and shown an sa/d map ur/lh/n said subdivision . Date a7�G--, MY-- > E. gy4'er C/ly Clerk and m Ex - O/ficib Clerk /' the C/ty Covnei/ of the C/fy o/ Cvpeellwo, Ca///alma W W IY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE U I, Marsha/l J. Cvffe, hereby cert//y that I am a ley/s- CID /eyed On/// Engineer o/ the 91a/e a/ Ca//Parma, Mal Z this map Cons/sl/ny of one sheet, coerecl/y represenls ; a survey made under my supero/Sion during Dec. W 1972, that the survey /s true and Camp/ere as shown, that a1/ manvmeols actually ex/st or w/// be placed co by Dec. 1975, and are correctly shown, and that said monuments are suff/eient lo enab/e the survey to be retraced. Date 21-94179 Marshal/ J. eaAle, C.E. No: 11424 BASIS OF BEARINGS The bear/ng IN 0 °22'20"41) a/ the een/ev line o/ Mwle ///sta Ape., naw knaves as Rawdy Lane as shown en that map o/ /y/onte U/sta recorded /h Back 2 ' of Maps, at ,mage 43 Santa Clara Cavnly Records alas used as the bas/s a/ bearings Por 1Gi/s map. RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE Fite No: WWF FeAS. 00 pa/d. Aceepled for Record and I?%led /n Book 312 of Maps, a,#,cage HamSanta Clara County Records fh/s�day of _ /97A g118tn. George 9 Me» », awn/y 2=Y de Vale 'Z�fGb By Depvly ' v Ali GJ c 7 CONSISTING OF ONE SHEET ALL OF LOT 24 AS SHOWN ON THAT CERTAIN MAP ENTITLED " MONTE VISTA", RECORDED IN BOOK ."L" PAGE 43, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS CITY -OF CUPERTINO SCALE: I " = 60' DEC. 1972 w ALLIED ENGINEERING CO _ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CO NTY OF SANTA CLARA SS n lhisZ 91 dog of44ea4tit /973, before 1he ura'ers/gs:ed a No/ary Pvb/ic /n and for /he Covn y o/ Sdw1a C/ora State o/ Ca//forwia, ,oerso- na//y appeared Pele Bore/% know# to me to be the Ass/Slant vice aresidewl z /hat execuled the with/h instrument and also known to me io be fheperson` u who. executed /t .on behalf of valley At/e Company, aeor ambos executed the same as rA aSTEE /N WITNESS DY/i'E,PEOF, / hove here uwlo setmy hand arta' af11zed my offc/a/ seal the day qwd year this eerl/ficate frstaboye ver/tten. I My Comrn/ss/on Notary Public /I7 and for the County o/ ffr t Lw° er/vires : 9„w ,aT� .4 �e Santa Clara, State of Ca/%forhia EGEND AND NOTES p /ndcates s1'd. monument found. • kd2lateS 3/.4 " lion p/pe /ovnd oras no%q 0 /nd/eates 314 "Iron p/pe set or as holed. p Ind/Cates 51b, manumenl gel. A// d/stames and d/mees/ons are shown /n feet and decima/s thereof'. The b/ve border line %ndcales the boundary o/ /and /o be svbdiv/o'ed by lh/s map. Gross area subdivided lalllhln blue border _ /.. 912 Acres 3� `��t O1 6Y i3 -SIC M 1_0"NTV, CA{Ir. m OWNER'S CERTIFICATE lele hereby cer//fy that we are the owners or have some riyhl,1it/e ar interest /n and to the real provery included w/thin the sub - dmman shown upon the hereon map: that we are the only persons whose consent is necessary to pass a clear 1/t/e la 9q/d lea/pro - pery; that we hereby Consent to the mak/n9 ap 6a/a' map am' sub- division as skwv w/thm /he blue border line, and thal are hereby offer Por deoica/ion /o ,rxrbbo else all streets aril portions of streets sat heret,9Pore existing as shaven upon the hereon map w/th/r: sa/d subd/vis/on and also dedicate fo pvbl/c use easements {or any and a// publ/c uses under, upon, and crier _eaid stree/s and sa/4'portions thereo/'. We a/so hereby ded/cate /o pub/rc use easements poi any andall afi/fy fav//t/es /ne/udHg poles, alwe andcondu/ts anal all appur/enances to /he above under, upon, ar aver /hose certain str/ps W lana' lying between the front and/or s/de lines ot° 1,915 and the dashed lines wa6, designated as "P. 1/. E. "(Pahl/c U1/1/1y easelwewli). The above mentioned easements /o be kept open and free from bu//dings and strvctvres of any k/nd except pub//c of/Aty slruclvres, irriyalioo syslems and gppurlenances /hereto, lawful fences and all lawf'u1 vmupparted roof over/angs . lcle also hetehy dedicate 4, pvblie easements for /iyht and air an or aver those certain strips of /ora' /yioy between the lines of sIme15 and the dashed lines each designated as B. S. L. (Buila4sq Setlxack /Ioe) as shown ori the map w/thin sa/d subd/vision such s1nps /o be kept open and free Pram Awldhys and strvelures a/ any kind except /awev/ Peaces and irriyalion systems and appurtenances thereof . 44 also hereby dedicale ao easement r'or sanitary sew purposes over, under of upon those certoiw strips o/ load des/,waled and de//wealed "S. S. E " l✓�oriifary SesYerEosew:errt% Said e45erwespt to ae kept open .ond free Prom: bu//a'iwys owd sfruefiries of any kwo, e ecepf lawful fences sanitary server structures mild oppurterlawces /hereof OWNERS H06 CONSTRUC /ON O., A CORPORATION by -e mes P. Hogue, r /dent MITCHELL J. SAGAR TRUSTEE: VALLEY TITLE CCOO//MPANY, A CORPORATION ,by: A� Pete Borel/o, Ass/stow/ vice )res/dens ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 0,17 th/s A -dog o/ ��b�� /973, before me theuwdersrgwed, oNotary Pub/ic %w ao /arlhe Courtly of .iota Clara, 5,71e 01 Cu/i1orwia, personal/y aweared Jame F. lloyue, know to me to be the Presidenl of Hogue CalxMvet/on Co., a corporation, the corpomliaw that efeculed the /.r/ruin rb9 fwlvewf awd known to me to be the person who executed the wilhm /nglrumewt on beha/1 of the eoraaral%ow hereon named awl acknawledyed to me It l syeh coiporalron exec%tled the a?a1v s %N XT/125S5 WhEREDF, / have her uwlo sel my haw, and Mixed my olfc/a/ sea/ the day and year- rh th/e 4zel*cale ffrsta*✓e written My Coinmissiow a Yrr�� uG Tres: _ 0"40yua r x xz Notary pv6lrc /w and tor/he Cowly of Sawa Claim, Stale ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CLARA CoUNTY. 221 STATE OF CALIFORNIA j SS . j � { '�� 'd. C on �> �s )ar, 72 1916 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA- On /h/sem"day o% 1973, before me She undersrgaed, a Nolwy Public //7 awdfor the Coady 6,1Aw,? Clara, Slate o/ Ca/ilorwi0 personaiJyaopeored Mitchel/ J. Bagvr, �woww to me to be f//e/�ersvn n�hose wvrr/e 5116ecnhed fo the rY/thin/nslmment and ackwow/edged tame t/w/he vs e,(m'1ed the same, /N MIrAlESS 4Yt/ERrq '/ hove.,hereua/b set my wood or�doHxsd myYOlf/cia/ Sea/ the day o�d year iii i!i%s cerhfiiivte Yst above ww%ten. y _ ✓r 2 ii _ _ __ S 1/