01-023 City of Sunnyvaleo ~"°a 3 DUPL[CATE QRIGINAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL, CONTROL AND COST SHARING AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, for convenience dated F- ~~' ~ •-~~-~ ~ ~-' , 2001, is entered into by and between the CITY OF' SUN ALE, a municipal corporation, referred to herein as "SUNNYVALE," and the CITY OF CUPERTINO, a municipal corporation, referred to herein as "CUPER'TINO." RECITALS WHEREAS, SUNNYVALE and CUPI;RTINO contemplate construction of the traffic control signal system and safety lighting at the intersection of HOMESTEAD ROAD and BELLEVILLE V~'AY and BARANACA DRIVE, referred to herein as "PROJECT", and desire to specify the terms and conditions under which such systems are to be installed, financed and maintained. WHEREAS, SUNNYVALE and CUPE;RTINO have entered into a cost sharing agreement on May 1991 regarding the traffic control signal system and safety lighting at the intersection of HOMESTEAD ROAD and BLUE JAY DRIVE, which Agreement provided by Section II(2) (a cony of which is attached as Exhibit A) for SUNNYVALE to reimburse CUPERTINO for fifty percent (50%) of the maintenance and operating costs of that traffic signal system and safety lighting. WHEREAS, this new Agreement pr~~vides for CUPERTINO to take primary responsibility for the traffic control sign~ci system at HOMESTEAD ROAD and BLUE JAY DRIVE as described herein, and for SUNNYVALE to take primary responsibility for the traffic control system at the intersection of HOMESTEAD ROAD and BELLEVILLE WAY and BARANc~A DRIVE as described herein. SECTION I SUNNYVALE AGREES: (1) To provide advertisement, bid opening, award of the contract, contract administration, and all necessary construction engineering services for the PROJECT. (2) Prior to advertisement for construction of PROJECT, to submit plans, specifications and estimates to CUPERTINO for review and concurrence as to conformity to CUPERTINO'S standards and/or existing facilities. (3) To provide for the construction of P&:OJECT by contract in accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates of SUNNYVALE. Page 1 ~~f 4 (4) To provide an amount equal to one' hundred percent (100%) of the expense of preparation of plans, specifications and estimates, construction engineering, construction costs ~~nd necessary traffic signal equipment purchase required to complete the PROJECT, subject to the partial reimbursement by CUPERTINO as set forth below. (5) To operate and maintain the PROJECT upon completion. SUNNYVALE shall pay for all costs of mainten~~nce and operation. of the traffic control signal system and safety lighting. SECTION II CUPERTINc) AGREES: (1) Prior to award of contract for construction of PROJF;CT, CUPF,RTINO shall review the plans; specifications, and f~stimates ft~r confc:rrr~ity~ to C'tJPERTiNO'S standards and!or existing facilities. (2) (.'pon ~orr~pletion r;r PTzOJECT, CUPERTINO Shall rei;nl.,iarse SUNNYVf1i,F, fifty percen± t;~U~?i°1 of the expense of preparation of pi..ns iincj spr~cifcd*.;ons, constn~.ction e?~gine;ering, construction ~•osts and necessary trai'fi:, si~zal equipment purchase required to complete theA PROJEC'T'. (3) Upon completion of PROJECT, CUPERTINO shall take sole responsibility far all cysts of maintenance and operation of the traffic control signal system and safety lighting for the traffic control signal system at the intersection of HOMESTEAD ROAD and BLUE JAY DRIVE. SECTION iii IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS• (1) SUNNYVALE shall not approve a contract for the construction of PROJECT until after receipt of CUPERTINO'S approval of the plans, specifications and estimates required in SECTIONS I and II, above. (2) Neither SUNNYVALE nor any officer or employee thereof shall be responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by CiIPERTl:NO under or in connection with any work, authority, or jurisdiction delegated to CUPERTINO under this Agreement. It is also agreed that, F~ursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, CUPERTINO shall fully indernnify and hold SUNNYVALE harmless Page 2 of 4 Ocausers\Common\Agreements\Cupertino Cost Sharing from any liability imposed for injury (as defined by Government Code Section 810.8) occurring by reasons of anything done or omitted to be done by CUPERTINO under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to CUPERTII\f O under this Agreement. (3) Neither CUPERTINO nor any officer or employee thereof shall be responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by SUNNY'VALE under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction ~~elegated to SUNNYVALE under this Agreement. It is also agreed that, pursuant to ('government Code Section 895.4, SUNNYVALE shall fully indemnify and hold C[JPERTINO harmless from any liability imposed fo;- i~iiurv (as defined by Government Code Secticm 810.8} occurring by reasons of anything done or omitted to be Gone by SUNNYVALE under or in Lonnection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to SUNI/TYVAI,E under this Agreement. (4) Should any portion of PROJECT be financed with Federal funds or State Gas Tax funds all applicable procedure and policies relating to the use of such funds shall apply notwithstarn:.ling other provisions of this Agreement. (5) In. the construction of the work, StJNNYVAI,E will furnish a repr~eseritarive to pe?-fornt rho tisua] junctions of a. Resident Engineor•_ Ct~PERTINO may, at no cost to S UNN~'~,'r? LE . furnish ~~ representative, if th °y se desire. Th e representative and Resident Engineer will cooperate and consult w~~i.h ,each other, but the orders c,f SL'~]Ny'VALE'S engineer shall hz final. (6) If existing public and private utilities conflict with the construction :~f PROJECT, SUNNYVALE and C_'tJPERTINO will make all necessary arrangements with the owners of such utilities for their removal or relocation. Encroachment permits will be issued by either SUNNYVALE or CUPERTINU, depending upon the location of the utility for which removal is required by the PRUJECT. Al] p~~ivate utilities and public utilities not o:~rr~ed }:y eit~Yer SUNi 1YVALE c„ ~tJPERTI~'~~iu, si7ai] b:; required to remove or relocate at their own cost. The cost of removing or relocating public utilities owned by eitYier SUNNY`JALE or CUPERTINO shall be shared equally by the two cities. (7) CUPERTINO hereby grants to SUNI\IYVALE and its agents and contractors all necessary authority to perform within the boundaries of CUPERTINO any and all work required to perform the terms of this Agreement, and agrees to provide such docurnentati~~n as may be required by CUPERTINO to confirm such authority. (8) The parties agree that this Agreement shall supercede and amend Section II(2) of the May 1991 Agreement between SUNNYVALE and CUPERTINO for the traffic control signal system an~~ safety lighting at the intersection of Page 3 of 4 Ocausers\Common\Agreements\Cupertino Cost Shanng HOMESTEAD ROAD and BLUE JAY DRIVE, which required SUNNYVALE to pay half the cost of maintainin;_ system and safety lighting at that entirely by CUPERTINO as detailed CITY OF CUPEI3,TIN0 ~~~ , ~~ ,~, ~~~ By. ------_-°. .~.. ,.. "~~~ Mayon Attest: ~/~ Ci Clerk .APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney and operating the traffic control signal intersection. Such costs shall be borne herein. CITY OF SUNNYVALE By: _ City Manager Attest: c~t.~ !~ J City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~ ~~~ Ci ~ ,'attorney Page 4 of 4 Ocausers\Common\Agreements\Cupertino Cost Sharing