232�d n vlW v X12114M02;S' eMl/ /C,4TE Fine Thismapcorrect/y reoresenlsasuraeymade by me or under my d reckon is COMOOrma=e wifh the regviremenfsollheLanWJarvegors Aclalthe regueslel//ughf. ✓aCkwl? in ✓a/y, /967. 7119A09A6.11fMOf,P.SON, IeC.1WS5 /_7 �- -n- W I I z 20' I 25' 1 25' 20' 20' 25' zn N Fp! % "ironac� ra'%"iicnr✓pe t. t•A i 1 � v i� Y^ �-... /Y.00r"iY• /Z"1.60" ..., N.O^07'iY. /22.60 / rY.O"074Y. _,�.••• 9/.70' awelmle ROA 12 .t�lvr�umenfrr/h • .... fJrassr•'ii� , •j. tf. �. ..1 ra ... t•� e COl/NTY.3Y/leXerMYCf,PT/F/CATE 7hisphasbeeneramir�ed�rCOirrnCe wilh fherequiremenlsollhe laadarveyors Acf this e hf dayo/' A u� c, s1'c ,/967. ✓/•IME✓^ T. ,0T'T, ea�idy.furveyar ,Qy Deputy_Lll � t; 30 Fd.l"I.P. PARCEL OX 31 ELISA M.l"I.P. vN 2 "CO,P.DE2;S'CfRT/f/CATE fileNo. 3266 _ ,fel. 5Z paid. fife l rreel9m lhis o'ayol z4 va v-ir 22 o/Mgos at ,uzge.2�af fherequesfOlThanas/lendersOn wa.4 Ociates GE02GE E. fV#ZfS, COuntylZecoro'er W z W Q I ' v z I cr cr w W, in N . 495.03 AVENUE in N NORTHAMPTON n.arol'az°vr. DRIVE N _ .. � •i �f 3 fJAS/S Df f,�EA2/NG•S Thebearin9, rl!O°O7lY.,ayl/ie emler%eon' Bu6b/2axdasshownonthafertain11Ao enbt/era' �acfNv. 3402YorkfownUorfNo./" asrecordea'ri, �k/56o1'Maasa0,c�zyes 51E53, Saata C/araC infy Pecorrr's, Iw faker as the /rzsrs o�Gearinys s/�vwri Onthi3ma�o. N0,rZ5XNOMe;,eNQ A//d�sfances anddmensionsares/vwnrir feel and decima/s (hereof. • hilealesmonumentsfundasrnted /Cal<e5°ifono�monumen/sef. G.ai�tes nai/aod shi�er,sef RECORD OF SURVEY F02 HUGH JACKSON BEING A POETION OF THE WE14 Of SEC. 23, TTS., 2.2W., MD.5.OM. GU f-rw SIO, CALIFORNIA Scale: 111•40' July,1967 r. THOMAS HENDERSON &ASSOCIATES Civil Engineers Cupertino California 67048 SURVEYOR'S CER7/F/C,4TE This map cawvcf/yrepreserlfs a survey mooehy me cr undermy allmelion 1n conformance wifhfheapirelmnfs ofiheLond Surveyors%4cfaffherequesfofR.A. Nuchan July, 196Z M. L, sPUTSTO E••••R.CC, NO. 12446 COUNTY SURYEYORS CERT/F/GATE This Imp has beer examined for conformance wifhfhe requirements offhe land 6411veyMSI,4cf 1h/s_3_5a oy of�4/�u%_, 1967. JAMES T P07T, Caunfy Surveyor ,By Depufy��.���v 32 �3�85 fCORDER'SC �'/F/CA TE fie forreco this3�L�oa of9vang9 ',1967, ofd 2(P�M. in 600ka7.fa ofMaps atpage_ 2Q 4ftherequPsfofGeorgeS. Nolle 4^017=11117g Civi/Engrheers, Inc. GEOR& E FOWLES, Co corder. By Deputy l r f lEaRrnGs eeario.91.870M52"W. ofifie cenferlineoff/isoAvenue as shown 0/7*alcerlwl? MRMlif/ed "Trocflk ;146" recordedinA%ak 179elWapsafpage 29, Sanla Clara Caunfy Recaras was fakenaskebasis ofbeariags show wlhismap. OTES A/YDLEGEAD AI/ isfances anddimensions oreshowninfeef4nddecim�/s (hereof. C Indicates1"iranpipemon0,701 ef. p /ndreafes Standard Cl,y0ollamen/found. • /ndicafes monamenffouno'asnotea! RECORD OF SURVEY BEING A PORTION OF THE TITUS AND LANGTRY TRACT BK. E MAPS PG.117 FOR: R.A.HUCH SARATOGA, CALIFORNA SCALE:Vz50' JULY, 1967. GEORGE 5. NOLTf CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS INC. PALD ALTO.SUNNYVACE • WALNUT CREEK•SAN FRANCISCO.SALINAB Ulf I 31 ELISA M.l"I.P. vN 2 "CO,P.DE2;S'CfRT/f/CATE fileNo. 3266 _ ,fel. 5Z paid. fife l rreel9m lhis o'ayol z4 va v-ir 22 o/Mgos at ,uzge.2�af fherequesfOlThanas/lendersOn wa.4 Ociates GE02GE E. fV#ZfS, COuntylZecoro'er W z W Q I ' v z I cr cr w W, in N . 495.03 AVENUE in N NORTHAMPTON n.arol'az°vr. DRIVE N _ .. � •i �f 3 fJAS/S Df f,�EA2/NG•S Thebearin9, rl!O°O7lY.,ayl/ie emler%eon' Bu6b/2axdasshownonthafertain11Ao enbt/era' �acfNv. 3402YorkfownUorfNo./" asrecordea'ri, �k/56o1'Maasa0,c�zyes 51E53, Saata C/araC infy Pecorrr's, Iw faker as the /rzsrs o�Gearinys s/�vwri Onthi3ma�o. N0,rZ5XNOMe;,eNQ A//d�sfances anddmensionsares/vwnrir feel and decima/s (hereof. • hilealesmonumentsfundasrnted /Cal<e5°ifono�monumen/sef. G.ai�tes nai/aod shi�er,sef RECORD OF SURVEY F02 HUGH JACKSON BEING A POETION OF THE WE14 Of SEC. 23, TTS., 2.2W., MD.5.OM. GU f-rw SIO, CALIFORNIA Scale: 111•40' July,1967 r. THOMAS HENDERSON &ASSOCIATES Civil Engineers Cupertino California 67048 SURVEYOR'S CER7/F/C,4TE This map cawvcf/yrepreserlfs a survey mooehy me cr undermy allmelion 1n conformance wifhfheapirelmnfs ofiheLond Surveyors%4cfaffherequesfofR.A. Nuchan July, 196Z M. L, sPUTSTO E••••R.CC, NO. 12446 COUNTY SURYEYORS CERT/F/GATE This Imp has beer examined for conformance wifhfhe requirements offhe land 6411veyMSI,4cf 1h/s_3_5a oy of�4/�u%_, 1967. JAMES T P07T, Caunfy Surveyor ,By Depufy��.���v 32 �3�85 fCORDER'SC �'/F/CA TE fie forreco this3�L�oa of9vang9 ',1967, ofd 2(P�M. in 600ka7.fa ofMaps atpage_ 2Q 4ftherequPsfofGeorgeS. Nolle 4^017=11117g Civi/Engrheers, Inc. GEOR& E FOWLES, Co corder. By Deputy l r f lEaRrnGs eeario.91.870M52"W. ofifie cenferlineoff/isoAvenue as shown 0/7*alcerlwl? MRMlif/ed "Trocflk ;146" recordedinA%ak 179elWapsafpage 29, Sanla Clara Caunfy Recaras was fakenaskebasis ofbeariags show wlhismap. OTES A/YDLEGEAD AI/ isfances anddimensions oreshowninfeef4nddecim�/s (hereof. C Indicates1"iranpipemon0,701 ef. p /ndreafes Standard Cl,y0ollamen/found. • /ndicafes monamenffouno'asnotea! RECORD OF SURVEY BEING A PORTION OF THE TITUS AND LANGTRY TRACT BK. E MAPS PG.117 FOR: R.A.HUCH SARATOGA, CALIFORNA SCALE:Vz50' JULY, 1967. GEORGE 5. NOLTf CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS INC. PALD ALTO.SUNNYVACE • WALNUT CREEK•SAN FRANCISCO.SALINAB Ulf