TICC 04-01-09Technology, Information & Communications Commission
Regular N[eeting
April 1, 2009
Andy Radle called the meeting to order at 7:0:~ p.m.
Commissioners present: Andrew Radle, Bill Allen, Avinash Gadre, Peter Friedland
Commissioners absent: Wally Iimura,
Staff present: Rick Kitson, Linda Lagergren, ]?rin Cooke
Visitors: Linda Grodt, Bill Mannion, Phil Leriahan
APPROVAL of March 11, 2009 MINUTES
1. Peter Friedland moved and Bill Allen seconded to approve minutes as written. Motion
passed Approved 3-0-1. Avinash Gadre abstained.
2. Oral: Linda Grodt brought news ~:lippings to share with the Commission. Bill
Mannion said he checked on the 1099 form to see if the Better Part is considered a
nonprofit. The group is still assuming they are. There are seven cable stations that charge
$75 per year. If they are hit by 9 stations and had to pay the group said to pay for it. Phil
Lenahan brought a copy of the Better Park program schedule to share with the group.
3. Letter from Comcast -Feb. 9th RE: Comc~ist Sports Net change
4. Letter from Comcast -Feb. 17th RE: Channel Tier Reposition
5. Comcast Newsletter January 2009 issue
6. Comcast Newsletter February 2009 issue
The Commission reviewed the written communication. Peter Friedland asked if the new city
attorney would go after Comcast for penalty fees. Kitson said, not at this time. Freidland asked
if the City was eligible fora 1 % PEG fee.
7. Discuss Work Program Subcommittee reports:
a) Wireless Tower Review Subcommittee - Friedland said the subcommittee (Friedland
& Gadre) just got another tower appli~;ation to review. T-Mobile applied for a tower at
Memorial Park. Gadre and Friedland reviewed the application and said T-Mobile was
asking for a variance to increase the height. The opinion of the subcommittee was to
approve the application. This was the first application in a park area with the new
8. Discuss new DIVCA Ordinance -Kitson reviewed the DIVCA ordinance with the
New Action Item -Discuss DIVCA Ordi~iance with new City Attorney (Rick).
Rick will send the new copy of the ordinance for the Commission to review.
9. Discuss Energy Efficiency Projects -Erin Cooke
Erin Cooke told the Commission that s}ie will be developing a list of energy efficiency
projects that the Technology, Information and Communication Commission could assist
with. The first project that she needs hc;lp with is the street lighting project. Currently,
Antioch is the only nearby city that is doing an induction street lighting pilot program. If
Cupertino does a pilot program it was suggested to do it in Memorial Park because the
lighting is metered in that park. It was also suggested having a pilot program in a
neighborhood, so people could see how it would look. The Commission asked in what area
they could contribute. It was suggested that they do some research on the web and also
invite potential vendors to upcoming commission meetings. The Commission said if Public
Works has already done an analysis on this, then the Commission could help by reviewing
it. It was also suggested that a conference call with Antioch take place and a representative
from the commission be involved in that meeting.
10. Update of UUT Ordinance -- The City may look at updating the Utility Users Tax
Ordinance to reflect the new technology. Federal law says the Internet cannot be taxed. A
phone survey will take place. David Woo will be coming to the Commission to review the
ordinance. This item will come to Council this summer. City Council would have to
approve the changes to the ordinance in J~xne for it to be placed on the ballot in November.
11. City of Cupertino -Kitson reported that the CREST awards are coming up. If anyone
knows someone who does great work in the community, please submit an application.
Applications are due on Friday, April 3`d
12. Activities Calendar -The Commission reviewed the Activities Calendar. There were no
13. Action Item List: -- The Commission reviewed action item list. The Commission deleted
four items and added two.
Deleted: 1. Research solar agl;regation and buy back issued.
2. Release new version of DIVCA
3. Provide draft City Council work program.
4. Look for online link for Comcast newsletters.
Added:l. Discuss DIVCA ordinance with City Attorney. Rick will send new
copy of DIVCA ordinance for Commission review.
2. Get City Attorney involved in Comcast penalty fees.
Bill Allen /Peter Friedland moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Motion
passed 4 - 0.
Linda Lagergren, ec ding Secretary