Ordinance 080ORDNANCE N0. 80 "PLUMBING CODE" AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CUPER`PINO, ADOPTING BY REFERENCE PORTIONS OF THE WESTERN PLUMBING OFFICIA LS UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, 1855 EDITION, WHICH UNIFORM CODE :?ROVIDES FOR THE PROTECTION OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY, THE EXAMINATION, REGISTRATION, LICENSING OF PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE BUSINESS OF PLUMBING OR LABORING IN THE TRADE OF PLUMBING, REQUIRING A PE:~MIT FOR THE INSTALLATION OR ALTERATION OF PLUMBING AND DRAINAi~E SYSTEMS: CREATING AN ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY AND PRES~~RIBING ITS DUTIES: DEFINING CERTAIN TERMS: ESTABLISHING MININI~TM REGULATIONS FOR THE INSTALLATION, ALTERATION OR REPAIR OF PLUMBING ~~ND.DRAINAGE SYSTEMS AND INSPECTION THEREOF: PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR 'PHE VIOLATION THEREOF AND AS HEREINAFTER AMENDED, DELETED, AND ADDED T0, TO BE KNOWN AS THE PLUMBING CODE OF THE CITY OF CUPE:~TINO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCI:G OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. ADOPTION OF UNIFORM P:GUMBING CODE, 1955 EDITION That certain code entitled,. Western Plumbing fficials Uniform Code", 1955 Edition (here:inafter referred to in this chapter as the Uniform Plumbing Cede, 1955 Edition), three copies of which are on file in the office of the City Clerk for use and examination by the public, and excepting those provisions herein after noted, is hereby adopted by reference. The following pro- visions, parts and~o r sections of said Uniform Plumbing Code are not adopted; Definition of "Plumb:ing Systems" in Chapter 1 of said Uniform Code; Sections 1.2, 1. 3, l.ll(d), Sections 2.1 (a), 2.3 (a), 2.7 (a), 2.8 (a), 2.10, 2.13 b and d , Section 203; Section 401, Section 404, Section 406 ~a~ and ~b , "NOTE" to table No. 3 of Chapters 4 and 5, ,3ection 703 (a) and (b); Section 1007; Section 1103; Section 1107; Chapter 12, Chapter 13; and Subdivision (e) of Part 2 Appendi:x E of s~.d Uniform Plumbing Code (1955 Edition). Section 2. The name "Cupertino, and~or California shall be inserted in the appropriate places provided therefore in each and every section of said Plumbing Code wherein eit:zer the name of the City or State is left blank. Section 3. Whenever the mean the Plumbing Section 4. The teen "Bu space provided in term "Administr;~.tive Authority" appears it shall Inspector of the City of Cupertino. ilding Department" shall be inserted in the blank Section 1.4 of said Code. Section 5. The terms "Three Hundred Dollars", "City", and "Three" shall be inserted in the respective blank spaces provided in Section 1.8 of said Code. Section 6. Addition to Uniform Plumbing Code, 1955 Edition, A new subsection (c) of Section 1.9 is hereby added to said Uniform Plumbing Code, 1955 Edition, said section to read as follows: 1.9(c). A permit shall be required when a house is to be disconnected from the how e sewer for moving or other purposes. All openings in the disconnected drain or sewer shall be closed in an approved manner and a Notice of Inspection filed with the Administrative Authority. Section 7. The Schedule of Fees contained in Section 1.13 of said Code shall be amended to read as follows: SCI~DULE OF FEES For issuing each permit , In addition for each plumbing fixture and waste discharging device . For each house sewer or storm sewer For each trailer space For each water distributing system . For each swimming pool Pub li c Private For each piece of water treating or water using equipment , For vacuum breakers or back-flow protective devices installed subsequent to the installation of the pipeing or equipment served One to five , Over five, each , For inspecting disconnected sewers on house removals or house demolitions . For interior standpipe , For exterior standpipe For each re-inspection 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 20.00 10 , 00 .50 1.00 .10 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 Section 8, The terms "Five", "Three", "Two", "Building" and "Two" shall be inserted in the respective blank spaces provided in Section 2.5 of said Code. Section g Definition of Plumbing System, The term "Plumbing System" as used in Chapter 1 of said Uniform Plumbing Code, 1955 Edition, is hereby amended to be defined as follows: Plumbing System, The Plumbing Systems means and includes all water supply and distribution pipes; all plumbing fixtures and traps; all soil, waste special waste and vent pipes; al3 hone drains and house sewers; all water leaders and rain water drainage piping, excluding however, all gutters and down spouts; including all their respective joints and connections, devices, receptacles, and appurtenances within property lines of premises. Section 10. Definition of Vertical Pipe The Term~Vertic~.1. Fipe as used in Chapter 1 of said Uniform Plumbing Code, 1955 Edition, is hereby amended to be defined as follows: Vertical Pipe. A vertical pipe is any pipe or fitting which is installed in a vertical position or which makes an angle of not more than 72 degrees with the vertical. Section 11. Addition to Uniform Plumbin Code, 1955 Edition A new sub-section b to Section 2.13 is hereby adopted and added to said Uniform Plumbing Code, 1955 Edition, said section to be numbered and to read as follows: (b), No Business License shall be issued to any person, to engage in the Business of Plumbing License, provided, however, that a Business License may be issued to any person, firm, partne rship, or corporation who makes application for such license by a bona fide member agent thereof, who possesses a valid State Contractors Plumbing License. Section 12, Same. A new Section 2.16 is hereby adopted and added to said Uniform Plumbing Code, 1955 Edition, said Section to be numbered and to read as follows: Section 2.16 -- Appeals under this Ordinance shall be processed through the Board of Appeals established for this purpose under the rules and regulations provided therefore. Section 13. Same A new Section 203, is hereby adopted and added to said Uniform Plumbing Code, 1955 Edition, said Section to be numbered and to read as follows: Section 203. Use of Copper Tubing. (a) No copper tubing of a weight less tYian type L shall be used for underground water piping in sizes less than two and one-half (22) inches. (b) No copper tubing of a weight less than Type L shall be used for above ground water piping in sizes less than one and one half (12) inches. (c) AlI connections between every two dissimilar metals shall be made by approved insulated unions. (d) All water piping from the house side of the water:neter shall be all alike material, brass and copper m~,y be considered alike materials. Section l~-. Same. A new Section ~-Ol is hereby ~~,dopted and added to said Uniform Plumbing Code, 1955 Edition, said section to be numbered and to read as follows: Section X01. Materials. (a) Drainage pipe shall 'pe cast iron, galvanized steel, galv<~,nized wroght iron, lead or brass, except that no galvanized wrought iron or galvanized steel pipe shall be used underground and shall be kept at least six (6) inches above ground. (b) Drainage fittings shall be cast iron, malleable iron, lead or brass having a smooth interior waterway o:e the same diameter as the piping served and all such fatting shall conform to the type of piping used. Section 15. Same. A new section ~-0~ is hereby ~~.dopted and added to said Uniform Plumbing Code{ 1955 Edition, said section to be numbered and to read as follows: Section ~-0~-. Fixture Connections (Drainage) . (a) Drainage piping shall b~~ provided with approved inlet fittings for fixture connections, correctly located according to the size and ty.~e of fixture proposed to be connected. (b) Two fixture~~ of the same kind set back" to back, within the distance allowed between a trap and its vent, may be served by a single vertical drainage pipe provided that each fixture w~~,stes separately into an approved double fitting haviaig inlet openings at the same level. Section 16. Same. New subsection (a) and (b) o:~ Section x-06 are hereby adopted and added to said Uniform Plumbin€; Code, 1955 Edition, said subsections to be numbered and to read as follows: Section x+06. Cleanouts. (a) Location and size of Cleanouts. Except as provided in the following sub- section ~-, cleanout fitting ;hall be installed in the following places, in a manner that will permit their use and make accessible for cleaning all the horizontal drainage piping served by thf:m. 1. At the high end of each house drain. 2. At the high end of each soil and waste pi e which is installed at a grade flatter than seventy-two ~72) degrees from vertical (angle of 1~5 bend). 3. Every one hundred (100) feet apart on all horizontal drainage lines, except those used exclusively for rain water, and on every horizont~~,l change of direction which exceeds sixty (60) degrees. 4, cleanout fittings may bc~ omitted above the first floor provided that all changes in direction are made with long turn fittings. 5, cleanout fittings shall be of the same nominal size as the pipes they serve, up '~o and including four (~-) inch pipe, and not less than four (~-) inch size for larger pipes. (b) 1. In all cases involving proposed plumbing installations which are to drain into the City's sewers, no construction of such plumbing shall be commenced before uncovering and exposing the upper end of the sewer pipe into which the plumbing system is intended to be drained. 2. The sewer pipe shall then be inspected, rodded and flushed with water, and tested to assure that it is in good operating condition prior to any connection thereto or extension of the pipe. Any deficiencies shall be immediately reported in writing to the City Engineer. In the event the inspection and test indicate that the sewer pipe is in good operating condition, the construction of the plumbing system may then proceed and the system die made to drain into the sewer pipe, all in accordance with the terms of the plumbing regulations of the City of Cupertino. 3. Any deviations found or made from plans or records indicating the location or elevations of the pipe, as exposed, shall be reported immediately to the City Engineer. ~+. A cleanout shall be installed on the street Line (i.e, the property line) to provide cleaning or rodding of the sewer between the main sewer and the street line. The clean-out shall consist of a "wye" branch fitting not exceeding ~+5 degrees from the horizontal with full bore case iron riser brought up to grade. 5. If desired, a cast iron ~+5 degree bend shall be installed to bring the cleanout riser to grade at the proper location. 6. A box with removable cover shall be placed over the cleanout and set to grade. The box shall be Model 000 as manufactured °by George Form Company. Emeryville, California or equal. 7. An open cover box shall be placed over the cleanout, set to grade. This Model 000 box may be obtained from the Sewer Department of the City of Cupertino by applying for one in each case from the Sewer Department office at the corporation yard upon presentation of a plumbing permit. 8. Two (2') feet of horizontal cast iron pipe shall be run from the City lateral on virgin ground or be bricked under the pipe to prevent settling. g. If fittings are to be used to elevate from the City lateral to a higher elevation to the house sewer, two (2') feet of horizontal cast iron pipe should be between the City lateral and any bends that are to be used. 10. Back filling should be tamped or puddled to ensure the greatest possible protection against movement of the how sewer. Section 17. Same. In addition to those requirements set forth in the Note in Table 3of Chapters ~- and 5 of said Uniform Plumbing Code, 1955 Edition, adopted. herein, the following shall be included therein No water closet shall discharge into a pipe less than four (~) inches in diameter. Section 18. Same. A new section 505 is hereby adopted and added to the said Uniform Plumbing Code, 1955 Edition, said section to be numbered and to read as follows: Section 505. Vent Pipe Grades and Connections. All vent and branch vent pipes shall be free from drops or sags, and be so graded and connected ~~s to drip back to the soil o r waste pipe by gravity. Where vent pipes connect to a horizontal soil or waste pi~ae, the vent pipe shall 'pe taken off above the center :Line of such pipe, ahead of the trap being served. Venn intersection shall be at least six (6) inches above i;he overflow rim of the fixture being served. .Unless impractical due to structural conditions, all gents and branch vents shall be verticle, with 1-I-5°, 60° ~~nd 72° being considered verticle. Section lg. Same. A new section 610 is hereby adopted and added to said Uniform Plumbing Code, 1955 Edition, said section to be numbered and to read as follows: Section 610. Drinking Fount-gins. Every drinking fountain shall 'oe a separate fixt~.re, or such form as to be easily cleaned. The drinking fpunt.ain hear shall be of the shielded angle stream ty e, constructed of non-corrosive material. The water ori~ice~ shall be above the extreme overflow level of the fountain bowl, and provisions for regulating the flow of wa.tez~ shall be provided. Section 20. Same. A new subsection (b) of ,section 612 is hereby adopted and added to said Uniform Plumbing Code, 1955 Edition, said section to be numbered and to read as follows: Section 612. (b). Each waste pipe receiving or intended to receive the discharge of any fixture in which any acid or corrosive chemical is .,placed shall be constructed of approved acid resisting p3:pe made for that purpose. Each ventilating pipe connected thereto shall be constructed of extra heavy cast iron pipe, high silicon iron pipe, or lead pipe of not less than o:n.e-eighth (1~8) inch gall thickness. Section 21. Same. New subsections (a) and (b) ~~f Section 703 are hereby adopted and added to said Uniform P1um~bing Code, 1955 Edition, said sections to be numbered and to read as follows: Section 703. (a) Traps ,Des~~ribed. Each trap except that for an interceptor s~.a1:1 be self-cleaning. Traps for bath tu'ps, hoppers, showers, wash basins, sinks, urinals, laundry tubs, floor drains, drinking fountains, dental units and other similar f~xtlzres shall be of approved type standard weight lead, cash iron, or cast brass, or of drawn brass-tubin of not less than No. 11 B & S, gauge nine one- hundredths ~.09) inch in ~hic;kness, except that traps of not less than T~do. 20 B & ~. gauge may be used in an exposed location for wash basins, sinks, laundry tubs, drinking fountains and dental units. Every trap shall have a smooth and uniform interior waterwa~r. (b) Any slip joint of an~r trap shall be located between the seal of the trap and the outlet of the fixture, or shall be located in the water sQal of the trap. Every union joint for a trap shall be located s.n the water seal of the trap or between the water seal and the outlet of the fixture, and every such union joint sriall be ground metal to metal contact without the use o$ any washer, packing, or other material to make a tight ~oir~.t. Section 22. Same. New subsections (h) and (~) cf Section 1603 are hereby adopted and added to said Uniform Plumbing Code, 1955 Edition, said subsections to be nurmber~ed and to read as follows: Section 1003 (h). Lawn Sprinkling Systems may be installed by any person, ~'irrr., or corporation possessing an appropriate State Contactors License which is approved by the Administrative Authority. Lawn sprinkling systems shall be equipped with an approved vacuum breaker on the discharge side of each of the last valves. The vacuum breaker shall be installed at no time less than six (6") inches above the surrounding ground and above sufficient number of heads so at no time will the vacuum breaker be subject to back pressure or damage. (p) Water Softeners. Portable water softeners, i.e., water softeners shich are not connected in any way to the house drain, may be installed by any person, firm or corporation possessing an appropriate State Contractors License which is approved by the Administrative Authority. Permanent water softener installations, i.e., water softeners which are connected in any way to the house drain, shall be installed by any person, firm, or corporation possessing a State Plumbing Contractors License. Section 23. Same. A new subsection (b) of Section 1007 is hereby adopted and added to said Uniform Plumbing Code, 1955 Edition, said section to be numbered and to read as follows: Section 1007. (b) Where the local water pressure is in excess of one hundred (100 pounds per square inch, an approved type pressure regulator shall be installed and the pressure reduced to one hundred (100) pounds per square inch or less. However, all pipe size determinatipns must be based upon eighty (80) percent of the reduced pressure. Section 2~-. Same. A new section 1103 is hereby adopted and added to said Uniform Plumbing Code, 1955 Edition, said section to be numbered and to read as follows: Section 1103. House Sewer Materials. (a) Building (House) sewers shall be of the type known as "service weight cast iron soil pipe" and the pipe and fittings shall conform in all respects to the Commercial Standard C.S. 188-53 of the United States Department of Commerce. (b) Joining methods and materials shall be as prescribed in Chapter 8 of this code. (c) In all buildings of three stories or more in height, where the vertical line of soil pipe reaches the height of thirty-six (36") feet or more, measuring from the floor on which the highest fixture is to be located, to the point where the sewer leaves the building, the entire system shall be of the quality known as "extra heavy cast iron soil pipe", fittings to be the same; branches may be of standard alvanized steel pipe with cast iron Durham fittings. ~d) Approved house sewer materials shall be installed strictly in accordance with manufacturers recommended pro- cedures. All manufacturers of approved house sewer materials shall supply the Administrative Authority with detailed written recommended procedures covering their product before such material may be installed. Section 25. Same. A new subsection (e) of Section 118 is hereby added to said Uniform Plumbing Code, 1955 Edition, said section to be numbered and to read as follows: 118 (c) The drainage and sewer system of every house or building on premises within the City of Cupertino, that is connected to a septic tank or cesspool must be, by its owner or agent, disconnected from any such cesspool or septic tank and be connected with the public sewer system, within thirty (30) days after receiving written notice from the Administrative Authority, providing there be a sewer on the street adjoining such premises deep enough to allow sufficient fall. All disconnected cesspools or septic tanks shall be filed in accordance with the provisions of Section 119 of this Code. Section 26. Same. A new Chapter designated Chapter 14 is hereby adopted and added to said Uniform Plumbing Co~~.e, 1955 edition. Said Chapter to be numbered and to read as follows: Chapter 14. RAINWATER DRAINAGE. 1401. Disposal of Rainwater Drainage. Rainwater from roofs, or other approved area exposed to rainwater may be drained into the storm water drainage system, or the combined sanitary and storm drainage system, but shall not drain into any sewer intended for sanitary sewage only. 1402. Permit. A special permit shall be procured in all cases to connect rainwater drainage to the storm water drainage system or the combined sanitary and storm water drainage system, which special permit shall bear the written approval of the City Engineer, or other authority having jurisdictionz over public sewers. 1403. Paved Gutter. Rainwater from roofs, or other approved areas exposed to rainwater may drain into a public street gutter, provided that such gutter is paved and runs to a catch basin connected t~~ a public sewer system and provided further, that such ~~.rainage has the approval of the City Engineer or other proper authority having jurisdiction over public streets or public sewers. 1~-0~+. Absorbed by Soil. Rainwater from roofs or other approved areas may drain int~~ a system or drainage piping designed to allow such drain,~.ge to be absorbed by the soil of the premises, or may discharge upon the premises outside of the building walls. 1405. Rainwater to Public Gutters. No rainwater from roofs, or other rainwater dr;~.inage or premises, shall discharge upon a public sidewalk. When it is desired to conduct rainwater from a building or premises to a public gutter, with piping other th,~.n that which is used for house sewers, such outside under ground drainage piping shall be of such type as may be approved by the Administrative Authority. When such approved pipe is used, such iping shall be two (2) feet from the building and one (1~ foot below the official grade. W.~,ter leaders connecting to such underground drainage piping, which are on the outside of a building wall that abuts on ~~. public thoroughfare, shall be constructed of galvanized wr~~ught iron pipe, galvanized steel pipe, or case iron pip° for a distance of not less than (5) feet vertically above the official grade. 1406. Sheet Metal Leaders a:zd Downspouts. No sheet metal water leader shall be installed on the inside of a building, inner court, or vent shaft, Zor shall any sheet metal leader be directly connected to any drainage system which connects with a public sewer. 1407. Defective Sheet Metal Water Leaders. When an existing sheet metal water leader pipe within the walls of any building, becomes defective, such water leader shall be replaced with one which conf~~rms to the provisions of this Chapter. 1408. Rainwater Drainage Piping Materials. All underground roof and area rainwater drai:~age piping within the walls of a building shall be case .iron pipe and fittings, and all such piping above ground shall be cast iron pipe and fitttings, or galvanized wrought iron pipe, or galvanized steel pipe with drainage fittings of approved standards. TABLE N0, 1 1-1 -- 360 1-2 -- 500 2 --1000 2-2-1500 3 --- 2+60 ~ --- 5220 5 --- g~+3o 6 ---15030 8 ---31~+go to -- 55150 12 -- 88250 (Drained Area Section 27, Same, Appendix-~ entitled "Recommended Rules for Sizing the Water Supply System" shall be added to said Code and become Chapter Fifteen thereof, Section 28, Same. Appendix-~ entitled "Explanatory Notes on Combination Waste & Vent Systems':' shall be added to said Code and become Chapter Sixteen thereof. Section 2g, Same. Appendix~C'r entitled "Minimum Plumbing Facilities" shall be added to said Code and become Chapter Seventeen thereof. Section 30, Same. Appendix-~ shall be added to said Code and become Chapter Eighteen thereof. Section 31, Same. Ap Appendix~E~ entitled "Trailer Park Plumbing Standards" shall be added to said Code and become Chapter Nineteen thereof, with the following exception: Subsection (e) of Part 2 entitled "Construction" shall read as follows: (e) Drainage pipe shall be cast iron, galvanized steel, galvaniexed wrought iron, lead, or brass, except that no galvanized wrought iron or galvanized steel pipe shall be used underground and shall be kept at least six (6) inches above ground. Section 32, Same, Appendix~'F~ entitled "Swimming Pools" shall be added to said Code and shall become Chapter Twenty thereof. Section 33. This Ordinance shall, after first reading, be scheduled for public hearing as provided in Section 5022,3 of the Government Code. Notice of Hearing shall be published pursuant to Sectio n 6066 of the Government Code in the Cupertino Courier. Copies of the Uniform Code and this Ordinance shall be on file with the City Clerk and open for public inspection. Section 3~+. Any person, firm, corporation, partnership, or copartnership who wilfully violates any of the provisions, or fails to comply with any of the mandatory requirements of this ordinance, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not to exceed $500,00 or by imprisonment not to exceed six (6) months, or by both fine and imprisonment, except that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to bar any legal, equitable, or summary remedy to which the City of Cupertino or other political subdivision, or any person, firm, corporation, partnership, or copartnership may otherwise be entitled, and the City of Cupertino or any other political subdivision, or person, firm, corporation, partnership, or copartnership may file a suit in the Superior Court of the County of Santa Clara, to restrain or enjoin any attempted or proposed subdivisions, or acts, in violation of this ordinance. Section 35. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty 30 days after its passage, and before the expiration of fifteen ~15~ days from and after its passage, this Ordinance shall be published once with the names of the members voting for or against the same in the Cupertino Courier, a nevasp~.per published in said County of Santa Clara. Introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino on the 23rd day of February, 1959. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino on the 2nd day of March, 1959, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Nathanson, Pelosi, Saich, Wilson NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Lazaneo A PPROVED: Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTES City Clerk I, LAWRENCE K. MARTIN, City Clerk of the City of Cupertino and ex- officio clerk of the legislative body of said City do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 80 on file in my office and that the same has been published pursuant to law. IN W TNESS WHE OF I have here t~~ set my hand and City Seal this ~~ day o f ~ ~.~C~-, ~ ~9~~ City Clerk