CC Resolution No. 6889
WHEREAS, several discussions have been held over proposals
concerning wages, hours and other conditions and terms of
employment between representataives of the City and of the
Cupertino Employees Association recognized majority
representative of the Miscellaneous Unit; and
. WHEREAS, the agreement mutually obtained
discussions has been recorded in the Memorandum of
signed by both parties, which memorandum has been
the City Council for approval;
through these
submitted to
City of Cupertino does
Understanding between
Employees Association.
hereby adopt
the City of
that the City Council of the
the attached Memorandum of
Cupertino and the Cupertino
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council
the City of Cupertino this_l!~_day of ___J~~~______, 198~ by
AYES: Gatto, Johnson, Plungy, Rogers
NOES: None
ABSENT: Sparks
Mayor, City of Cupertino
City Clerk
Catelory SectiOD Subject PaRa
NO DISCUKIRAnOll 1 No Dbcr1a1JlatiOD 1
SALARY S\ó1llW1JLI ~ Salary Scheclule 1
OUT-or-cLASS WAGI PAY 3 Out-of-C1a.. Wele Pay 2
ROUlS or WOK: OVDTDII 4 ROIIra of WOR Def1Ded 2
Schedule. 2
Ile.t Period. 2
Overt~ 3
PaytUDt of Overtw. 3
Capellaatory TiM Off 3
p.l.a.s. CORTIIBUTIOlC 5 p.I.a.s. COlCftIBUT1011 4
INSUlAlCI COVDAGB 6 Bu1th - Medical In_ranee 4
Datal In_ranee 5
Life In_ranee 5
LODa Tent Diaabllity In_rance 5
HOLIDAYS 7 rixed 1I011daya 5
PIoat1D1 Bo1idaya 6
Good rriday lCOD-¥OR Period 6
lIo1iday Pay 7
TEKPORAJI,Y DISABILITY BDlnTS 8 T.-porary Diubllity Banefits 7
USI or SI(% LEAn TO SUPPLBMDT Uaa of Sick Ln.e to Suppl.ent
TEKPOlWlY DISABILITY PAtMDTS 8.1 T.-porary Diaabllity Payaants 7
VACATIOlC 9 Vacatioa 8
SI(% LBAn 10 Sick Ln.e 9
PERSOlCAL LEAn 11 Peracma1 Ln.e 13
BEtlBAVEIŒ1ft LIØJ· 12 Berea._t Ln.e 13
MILITARY LBAn 13 Mllitary Ln.e 13
KATElUfITY LEAn 14 Maternity Ln.e 14
ABSENCI NO'rtnCA'rtON 15 Abaance lCotificatiOD 14
TRAINING AND TUI'rtON Tra1D1D1 and Tuition
RlIMBUlSEMENT 16.0 llaillbura_t 15
PROGRAMS 17 Prolraaa 15
Cata.o~ - Section Subject . Page
EKPLOYU uCOGIIn01l CCHaTTlE 18 Employee RacolDition Committee 1S
DUE PROCESS 19 Due Proce.. 16
LAYOFFS 20 Layoffe 16
REINSTATEKINT 21 Rainu.te.nt 17
CONTINUATION OF BENEFITS 22 Continuatiaa of Benefit. 17
SEPARABILITY 23 Separability 18
RAUFICATION 24 Ratification 18
TERM 2S Tera 18
'" ,
This agreement,
entered into the _1ª~_ day of _~~1~__, 1986
between the City of Cupertino, hereinafter
and representatives of the Cupertino
referred to as "Ci ty",
to as
"Association", sets forth the
discussions held between these
agreement resulting from several
two parties concerning the wages, hours, terms, and conditions of
employment for the employees of the Miscellaneous Employees Unit
of the City, for which the Association is the recognized sole and
exclusive representative. This agreement represents the full and
integrated agreement reached between the parties.
SECTION 1: ~º_ºlªçBltll~aIlº~
City and Association agree they shall not discriminate in any
way on account of race, creed, religion, sex, age, national
origin, political affiliation,
Association activity.
SECTION 2: ªabaBy_ªç~sºYbs
The City agrees to increase rates of pay for
preference, or for
classification covered by this agreement by 6 % in the ranges
and steps of the appropriate Schedule of Pay Grades effective
June 25, 1986.
SECTION 3: gUI=ºE=gbe§§_~eª&_EeY
Tempor.r~ assignment, approved in advance by the Department
Head, to . classification in a higher pay grade shall be
compensated at the Step 1 rate of the higher classification, or
at a rate five percent greater than that of the regular position,
whichever is greater, for the number of hours so assigned.
SECTION 4: ~º~B§_ºE_~ºBtl_º~&BII~5
Hours worked shall include all time not under the control of
the employee whether such hours are worked in the City's work
place, or in some other place where the employee is carrying out
the duties of the City.
The normal work week shall be 40 hours in seven days.
It will be a management responsibility to schedule the hours
of work for each employee covered by this agreement. Except in
unforseen circLlmstances, changes in employee's hours of work will
be made after ten days prior notice.
Each employee shall be granted a rest period of fifteen
minutes du,.i.nq each work period of more than three hours
duration. No wage deduction shall be made nor time off charged
against employees taking aLlthorized rest periods, nor shall any
rights or overtime be accrued for rest periods not taken.
Overtime shall be defined as any work in excess of regular
work hours defined above. Holidays and paid time off shall count
toward the accumulation of the work week.
Overtime work for the City by an employee shall be authorized
in advance by the Department Head or their designee. In the event
of unforseen circumstances, overtime shall be approved after the
work is completed.
All approved overtime work performed by employees shall be
paid at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times the normal
rate of pay. Work performed on regularly scheduled days off,
City Holidays or during an employee's scheduled vacation shall be
considered to be overtime and paid accordingly.
At the employees discretion, compensatory time off may be
granted for overtime worked at the rate of time and one-half for
each hour worked in lieu of compensation in cash. Employees who
have previously earned compensatory time, shall be allowed to
schedule compensatory time off at dates of the employee's
selection provided: I ) that prior supervisory approval has been
obtained, and 2) it is taken prior to the second pay period in
December and 3) the request is made in writing.
Compensatory time may be accrued, up to 60 hours. Any
compensatory time remaining on the books after this time will be
paid off in cash at the rate of time and one-half.
The City agrees to pay the employee's contribution rate to
the Public Employees Retirement System not to exceed 7.0ï. of
applicable salary.
SECTION 6: 1~ªYBa~~5_~º~5Ba~5
~~ªitQ__=_~~gi£ªi_lQ~~~ªQ£@ - City agrees to pay a maximum of
$180.00 for medical coverage for employee and dependents through
the Meyers-Geddes State Employees Medical and Hospital Care Act.
Instances in which the premium for medical and hospital
insurance plan selected by an employee is less than the City's
maximum premium contribution, the City agrees to contribute a
sum, equal to the difference between the actual premium and the
City's maximum contribution effective at that time, to a deferred
compensation plan in the employee's name. The City retains the
right of selection and administration over the plan or plans
utilized to defer compensation.
º§Qì~!--JQ§Y~~Q£§ -City agrees to pay .35.50 per month for
employees and their dependents.
City shall provide life insurance and
accidental death and dismemberment coverage for each employee in
the amount of five times annual salary to a maximum benefit of
The City will make available to employee' the
employees expense...a supplemental life insurance program.
City agrees to pay that
for each employee. Like other
non-industrial disabilities, employees may use sick leave and
vacation leave to supplement lost wages.
SECTION 7: tlºblºa~ª
The City shall provide the following fixed paid holidays for
eligible employees covered by this agreement:
1. New Years Day
2. Washington's Birthday
3. Memorial Day
4. Independence Day
5. Labor Day
6. Veteran's Day
7. Thanksgiving Day
8. Day following Thanksgiving
9. Christmas Eve - half shift
(only on regular work day)
10~ Christmas Day
11. New Years Eve - half shift
(only on regular work day)
12. Martin Luther King Day
When a holiday or non-work day falls on a Saturday, the preceding
Friday shal~ be observed as the non-work day; and when a holiday
falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed as the
non-work day.
Nothi ng, cont.i ned herei n sh.ll precl ude the right of the
Dep.rt~ He.d with the approval of the Appointing Authority to
reschedule work .ssignments or hours of work to meet emergency
si tu.ti ontl.c .nd other administr.tive necessities caused by the
observance of a holiday or non-work day or period; provided,
however, th.t all such affected employees are duly compens.ted
for rescheduled work assignments.
In addition to the foregoing paid hOlidays, eligible
employees shall be allowed to schedule two work days as
additional holidays. These two floating holidays shall be taken
at dates of the employee's selection, provided: 1) th.t prior
supervisor approv.l be obtained, and 2) before the end of the
second pay period in December of each calendar year.
For new employees, flo.ting holid.ys will be pro-rated in the
following manner:
1. Employees hired after J.nuary 1 but before March 31
sh.ll be entitled to two flo.ting holidays in that
calend.r year.
2. Employees hired after April 1 but before September 30
will be entitled to one floating holiday th.t c.lendar
3. Employees hired after October 1 but before December 31
will not be entitled to floating holidays in that
calendar year.
The period of 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. on Good Friday shall be
observed as a non-work period.
In order for an employee to receive his/her regular pay for a
holiday or designated non-work day, work must be performed on the
regular scheduled day before and the regular scheduled day after
the holiday or designated non-work day. Employees on vacation,
injury leave, approved short term leave of absence, with or
without pay, or who submit satisfactory evidence of personal
illness shall be considered as working their regular schedule for
pay purposes.
SECTION 8: I~~~ºBaBY_ºl§aªlblIY_ª~~~ElI§
Any employee sustaining an injury arising out of, or in the
course of, the performance of his/her job and who cannot work at
the duties and responsibilities normally assigned to that job is
entitled to receive temporary disability payments as prescribed
by State law.
SECTION 8.1: ~§~_ºE_§lº~_b~a~s_Iº_§~EEbs~s~I_Is~EºBaBY
Any employee entitled to receive temporary disability
payments may elect to supplement such payments with an amount not
to exceed that which is the employee's weekly earnings or weekly
earning capacity by use of sick leave payments to the extent that
such sick leave has been accrued to the employee's account.
SECTION 9: _ ~agaIlg~
All employees, other than those holding temporary status,
whose work assignment is of a recurring nature of not less than a
normal work week shall accrue vacation credit. After six months
of continuous employment accrued vacation may be taken.
During the first three years of employment, an employee shall
earn vacation credit on the basis of 5/6 work day or the hourly
equivalent, for each complete month of continuing service.
During the fourth year of employment an employee shall earn
vacation credit on the basis of one and one-fourth (1 1/4) work
days or the hourly equivalent,
continuing service.
During the fifteenth year of employment and thereafter, an
employee whall earn vacation credits at the rate of one and
two-thirds (1 2/3) work days or the hourly equivalent for each
month of conpleted continuous service.
An employee may accrue no more vacation credit than twice the
annual rate being earned.
Upon termination of employment, unused vacation may not be
used to extend final employment date beyond the annual rate being
for each complete month of
Repres!nted employees may convert, on a once per calendar
year basts, unused vacation time for payment subject to the
following conditions:
1. The employee must have an earned vacation of a minimum of
15 days.
2. Any payments made for unused vacation will be subject to
all appropriate taxes and deductions as determined by the
Finance Department.
3. Miniumum exchange will be 1 day, maximum exchange will be
5 days. All changes are irrevocable.
SECTION 10: ª!Ç!LbsB\{'s
All full time employees, other than those holding temporary
status, shall earn eight (8) hours per month sick leave time
without limit on accumulation. Those permanent employees working
less than full time (at least 20 hours per week) shall earn in
one month the number of hours of sick leave they would normally
work in one day or the equivalent without limit on accumulation.
Employees absent without pay for any reason for more than forty
(40) hours during a calendar month shall not earn sick leave
benefits for that month.
Sick leave may be utilized due to the employee's personal
illness, injury, maternity, or sickness or injury in the
immediate family. Immediate family is defined as spouse and
children. Employees shall, whenever possible, make appointments
for medical, dental, and similar purposes on non-work hours. If
this is not possible, sick leave may be used for these purposes.
With proper notice and approval of the supervisor,
sick leave
be taken in periods of no less than one-half hour
The City shall pay an employee for unused balance of sick
leave upon retirement, or termination for other than just cause,
according to the following schedule:
1. Upon retirement, which shall require the formal filing of
forms with the Public Employee's
Retirement System,
a cash
seventy-five percent
of the dollar value of the
unused sick leave in excess of 320 hours.
Such payment to
be calculated at a wage rate which is the average of the
preceding five (5) years for the employee.
2. Upon termination for other than discharge with a just
a cash payment equivalent to fifty percent
of the dollar value of the unused sick leave balance
exceeding 320 hours.
The dollar value for such payment
shall be calculated at a wage rate which is the average
of the preceding five (5) years for the employee.
Represented employees will have the option, sLlbject to
approval, of converting sick leave to vacation leave on a
two-to-one basis. The maximum allowable exchange will be 96
hours of sick time for 48 hours of vacation leave per calendar
Minimum e:,change will be 8 hours sick leave for 4 hours of
An employee may convert sick leave in excess of 320
hours to vacation leave on a one-to-one basis with a maximum of
48 hours and a minimum of 4 hours.
As ëk I;.ondition of. converting sick leave to vacation, all
employees will be required to use at least one-half of vacation
accrued during the previous twelve months.
Such conversion, either to e~change sick leave for vacation
or vice versa shall be subject to the following conditions:
1. All requests to e~change sick leave for vacation time
shall be submitted in writing to the Department Head at
least si~ty (60) calendar days in advance of intended
vacation utilization.
2. The granting of such exchange and subsequent use will be
at the discretion of the Depëkrtment Heëkd.
3. If twelve (12) months have elapsed since approval of the
e~change of sick leave for vacation, and the employee has
not been permitted the use of the converted vacation
time, (after submitting at least one written request for
utilization) the employee will have the right to
re-convert the vacation time to sick leave in reverse
ratio to the original e~change. This e~change will be
allowed gDl~ for previously converted sick time to
vacation and will not be permitted for regularly accrued
VëkCëktion time.
4. If.all employee, after converting sick leave to vacation
time. exhausts all of his/her remaining sick leave due to
injury or illness, he/she may make a written request to
the Department Head to re-convert vacation time to sick
leave on a reverse ratio basis.
Approval wi 1 be subject
to an assessment by the Department Head as to the
validity of the ill ness/ i nj ~Iry and whether or not a
written physician's statement attesting to the
illness/injury is required will be at the sole option of
the Department Head.
5. If the employee's vacation accrual exceeds the m.aximum
allowable accrual, he/she will h.ave the option to
re-convert vacation time b.ack to sick leave on a reverse
ratio basis.
Such re-conversion shall be limited to
previously converted sick leave/vacation and may not
exceed the amount necessary to reduce the accrued
vacation to the maximum allowable. Regularly accrued
vacation time wi 11 not be eligible for this re-c:onversion
to sick leave and any regularly accrued vacation time
accrued in excess of the maximum aUowable wi 11 be
d r..ll owed and not subject to utilization by the
NOTE: As used in this document, "reverse ratio" is intended to
mean that the ratio of sick leave to vacation will revert
to the original
was implemented.
ratio at the time the initial exchange
SECT! ON 11: _ ~¡¡;Bªº~e!.._bS;e~¡;;
The City shall allow twenty~four
(24) hours of accumulated
sick leave per calendar year to be used for conducting personal
business which cannot be conducted outside regular working hours.
The employee must request leave,
if non-emergency, at least
forty-eight (48) hours (two working days) prior to the time of
on the form presently provided and with their
supervisor's approval.
In cases of emergency, the forty-eight
(48) hour notification procedure may be waived by the immediate
supervisor provided the form is completed and the reason for the
request is stated upon return.
SECTION 12: ª¡;;B¡;;e~¡;;~¡;;~I_b¡;;e~¡;;
Employees shall be granted paid bereavement leave not to
exceed three (3) work days upon the occasion of death of a close
relative. Close relatives are defined as mother, father, sister·,
brother, wife, husband, child,
mother-in-law and father-in-law.
SECTION 13: ~lblIeBY_b¡;;e~s
Military leave shall be granted in accordance with the
pr"ovi si on of State law.
All employees entitled to military leave shall give their
supervisor an opportunity, within the limits
requirements, to determine when such leave shall be taken.
SECTION 14: ~aI~B~lIY_b~a~~
Employees shall be granted maternity leave without pay if
they have been employed by tl,e City for at least twelve (12)
continuous months and have exhausted their sick leave. Like
other non-industrial disabilities, employees may use sick leave
and vacation leave to supplement lost wages. The City will pay
health and welfare benefits at the same rate as prior to the
leave until the employee is released by her physician to return
to work or for 60 days, whichever comes first.
An employee is expected not to absent himself/herself from
for any reason other than personal
wi thoclt mak i ng
Unless prior
with his/her supervisor.
ar"rangements are made, an employee who, for any reason, fails to
report for work must make a sincere effort to immediately notify
his/her supervisor of his/her reason for being absent. If the
absence, whether flJr personal ill ness or otherwi se, is to
continue beyond the first day, the employee must notify the
sllperviso.... on a daily basis unless otherwise arr'anged with
his/her supervisor.
In proper cases, exceptions will be made.
Any unauthorized absence of an employee from duty shall be
deemed to be an absence without pay and will be grounds for
disciplinary action
such disciplinary
the Department
In the absence of
ë\ction, any
employee who
~\imself/herself for three days or more without authorized leave
c;hall be deemed to have r'esigned.
Such absence may be covered,
by the Department Head by a following grant of
1 ~.?ave
with or' withoLlt pay when extenuating circumstances are found to
¡....."·l'-lË't E~>::i st¡.?d ~
SECTION 16.0: IBa!~!~§_e~º_IU!I!º~_B~!~ªUBª~~~~I
It is the intent of the City to recognize the value of
training to its employees; and to adopt a training policy which
will encourage employees to avail themselves of job related
educational opportunities that will advance their knowledge and
interests in the direction of their career with the City; and by
doing so to improve the Municipal Service. Employees who wish to
seek reimbursement from the City for training program costs shall
provide a written request for reimbursement to their Department
Head. The form provided shall include the type of program,
sponsoring organization or institution, meeting times and costs
for such program.
Once a training program has been approved by the Department
Head any employee covered by this Agreement would be eligible for
reimbursement unless funds budgeted for this activity have been
e>:hausted. However, no employee shall receive any reimbursement
until they have provided satisfactory
proof of successful
completion of the program.
SECTION 17: Ç!IY_ªEº~ªºB~Q_B~çB~eI!º~_EBº§Be~ª
City employees shall have the privilege of enrollment in City
sponsored recreation programs at City residents' fee structure
and inprëfèrence to non-residents wishing to enroll.
SECTION 18: ~~E~ºY~~_B~Ǻ§~!I!º~_Ǻ~~!II~~
The City, the Association and representatives of the Public
Works Unit agree to meet jointly to evaluate and recommend an
employee recognition program to the City Manager.
SECTION 19: QYs_EBgºs§§
In each and every instance involving the issuance of warning
notices, suspensions or the dismissal or discharge
of an
employee, such will not be effectuated without the employee first
having been given in writing the basis for such action being
taken and the opportLlni ty to questi on the reasons therefore of
his/her supervisor or Department Head. Said opportunity shall. be
as soon as is practicable after having been served the written
shall not constitute any limitation otherwise
available through the grievance or appeal procedures. Any
written warning in an employee's file will be removed from the
file after three years.
SECTION 20: baygEE§
Layoffs of employees may be made by the Appointing Authority
for lack of funds, lack of work or for other similar and just
The order of layoff shall be that wHich, in the opinion
of the Appointing Authority, will cause the least disruption of
service to the City.
Unless otherwise prevented from doing so as a result of
conditions or situations beyond the City's control, the City will
provide a minimum of thirty (30) days notice to any employee
subject to being laid off pursuant to the Rule on layoffs.
SECTION 21: B~1~§IeI~~5~I
The names of employees affected by layoff shall be placed on
a recall list for a period of two years in the reverse order of
layoff and shall have the first opportunity for reinstatement.
Failure to respond within ten days to a written notice of such
opportunity shall cause that name to be removed from the recall
With the approval of the Appointing Authority, a permanent or
probationar-y employee who has resigned with a good record may be
reinstated within twenty-four months of the effective date of
resignation to a vacant position in ·the same or comparable class
he/she previously occupied. Upon reinstatement, the employee for
all purposes, shall be considered as ·though they had received an
original appointment.
All terms and conditions
employment not otherwise
contained herein shall be maintained at the standards in effect
at the time of execution.
In the event any p~ovision of this ag~eement is finally held
to be illegal by a cou~t of competent ju~isdiction o~ void as
being in cont~avention of any law, ~ule o~ ~egulation of any
gove~nment agency having ju~isdiciton ove~ the subject set forth,
then the ~emainde~ of the ag~eement shall continue in full force
and effect unless the pa~ts so found to be void a~e held
insepa~able f~om the ~emaining po~tion of the ag~eement.
Nothing contained in this memo~andum shall be binding upon
eithe~ the City o~ the Association following signing of this
memo~andum by the pa~ties until it has been ~atified by the
Association's membe~ship and presented and approved by the City
Council of the City.
This ag~eement shall have effectivity commencing at 12:01
A.M., July 1, 1986 and ending at 11:59 P.M., ~YQg_~Q~_12ª7.
Effective June 25, 1986
Classes of Positions Listed Alphabetically
Pay Grade
Account Clerk
Assistant Civil Engineer
Assoçiate Planner
Building Inspector II
Clerk Typist
Code Enforcement Assistant
Community Services Officer
Electrical Inspector
Engineering Aide
Engineering Technician
Housing Rehabilitation Counselor
Planner I
Planner II
Planning Aide
Public Works Inspector
Recreation Coordinator
Senior Clerk Typist
Senior Engineering Technician
Senior Traffic Technician
Special Program Coordinator
Switchboard Operator-Receptionist
Traffic Technician
EFFECTIVE June 25, 1986
Classes of Positions by Pay Grade
Pay Grade 56
Pay Grade 158
Switchboard Operator-Receptionist
Planner I
Pay Grade 72
Pay Grade 167
Recreation Coordinator
Engineering Technician
Traffic Technician
Pay Grade 76
Clerk Typist
Pay Grade 173
Planner II
Pay Grade 86
Senior Clerk Typist
Pay Grade 177
Senior Traffic Technician
Pay Grade 90
Account Clerk
Pay Grade 182
Pay Grade 99
Senior Engineering Technician
Special Program Coordinator
Pay Grade 187
Pay Grade 115
Associate Planner
Building Inspector II
Electrical Inspector
Public Works Inspector
Code Enforcement ADsistant
Pay Grade 120
Pay Grade 199
Planning Aide
Assistant Civil Engineer
Pay Grade 131
Community SerVice. officer
Pay Grade 132
Engineering Aide
Pay Grade 140
Housing Rehabilitation Counselor
EFFECTIVE June .25,' 1986
Pay Grade Step A Step B Step C Maximum
.... Hour 6.034 6.343 6.668 7.369
Month 1045.89 1099.45 1155.79 1277.29
¿. Hour $ 6.064 $ 6.375 $ 6.701 $ 7.406
Month 1051.09 1105.00 1161.51 1283.71
3. Hour 6.094 6.407 6.735 7.443
Month 1056.29 1110.55 1167.40 1290.12
4. Hour 6.125 6.439 6.769 7.480
Month 1061.67 1116.09 1173.29 1296.53
5. Hour 6.156 6.471 6.803 7.517
Month 1067.04 1121.64 1179.19 1302.95
6. Hour 6,187 6.503 6.837 7.555
!fun th 1072.41 1127.19 1185.08 1309.53
7. Hour 6.218 6.536 6.871 7.593
Month 1077.79 1132.91 1190.97 1316.12
8. Hour 6.249 6.569 6.905 7.631
Month 1083.16 1138.63 1196.87 1322.71
9. Hour 6.280 6.602 6.940 7.669
Month 1088.53 1144.35 1202.93 1329.29
10. Hour 6.311 6.635 6.975 7.707
Month 1093.91 1150.07 1209.00 1335.88
11. Hour 6.343 6.668 7.010 7.746
Month 1099.45 1155.79 1215.07 1342.64
12. Hour 6.375 6.701 7.045 7.785
Month 1105.00 1161.51 1221.13 1349.40
13. Hour 6.407 6.735 7.080 7.824
Month 1110.55 1167.40 1227.20 1356.16
14. Hour 6.439 6.769 7.115 7.863
Month 1116.09 1173.29 1233.27 1362.92
15. Hour 6.471 6.803 7.151 7.902
Month 1121.64 1179.19 1239.51 1369.6,8
16. Hour 6.503 6.837 7.187 7.942
Month 1127.19 1185.08 1245.75 1376.61
17. Hour 6.536 6.871 7.223 7.982
Month 1132.91 1190.97 1251.99 1383.55
18: Hour 6.569 6.905 7.259 8.022
Month 1138.63 1196.87 1258.23 1390.48
EFFECTIVE June 25, 1986
Pay Grade Step A Step B Step C Maximum
19. Hour $ 6.602 $ 6.940 $ 7.295 $ 8.062
Month 1144.35 1202.93 1264.47 1397.41
20. Hour 6.635 6.975 7.332 8.102
Month 1150.07 1209.00 1270.88 1404.35
21. Hour 6.668 7.0lD 7.369 B.143
Month 1155.79 1215.07 1277.29 1411.45
22. Hour 6.701 7.045 7.406 8.184
Month 1161. 51 1221.13 1283.71 1418.56
23. Hour 6.735 7.080 7.443 8.225
Month 1167.40 1227.20 1290.12 1425.67
24. Hour 6.769 7.115 7.480 8.266
Month 1173.29 1233.27 1296.53 1432.77
25. Hour 6.803 7.151 7.517 8.307
Month 1179.19 1239.51 1302.95 1439.88
26. Hour 6.837 7.187 7.555 8.349
Month 1185.08 1245.75 1309.53 1447.16
27. Hour 6.871 7.223 7.593 8.391
!Ionth 1190.97 1251. 99 1316.12 1454.44
28. Hour 6.905 7.259 7.631 8.433
Month 1196.87 1258.23 1322.71 1461. 72
29. Hour 6.940 7.295 7.669 8.475
Month 1202.93 1264.47 1329.29 1469.00
30. Hour 6.975 7.332 7.707 8.517
Month 1209.00 1270.88 1335.88 1476.28
31. Hour .. 7.010 7.369 7.746 8.560
Month 1215.07 1277.29 1342.64 1483.73
32. Hour 7.045 7.406 7.785 8.603
Month 1221.13 1283.71 1349.40 1491.19
33. Hour 7.080 7.443 7.824 8.646
Month 1227.20 1290.12 1356.16 1498.64
34. Hour 7.115 7.480 7.863 8.689
Month 1233.27 1296.53 1362.92 . 1506.09
35. Hour 7.151 7.517 7.902 8.732
Month 1239.51 1302.95 1369.68 1513.55
-EFFECTIVE June 25, 1986
Pay Grade Step A Step B Step C Maximum
36. Hour $ 7.187 $ 7.555 $ 7.942 $ 8.776
Month 1245.75 1309.53 1376.61 1521.17
37. Hour 7.223 7.593 7.982 8.820
Month 1251. 99 1316.12 1383.55 1528.80
38. Hour 7.259 7.631 8.022 8.864
Month 1258.23 1 22.71 1390.48 1536.43
39. Hour 7.295 7.669 8.062 8.908
Month 1264.47 1329.29 1397.41 1544.05
40. Hour 7.332 7.707 8.102 8.953
Month 1270.88 1335.88 1404.35 1551.85
41. Hour 7.369 7.746 8.143 8.998
Month 1277.29 1342.64 1411.45 1559.65
42. Hour 7.406 7.785 8.184 9.043
Month 1283.71 1349.40 1418.56 1567.45
43. Hour 7.443 7.824 8.225 9.088
Month 1290.12 1356.16 1425.67 1575.25
44. Hour 7.480 7.863 8.266 9.133
Month 1296.53 1362.92 1432.77 1583.05
45. Hour 7.517 7.902 8.307 9.179
Month 1302.95 1369.68 1439.88 1591. 03
46. Hour 7.555 7.942 8.349 9.225
Month 1309.53 1376.61 1447.16 1599.00
47. Hour 7.593 7.982 8.391 9.271
Month 1316.12 1383.55 1454.44 1606.97
48. HoUl'. .- 7.631 8.022 8.433 9.317
Month 1322.71 1390.48 1461. 72 1614.95
49. Hour 7.669 8.062 8.475 9.364
Month 1329.29 1397.41 1469.00 1623.09
50. Hour 7.707 8.102 8.517 9.411
Month 1335.88 1404.35 1476.28 1631. 24
51. Hour 7.746 8.143 8.560 9.458
Month 1342.64 1411. 45 1483.73 1639.39
52. Hour 7.785 8.184 8.603 9.505
Month 1349.40 1418.56 1491.19 1647.53
EFFECTIVE June 25. 1986
Pay Grade Step A Step B Step C Maximum .
53. Hour $ 7.824 $ 8.225 $ 8.646 $ 9.553
Month 1356.16 1425.67 1498.64 1655.85
54. Hour 7.863 8.266 8.689 9.601
Month 1362.92 1432.77 1506.09 1664.17
55. Hour 7.902 8.307 8.732 9.649
Month 1369.68 1439.88 1513.55 1672.49
56. Hour 7.952 8.349 8.776 9.697
Month 1376.61 1447.16 1521.17 1680.81
57. Hour 7.982 8.391 8.820 9.746
Month 1383.55 1454.44 1528.80 1689.31
58. Hour 8.022 8.433 8.864 9.795
Month 1390.48 1461. 72 1536.43 1697.80
59. Hour 8.062 8.475 8.908 9.844
Month 1397.41 1469.00 1544.05 1706.29
60. Hour 8.102 8.517 8.953 9.893
Month 1404.35 1476.28 1551. 85 1714.79
61. Hour 8.143 8.560 8.998 9.943
Month 1411.45 1483.73 1559.65 1723.45
62. Hour 8.184 8.603 9.043 9.993
Month 1418.56 1491.19 1567.45 1732.12
63. Hour 8.225 8.646 9.088 10.043
Month 1425.67 1498.64 1575.25 1740.79
64. Hour 8.266 8.689 9.133 10.093
Month 1432.77 1506.09 1583.05 1749.45
65. Hour 8.307 8.732 9.179 10.144
Month 1439.88 1513.55 1591.03 1758.29
66. Hour 8.349 8.776 9.225 10.195
Month 1447,16 1521.17 1599.00 1767.13
67. Hour 8.391 8.820 9.271 10.246
Month 1454.44 1528.80 1606.97 1775.97
68. Hour 8.433 8.864 9.317 10.297
Month 1461. 72 1536.43 1614.95 1784.81
69. Hour 8.475 8.908 9.364 10.349
Month 1469.00 1544.05 1623.09 1793.83
BFFECTIVE June 25, 1986
Pay Grade Step A Step B Step C Maximum
70. Hour $ 8.517 $ 8.953 $ 9.411 $ 10.401
Month 1476.28 1551. 85 1631. 24 1802.84
71. Hour 8.560 8.998 9.458 10.453
Month 1483.73 1559.65 1639.39 1811.85
72. Hour 8.603 9.043 9.505 10.505
!1onth 1491.19 1567.45 1647.53 1820.87
73. Hour 8.646 9.088 9.553 10.558
Month 1498.64 1575.25 1655.85 1830.05
74. Hour 8.689 9.133 9.601 10.611 .
Month 1506.09 1583.05 1664.17 1839.24
75. Hour 8.732 9.179 9.649 10.664
Month 1513.55 1591. 03 1672.49 1848.43
76. Hour 8.776 9.225 9.697 10.717
Month 1521.17 1599.00 1680.81 1857.61
77. Hour 8.820 9.271 9.746 10.771
Month 1528.80 1606.97 1689.31 1866.97
78. Hour 8.864 9.317 9.795 10.825
Month 1536.43 1614.95 1697.80 1876.33
79. Hour 8.908 9.364 9.844 10.879
Month 1544.05 1623.09 1706.29 1885.69
80. Hour 8.953 9.411 9.893 10.933
Month 1551. 85 1631. 24 1714.79 1895.05
81. Hour 8.998 9.458 9.943 10.988
Month 1559.65 1639.39 1723.45 1904.59
82. Hour 9.043 9.505 9.993 11. 043
Month 1567.45 1647.53 1732.12 1914.12
83. Hour 9.088 9.553 10.043 11.098
Month 1575.25 1655.85 1740.79 1923.65
84. Hour 9.133 9.601 10.093 11.154
Month 1583.05 1664.17 1749.45 1933.36
85. Hour 9.179 9.649 10.144 11.210
Month 1591.03 1672.49 1758.29 1943.07
86. Hour 9.225 9.697 10.195 11. 266
Month 1599.00 1680.81 1767.13 1952.77
- EFFECTIVE· June 25,1986
Pay Grade Stell A Stell B Stell C Maximum
87. Hour $ 9.271 $ 9.746 $ 10.246 $ 11. 322
Month 1606.97 1689.31 1775.97 1962.48
88. Hour 9.317 9.795 10.297 11. 379
Month 1614.95 1697.80 1784.81 1972.36
89. Hour 9.364 9.844 10.349 11. 436
Month 1623.09 1706.29 1793.83 1982.24
90. Hour 9.411 9.893 10.401 11. 493
Month 1631. 24 1714.79 1802.84 1992.12
91. Hour 9.458 9.943 10.453 11. 551
Month 1639.39 1723.45 1811. 85 2002.17
92. Hour 9.505 9.993 10.505 11. 609
Month 1647.53 1732.12 1820.87 2012.23
93. Hour 9.553 10.043 10.558 11. 667
Month 1655.85 1740.79 1830.05 2022.28
94. Hour 9.601 10.093 10.611 11. 725
Month 1664.17 1749.45 1839.24 2032.33
95. Hour 9.649 10.144 10.664 11.784
Month 1672.49 1758.29 1848.43 2042.56
96. Hour 9.697 10.195 10.717 11. 843
Month 1680.81 1767.13 1857.61 2052.79
97. Hour 9.746 10.246 10.771 11. 902
Month 1689.31 1775.97 1866.97 2063.01
98. Hour 9.795 10.297 10.825 11. 962
Month 1697.80 1784.81 1876.33 2073.41
99. Hour 9.844 10.349 10.879 12.022
Monfh 1706. 29 1793.83 1885.69 2083.81
100. Hour 9.893 10.401 10.933 12.082
Month 1714.79 1802.84 1895.05 2094.21
101. Hour 9.943 10.453 10.988 12.142
Month 1723.45 1811. 85 1904.59 2104.61
102. Hour 9.993 10.505 11. 043 12.203
Month 1732.12 1820.87 1914.12 2115.19
103. Hour 10.043 10.558 11. 098 12.264
Month 1740.79 1830.05 1923.65 2125.76
EFFECTIVE June 25. 1986·
Pay Grade Step A Step B Step C Maximum
104. Hour $ 10.093 $ 10.611 $ 11.154 $ 12.325
Month 1749.45 1839.24 1933.36 2136.33
105. Hour 10.144 10.664 11. 210 12.387
Month 1758.29 1848.43 1943.07 2147.08
106. Hour 10. 195 10.717 11. 266 12.449
Month 1767.13 1857.61 1952.77 2157.83
107. Hour 10.246 10.771 11. 322 12.511
Month 1775.97 1866.97 1962.48 2168.57
108. Hour 10.297 10.825 11.379 12.574
Month 1784.81 1876.33 1972.36 2179.49
109. Hour 10.349 10.879 11.436 12.637
Month 1793.83 1885.69 1982.24 2190.41
110. Hour 10.401 10.933 11. 493 12.700
Month 1802.84 1895.05 1992.12 2201. 33
111. Hour 10.453 10.988 11.551 12.764
Month 1811. 85 1904.59 2002.17 2212.43
112; Hour 10.505 11. 043 11. 609 12.828
Month 1820.87 1914.12 2012.23 2223.52
113. Hour 10.558 11. 098 11. 667 12.892
Month 1830.05 1923.65 2022.28 2234.61
114. Hour 10.611 11. 154 11. 725 12.957
Month 1839.24 1933.36 2032.33 2245.88
115. Hour 10.664 11.210 11. 784 13.022
Month 1848.43 1943.07 2042.56 2257.15
116. Hour 10.717 11. 266 11.843 13.087
Mon~.h 1857.61 1952.77 2052.79 2268.41
117. Hour 10.771 11. 322 11. 902 13.152
Month 1866.97 1962.48 2063.01 2279.68
118. Hour 10.825 11. 379 11.962 13.218
Mõnth 1876.33 1972.36 2073.41 2291.12
119. Hour 10.879 11. 436 12.022 13.284
Month 1885.69 1982.24 2083.81 2302.56
120. Hour 10.933 11. 493 12.082 13.350
Month 1895.05 1992.12 2094.21 2314.00
- EFFECTIVE June 25, 1986
Pay Grade Step A 'Step B Step C Maximum
121.· Hour $ 10.988. $ 11. 551 $ 12;142 $ 13.417
Month 1904.59 2002.17 2104.61 2325.61
122, Hour 11. 043 11. 609 12.203 13.484
Month 1914.12 2012.23 2115.19 2337.23
123. Hour 11. 098 11. 667 12.264 13.551
Month 1923.65 2022.28 2125.76 2348.84
124. Hour 11.154 11.725 12.325 13.619
Month 1933.36 2032.33 2136.33 2360.63
125. Hour 11. 210 11.784 12.387 13.687
Month 1943.07 2042.56 2147.08 2372.41
126. Hour 11. 266 11.843 12.449 13.755
Honth 1952.77 2052.79 2157.83 2384.20
127. Hour 11. 322 11.902 12.511 13. 824
Month 1962.48 2063.01 2168.57 2396.16
128. Hour 11.379 11. 962 12.574 13.893
Month 1972.36 2073.41 2179.49 2408.12
129. Hour 11. 436 12.022 12.637 13.962
Month 1982.24 2083.81 2190.41 2420.08
130. Hour 11. 493 12.082 12.700 14.032
Month 1992.12 2094.21 2201. 33 2432.21
131. Hour 11. 551 12.142 12.764 14.]02
Month 2002.17 2104.61 2212.43 2444.35
132. Hour 11. 609 12.203 12.828 14.173
Month 2012.23 2115.19 2223.52 2456.65
133. Hour 11. 667 12.264 12.892 14.244
Month .. 2022.28 2125.76 2234.61 2468.96
134. Hour 11.725 12.325 12.957 14.315
Month 2032.33 2136.33 2245.88 2481.27
135. Hour 11.784 12.387 13.022 14.387
Month 2042.56 2147.08 2257.15 2493.75
136. Hour 11.843 12.449 13.087 14.459
Month 2052.79 2157.83 2268.41 2506.23
137. Hour 11. 902 12.511 13.152 14.531
Month 2063.01 2168.57 2279.68 2518.71
- EFFECTIVE June 25, 1986
Pay Grade Step A Step B Step C Maximum
138. Hour $ 11.962 $ 12.574 $ 13.218 $ 14. 604
Month 2073.41 2179.49 2291.12 2531. 36
139. Hour 12.022 12.637 13.284 14.677
Month 2083.81 2190.41 2302.56 2544. 01
140. Hour 12.082 12.700 13.350 14.750
Month 2094.21 2201. 33 2314.00 2556.67.
141. . Hour 12.142 12. 764 13.417 14.824
Month 2104.61 2212.43 2325.61 2569.49
142. Hour 12.203 12.828 13.484 14.898
Month 2115.19 2223.52 2337.23 2582.32
143. Hour 12.264 12.892 13.551 14.972
Month 2125.76 2234.61 2348.84 2595.15
144, Hour 12.325 12.957 13.619 15.047
Month 2136.33 2245.88 2360.63 2608.15
145. Hour 12.387 13.022 13.687 15.122
Month 2147.08 2257.15 2372.41 2621.15
146. Hour 12.449 13 . 087 13.755 15.198
Month 2157.83 2268.41 2384.20 . 2634.32
147. Hour 12.511 13 .152 13.824 15.274
Month 2168.57 2279.68 2396.16 2647.49
148. Hour 12.574 13. 218 13.893 15.350
Month 2179.49 2291.12 2408.12 2660.61
149. Hour 12.637 13. 284 13.962 15.427
Month 2190.41 2302.56 2420.08 2674.01
150. Hour 12.700 13.350 14.032 15. 504
MonTh 2201. 33 2314.00 2432 .21 2687.36
151:. Hour 12.764 13.417 14.102 15. 582
Month 2212.43 2325.61 2444.35 .2700.88
152. Hour 12.828 13.484 14.173 15.660
Month 2223.52 2337.23 2456.65 2714.40
153. Hour 12.892 13.551 14.244 15. nil
Month 2234.61 2348.84 2468.96 2721.92
154. Hour 12.957 13.619 14.315 15.817
Month 2245.88 2360.63 2481. 27 2741. 61
155. Hour 13. 022 13.687 ~3·187 1;~ 896
Month 2257.15 2372.41 24 .7' 27 : 31
EFFECTIVE . June 25, 1986
Pa.y Grade Step A Step B Step C Maximum
136. Hour $ 13.087 $ 13.755 $ 14.459 $ 15.975
Month 2268.41 2384.20 2506.23 2769,00
157. Hour 13.152 13.824 14.531 16.055
Month 2279.68 2396.16 2518.71 2782.87
158. Hour 13.218 13.893 14.604 16.135
Month 2291.12 2408.12 2531. 36 2796.73
159. Hour 13.284 13.962 14.677 16.216
Month 2302.56 2420.08 2544.01 2810.77
160 Hour 13.350 14.032 14.750 16.297
Month 2314.00 2432.21 2556.67 2824.81
161. Hour 13.417 14.102 14.824 16.378
Month 2325.61 2444.35 2569.49 2838.85
162. Hour 13.484 14.173 14.898 16.460
Month 2337.23 2456.65 2582.32 2853.07
163. Hour 13.551 14.244 14.972 16.542
Month 2348.84 2468.96 2595.15 2867.28
164. Hour 13.619 14.315 15.047 16.625
Month 2360.63 2481. 27 2608.15 2881. 67
165. Hour 13.687 14.387 150122 16.708
Month 2372.41 2493.75 2621.15 2896.05
166. Hour 13.755 14.459 15.198 16.792
Month 2384.20 2506.23 2634.32 2910.61
167. Hour 13.824 14.531 15.274 16.876
Month 2396.16 2518.71 2647.49 2925.17
168. Hour 13;893 14.604 15.350 16.960
Month 2408.12 2531. 36 2660.67 2939.73
169. Hour .. .. 13.962 14.677 15.427 17.045
Month 2420.08 2544.01 2674.01 2954.47
170. Hour 14.032 14.750 15.504 17.130
Month 2432.21 2556.67 2687.36 2969.20
171. Hour 14.102 14.824 15.582 17.216
Month 2444.35 2569.49 2700.88 2984.11
- EFFECTIVE June 25, 1986
Pay Grade Step A Ste{! B Step C Maximum
172. Hour $ 14.173 $ 14.898 $ 15.660 $ 17.302
Month 2456.65 2582.32 2714.40 2999.01
173. Hour 14.244 14.972 15.738 17.389
Month 2468.96 2595.15 2727.92 3014.09
174. Hour 14.315 15.047 15.817 17.476
Month 2481.27 2608.15 2741.61 3029.17
175. Hour 14.387 15.122 15.896 17.563
Month 2493.75 2621.15 2755.31 3044.25
176. Hour 14.459 15.198 15.975 17.651
Month 2506.23 2634.32 2769.00 3059.51
177. Hour 14.531 15.274 16.055 17.739
Month 2518.71 2647.49 2782.87 3074.76
178. Hour 14.604 15.350 16.135 17.828
Month 2531. 36 2660.67 2796.73 3090.19
179. Hour 14.677 15.427 16.216 17.917
Month 2544.01 2674.01 2810.77 3105.61
180. Hour 14.750 15.504 16.297 18.007
Month 2556.67 2687.36 2824.81 3121. 21
181. Hour 14.824 15.582 16.378 18.097
Month 2569.49 2700.88 2838.85 3136.81
182. Hour 14.898 15.660 16.460 18.187
Month 2582.32 2714.40 2853.07 3152.41
183. Hour 14.972 15.738 16.542 18.278
Month 2595.15 2727.92 2867.28 3168.19
184. Hour 15.047 15.817 16.625 18.369
Month 2608.15 2741. 61 2881.67 3183.96
185. Hour 15.122 15.896 16.708 18.461
Month 2621.15 2755.31 2896.05 3199.91
186. Hour 15.198 15.975 16.792 18.553
Month 2634.32 2769.00 2910.61 3215.85
187. Hour 15.274 16.055 16.876 18.646
Month 2647.49 2782.87 2925.17 3231. 97
- EFFECTIVE. June 25, 1986
Pay Grade Step A Step B Step C Maximum
188. Hour $ 15.350 $ 16.135 $. 16.960 $ 18.739
Month 2660.67 2796.73 2939.73 3248.09
189. Hour 15.427 16.216 17.045 18.833
Month 2674.01 2810.77 2954.47 3264.39
190. Hour 15.504 16.297 17 .130 18.927
Month 2687.36 2824.81 2969.20 3280.68
191. Hour 15.582 16.378 17.216 19.022
Month 2700.88 2838.85 2984.11 3297.15
192. Hour 15.660 16.460 17 . 302 19.117
Month 2714.40 2853.07 2999.01 3313.61
193. Hour 15.738 16.542 17.389 19.213
Month 2727.92 2867.28 3014.09 3330.25
194. Hour 15.817 16.625 17 .476 19 . 309
Month 2741.61 2881.67 3029.17 3346.89
195. Hour 15.896 16.708 17.563 19.406
Month 2755.31 2896.05 3044.25 3363.71
196. Hour 15.975 16.792 17.651 19. 503
Month 2769.00 2910.61 3059.51 3380.52
197. Hour 16.055 16.876 17.739 19.601
Month 2782.87 2925.17 3074.76 3397.51
198. Hour 16.135 16.960 17 . 828 19.699
Month 2796.73 2939.73 3090.19 3414.49
199. Hour 16.216 17 . 045 17.917 19.797
Month 2810.77 2954.47 3105.61 3431.48
200. Hour 16.297 17. 130 18.007 19.896
Month 2824.81 2969.20 3121. 21 3448.64
201. Hour 16.378 17 . 216 18.097 19.995
Month 2838.85 2984.11 3136.81 3465.80
202. Hour 16.460 17.302 18.187 20.095
Month 2853.07 2999.01 3152.41 3483.13
203. Hour 16.542 17.389 18.278 20.195
Month 2867.28 3014.09 3168.19 3500. 47
EFFECTIVE June 25, 1986
Pay Grade SteD A SteD B SteD C Maximum
204. Hour $ 16.625 $ 17.476 $ 18..369 $ 20.296
Month 2881.67 3029.17 3183.96 3517.97
205. Hour 16.708 17 . 563 18.461 20.397
Month 2896.05 3044.25 3199.91 3535.48
206. Hour 16.792 17.651 18.553 20.499
Month 2910.61 3059.51 3215.85 3553.16
207. Hour 16.876 17.739 18.646 20.601
Month 2925.17 3074.76 3231. 97 3570.84
208. Hour 16.960 17.828 18.739 20.704
Month 2939.73 3090.19 3248.09 3588.69
209. Hour 17 .045 17.917 18.833 20.808
Month 2954.47 3105.61 3264.39 3606. 72
210. Hour 17.130 18.007 18.927 20.912
Month 2969.20 3121. 21 3280.68 3624.75
211. Hour 17.216 18.097 19.022 21. 017
Month 2984.11 3136.81 3297.15 3642.95
212. Hour 17.302 18.187 19.117 21.122
Month 2999.01 3152.41 3313.61 3661.15
213. Hour 17.389 18.278 19.213 21.228
Month 3014.09 3168.19 3330.25 3679.52
214. Hour 17.476 18.369 19.309 21. 334
Month 3029.17 3183.96 3346.89 3697.89
215. Hour 17.563 18.461 19.406 21. 441
Month 3044.25 3199.91 3363.71 3716.44
216. Hour 17.651 18.553 19.503 21. 548
Month 3059.51 3215.85 3380.52 3734.99
217. Hour 17.739 18.646 19.601 21.656
Month 3074.76 3231.97 3397.51 3753.71
218. Hour 17 .828 18.739 19.699 21. 764
Month 3090.19 3248.09 3414.49 3772.43
219. Hour 17.917 18.833 19.797 21.873
Month 3105.61 3264.39 3431. 48 3791. 32
- EFFECTIVE June 25, 1986
Pay Grade Step A . . Step B Step C Maximum
220. Hour $ 18.007 $ 18.927 $ 19.896 $ 21. 982
Month 3121. 21 3280.68 3448.64 3810.21
221. Hour 18.097 19.022 19.995 22.092
Month 3136.81 3297.15 3465.80 3829.28
222. Hour 18.187 19.117 20.095 22.202
Month 3152.41 3313.61 3483.13 3848.35
223. Hour 18.278 19.213 20.195 22.313
Month 3168.19 3330.25 3500.47 3867.59
224. Hour 18.369 19.309 20.296 22.425
Month 3183.96 3346.89 3517.97 3887.00
225. Hour 18.461 19.406 20.397 22.537
Month 3199.91 3363.71 3535.48 3906.41
226. Hour 18.553 19.503 20.499 22.650
Month 3215.85 3380.52 3553.16 3926.00
227. Hour 18.646 19.6Ql 20.601 22.763
Month 3231. 97 3397.51 3570.84 3945.59
228. Hour 18.739 19.699 20.704 22.877
Month 3248.09 3414.49 3588.69 3965.35
229. Hour 18.833 19.797 20.808 22.991
Month 3264.39 3431. 48 3606.72 3985.11
230. Hour 18.927 19.896 20.912 23.106
Month 3280.68 3448.64 3624.75 4005.04
231. Hour 19.022 19.995 21. 017 23.222
Month 3297.15 3465.80 3642.95 4025.15
232. Hour 19.117 20.095 21.122 23.338
Month 3313.61 3483.13 3661.15 4045.25
233. Hour 19.213 20.195 21. 228 23.455
Mon th 3330.25 3500.47 3679.52 4065.53
234. Hour 19.309 20.296 21. 334 23.572
Month 3346.89 3517.97 3697.89 4085.81
235. Hour 19.406 20.397 21. 441 23.690
Month 3363.71 3535.48 3716.44 4106.27
SCHEDULE DF PAY GRADES - Effective June 25, 1986
Pay Grade Step A Step B Step C Maximum
236. Hour 19.503 20.499 21.548 23.808
Month 3380.52 3553.16 3734.99 4126.72
237. Hour 19.601 20.601 21.656 23.927
Month 3397.51 3570.84 3753.71 4147.35
238. Hour 19.699 20.704 21. 764 24.047
Monthly 3414.49 3588.69 3772.43 4168.15
239. Hour 19.797 20.808 21. 873 24.167
Month 3431. 48 3606.72 3791.32 4188.95
240. Hour 19.896 20.912 2 1. 982 24.288
Month 3448.64 3624.75 3810.21 4209.92
24l. Hour 19.995 21.017 22.092 24.410
Month 3465.80 3642.95 3829.28 4231. 07
242. Hour 20.095 21. 122 22.202 24.532
Month 3483.13 3661.15 3848.34 4252.21
243. Hour 20.195 21. 228 22.313 24.655
Month 3500.47 3679.52 3867.59 4273.53
244. Hour 20.296 21.334 22.425 24.778
Month 3517.97 3697.89 3887.00 4294.85
245. Hour 20.397 21. 441 22.537 24.902
Month 3535.48 3716.44 3906.41 4316.35
246. Hour 20.499 2 1. 548 22.650 25.027
Month 3553.16 3734.99 3926.00 4338.01
247. Hour 20.601 21. 656 22.763 25.152
Month 3570.84 3753.71 3945.59 4359.68
248. Hour 20.704 21. 764 22.877 25.278
Month 3588.69 3772.43 3965.35 4381.52
249. Hour 20.808 21. 873 22.991 25.404
Month 3606.72 3791.32 3985.11 4403.36
250. Hour 20.912 2 1. 982 23.106 25.531
Month 3624.75 3810.21 4005.04 4425.37
25l. Hour 21.017 22.092 23.222 25.659
Month 3642.95 3829.28 4025.15 4447.60
252. Hour 211.22 22.202 23.338 25.787
Month 3661.15 3848.34 4045.25 4469.75
253. Hour 21. 228 22.313 23.455 25.916
Month 3679.52 3867.59 4065.53 4492.11
254. Hour 21.334 22.425 23.572 26.046
Month 3697.89 3887.00 4085.81 4514.64
SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES - Effective June 25, 1986
Pay Grade Step A Step B Step C Step D
255. Hour 21. 441 22. 537 23.690 26.176
Month 3716.44 3906.41 4106.27 4537.17
256. Hour 21.548 22.6-50 23.808 26.307
Month 3734.99 3926.00 4126.72 4559.88
257. Hour 21.656 22.763 23.927 26.439
Month 3753.71 3945.59 4147.35 4582.76
258. Hour 21.764 22.877 24.047 26.571
Month 3772 .43 3965.35 4168.15 4605.16
259. Hour 21.873 22.991 24.167 26.704
Month 3791.32 3985.11 4188.95 4628.69
260. Hour 2 1. 982 23.106 24.288 26.838
Month 3810.21 4005.D4 4209.92 4651. 92
26l. Hour 22.092 23.222 24.41D 26.972
Month 3829.28 4025.15 4231. 07 4675.15
262. Hour 22.202 23.338 24.532 27.107
Month 3848.34 4045.25 4252.21 4698.55
263. Hour 22.313 23.455 24.655 27.243
Month 3867.59 4065.53 4273.53 4722.12
264. Hour 22.425 23.572 24.778 27.379
Month 3887.00 4085.81 4294.85 4745.64
265. Hour 22.537 23.690 24.902 27.516
Month 3906.41 4106.27 4316.35 4769.44
266. Hour 22.650 23.808 25.027 27.654
Month 3926.00 4126.72 4338.01 4793.36
267. Hour 22.763 23.927 25.152 27.792
Month 3945.59 4147.35 4359.68 4817.28
268. Hour 22.877 24.047 25.278 27.931
Month 3965.35 4168.15 4381.52 4841.37
269. Hour 22.991 24.167 25.404 28.071
Month 3985.11 4188.95 4403.36 4865.64
270. Hour 23.106 24.288 25.531 28.211
Month 4005.04 4209.92 4425.37 4889.91
27l. Hour 23.222 24.410 25.659 28.352
Month 4025.15 4231.07 4447.60 4914.35
272. Hour 23.338 24.532 25.787 28.494
Month 4045.25 4252.21 4469.75 4938.96
SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES - Effective May 25, 1986
Pay Grade
Step A
Step 8
Step C
273. Hour 23.455 24.655 25.916 28.637
Month 4065.53 4273.53 4492.11 4963.75
274. Hour 23.572 24.778 26.046 28.780
Month 4085.81 4294.85 4514.64 4988.53
275. Hour 23.690 24.902 26.176 28.924
Month 4106.27 4316.35 4537.17 5013,49
276. Hour 23.808 25.027 26.307 29.069
Month 4126.72 4338.01 4559.88 5038.62
277. Hour 23.927 25.152 26.439 29.214
Month 4147.35 4359.68 4582.76 5063.76
278. Hour 24.047 25.278 26.571 29.360
Month 4168.15 4381,52 4605.64 5089.07
279. Hour 24.167 25.404 26.704 29.507
Month 4188.95 4403.36 4628.69 5114.55
280. Hour 24.288 25.531 26.838 29.654
Month 4209.92 4425.37 4651. 92 5140.03
281. Hour 24.410 25.659 26.972 29.803
Month 4231. 07 4447.56 4675.15 5165.85
282. Hour 24.532 25.787 27.107 29.952
Month 4252.21 4469.75 4698.55 5191. 68
283. Hour 24.655 25.916 27.243 30.101
Month 4273.53 4492.11 4722.12 5217.51
284. Hour 24.778 26.046 27.379 30.252
Month 4294.85 4514.64 4745.69 5243.68
285. Hour 24.902 26.176 27.516 30.403
Honth .. .- 4316.35 4537.17 4769.44 5269.85
286. Hour 25.027 26.307 27.654 30.555
Month 4338.01 4559.88 4793.36 5296.20
287. Hour 25.152 26.439 27.792 30.708
Month 4359.68 4582.76 4817.28 5327..72
288. Hour 25.278 26.571 27.931 30.861
Month 4381. 52 4605.64 4841. 37 5349.24