3277-n- The blue border line h7dkoles the boundary of 1070'subdivided, A// dvsfances and d/merlsiaas are shown /n (het and decimals • Ind/cafes monument found. o Indicates l uirall pipe monument set. m /ndicafes C/fy of Cupertino a147170'ard Cify monument sef. Gross subdivided Areo : /a 0t Aures. COUNTY RECORDERS CERT/F/GATE Fi/e/Yo. 2.3Q�?�.9 fee moo_ Poid 9eeepled for record andrecvrded/n Book._.IXr of /Hops a pager in fheoffiee d1he �unfyReeorderof Sonfo C/oro Counfy, California, this �?� day of11�s �r ,(962, af�a 1S�.M. t� STSTEVENS CREEK ROAD Fd.BrossP/u N¢I MINTY' Of Sd CLARAf Ss. I �a I za 017 thisZ Q chy oflYQ i4f $ ,1961, 6eferame,�srrt�l`¢l�dafi `,o 1VO4'1ypl1h& in 070(4' Mid Sfofe and Counfyresidingfhereinduycammissionedondswvrnpersonollyoppeorede.7�fDc.�ts'J.e J11d�.v.,�isAr known fa me fo bo fhe�/e� gond �asrs7.i r1.�,respecffvBly, afl�//syT/ �jr,r4k"'Le aLa✓� the corporafianfhafexecufedfhe wifhininstrumeniando/soknvwn fo me fo 6e tbeparsons who execufedifan beha/fvfsvid corporation and they ocknow/edged fo me fhof such carpvrvfian execufed the same vs Trustee. /NW/TNfSSWNEREOF,/have hereunto sefmyhanddndvfrredmyoffi'tio/sea/fhedo andyeorinfhiscerIMC,47fefifsfoA FIAffen. fCAIIfOVNIAl5.5. Cz�� Ko7aBv vusuc COUNIYOf— AL/C R. TEILH, Cau fy Recordev - On fhis__ day af_ _ _ ,19611 before me,— — — — c Notary Public ilio State and Counfy, res/dny therein,du/y lied ondswarnpsrsana/y appeared LEESE, known fa By aEauT a R '—' me to be fhe pel falu whose /LOmeB are eLrbearibed a non fhey ocknawledyed to me fhof fheyexecafed fhe same os frusl CITY ENGINEERS CERT/f/CATE /hereby certify fhof /hove examined fhe wifhin Rna/map of Traaf N0.3277; ihatfhesvbdivisianshownhereanissvbsfanfio/ly fhe sameasifoppeared anfhe approved ferlfvflvemap and any approveda/ferafions thereof,• fhaf a1/p vyklonsof *sandiv/sian Mapki and Of ,?//# app%aab/e of fhe&e ofapprovol of fhe tenfofivemap hays been compli�wifh avd fhof l axsaf/sf/cdfhof savdmop/s feehniealy correct Doted !2— 4 =S2 • ,. �= 6/TY BN0/NEER 0F711l r1TY0F CUPER7/NO CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATE /hereby cerfifyfhal fhe w/fhin final map of Tiacf No.32 Twos op raved byfhe Cify Counc//offhe C/fyofCuperf/no ala meef/ny of said CounciJheld onfhe _ day of _—,/962ondfhatso/dlouncll 0'/o of so/d meeting, occepf fhedeol' oe n of all sfreefs ondporf/ons of s eefs ondol/eosemenfs offored fardedlcof/anondshown vrl sivemap wifhin soidsubdly/sian, C(7Y CLERK ANO EXOFF/C/0 CL ERK OF THE C17Y COaNC/L OF rNE C/TYOFCUPERT/NO berevnty set my had and affixed my official in fhis cerfificofe f l4liovewriflen. BASIS OF BEARIN65 The bearing, #.0°30 0gly., of fhe cenferlrhe ofMll/erkelwe as shown onfhafcerfain'OmendedReeordot Survey; rerordedinBAok129af Maps ofpagelO, 5ynf0 Clara Counfy Reeards, was fakes aslhebas/s of beotingsshawn on fhis map. CIM ENGINEERS CERTIF/GATE /,George S, No/fe, hereby eerlify lhof lam a Reg/sfered C/v//Engineer of fhe Sfofe ofCalrtbrn/a; fhal6smap, cons/sf/ngofone sheet correct/y represents o survey mode ndermspel 'ndurn✓e16;hlfhesuveysfdp/efeohusig92ruamsawn; fhaf ollmonumenfs shawnfhereon ick a//y exist arwil/beseliMare �eo}smbe� _ _,1964; fhaf fhelrposlf/om are rorreef/yshawn ondffivf such monuments are sv�cienifo enab/elhe survey foberefraeed oafed?9 Auqust 1962— REE1E7eREa VY/4 ENh/NEER• CERT/F/CATEN0.7505 OWNERS CERT/F/CATE We hereby cerf/fyfhal we are At ormers of orhawsomerlghf, Mle orinferesfinor>4' fo fherea/propeMlincluded wifhinfhe subdivision showaapanfhew/fh/n map; fhatweare lhean/ypersovs whose eonsemlls necessary 6p05s0 c/aarAlleIONIVIrea/ property; fholahe I consent fofhemaking ofsaidmapond subdivision osdhown w/fh/afhe Ikebarderline ondfbofwe hereby offer fordedicationlapuG/ic use o//sfreefs ondporfivns vfsfreefsnofherefofare exisfing osshownan fhewiNlinmap within saidsubevision ondwe o/sa deoieafeeasemenfsforonyando//pub/icuses undeguponaraversoidsfreefsondsaidparfians thereof. We also herebydedcofefopahlvcuse eemmenfsfor allpubllc service focifitiesineludingpo%s wires, 41n41115sformsewerss07110 sewers, and gas, waferand heofmalns and anyand all c#41rfEnanees fofhe above undeianaroverfhose X100 strips of fond ging befweenfherearllnes and/or sidelWsoflMs olid the doshed/lnes eodr de*17411edas'PS,5.. (Public ServiceEosemen� evseme/ris undeyon oraverlhos eerta/n strips oflald de//vealedanddeevgnated os Q E'(Aveho- egg gerlfJond easements for wlree%aroncapurposes anlyoverfhase eerfaln areas delneafed anddesignaledos"W.C.E"(Wire ClearonceEosemenf). Pubic$ervlce avdk0arEa ewisfobekepfe%arofh4dVbngsolldstrvcfaresafanykindexeePM171ify�amp�nyshuchrfes 07d INA111 fences Wire f/earon eEosemenfs fobellmvted to buildings, structures and oppurfenancesfhrmlowhlehhaveamoximum height of fiffee of obovefhe dg off raundl/lie Of 00/15, C/TYT/7 9,Cf=X, otation, Owner YV PRESIDENT T0N7 SECRETARY AMfV/CAN SMC317/ES COMPANY, acarporotion, Trustee. R85l67AN7 4/ PRES/OEN7 — vdilfY 7/7LE COM Y SANTA CLAVACOU Y, 4701,0471-01/017,1, /C PRESfeEA'7 5747E OFCAL/FORN/A MIND 1 SA A CIARA SS. Onfhis?? day vf�v�v1B.��,f961,beforeme,��t�L�L�-`'end,Cs;alloforyPub/irinondforsaid Sfaleand Counfyresidin,gg (herein du/y commfssianed and swornpersonally oppeored> yQ�oa ondl�YLjz kllawnfamefobefhe% �tdstc�ond&£L`ssrX,respeefivelyof�lef/usri�s�!o., the corpora&&7 fhof executed the wifh/nfnsfrumeaf es owner and known lo mefabefhepersoaswho execufed the sameupvnfhebehaif of the rnroorafvon rlomedheM11 ondacknawledgedfnmefhofsuch eoiparativn executed fhewifhin insfrumenfpursuonffvifsby laws craresolaflon ofvfsboardof directors, as awvev /NW/7NESSWHEREM,, /hovehereunfo setmyhandandaffi dmyofficio/sea/the doyondyearin/his cerfifiiofe lirsfobavewriffen. e N07482 LIC 57A7E OF CAL/FORNIA C011W OF 54#74 CLAVA SS. 017 thus"_* day ofd�vsase�€� 1962, bafareme„ e2a�r.�i vis aN kfj,1ubhi fn and &said Sfafeand County, resiting (herein, duty commissioned olid sworn, persavally oppevredL✓.E //,N,Qdit ond�EGty/%�y knownfomet06efhe,�stY.eu�iacond/�ssSeet,?grresp�ctivelyofi�Cz2tr�sLSi�' , fhe carporofian fhof execufed fhe wifhin/nsfrurnenfandalsoknown�mefobefhepersans Nho executedff0nbeholfofsoidevrparofian old they oeknowledgedfo me fhaf fhofsvcbcorpomilm execufed fhe some es trustee, lNVMS WVEREOF, lhavehereunfo sefmyhandond affixedmyo dol seal fhedoyandyeor/nfhis cerflflcofe Ars( above wl7ffen. V ".1B 73-6-4 — NOURY PUBLIC TRACT N0. 3277 CONSISTING OF ONE SHEET ` BEING A PORTION OF LOT 4 OF THE P. MILLER SUBDIVISION IREC. BK."B"MAPS,PG.60 LYING WITHIN THE CITY OF CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA. SCALE 1"•f 00' JUNE,1962, GEORGE S. NOLTE CIVIL ENGINEER ----LAND SURVEYOR PALO ALTO --SANTA CLARA-WALNUT CREEK --SAN RAFAEL