287950°03'15"W Ivpv lQ Csi—rFdSddHon. \ uea°Se'oa•E� /10176 Fd./lP�� �s��� W a J 4 IMP O.R. 393 764 0 R. //0 I y I I I I I I a•2o' d+ 89°0145" L: 31.12' 1 198.00' I I et? 00, 4,50.97' _ u89°56'45"W 54,0.00' _ N MA12SWALL 449.65' COURT ;'4T— 211.00' . k°xo 1+31.71' I I 7 1 I 2°20' d+89'09'45" 1 2 i 1 WI I; 3 o ' °D ¢+20`� 0 a3 I i dr 6 1 � 128'ilj zao NA N N 3 5 COUNTY: RECORDER'S CERT/F/GATE F/LE N0. Mcg iee,0..00 Paid Acce fed f r record and fi/ed in Bvok/�of ps of Pa e qday of �NuaT�/9G/ of ' ,/n in Me Off/ie of the Couo y �4ecorder of the Covn y of JV171- -c- c?" ofa Clara SfafeofCg/ifornia. EXISTING RIW 2988 0. R. 319 4 pO.E _ " SET MO PLUS WITH TAO 1189.56145"W 784.84' a "'' ► u89°4I'a5"w �.... 75 Fd.B..eo/vy.1HOMEGTEAD Na""'5'w 789.85 ROAD u es.1 BAS/S OFBEq e/TUGS ;rhe beorin9A/B9°66'dS"ls%.ol*>he cenler //neat yamesfead C'oodos s170W&,27 Ae map en>if/ed "Tract Nc, 696, EG SEA?EUD h'OJs/t'SYTES/ed�rreeordin Book 26 a,! rt/opsa/l/aaye30, ionto C/ora Covnfy Records waslakener117ed!!s/S o�dearinys shown upon Phis map. C/TY E,(/6/JUEE,2S CEPT/F/GATE I, ,Dexler ,4h/gren, C/fy EnyiiTeer of 7lhe Cify ofGosq/los, Ca/i�ornia, hereby cerll�'y lhallhave examinedlfie with/n fii7a/map o,/ Traci Uo2879; fhalffre svbdiiIrSion shown hereon /s subsfanl/a//y fhe same ae ifappearedonlhe approved lentaf ye map; /hat a///arovisions o/ /fie svbd yrs/on J�fap,4cfand of any 1047/ ordnance o/ap/i6'hle a>llhe lime of approva/a,/ fhe lerilairve mab hove beers comp/redwrffr anaYam sa><afieeThal saidrnap/s lerfir�i - ca//y correct Dealer Ah/yren, Crfy Engineer CifSroll'LosA/los, 5/4fea�'Cd/i�arnia Z.4VV-f&,fl1, YO,e 5' CE,2T/F/CATS jr, /lowardG. 4�Vsfan, hereby certify fhaf I am aL/censed LandSurveyor ol'lhe Sfo1e01'Ca111101-1710,•/hal MI6' map, consisting atone sheet corraelly represents a survey made ender 177y sZper-vision /n_14117e,104 0, liioilhe survey /s free ondcornp/efe as shown, fhafa//monvrr�er�fsshownhereon da acfua//y exist orw/116e ser; andfhafsai4'rrronurrrerrfs are svrl{;cienffo enod/e ><he sarvey to be retraced. howard!i.,L�irT�sfon L.L. . 27/¢ Fd PA!/L ? TE/LHS Coun y Recorder ar �-/�• E��a� y NORTH (P FD. BR. PLUG ✓ 1/4 COR.COMMOM TO sees.10� 11 T.16. R2W. M.O.B.E M. it 1110TE5 A/UO L EG•E/UO A//d/stamesanddimeas/oae are5hawI7infeef anddeeima/s lhereaf' The Mle border /ne /1V'1C01e6' lhedoundaryof /andsubdiuidedby Phis mala ® /ndc'a�s monurr�enftodesef p /hdcafeSmar�arrrenf jaanr/. o/ndcafe9l.PsefUn/esso/herivisenofed/ndeajes/P�uno!ura'esso><herR�/senoted. CM1 COMMC/L'S CEET/F/CATE /herebyy certify fhaf this wrap enfil/ed Tract /Flo. 2879,W as approved by the Clly Counci/of'lhe 41fy of'Las q/>`as a{ /ls regular meeky he/a'on the j "'day of , /961, and/hdf sage Cavnc/%a/saio'meef/rrq, accepted on beha/f lhepud/ic a//easemer�fs offeredfr dedcalion aS shown on sa/dmap andel/d nal accept thestreets andporfror�s of streets altered for dedicaf/On on sa�a'map w/fh/n sa/dony7Vkcy Clerk OF LOSACTDS, STATE OF CAL/FORNIA •S. cavalry oF6.4,(lrA C4AZ4 On ftiis `day Gf .TAn/uAay , 6>' before me Q4,0*1- AW .fTEW9Ri a notary public inaad'�'o� soia' Sfofe and CovrTfy, resioiny there/gdv/y commiss/oned andsworn� Persona/ly appeared wF Ts'o�A and �.E. 8F.9uciEu ,!known fa rue fo de. 4e v/ce/oresioenf andassislanf iswmefaryr respective/yr of American Secvrifies Co1VnaZ6 fhecorooratiar� fhaf executed fhewl�nsrme>mr7ae fa .fie #e/Persons wbo ereevtedif on and`hey ac/srrow/edged Tv'Ve fhaf sack carporafion executed fhe same as trustee. IN W/TNESS WHEREOF /have hereunto sef/ny handand affixedrny �fficia/ sea/ /fie day and year /n SIT/s eer11,7elcafe fii- abAye cv 7eA My commission expires r 1 /, `/ G'9RoL AN.Y .ST'Ehi9RT Hof F pub/�c /n ender #e Co�Jriy o /'Santa C/oro, $late Of L a/if'Orni6 L. MARSHALL MEADOWS TRACT N0.2879 BENG A PORTIOU OF LOT B OF THE PARTITION OF THE BARTON TP -ACT IM FRACTIOUAL 5ECTi0U I0,T75, 22WMDB¢M. LYING WITHIN THE CITY OF L06 ALTOS, CALIFORNIA SCALE: 1"=100' DATE: WOV., 1960 MASTIN 4* KINGSTON CIVIL ENGINEERING -LAUD SURVEYING 40 WOODNAMS RD. SANTACLA2A CALIF. 011Y/UE,C0S CE,IPT/F/C,9TE kel hereby certify That we are 1heowl7er5 oj, orhavesome right, t/f/e Or in/eresf /n andfo 117ere7//oraperfy /nc/vded within fhe 5u6V1116r1an shown upOnT`hew/fh/n map; lhalweare lheon/yper5ons whose conserrf is necessary fo pas5 aclear of/e fo saidrea/property; fhaf we hereby consent lo fhe oI xa/o mao and subdivision as shown within fhe b/ue border 1117e awaWat we herebyojjer for dediCof/on fo pub/ic use a//sfreele andporfians a/ 6#eefs not herefOlOre, existing as shown on fhe w/fh/n reap w/lhir7 said Subdivision ana'we a/so deaicafe eaeemenlfor any anda//pab/ie uses under, aeon ana'aver-sald sfi"eels and said portions thereof. ll/e o/so hereby bed/cafe /o pub/ic use eoserrenfs fora//public ufi/ify foci/ifies inc/udrV pa/es, wires, S017a&fe, 510, -Mf eWe,-.l, 50171&-41 sewers andgas, wafer and heal mains and a/fpub/�e ufi/if/es andany anda/f appurtenances to /he above, onor over fhase certain strips of land /ging between fhe rear l/rres andl0r sloe fines o/°/ots and fhe Joshed /roes each a'es/9nalmlas �Pllb/ic Ulififies Easemenf�, easements ander, o17aroverthose cerfair7 strips of /andde/neofedanddesiyna%dos '4 E.'(Anchor Easement% and easements for wire c%arance/aur ose5 only overfhase cerfainareas defib eale,, andAes�ynafedos "Ir.C. e "�/re Clearance Easement% Pub//c Ufi/ifies Eose177e171y la6e &epl clear of'bai/dugs andsfrucfures ol'any kind excepf ufi//fy company slruck,-er andfawju/Ilene-. Rlli-e clear- ance easements to io /irr/leo' fa ha//dinys, strvclvres and appurtenances thereto wh/ch have a maximum height q/ fiffeea jeef above fhe /rade alfhe ground /Me 01po/es. 11,4UeY T/TLE COMPA UY OF SAA/TA CLA2A caaA/TV A COe cveAT/o l/, 08 ocher Y/CE•PeES/OEA/T A5S1STA.UT SECZeTAZY AME•R/CAN SECUR/T/ES COMPANY A CORRORAT/ON of lrasyee d/CE-P.ee$10EA/T A55/sr4 SEC.eET,4,2v 57,4T6 OA- C41/FO,eX114 S S. COM,UTY OF5dJUT4 CLAY Onfhis�Rdayof'•a�irARs�,/96L, be/oreme['.y.Po.cgv.�SrawARro,!/ofary Pvd/c /n and101- sa& Sfofe and Covnfy, res/0/079 lhere/n, duly comm19-/017edand sworn, personal/y appeared a� 1/4✓ezlc_�� and 5us� / si9sTGUNr� knowrTfome Tobe fhe lllee es/dent and 4ss/sfanf Secrefory, respective/y, o�/he valley Title Cairrpaay C/aro Cavnly, r'he corporafi0n fhaf execufedthe with/n 1175frumen1, and alsokwwn Tome fo Ae the persons who executed/fanbeho� of saidcorporairon andlhey acFnaw/edged fo me fhafsuch corPorofion executedlhe same as Owner /A/ llrlr,UE55 tY//EeEOFlhavehereunfo set/r/y hand ana'af1kea'rny of1t/afseal fhe dayandyear/hfhiscerleofe firs above ri/en. #y commission expires oG .ST6 T A/oforyPub//c/nondjrfheCavn yo`Sonfo C/aro Slafe ofCo/�ornia JOB N0. 57-59 I !2q If 3 o ' I W ''•. R•I a3 I i dr 6 r zao om am o o, �1 WIDEulu6 ?IS'STIZEHT 3 5 COUNTY: RECORDER'S CERT/F/GATE F/LE N0. Mcg iee,0..00 Paid Acce fed f r record and fi/ed in Bvok/�of ps of Pa e qday of �NuaT�/9G/ of ' ,/n in Me Off/ie of the Couo y �4ecorder of the Covn y of JV171- -c- c?" ofa Clara SfafeofCg/ifornia. EXISTING RIW 2988 0. R. 319 4 pO.E _ " SET MO PLUS WITH TAO 1189.56145"W 784.84' a "'' ► u89°4I'a5"w �.... 75 Fd.B..eo/vy.1HOMEGTEAD Na""'5'w 789.85 ROAD u es.1 BAS/S OFBEq e/TUGS ;rhe beorin9A/B9°66'dS"ls%.ol*>he cenler //neat yamesfead C'oodos s170W&,27 Ae map en>if/ed "Tract Nc, 696, EG SEA?EUD h'OJs/t'SYTES/ed�rreeordin Book 26 a,! rt/opsa/l/aaye30, ionto C/ora Covnfy Records waslakener117ed!!s/S o�dearinys shown upon Phis map. C/TY E,(/6/JUEE,2S CEPT/F/GATE I, ,Dexler ,4h/gren, C/fy EnyiiTeer of 7lhe Cify ofGosq/los, Ca/i�ornia, hereby cerll�'y lhallhave examinedlfie with/n fii7a/map o,/ Traci Uo2879; fhalffre svbdiiIrSion shown hereon /s subsfanl/a//y fhe same ae ifappearedonlhe approved lentaf ye map; /hat a///arovisions o/ /fie svbd yrs/on J�fap,4cfand of any 1047/ ordnance o/ap/i6'hle a>llhe lime of approva/a,/ fhe lerilairve mab hove beers comp/redwrffr anaYam sa><afieeThal saidrnap/s lerfir�i - ca//y correct Dealer Ah/yren, Crfy Engineer CifSroll'LosA/los, 5/4fea�'Cd/i�arnia Z.4VV-f&,fl1, YO,e 5' CE,2T/F/CATS jr, /lowardG. 4�Vsfan, hereby certify fhaf I am aL/censed LandSurveyor ol'lhe Sfo1e01'Ca111101-1710,•/hal MI6' map, consisting atone sheet corraelly represents a survey made ender 177y sZper-vision /n_14117e,104 0, liioilhe survey /s free ondcornp/efe as shown, fhafa//monvrr�er�fsshownhereon da acfua//y exist orw/116e ser; andfhafsai4'rrronurrrerrfs are svrl{;cienffo enod/e ><he sarvey to be retraced. howard!i.,L�irT�sfon L.L. . 27/¢ Fd PA!/L ? TE/LHS Coun y Recorder ar �-/�• E��a� y NORTH (P FD. BR. PLUG ✓ 1/4 COR.COMMOM TO sees.10� 11 T.16. R2W. M.O.B.E M. it 1110TE5 A/UO L EG•E/UO A//d/stamesanddimeas/oae are5hawI7infeef anddeeima/s lhereaf' The Mle border /ne /1V'1C01e6' lhedoundaryof /andsubdiuidedby Phis mala ® /ndc'a�s monurr�enftodesef p /hdcafeSmar�arrrenf jaanr/. o/ndcafe9l.PsefUn/esso/herivisenofed/ndeajes/P�uno!ura'esso><herR�/senoted. CM1 COMMC/L'S CEET/F/CATE /herebyy certify fhaf this wrap enfil/ed Tract /Flo. 2879,W as approved by the Clly Counci/of'lhe 41fy of'Las q/>`as a{ /ls regular meeky he/a'on the j "'day of , /961, and/hdf sage Cavnc/%a/saio'meef/rrq, accepted on beha/f lhepud/ic a//easemer�fs offeredfr dedcalion aS shown on sa/dmap andel/d nal accept thestreets andporfror�s of streets altered for dedicaf/On on sa�a'map w/fh/n sa/dony7Vkcy Clerk OF LOSACTDS, STATE OF CAL/FORNIA •S. cavalry oF6.4,(lrA C4AZ4 On ftiis `day Gf .TAn/uAay , 6>' before me Q4,0*1- AW .fTEW9Ri a notary public inaad'�'o� soia' Sfofe and CovrTfy, resioiny there/gdv/y commiss/oned andsworn� Persona/ly appeared wF Ts'o�A and �.E. 8F.9uciEu ,!known fa rue fo de. 4e v/ce/oresioenf andassislanf iswmefaryr respective/yr of American Secvrifies Co1VnaZ6 fhecorooratiar� fhaf executed fhewl�nsrme>mr7ae fa .fie #e/Persons wbo ereevtedif on and`hey ac/srrow/edged Tv'Ve fhaf sack carporafion executed fhe same as trustee. IN W/TNESS WHEREOF /have hereunto sef/ny handand affixedrny �fficia/ sea/ /fie day and year /n SIT/s eer11,7elcafe fii- abAye cv 7eA My commission expires r 1 /, `/ G'9RoL AN.Y .ST'Ehi9RT Hof F pub/�c /n ender #e Co�Jriy o /'Santa C/oro, $late Of L a/if'Orni6 L. MARSHALL MEADOWS TRACT N0.2879 BENG A PORTIOU OF LOT B OF THE PARTITION OF THE BARTON TP -ACT IM FRACTIOUAL 5ECTi0U I0,T75, 22WMDB¢M. LYING WITHIN THE CITY OF L06 ALTOS, CALIFORNIA SCALE: 1"=100' DATE: WOV., 1960 MASTIN 4* KINGSTON CIVIL ENGINEERING -LAUD SURVEYING 40 WOODNAMS RD. SANTACLA2A CALIF. 011Y/UE,C0S CE,IPT/F/C,9TE kel hereby certify That we are 1heowl7er5 oj, orhavesome right, t/f/e Or in/eresf /n andfo 117ere7//oraperfy /nc/vded within fhe 5u6V1116r1an shown upOnT`hew/fh/n map; lhalweare lheon/yper5ons whose conserrf is necessary fo pas5 aclear of/e fo saidrea/property; fhaf we hereby consent lo fhe oI xa/o mao and subdivision as shown within fhe b/ue border 1117e awaWat we herebyojjer for dediCof/on fo pub/ic use a//sfreele andporfians a/ 6#eefs not herefOlOre, existing as shown on fhe w/fh/n reap w/lhir7 said Subdivision ana'we a/so deaicafe eaeemenlfor any anda//pab/ie uses under, aeon ana'aver-sald sfi"eels and said portions thereof. ll/e o/so hereby bed/cafe /o pub/ic use eoserrenfs fora//public ufi/ify foci/ifies inc/udrV pa/es, wires, S017a&fe, 510, -Mf eWe,-.l, 50171&-41 sewers andgas, wafer and heal mains and a/fpub/�e ufi/if/es andany anda/f appurtenances to /he above, onor over fhase certain strips of land /ging between fhe rear l/rres andl0r sloe fines o/°/ots and fhe Joshed /roes each a'es/9nalmlas �Pllb/ic Ulififies Easemenf�, easements ander, o17aroverthose cerfair7 strips of /andde/neofedanddesiyna%dos '4 E.'(Anchor Easement% and easements for wire c%arance/aur ose5 only overfhase cerfainareas defib eale,, andAes�ynafedos "Ir.C. e "�/re Clearance Easement% Pub//c Ufi/ifies Eose177e171y la6e &epl clear of'bai/dugs andsfrucfures ol'any kind excepf ufi//fy company slruck,-er andfawju/Ilene-. Rlli-e clear- ance easements to io /irr/leo' fa ha//dinys, strvclvres and appurtenances thereto wh/ch have a maximum height q/ fiffeea jeef above fhe /rade alfhe ground /Me 01po/es. 11,4UeY T/TLE COMPA UY OF SAA/TA CLA2A caaA/TV A COe cveAT/o l/, 08 ocher Y/CE•PeES/OEA/T A5S1STA.UT SECZeTAZY AME•R/CAN SECUR/T/ES COMPANY A CORRORAT/ON of lrasyee d/CE-P.ee$10EA/T A55/sr4 SEC.eET,4,2v 57,4T6 OA- C41/FO,eX114 S S. COM,UTY OF5dJUT4 CLAY Onfhis�Rdayof'•a�irARs�,/96L, be/oreme['.y.Po.cgv.�SrawARro,!/ofary Pvd/c /n and101- sa& Sfofe and Covnfy, res/0/079 lhere/n, duly comm19-/017edand sworn, personal/y appeared a� 1/4✓ezlc_�� and 5us� / si9sTGUNr� knowrTfome Tobe fhe lllee es/dent and 4ss/sfanf Secrefory, respective/y, o�/he valley Title Cairrpaay C/aro Cavnly, r'he corporafi0n fhaf execufedthe with/n 1175frumen1, and alsokwwn Tome fo Ae the persons who executed/fanbeho� of saidcorporairon andlhey acFnaw/edged fo me fhafsuch corPorofion executedlhe same as Owner /A/ llrlr,UE55 tY//EeEOFlhavehereunfo set/r/y hand ana'af1kea'rny of1t/afseal fhe dayandyear/hfhiscerleofe firs above ri/en. #y commission expires oG .ST6 T A/oforyPub//c/nondjrfheCavn yo`Sonfo C/aro Slafe ofCo/�ornia JOB N0. 57-59 I !2q If