04-090 Ricoh Business Systems Customer Care ServiceAug~23. 2004 11;30AM Savin Contract Sales ~ Custom®r C~~re Service ~~~ ~a~ Ricoh Business Syst®ms ~RBS~ ~+antlfaCt Quote Number: 'YE08170012 TO: KIMBERL~ M X At: CITY OF CUPERTINO F~~X: 408-777,3333 FI"OI'r1: JoAnne Belem P x'101"1 a:650-829-56491 Fax: Pages: 650-829W5663 No•8605 P, 1/3 SAVtn ~:orporatlon j ~ v -(-~ ~ 1 8S0 Dubuque Av~nu~ So. aan Pranalsee~ CA 94080 (')BSO-~7.0~14 (~)OSO.820-aB88 A Rlaoh company The Service Contrac# on your 9922DP, aurren#ly servlcad by Ricoh IBuslness Sys#®ms, Is due for renewal o,n S/'IS/2004. To continue ov'era~®, please r®vlew, sign and fax ithe following quote back #o me a# 650-829-6663. To dlscon#inue Coverage, please Indicate a# bottom left cornor of form and fax back. If you should have an;~ questions regarding this renewal, feel fre• #o contact ~® a# 650.629-6649. Au~~23. 2004 11~30AM ~~~~~~ RiCOh Business Systems ~RBSj Sevin Contract Sales Customer Cabe Service Contract Quote Numb®r: 'YE08170012 Company Name: CITY OF CUPERTINO Addnsa~ 10300 TORRE AVE City, State, Zlpt CUPERTINO, CA 85014 Contaot~ KIMBERLY SMITM ~~'G~~ p~ ~,~bl-~ Phonellax~ 408-777-3150 408-777-3333 No~8605 P. 2/3 Sarrin corporation a99 dubuquo Avonuo 30. San lranelseo, CA 94050 (p)eao.~s~.es~a (p~s6aess-aesa A Ricoh company CUSTOMeR S411p TAe 44 Company Neme: CITY OF CUPERTINO Addrasa~ 10300 TORRE AVE City, State, Zlpt CUPERTINO, CA 85014 Contact: MARIA Phenellax~ 408-777-3201 Base Bllling Amount: $178.60 Quarterly Plus applicable tare Copies Allor~ved: 20,000 Annually Overage Billing Amount: $0,0367 Extended Coverage if Applicable ""CONK" Indlaalea Network Addendum Attaohed Effectlvm: 8113/2004 nor 12 Menlh. and Meter Allowance: 0 2nd Meter Overage Amountl$0.0000 Contract Coverage Includes: parts Labor [)rOm, Toner and Develoaer ~ IVlodel 99- _ Serial: H2400800225 ID 1~umber 793804 ~ R Tl~ PAODUC r DOas NOa ~BT r~ oxc4n~raL Mnta1JPACTURER~9 aiA7 RICOH HU3RVHSS SYSTBMS WII.L, AT TFte CU9TOt~R ASQUB®T, RBPLACCi 9 WiTfiDY TtIItEH YHARS OP tr18'rAI-T.ATSON OP ANY NHW R]COH/6AVAf wrrx A [.na3 tnvrr ~ Tk~ CUBTOI~a 1~8T8 Tf~ POLt.OwnVO THEt6S The equipment is continuously under the Ricoh Btctiness Systems Maintenance Agreement appNeable to the euatomer. The customer fu~fllls all of the terms of this Maintai,mrce Agreement applicablE~ to the customer. Mora requssetng a raplaeanisnt unit, this customer gives Savin the opportunity to rasolvs any as,wtee problems the customer may have with the iaintenance Agreement contracts arc ndn-r~iendable/t~on-transferable and noncance/able. Bass billing amount doss not sncluds vice of NenvorkAddendum. Base billing amount does not include price of Nehvork Addendum THIS AGREEMENT SXALL NOT BE El+'FECTTYE UNLESS SIGNED BY THE C(15TpafER AND RICON BUSINESS SYSPEMS CONTRACT MANAdEMENT Ca~tomer Acceptance I have read end t~nderatand our obligations under the tarns and conditions stated herein. Ricoh Business Systems Atethorizatio~ Date and on the reverse side hereof as the only agreement pertaining to the equipment hereunder. No other agreements apply unless expressly noted on the face of this agreement or in the contracts specified. Ricoh Contract Number ~f ~ ?3~~ 5 f U~ f PO/Contract Number Customer Signature ~ Date ~G ~ m b~ I y -~-> >~h Print Name O Customer has declined maiatettance coverage at this time. The EXPIRING CONTRAC'T` customer underatanda obtaining maintenance coverage later may incur Please remit payment to fltll with return of stgned contract. If not paid charges in addition to the normal maintenance olaarge and has been within 30 days, subJeet to parts and labor surcharge informed as to the current time end material billing rates. Visa/MasterCard accepted. ~ 7 Aug~23~ 2004 11~30AM Savin Contract Sales No~8605 P. 3/3 MAINTENANCE AOREEMCN71'ERNa AND CONDITIONS 7, OGNiRAL SCOPC OP COVERAp6 TNa Agreement owere both the labor and iM material fof' adlurtmwte, repelr end roplaoamants of pasta ae raqulrod by nannal uaa of tea equipment, w )eat b tM axcspUons In and to aaoordanoe with these terms and oondttlons. This Agreemenn tars not oovw chergea for Installation or equlpman or da.lneglllatlon of aqulpmanl M It la moved, Damage b the squlpmerd ar Its parts seeing oul of or auaed by ee, aDUa, npllganca, straehment d urnulnarwd oomponanle, arceesariee or garb, uaa of Suhabnderd faralmne (therntaq paper or aubetandanf euppllae or otMr causes heyand the Doers or Savin are not covered by Ulla AgrNmsnt and racy OublOOt Customer m a wrcherye or to anosllation of lNa Agreement In addition, Savin nay tarminate fire Agnsme+x If the equlpmem Is modlAetl, dsmeged, eltsrod or sarvloetl Dy personnel ether t an the Savin Authorized POnomM, or M part, ecraeaades W component not meeting machine epedAosUons are thlad b the aqulppment TNa Agreement doe not Dover onargea for repalro due to Cuebmer or tNrd party modltlatians b eottwsri ar hardwaro. 4. aERVICt"n CALLS 9ervla aAe under tMe AgrNMMt will ba made during normal business hours et the IlutallaUon eddreee shown on tM rwene aide of tNe Agroemen. Travel and labor time for ^arvlce calla after normal Duslnas houre, en weekends antl on hdltlaya, K end when avellSDls, will Da ohargad d the published overtime rotas In affect at the time tM seMOe all Is made. 6avln Reproeenttlvw wID rto! handle, dlaoonnsot or repdr urretrthorised attaonments ar oompanerNs; Cusbmer Is riaponattrle thr dleconneoting and rioonnadtrg uneuthodzed atbohments or campenente. Cutomer hereby Indemnltbe and holds Savin and Its RepresemaUva Mrmlaee for dolma for damage b any unauthorised pans, camDOnenb or scceaeoriee roeultlrlg from urvloa portarmed on Satyrs equlpmanL Lstxx, perforated during a service call Induda lubriation and desning of the equipment end tits adJuahnant, repelr or roplaoerr»n o1 parts described belpyy. 8. REPAIR AND RiPIACEMENT OM PARTS All parts neoueary m the.aperotion of tM aqulpment, due b normal weer end tear, with the exception or the parts Ileted below, and subJad m the general scope of ooveriga, rAA be fumlehed hoe of oMrge during a asMt:e call Indudad In tM malnwrance eerNae Dravidetl by Urls Agreement Exaptl0na ere PhotocOnduabn (I.e, Dopy drums unless the oo~er or tax b oavered by a PuN Covarege Ma[nterrenee Agroemenq unlNa otharwlee armed In tNs Agroement 1. RECONDITIONINt3 THIS PARApR4PH (4) I9 NOT APPLICABLE TO COUIPMENT COVERED BY A 9AVIN CONTINUOUS MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE, Rebulltllttq or rtfq~or overhauls ere not ooverod Dy ws Agroament In addlUon, when In Its ^ola dlseredon Savin detennlnu that a retxndldonlrtp b necessary, as a reeuh of expeotd weer and tear of malenals and age fedora oawetl by norcnal dAa environment usage, In order m keep the equipment In worWng oortditiarti Savin wUl wbmit m the Customer an eellmab of nwdad repels end their oust NRrioh vii ba In addlUan b the anarge payable under this Agreement n IM Customer daaa not authorlxe soon taacnd[iloning, Savin may dlsoontinue service of the equlpntent urtdr INs Agreement (rsNnding Uta unused portion d the maltttananoa dwRe) or may refuse b renew tins Agreamant open Its explrotlon. T'trareafler, the Savin ReprosentaUve may make service available on a •Per l:sN' heals based upon puDliNiad rates In effect a> tea time of service. 5, USE OF SAVIN SUPPLIES If the Cuabmx uses other than Satan wpplta and If such auppllu eri defed(ve ar unaoosptaDle for uaa In Savin maohlnas and o9uae abnexnutlly frequent aeMOe Dells ar ^arvlee problems, than Savin may, st ne aptlon, asses a wrdtarga ar lerminete this Agroemen. In this event, the Customer ma De offered aeMoe on a "Per GII" Daefs based upon published rata. It ht not a cortdttlon of tNa Agrsantsnt, however, that the Customer uaa ody Savin authorized wppip. 8. SU'MLY INCW8IVG CONTRACTS If aupplla an Inducted In Qra service provided under this Agreement, Savin will wpply black toner, InK and davelapar, unless othertrrlae stated In this Agreemanp, b the Customer based upon normal ylNde. H tM Customer'a usage d the wppplts exacts the normal ylelcta for Ute aqulpmerd be4tg eeMoed, Sown wAl Irndce and tM Customw agroea to pay, for the sutoees Suppllw d 8avln'a euttbrtt rWll prices itwn In stied. Savin roaerva the ngnt b orrarya for supplla and frolpht 7. ELECTRICAL In order b Irnuri optimum perfonnancs by tM Sevin aqulpmerd, h le mandamry that apecMc models D. pupped Into ^ dedicated Ilhe and comply wen menufeduror eleohlasl epadAaUore. These power standards are required by UL andlor local safety regulatiorn, Raierance Sevin Bulletin A~00012. A CNAIZQ G8 TM tnlllal rwn-refundable charge for malntenana under this Agraament atoll be the amours eat forth on the reverse skis of INS AgrNmenL The annual malnlenanoe charge wlfh roepeot b any renewal farm, or ascend or third farm of multi~tarm agraemerd, INN bs the drerge In effect at tM time of rarwwd, Cudomer shall pay aA dtarga wltidn 10 days of Invddng. If agdpment N moved b a stew tisvln aervla tarrippry, Savin atoll Mw iM option b onarga, end the Cus6onter agrees b pay tits dltfarertoa In published nlalnteninoa charge betowan tM ourrenl territory and the new temtoly (on a pro-rata teals). M equipment t moved beyond SeNn'S Service territory, Satyrs roserva the ngM b mnc9t ar IFre Customer aaggra~e m pay a Gtr and reseonaDle upaharya for mntlnued saMae, taltlng Inc aocourrl the dktna b Cuatomara new 1oexUon and the DuDIthW rates of Savin far aeMoO on a 'Per Call' teals. Agroement Within alzty (n0)day• of the InUan rx termineUon of tNa q~yemerU, Savin al,an submit b Cusmmar an Itemized Im+oiae br cry lase or a,rpansea, Inducting arty Par Gu fees, therotokro aaarued under this Agreement 6aoept as otnarwlea provided heroin, Customer, upon paymeru of aooru.d amounts ao Irnoloetl, snail titenaAar have rto further Ilndllty ar obigation to Bavln whabawer ibr erry furttrer fees or etrpenees seeing hereunder, In the want Savin larminatae lhla Agreement beauty of the broach of Customer, Satan snail De enlUed to payment for want In gropes plus relmburoamama for cuto*podcd expernea. 11, INDEMNI'T'Y Customer shall IndemNfy save end hold Savin, Its afiliata, ofAwre, dlredon, aharoholdare, emdoyea, epees and ripraeanfeUvea and Its and tMlr suooasors and awlprn ('Savin Parties') ham>leu from antl agolnst any nablllty, lose, tact, warns or d+~mage whatsawer auoad by reaaon d any breach of tN• Agreement by Customs or by reason of any fyury wMther to body, properly, buelnew, aMnotsr or reputation auelalned by 9win PaAlaa or to any otMr De170n Dy rieaon d qnY act, mgled, amisalon or defadt by CU•tOmer. Cuebnur shell defend any actkln b WMoA tPoa Indemnity shall apply. In the awed Customer Lila b defend such actors Savin maY do Sa end recover from Customer In atldttion, all Dods and expense Indudlrrg ettornsya' tees In oonnedion therewith. Savin shall a MtUtied m recover from Cusbmer all caste and expernss, Indutling, wltiwut Amltatlan, attorneys' Na end dleburoertronb, Inourntl by Savin t aonnedJan with adlons taken by 8avln or Its ropraeraatives Q) le enlorW an provision of this Agreement; (III b stoat any paymwde ar mllsdfoM proNdetl for heroin; (yllq to Institute, malntln, preserve, erdaroe and IoredoN on 8evln'e eeouriay Intuat Irt or Ilan an the goods, wnetMr through Judldal pl+DOastllnppa or atherwlae; or pv) to derontl or pro.acute arty aotlorn or proaadingr arising out or ar roladng b any Soule treneedlorn with Cuabmer. The tbregdng prov Mons of tN• Paregreph 11 shell euNlve lM Nlminstlon ar expiration of this AgrNment 1.i, FULL AGREEMENT 7hN Agriement oonstitufea the ends agroemant between the p+lnlee partalning b tM wbJeot manor hereof and •upewedse all prier agreements, wtderotndings, nvgetletbna and dlsouaforo, wMlher oral or written, of tM pertla, red may rx>t be added b, modlnetl, wpplsmented or valved In any wry exaspt In writing signed by fns wrrUea (other than Dddng oMngae provided for MrNn). 1~i. SUCCESSORS AND A981t9NS; TEkMINAT10N Thls Agroemen shall be Wnding on tea paNe^ barrio, their help, •uoaesori, and assigns, However, tNe Agrismard may not be a+Klpned Dy Cusiomar without the wrnent of Savin. 1.1. aEPARARILITY OF ~ROVI910N0 Ewh provision of this Agroemem sRSll Da mneldered sepanDle, and, tf for any mason annyY proda[an that 4 not aesenWl m the Niaduetlon d the teals putposea of this Agreementla tletennined m ba Irneild and contrary to arty etctating or future 14w, woh InvaAdty Shan not Impair the operation of or affect those pliDVlalorn of this Atyeemerlt lftat aro valid, i+s. COUNTiRPARTB AND PACSIMILI9 SIGNATURES TNa Agreemem may Da erorrslted In swenl oountaparte, each of which atoll W doomed m be an original and aU of wNOh tagattrer shall corntitut one Agreemert binding on all partlu harem, rotwhhsgtndlrtQ teat ell the peNee hew not slOnetl Ofs same counterpart. A /axed Slgnatwa d fNa Agroemen brratirq authorized efgnaturae stay be treated as en odglnel. 1+5. WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL ALL PARTIES HERETO HEREBY IRREVOCABLY WAIVE (e) THE RIGHT TO TRIAL 0Y JURY; AND (b) THL RIGHT TO INTERPOSE ANY ANp ALL COUNTERCLAIMS IN ANY ACTION, PROCEEDING OR CLAiM ARI91N0 OUT OF OR PERTAINING TO THIS AGREEMENT, 1'/, JURISDICTION AU partlea heroDy oornanl end voluntarily wDnYt b pareonal lurlsdletlon In the Slate d New York and In Me court In such State laattetl In Haw York County In any proosadirq aridng out al or rolaUng m tN^ Agreameftt. 1+L HOLD HAftMLE88 to no event sMll BSNn bs opts for arty demagee whabower Induding wlyrput Ilmltation, epedd, Inddarrfal, eornequsnual, or ktdlred damegea for personal Inlury, lose d business proAb, buslne» InerrupUon, loss d buelrau IMOrrrrtlon ertsing out d d' IMDllly m rue tNa product, Savin la not ItDle for erry dalm made by a titirtl party or made b!r you for a tNrd party. The Cuetenler aaknowledga ttrt ttw service tbvsroge N such tMt tM Dri us~hl ~ ~ nua b provide onplea but not funotlon u a pnntr, The CueOomer ehaU WDa of r Ire orders covered by a nattvorK oomeativlty melydenenee allreentert. 8psoiAaly, thla Agreement Ice applloabt m print vdume only services and atduda help QeeK support, network support, eoRware eppllaUon wppaA erd any other axtnedlvlty support asrvKta. Iii. FORCE iAIUEURG Savin •M4 na Da IIaWa m Cuetomerlbr arty hUuro ordNay acted trr avant beyond SatAn'a oortD'ol, Induding, without Ilmitatlon, Custbmero fellurs to fumleh rNroessary Intormatlon; sabotage; failure or daleYa In trernpartaUOn ar oommuNaation; bllyoot0a; emDergoer fellurea rY Oubstkutlorta of aqulpmaM; lehar dlaputaa; e~ldenta; altertapee of labor', foal, nw matariale, machinery, or equlDmertC taonnlou falluros; Are; dens; Mtod; esAFquake; expbslon; aria of the public seamy; war, Insurtectlork clot; pubno dtorder; eDldemla quarentine rastridbrta; seta of God; sob a any government or any quasl• ariernmental aulnorigr, Irndrumentslily eragency, g. TERM This Agroemen baoarnas affedtva upon Savin's reoNpt of the hdUal rrorr reTurxtabla mNntenana dtanpe provided on the reverse Olds of this Agrwman or, It Cusmmar t billed In arceare, upon fife date Ittdloatetl In the 'BtaA Datd apace thereon, and ahdl oxttlnw far iM parted a. epadAad an the hce of INS Agreement In the avant a Customer roaches Or exoade the copy allawanep epedAed on tM face of Wa Agreement prior b the d~ia end foci al~eaoes~e ooplia, it tM me®~ bs~ otlatad ar Me Crntomar wti be rg oppOtlte Olds of INS doaumad, through the end ar the earttroCt term. 10, GVGNT OF DEFAULT AND TERSIINATION TM ooourrena of the iollawlnp shall oorntitute an Evan of DeCdulk the Cusomer falls b pay any portlan of the duuga for ntalntenfnoe Or parts, a provided order rat Agreentettt when tlw, or tM Customw fella m duy perfontt any oovettan, oortdtlon ex Andhttion of this Agroemen. upon en Cward of Demult, Sevin msY• (lI roAb• b service tics equlpmerrk QI) htrttisft scrubs on S C.O.D. 'Per GIF teals based upon publlehed ratty In efreot at Ute Uma of eerv)ce; and pl>) termlrtata tide g0. NO WARRANTY 9AVIN DI9CLAIM3 ALL WARRANTIES, E>D'RE99 OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, TECHNICAL COMPATABII.ITY, FITNESS FOR USE, OR FTTNE88 FOR A PARTICULAR PURpO9E, CU9TOMERAOREEB THAT BAVIN IS NOT RE9PON91ELE FOR DIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAM110E9 INCLUDINt3, aUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE L089 OF lJ8E OF THE EQUIPMENT, Zt. INSURANCE Cwtomer shall oDtln and melntdn, et Ace own expense, Irnunnoe arleanq m dame for Inlury andror property wmaga pndudng commardal general IlabUlty Irwranoe) based on Ira uee d the equipment, goods aril maonlnery, Itav, 11/00 TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME @8!26!2@@4 1@:@2 NAME CITY OF CUPERTINO FAX 4@87773366 TEL 4@877732@@ SER.# BROJ1J591381 DATE,TIME @81'26 1@:@2 FAX NO.lNAME 9165@8295663 DURATION @@: @@: ~q PAGES} @2 RESULT OK MODE STANDARD ECM