08. Las Madras playgroup donationDEPARTMENT OF' PARKS AND RECREATfON CUPERTINO Agenda Item No. Q SUBJECT MEETING DATE: February 16, 2010 Accept a donation from Cupertino 2004 Las Madres Playgroup in the amount of $392.85 and appropriate it to purchase new bike racks for Blackberry Farm Park. BACKGROUND The Cupertino Playgroup of Las Madres for children born in 2004 has appreciated the support and public resources of Cupertino during its five-ye;ar history. All Las Madres playgroups disband after five years and the playgroup would like to give something back to Cupertino by donating its remaining treasury of $392.85 to the City for e~ihancing its park features. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Accept the donation from the Cupertino 2004 I,as Madres Playgroup in the amount of $392.85 and appropriate it to purchase new bike racks for Blackberry Farm Park. SUBMITTED BY: Mark Linder, Dixector, Parks and Recreation CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVE=NUE • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 TELEPHONE: {40F} 777-3110 •)=AX: (408) 777-3366 APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL: D;~.vid W. Knapp, City Manager 8-1