09-066 County-wide 5-year Consolidated Plan, FY 2010-15County of Santa Clara
Office of Affordable Housing
2310 North First Street, Suite 100
San Jose, California 95131
(408) 441-4254 FAX (408) 441-4332
June 8, 2009
The City of Cupertino:
'~ Hereby confirms its agreement to fi~lancially participate in the preparation
of a Countywide Consolidate Plan for FY 2010-15 acceptable to HUD for this
jurisdiction. Upon written request f~~r the County Office of Affordable
Housing, this jurisdiction will remit a sum not to exceed $4,614.
Hereby declines participation in the preparation of a Countywide
Consolidated Plan for FY 2010-15
By authorized signature:
Print Name: ~~~ l y lc) ~~aQ P('
Print Title: C~~ /u A-N~G ~2
Signatu e LCJ
Date ~o . ~ ~ • ~~
Board of Supervisors: Donald F. Gage, George Shirakawa, Dave Cortese, Ken Yeager, Liz Kniss
Acting County Executive: Gary A. Graves
Fee Schedule
The following budget reflects the work scope outlined above, and distributes the total budget across the Consortium jurisdictions
(excluding San JosB), based on their respective populations and desired tasks.
Pert I: Consolidated Plan Update
Task 1: Start-Up Meetlng and Review of Relevant Materials
Task 2: Perform Community Outreach and Visioning
Task 3: ConductConsoildated Plan NeedaAssessmentand Market Analysts
Task 4: Prepare Draft Housing Needs Assessment and MarketAnalysis
Task 5: Develop Flve-Year Strategic Plan
Task 8: Develop 2010-2D11 Action Plan
Subtotal Part t
Part II: AI Update
Budget per Jurisdiction (a)
Mountain Palo Sta. Clara Ste. Clara
Cupertino Gliroy Vlew .Alto City Sunnyvale Urban Co. Total
$380 $380 $360 $380 $380 $380 $380 $2,520
5238 $218 $318 $272 $0 $588 $1,171 $2,788
$424 $381 $567 $488 $890 $1,064 $2,104 $6,919
$332 $308 $444 $383 $897 $825 $1,848 $4,835
$195 $180 $281 $225 $409 5465 5888 $2,724
$209 $193 $279 $241 $0 S519 $1,038 S2,477
$1,755 $1,647 $2,228 $1,871 $2,356 $3,828 $7,287 $21,073
Task 7: ConduclReaearch on Impedimenta>p Falr Housing $199 $183 $288 $228 $0 $494 $988 $2,358
Task B: PrepareDraftAl $245 $228 $326 $283 $0 $809 $1,218 $2,905
5ubtotalPartll $443 $409 $594 $512 $0 $1,103 $2,202 $5,263
Part III: Presentation and Revision of Consolidated Plan and AI
Task e: Present Public Draft Consolidated Plan/AI to City Counclis and Board 51,050 $1,050 $1,050 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,160
Task 10: Revise Consolidated Plan and AI In Response t0 HUD Comments $75 $89 $100 $B7 $157 $188 $372 $1,048
Subtotal Part 111 51,125 $1,118 $1,150 $87 - 5157 $188 $372 $4,198
Part IV: Application and Monitoring
Task 11: DevelopApplicatlon and Monitoring Forms S114 $108 $153 $132 $240 $284 $588 $1,598
Subtota! Part IV $114 5108 $153 $132 $240 $284 $588 $1,598
SubtotalLabor $3,438 $3,281 $4,125 $2,702 $2,754 $5,402 $10,428 $32,131
Data Purchase and Travel (6J $257 5257 $257 5257 $225 $257 $235 57,743
Publlcaflon o(30 Color Copies (b) $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 5500 $3,500
GrandTotal $4,195 $4,037 $4,882 $3,459 ;3,479 $6,159 $11,184 $37,374
(a) Based on 2009 population per CA DOF and each Juri sdictionh desired tasks, per RFP. Task 1 and 9, end expense s are dis4lbuted evenly across the re levant Jurisdictions.
Mountain Palo Sta. Clara Sta. Clara
Cupertno Gilroy Vtew Alto City Sunnyvale Urban Co.
Population, 2009 55,840 51,508 74,782 64,484 117,242 138,828 277,260
(b) Data purchase, travel, and publication will be billed at cost