841OF LAND OF )/�I//�'�II) S/TUATED /N Q U/TO RANCHO SANTA CL A RA COUNTY CAL I FORNIA WCMr & SOMPS C/11/L EN61NEERS SCALE; /`40' MARCH, /955 CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY EN61NEE19 / hereby certify that I hove erom/ned the i/na/ mop of the Record of Survey of o Subdivision of /he property off a�onfy CoTifn/,-a that the survey os shown thereon is substontlol/y the same os /t appeared on the tenlol/ve map thereon any approved a//erolIons; /hot c// the provisions of the Mop Act and of any local ordinance oopl/cable of the time of the approval of the tentative mop has been complied with and that / am sol/sboo' that said map /s technicol/y correct LEONARD 60S11NELL; County Engineer Santa C/ara County, California Fd R/,v Slake Dated;/955 by: ✓� . Deputy 9A515 OF BEA19IN65 The bear/mg of the cenler line of Bollinger Rood (N. 65019Y) os shown in Book B of Mops, PogeSB o/ the Tonlou Sand/v/s/ori Sonto Cloro Coonly Records, wos used os the hosts 91beor/17qs A11 dislonces and dimensIons are shown in %/ and decimals thereof • Ind/tales Iron Pipe Found Ind/cotes /ran Pipe Set CERT/F/CATE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER F//e No 1o73a-.9 Fee s= ` po/d F//ed a/ /he request oP George E Somps ol/SSPM on the -� day aT �Pr, 1955, /n BOOk-�-5-ofVoos o/ oage Sonia C/ara County Records. L C. TULL VCyl7q Recorder Santa C/oro County, Ca//Tornio CERTIFICATE OF THE CLERK OF THE BOARD OF5UPERV/SORS /t is ardered lhol the map of Me Retard of Survey of the Subdivision of fhe properly of }he Peninsula Title 60aranty Company be and the same is hereby aoprovec for subdivision purposes /n accordance w/117 the cared/1/onol approval of /he tentalme mop lhereol. The Clerk of /his Boord /s directed to endorse upon the lace of sold mop a copy of /h/s order oulhenl/coled by /he seol of the Boord ol5opervisor5. /hereby cert/fy lhal the forego/nq order was odopled by the Board o/' Superv/sors a/ a Reeling o/ sold Board 1955 R/CHARD OLSON;C/erk of /he Board of Superv/sors 501710 C/ara County, Col/%rma Deputy CERT/F/CATE OF THE ENGINEER George E Samos hereby cerllly thot /am a //tensed C/a/l Engineer of the Sto/ of Cahforn/a, /ho/ this map correctly represents a survey made under my Superv/Sion /n Morch,1955, /hal Me survey /s /rue and complete 05 shown; Mal oll o/ the monumen> shown /hereon actuollq Lows/ and the/r pos/lions are correctly shown and that sold monuments are sufticienl to &noble the survey to be relrocod Th/s survey wos authorized by Peninsula T//te Ouoron/y Company, owners 55 44 -4-7-ss