17. Scenic CirclePUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CUPERTINO Summary AGENDA ITEM AGENDA DATE February 16, 2010 SUBJECT AND ISSUE Scenic Circle Access to Stevens Creek Corridor Park 1. Approve the design and construction of an additional public access point to Stevens Creek Corridor Park and Blackberry Farm from the west side of the Creek near Scenic Circle. 2. If approved, consideration of three alternative project options and approval of Alternative B as a new capital improvement project and budget in the amount of $235,000 to design and construct the ADA modifications to the existing maintenance footbridge and a code compliant access trail from Scenic Circle to the east side of Stevens Creek in Blackberry Farm. BACKGROUND On December 6, 2005 the City Council voted to close the gate providing access to Blackberry Farm from Scenic Circle. The Council action followed extensive discussion on the issue. The Council discussed the access issue again on October 17, 2006 and agreed to consider forming a task force to look into the issue, as long as it addresses the larger issue of safety in the Monty Vista High School, Kennedy Middle Sch~~ol, and Lincoln Elementary School area. Council did not act to reopen the gate at that time. Council asked Staff to return with proposals on forming such a task force. The gate remained closed throughout the constn~ction of the Stevens Creek Corridor Trail and Blackberry Farm Park. During the construction of the trail and the renovation of the park, the construction crew removed the north bridge (close to Blackberry Farm Golf Course), replaced the middle bridge with a new bridge, and temporarily removed the south bridge (close to the playground). The south bridge was restored in the same location, after the work in Stevens Creek was completed. The neighboring community was notified of this action by e-mail on July 23, 2008 in a Notice of Construction Activity. Tlie south bridge is currently used for maintenance purposes only by staff. ~~-~ The Stevens Creek Corridor Trail and Blackberry Farm Park reopened on July 4, 2009. The Director of Parks and Recreation established a Blackberry Farm Operations Advisory Committee to provide the department advice on the day to day operations of the trail and park. At its October 12, 2009 meeting, some of the neighbors brought the issue of providing a safe route to walk and bike to school through Blackberry Farm to the committee. The committee discussed ideas such as having the route accessible from Scenic Circle, during school hours only, with Parks and Recreation contract staff opening and closing the gate. Those who supported closing the gate in 2005 continued to oppose opening the gate for on the basis of neighborhood safety, parking, and traffic. Parents brought up the same issue during open forum at the October 20, 2009 City Council meeting and spoke of the need for a safe route to the tri-school area now that Blackberry Farm and Stevens Creek Corridor Trail are open. Staff proposed two options for a task force to consider this issue at the November 30, 2009 City Council meeting. The Council voted to bring the reopening of Scenic Circle gate issue to the December 15, 2009 City Council meeting. ANALYSIS On December 15, 2009, in considering the issue of opening a new access trail to Stevens Creek and Blackberry Farm, Council reviewed a preliminary project scope and description for the access. At the Council meeting staff specifically noted that the estimate was very preliminary and was not based on any design or engineering of such a project nor did it account for the potential environmental impact or permitting process. At the conclusion of the discussion Council did not make a decision regarding the access point from Scenic Circle but directed Staff to investigate two additional alternatives to the staff alternative presented in the December 15~' meeting. That original alternative is now referred to as Alternative A. The other alternatives are referred to as Alternatives B and C. The following is a summary of the alternatives. More specific details of each alternative are provided in the attached Exhibit A, B and C respectively. The following discussion and description of alternatives is for Council's consideration should it approve a project for an additional access to the park from the west side of Stevens Creek. DISCUSSION Additional Public Access Trial to Stevens Creek Corridor Trail and Blackberry Farm Over the years, since Council acted to close the Scenic Circle access gate in December 2005, Staff has maintained a neutral position on the issue owing to the imminent construction of the Stevens Creek Corridor Project. which would require closure of all access points during construction. 2 ~~-2 However, since the matter has again been raised by neighbors and parents as well as by Council, Staff has reconsidered that issue and recommer.:ds that the additional access be approved. There are several reasons that form the basis for this Staff recommendation. These include the following: 1. Safer route for school children to the tri-;school area on McClellan Road and Bubb Road. The current route following McClellan Road or Stevens Creek Boulevard from Scenic to the Tri-School area tends to generate higher vehicular speeds owing to the downhill grades and some sight distances issues at the hairpin turns occurring over this reach of McClellan Road. A safe and code compliant trail and bridge through Blackberry farm would offer a more direct and safer route: to school. 2. Convenient access for neighbors and park users to the west of Blackberry Farm Park. Stevens Creek Corridor Trail and Blackberry Fann Park, particularly since reopening after completion of $14 Million in public improvements and recreation facilities, is an amenity that should provide conveniem: and safe access for the entire community. An additional access point, which would effectively be a branch of the existing Stevens Creek Corridor Trail, would accomplish that goal and more conveniently open the Park and Trail for the neighborhoods to the west of the creek. 3. .Supports the Cit~~oals for alternative -transportation and a Green environment. The City has consistently supported projects that accommodate and encourage walking and bicycling throughout the communit•~. An additional access point from the west side of the creek would achieve that goal of furthering opportuiuties for people to walk and bike through this important recreation area. For all the above reasons, Staff has concluded that the appropriate recommendation for the Council's consideration is to identify and approve funding for a new Capital Improvement Project to provide an additional ADA and code ~:ompliant trail branch and bridge for access from Scenic Circle across Stevens Creek to Blackberry Farm and connecting to the existing Stevens Creek Corridor Trail. The following outlines three alternatives for Council to consider for such a project. General Conditions and Design requirements Certain elements and costs are common to all ~:hree alternatives, such as the work necessary to make the existing maintenance bridge ADA ar.:d pedestrian code compliant. The width of the pathway and surface material in all alternatives ,~, B and C are assumed to be similar. A number of trail surface materials were considered during the analysis phase. The existing CEQA documents prohibit the use of petroleum products such as asphalt or oil impregnated gravel. Because a portion of the trail near the: bridge is in the flood plain, other construction materials that typically contain chemicals or nunerals that would be harmful to the steelhead cannot be used as well. 3 17-3 When annual maintenance costs are taken into consideration, the number of trail surface alternatives is further reduced. For the purposes of the cost estimates the surface material for trail is presumed to be the same material in all three alternatives. During the fmal design phase it may be determined that the surface material for the portion of the trail that is above the flood plain could be a different material but it has been assumed to be the same for all three alternatives. However, this determination will have only a minor effect on the cost estimate, if any. The significant variability of the alternatives, aside from the length of the trail, has mainly to do with the number of native and non-native trees that must be removed to accommodate the trail alignment and the attendant additional work required in the environmental review process as a result. These variables are discussed in each alternative below and shown in more detail in the Exhibits attached to this report. Alternative A This alternative begins at Scenic Circle near the intersection of Scenic Court. It is the shortest trail alternative at approximately 200 feet in length, of which most is in the flood plain. A small number of trees will need to be removed for the trail alignment, including a small young oak, three elms in poor condition, and one willow. One nearly dead walnut tree will also need to be removed. A summary of the project budget is provided below with additional detail provided in Attachment 1. Environmental Compliance $ 25,000 Design & Construction Management 45,000 Construction 95,000 Construction Contingency 15,000 Total Alternative A $180,000 The estimated total cost of Alternative A is higher than was first presented to Council in December. The recent investigations of the other alternatives and the compliant surface materials as well as additional engineering of the trail conditions have more accurately identified the scope of the design, construction and environmental costs that needed to be added to the project budget. Alternative B This alternative begins on Scenic Circle but further upstream from Alternative A. It is approximately 250 feet in length, most of which is in the flood plain. One 14-inch non-native Chinese elm tree will have to be removed to allow the trail alignment to avoid crossing over the sensitive root systems of a significant native oak and a walnut tree. Three other small trees will also need to be removed. However, even with the tree removals, this project, because of the additional meandering of the trail will be the most environmentally appropriate for the setting. In addition, this alternative will help alleviate the expressed concerns of neighbors who are closest to the park boundary. 4 17-4 A summary of the project budget is provided below with additional detail in Attachment 1. Environmental Compliance Design & Construction Management Construction $ 30,000 50,000 135,000 Construction Contingency 20,000 Total Alternative B Alternative C $235,000 This alternative begins on Scenic Circle, the a.uthest upstream and at the intersection of the Simms haul road and is approximately 1,260 ff;et long. Council asked Staff to consider a trail alignment that would allow the trail to be set ba~;k from the street and adjacent to the creek to the fullest extent possible. Upon careful inspection of the entire length of that segment, it was discovered that significant excavation and retaining wall construction would be necessary in some locations immediately next to the creek. For these reasons, this alignment was found to be impractical and infeasible and was not studied further. However, to develop this third alternative, a different trail alignment was studied that placed the trail for most of its length immediately behind the existing curb on Scenic Circle with limited locations where it might be feasible for the alignment to meander away from the curb into open spaces. Unfortunately, even this less intrusive alignment still may require the removal of at least four significant and protected oak trees, one with a trunk diameter of more than 3 feet. An additional 27, mostly native, trees would be affected and may have to be removed. As such, it is expected that these impacts alone:, along with anticipated difficulties in obtaining the necessary permits could very likely make t1-us an unacceptable alternative, but it is provided here for Council consideration because it was specifically requested. It should be noted that a sidewalk for the entire length of this alternative already exists on the opposite side of the street and is available for pedestrians. It is also common practice for cyclists to use the street instead of sidewalks when they are adjacent to each other. It is assumed that a trail just behind the curb would be treated more: like a sidewalk than a trail. A summary of the project budget is provided below. More detail i~; provided in Attachment 1. Environmental Compliance $ 45,000 Design & Construction Management 80,000 Construction 3 50,000 Construction Contingency 55,000 Total Alternative C $530,000 17-5 SUMMARY OF ALTERNATIVES Alternative and Scope Total Cost (Budget) A -Bridge ADA retrofits, 200 feet (+/-) Trail, some minor Tree removal $180,000 B -Bridge ADA retrofits, 250 feet (+/-) trail, minor tree removal, Tree protection from trail construction $235,000 C -Bridge ADA retrofits, 1,260 foot (+/-) trail, some behind Curb on Scenic, Major Tree removal $530,000 FISCAL IMPACT Taking no action will have no cost impact. Directing staff to proceed with any one of the three alternatives discussed above will result in a funding requirement from the General Fund. Staffs recommendation for Alternative B will require a total project budget of $235,000. On January 19, the Council approved a project budget for Scenic Circle access in the amount of $125,000. To budget for Alternative B will require an additional allocation of $110,000 as follows: Project Budget Approved January 19, 2010 $125,000 Project Buffet Estimate - Alternative B ($235,000) Additional Funding Required $110,000 Staff further recommends that, in accordance with previous Council direction, on other new C1P projects that such funding be considered as part of the 2010-2011 Capital Improvement program along with other proposed CIP projects for the upcoming fiscal year. 6 ~~-s STAFF RECOMMENDATION Scenic Circle Access to Stevens Creek Corridor Park 1. Approve the design and construction ~~f an additional public access point to Stevens Creek Corridor Park and Blackberry Faxm from the west side of the Creek near Scenic Circle. 2. If approved, consideration of three alternative project options and approval of Alternative B as a new capital improvement project and budget in the amount of $235,000 to design and construct the ADA modifications to the existing maintenance footbridge and a code compliant access trail from Scenic Circle to the east side of Stevens Creek in Blackberry Farm. 3. Staff further recommends that, in accordance with previous Council direction on other new CIP projects that such funding be considered as part of the 2010-2011 Capital Improvement program along with other proposed CIP projects for the upcoming fiscal year. However, should Council decide to take no action, the existing bridge will continue to be used for maintenance access to the landscaping on the wESt side of the creek. Submitted by: Submitted by: `~2 ~ C~ uGc ~ Ralph A. Qualls, Jr. Mark finder Director of Public Works Director of Parks and Recreation Approved for Submission: David W. Knapp City Manager Attachment 1 -Alternative Cost Summary and reaps of Alternatives A, B, and C. ,, • ~~-~ ATTACHMENT 1 SCENIC CIRCLE ACCESS ALTERNATIVES COST SUMMARY FEB. 16, 2010 ALTERNATIVE ALTERNATIVE ALTERNATIVE ALIGNMENT ALIGNMENT ALIGNMENT A B C ENVIRONMENTAL CEQA CLEARANCE FILING FEES BIOLOGICAL SURVEYS ARBORIST TOTAL, ENVIRONMENTAL $25,000 $30,000 $45,000 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT CIVIL ENGINEER GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER SURVEY CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT INSPECTION & TESTING BIDDING COSTS TOTAL, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT $45,000 $50,000 $80,000 CONSTRUCTION DEMO, SITE PREP, EARTHWORK MOBILIZATION DEMOLITION GRADING ENGINEERED FILUOFFHAUL TREE PROTECTION TRAFFIC CONTROL SUBTOTAL $23,000 $42,000 $125,000 TRAIL, BRIDGE UPGRADES, SITE WORK TRAIL CONSTRUCTION FENCING MODIFICATIONS & NEW GATE BRIDGE MODIFICATIONS ADA RAMPS SITE WORK SUBTOTAL $65,000 $82,000 $190,000 RESTORATION PLANTING PLANTINGS IRRIGATION EROSION CONTROL TREE REPLACEMENT ~ 1 PLANT MAINTENANCE SUBTOTAL ~ $7,000 $11,000 $35,000 TOTAL, CONSTRUCTION $95,000 $135,000 $350,000 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY $15,000 $20,000 $55,000 TOTAL PROJECT ~ 180 000 2 5 00 53 00 17-8 _ ;,`, "". ALTERNATIVE A DATE: 2/B/10 SCENIC CIRCLE TRAIL FEASIBILITY STUDY -CITY OF CUPERTINO v ALTERNATIVE B DarE:2/e/to SCENIC CIRCLE TRAIL FEASIBILITY STUDY -CITY OF CUPERTINO v Dnre: 2/8i^« ALTERNATIVE C SCENIC CIRCLE TRAIL FEASIBILITY STUDY -CITY OF CUPERTINO EXHIBITS BEGIN HERE ~i~ Linda Lagergren From: Debi Jamison [ddjamison@comcast.net] Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 7:58 PNI To: Kris Wang; Gilbert Wong; Orrin Mahoney; Mark Santoro; Barry Chang Subject: New Trail in Blackberry Farm? -Corrected Dear Mayor Wang, Vice Mayor Wong, and Council Members, You have a very important decision to make soon: whether or not to reverse the decision of previous city councils regarding the access gate and bridge into Blackberry Farm from Scenic Circle. The SCCP Master Plan/Mitigated Negative L>eclaration explicitly states that the bridge will be removed. Previous Councils have decided to lock the gate and end access. I recently visited the area of Blackberry Farm through which the 3 route options pass with several other people.We all agreed unequivocally that our version of Option A is clearly the best route if you decide to allow this access point. 1. Let's be clear.Any trail alternative (A, B, or C) is an intrusion into an area of Blackberry Farm that was dedicated to be the one area of they Blackberry Farm renovation that is away and protected from human presence or activities. Putting a trail into this completely revegetated and quiet section will impact wildlife breeding, nesting, feeding, resting, etc. That's the reality and those who want to do this -~ parents, city leaders, west side residents for access -should not be in denial or ignorance.Most people do not have an ecological background and do not realize or recognize these impacts, or will tend to minimize them. But as Joanne McFarlin's research paper on the subject shows (Creekside News, November 2009), these impacts are real. 2.Alternative B has several problems: a. It enters from Scenic Circle directly in front of a residential home's front entrance. b. It will involve a lot of vegetation removal, including quite a few small trees (not counted by staff among the larger trees noted) and understory shrubs and vines. It was very difficult for us to move through this jungle of plants as we followed the route of Option B. c. The trail construction would be along a hillside, close to the creek. Imagine heavy machinery bulldozing it's way along the heavily vegetated creels bank, then depositing base rock, gravel, and the surface material. The swath taken out will be wi~~er than the 8 foot wide trail itself. Once in use, the habitat will experience the disruptive presence of humans lengthwise for 250 feet. 3."Our" Alternative A, starting where the wide gate is now, is definitely the least destructive of the riparian plant community, least disturbing; of the wildlife habitat, and least expensive. Furthermore, it begins on the side of one house and not directly in front of any house.The area below the wide gate is relatively free of woody vegetation except for the restoration plantings which would have to be transplanted. The length of the trail would not be along the creek bank but would approach from above. 4.Alternative C is completely unacceptable due to the close proximity of the new sidewalk/"trail" to the creek bank. 6.Council Members should do a site visit to better visualize for yourselves these alternatives before making a decision.The staff could flag the alignment of the routes and the large and small trees to be removed. 7.The SCCP Master Plan/Mitigated Negative Declaration clearly states that this bridge would be removed. Putting it back and into use as an extension of the Stevens Creek Trail to a new trailhead definitely requires a separate environmental review.Its impacts and mitigations should be professionally evaluated. 8. If you do decide to proceed with this project, it should not occur during the wildlife breeding period, which begins in January for raptors and continues into July. Thank you for your serious consideration of our site visit findings. Deborah Jamison cc a-Irb(~o #j -7 Cupertino City Council 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 February 12, 2010 City Council Members: In reference to Agenda Item 17, Scenic Circle Access to Stevens Creek Corridor Park, February 16, 2010, Council Meeting Please read the following letter at the city council meeting as I cannot attend. To my knowledge, the city did not notify residents in the Scenic Circle area ofthe January 19, 2010, meeting whereas the Cupertino City Council approved a project budget of $125,000 for Scenic Circle access to Blackberry Farm before a formal decision was made as to whether or not to approve access. Furthermore, the city has not provided proper p~,~blic notification whether by mail or email for the scheduled February 16 meeting concerning the Scenic Circle Issue. Concerning the suggested access alternatives, city staff should have included, in addition to Alternatives A, B, and C, an Alternative D - .Access from Scenic Circle using the existing trail through the Simms Property which. would be the least costly and provides a "safe route to school". Before approving any of the city staffs' recommendations, the City Council needs to justify the spending of any amount, whether $1(;0,000 or $530,000, to open access from Scenic Circle to Blackberry Farm. In reality does this meet the city's goal of addressing the larger issue of providing a safe route for students attending Monta Vista High School, Kennedy Middle School and Lincoln Elementary School? In our opinion, none of the alternatives - A, B or C provide the solution for student safety; these alternatives only appease the very few people who do not live in the Scenic Circle neighborhood who continue to insist there needs to be an unnecess~~ry fourth, very expensive to install, entry to Blackberry Farm. Would it not be more beneficial to spend this exorbitant amount of money to improve safety near and directly in front of the schools to benefit all students? Does it make sense to remove trees, destroy rec~;nt plantings, and disturb the natural habitat with another hard surface trail to accomplish a questionable entry? Please consider the above before overturning th~~ decision by the previous council members to not allow access from Scenic Circle:. Don and Alice Bautista Donna Henri ues ~~ ~ From: Mark Linder Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 11:31 ~~M To: Donna Henriques Subject: FW: Scenic Circle Access From: teresa dickerson [mailto:teresa_dickerson@hotmail.com] Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 4:30 PM To: Mark Linder Subject: Scenic Circle Access Dear City Council, I have 4 children and live on Scenic Blvd. I was very ~ pset when the access through Scenic Circle was terminated. My kids used the access through Blackberry every day. It is much safer and shorter than going down McClellan. I have seen 2 kids in the mornings that have got hit by cars when they were on bicycles riding down Mc Clellan. Luckily they were not sE~riously injured. What is it going to take? A kid getting killed before the access gets reopened! Another thing is people that live in the neighborhood c:an't walk down Scenic Circle with their kids and go play on the playground or go walking on the new path. You have to get in your car and ride through the neigborhood,down McClellan,left on Orange and then down to the parking lot at Blackberry to use it. I think that with all of the tax payers money spent on red~~ing Blackberry it is a shame that people that live next to it can't even enjoy it without getting into thE~ir cars and driving to use it. It takes me longer to drive there than it would to walk there if the gate was rE~opened. It would be great to have the access on Scenic Circle reopened for kids going and coming to school and for the people who live in the neighborhood to be able tc~ walk or bike down to Blackberry and enjoy it. Thanks for considering reopening the access, I am hoping to be using it again soon. My kids and I use to use it almost every day before it was closed with the ne~N fence. Teresa Dicker~:on Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft's powerful SPAM ~-rotection. Sign up now. Linda La er ren ~ 1~ From: Bob Skyles [Nedrabob@earthlink.n~~t] Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 11:32 ,qM To: Kris Wang; Gilbert Wong; Orrin Mahoney; Mark Santoro; Barry Chang Subject: Scenic Cir. Access to Stevens Crk. Pk. Greetings, Please Vote FOR item 17 on tonights council agencla "Scenic Circle access to Stevens Creek Corridor Park". As a long time resident, pedestrian, and bicyclist living west of Stevens Creek Park, this new access will certainly impro~~e the quality of my and my families life in Cupertino. Thank You, Robert Skyles 10301 Stonydale Dr. Cupertino, CA 95014 1 ~- f ~ Linda Lagergren From: Marilyn Beck [marilyn@bcbeck.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 9:18 AIVI To: City Council Subject: Scenic Circle access I was very pleased to hear that you are going to allow students the opportunity to cross the bridge from Scenic Circle so they can get to Kennedy and Monta Vista more safely. Every small measure to improve safety helps. Hopefully more parents will let their kids walk or bike to school now, meaning less cars driving to school. We don't live in the Scenic Circle neighborhood but my daughter bikes to Monta Vista and my son will bike to Kennedy next year. I am very concerned with the large amount of cars in that area during school drop off and pickup times. Most people are very conscientious but some get distracted or try to rush and become less aware cf cyclists and pedestrians. Anything you can do to ease the congestion is greatly appreciated. Marilyn Beck Woodbury Drive, Cupertino -~ ~-~ Linda Lagergren From: Shani Kleinhaus [shani@scvas.orgJ Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 8:12 AIVI To: Kris Wang; Gilbert Wong; Orrin Maf~oney; Mark Santoro; Barry Chang Subject: Staff Report: Scenic Circle Access to Stevens Creek Corridor Park Attachments: cupertinp scenic circle.doc; ATT00001..htm Dear Dear Mayor Wang, Vice Mayor Wong, and Council lvlembers, Please find attached Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society's comments regarding the Staff report "Scenic Circle Access to Stevens Creek Corridor Park", to be discussed at the Council meeting of February 16`" 2010. Thank you, Shani Kleinhaus ~~_. ~;- ~1~.~ =w -~" ~ ~ ~~ - - ~ --~ ~~ Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society Founded 926 February 16th, 2010 Mayor Kris Wang, Vice Mayor Gilbert Wong, Members of the Cupertino City Council Cupertino City Hall 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3202 Dear Mayor Wang, Vice Mayor Wong, and Cupertino Council Members, Please review Santa Clara Valley Audubon Societe (SCVAS) comments on the Staff report, Scenic Circle Access to Stevens Creek Corridor Perk. Staff's report for Council meeting of February 16t" 2010 recommends the identification and approval of funding for a new Capital Improvement Project to provide an ADA and Code Compliant trail branch and bridge for access from Scenic Circle across Stevens Creek to Blackberry Farm and connecting to the existing Stevens creek Trail. The report outlines three alternatives for the project. Staff recommends Alternative B. - a meandering trail of 250 ft. that would cross the creek on an improved, ADA standard footbridge. Staff suggests, "This alternative, because of the additional meandering c-f the trail will be the most environmentally appropriate for this setting". We would like to bring to your attention the follov~~ing concerns: (1) Staff environmental argument in support of the meandering Alternative B is unjustified. We believe that the shorter (and least expensive) Alternative A is the more environmentally sensitive of the three proposed alternatives. Since Stevens Creek Corridor supports diverse biological resources, we believe that the selection of an alternative should be the result of a CEQA process that includes an analysis by professional biologists/ecologists. (2) The Mitigated Negative Declaration for Stevens Creek Corridor Park Master Plan and Restoration Plan (approved by City Council on October 3, 2006) called for the pedestrian bridge on Stevens Creek to be removed. The biological irlpacts of replacing a bridge in the same location, and of improving it to ADA standards m-~st be assessed in a CEQA environmental review. In addition, staff has not made it clear as t~~ whether or not the existing maintenance footbridge will support bicycle traffic, and whether additional construction may be needed for this purpose. We believe that we can fairly argue, based on su~-stantial evidence, and in light of the whole record, that this project may have a significant environmental effect on wildlife habitats in the p. 1 of 2 22221 McClellan Road, Cupertino, CA 95014 Pl-one: (408) 252-3748 * Fax: (408) 252-2850 email: scvas~a scvas.or;; * www.scvas.org Stevens Creek corridor and on the endangered Steelhead in the creek. We request that an EIR be prepared to study the environmental impacts associated with the choice of alternative, design, materials and construction of the proposed additional public access points to Stevens Creek Corridor Park and the modification to the existing bridge crossing of Stevens Creek. A No Project Alternative should b~; considered as a part of the environmental review process. Sincerely, 0 Shani Kleinhaus, Ph.D. Environmental Advocate Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society p. 2 of 2 22221 McClellan Road, Cupertino, CA 95014 Ph~~ne: (408) 252-3748 * Fax: (408) 252-2850 email: scvas e,scvas.org * www.scvas.org ~ I f (~ ~~a ~~~ Linda Lagergren From: Carol Stanek [cstanek@echelon.ccm] Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 11:37 f'M To: City Council Cc: saferidescupertino@gmail.com Subject: In Favor of Scenic Access Dear City Council Members, As we prepare, yet again, to discuss the opening of the access through Blackberry Farm, I hope you had a chance to read today's editorial in the San Jose Mercury News regarding the Santa Clara County board of supervisors' action to adopt a Children's Bill of Rights. Below is an excerpt from the editorial i emphasis added): "Kids in Common hosted a Children's Summit earlier this montl-~ in San Jose to introduce the bill of rights. It was an uplifting convergence of youth advocates and young people, but some disturbing themes surfaced. One was children's safety - or the lack thereof. John Porter, superintendent of the Franklin-McKinley School District, told the crowd that many of his students worry each day about how they're going to get home from school safely. Dr. Fernando Mendoza of Stanford University noted that childhood obesity is a problem partly because in many neighborhoods, kids can't just go out and run and play; it's not safe. Eloquent teenagers echoed similar themes... Policymakers are supposed to use the bill of rights as a touchstone when they make decisions on services and budgets. It can make a difference; awareness always does. " Hopefully Cupertino does not need such a Children's Bill of Rights. However, it is clear that we need to put greater emphasis on the impact of the Council's decisions on our students as we prioritize services and budgets. hope never to again experience the gut wrenching feeling of seeing a student on the ground next to his bike across from McClellan Ranch Park after a collision with a car which made a sudden stop at the crosswalk. Police were directing traffic around the car, still blocking the one lane to school. This was on the first Bike to School Day after the closure of the gate. The bicyclist was Denise Montijo's son, a student at Morita Vista High who was later transported to a local hospital with a concussion. I was sickened to think this could have been avoided but we didn't have the political will. Please don't let these risks continue on your watch on the Council. Let's not allow this item to drift any longer. Please make the decision to reopen an access point from Scenic through Blackberry and allocate the additional funds required without further delay. Respectfully, Carol Stanek Here is the link to the full editorial: http://www.mercurynews.com/editorials/ci 14395829 ~~i~~f ~b ~f7 Linda Lagergren From: Rhoda Fry [fryhouse@earthlink.net:~ Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 2:46 AM To: Kris Wang; Gilbert Wong; Orrin Mahoney; Mark Santoro; Barry Chang; David Knapp; City Clerk Subject: FAILURE TO NOTICE: Against nev/ trail and bridge Dear Council - I am against this plan RIGHT NOW because - * neighbors adjacent to Blackberry Farm on San Fernando and Byrne have not been notified of this agenda item. * the previous project at Blackberry Farm is yet to lr~e completed. For example, to my knowledge, there is no plan to restore the ponds destroyed during construction, a naturalized wildlife area. Furthermore, the City is now paying for muni water to water the golf course and Blackberry Farm, the access to local sources were destroyed during construction (not according to plan). * according to the MND, CEQA required an EIR before approving this plan. * pedestrian safety issues created by the change of Lase of Blackberry Farm between Byrne to the park need to be addressed before adding more foot/bike traffic. You see, the driveway used to function primarily as a one-way driveway, people would arrive in the morning and leave in the late afternoon. There was very little two-way traffic. Now there are people coming and going all day - particularly people are dropping their stuff off whilE~ circulating through the neighborhood looking for a parking place. The director of public works ha:~ mentioned this as a safety problem. The parking situation has yet to be adequately addressed as well. respectfully, Rhoda Fry z I ~c~ Igo ~~~ Linda Lagergren From: julie.wing@comcast.net Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 6:54 AIVI To: City Council Cc: Mark Linder; Cupertino City ManagE>r's Office; saferidescupertino@gmail.com Subject: Support to Open Scenic Gate Hi, We understand that at tonight's Council Meeting the topic of opening the gate to Blackberry Farm from Scenic Circle will be discussed. Please know that the timing of this meeting is off. Lack of emails and community turn out does NOT mean lack of support. The very type of people that would want this gate open are off enjoying time with their family right now as it is Winter break for Cut~ertino Schools this week. I'm a block leader in the neighborhood. Word has gone out on our Yahoo! group that this meeting is happening. We're trying to show strong support, but it will be difficult, gi~ien the timing. My husband and I, who are residents in the neighborhood, want to voice our support. In our case, we have have had a garden plot at McClellan for years. Last Summer it was great to have the newly renovated park. We'd water the plant: and then go play at the park. Often times we'd ride bikes. Because our kids had just turned 5, the semantics of that little trip went like this pack our bikes in the car drive the car a mile+ to the garden and park water the plants walk back to the car and unload the bikes ride to the park and play ride back to the car and pack the bikes drive home about mile+ unload the bikes Reading that routine, I hope you can see that we'd greatly benefit from that gate opening. It would go something like this Ride bikes to the park play ride to the plot and water ride back to the park play ride home That would be an ideal way to enjoy our community. Thanks, Julie Wing and Rob Fisher 22208 Quinterno Ct (off Carmen/Scenic) 2~f~ (lo Linda La er ren From: Meg [megfkay@gmail.com] Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2010 12:12 PM To: City Council Cc: Mark Linder; Cupertino City Manager's Office; saferidescupertino@gmail.com Subject: Support for Scenic Circle access to Blackberry Farm Asa 12-year neighbor of Blackberry Farm, I fully support access from all directions into the park, so everyone can enjoy the beautiful walks and great new facilities there as a united community, and so that our children can have a safe and healthy walk or bike ride to school. Sincerely, Meg Brosnan 22067 San Fernando Court Cupertino ~- ~(~ [~~ ~t~ Linda Lagergren From: Lola Kashyap [lolakashyap@gmail.com] Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 10:54 FPM To: City Council; Cupertino City Manager's Office; Mark Linder Subject: Scenic access, Feb. 16 meeting item 17 Dear city council members, I respectfully request that you approve the recommendation by the City Staff to reopen Scenic Circle to Blackberry Farm access for our students and neighbors. Providing a safe walk/bike route for our school children is vital. Staff has provided sound reasons in their report. Please do not delay this action any further. I am sorry that I will not be able to attend the city council meeting to make a personal request. I am signed up to drive the Monta Vista girls varsity team to their game in Palo Alto on Tuesday evening. Warm regards, Lola Kashyap Palm Avenue, Cupertino ~[~~Ic~ ~~~ Linda Lagergren From: Hugh Chen [hchen123@yahoo.corr~] Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 1:21 P1~1 To: City Council Cc: Mark Linder; Cupertino City ManagE~r's Office; saferidescupertino@gmail.com Subject: Access to Blackberry Farm from Scenic Circle I strongly support the easy access to Stevens CeE~k Corridor from Scenic Circle. Currently it is an extremely unfair policy to fence off the wE~st side of Blackberry Farm. The residents at the east side of the Farm can W~,LK to the park entrance without any troubles however, the residents at the west side of Stevens Creek(f rom Scenic Circle to Foothill Blvd)are not so lucky to enter the park that easily. We have to DRIVE around either McClellan Rd or Stevens Creek Blvd to get to the front entrance. To open an access to the park through Scenic Circle is the simplest solution. It may cause some resistances from the residents along Scenic Circle, but it will surey please the vast number of residents in the adjacent area. Hugh Chen 22361 McClellan Rd. Cupertino CA 95014 408-255-9718 1 zI~~I~o ~-~ ~ Linda Lagergren From: Bob Murphy [pikna2n@comcast.nei:] Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 3:31 PN1 To: Kris Wang; Gilbert Wong; Orrin Mahoney; Mark Santoro; Barry Chang Cc: susan sievert; deborah Jamison; carolcw9@yahoo.com; ekm103@yahoo.com; timothymisko@yahoo.com; sangho:~uh@gmail.com; larry.loo@amd.com; tbrown1040 @aol.com; dehwey@gmail.com; yslium@centerpriseinc.com; joepao@comcast.net; flojo1049 @yahoo.com; sanjib.guhathakurta~~hp.com; maxbok@att.net; bang_can@yahoo.com; stuman@mavericksys.com; mtanigiachi@comcast.net; desiree_tsai@kingston.com; jktsai@hotmail.com; don.suh@comcast.net; ckc10392@aol.com; wotakwu@aol.com; evalow97@yahoo.com; cleung55@yahoo.com; malini_ray@hotmail.com; syoung28 @comcast.net; i_yuen@yahoo.com; tnlplace@juno.com; Wesley@statemicro.com; minhuajin@yahoo.com; sjmoody@rnsn.com; su30cookieshop@yahoo.com; jzuo@cisco.com; joy6007@aol.com; dhnitta@comca:~t.net; ahisahimi@comcast.net; katiemengwu@aol.com; tim@nlnc.org Subject: Agenda Item 17 -- February 16 Council Meeting City Council Members: Re: Agenda Item#17; February 16, 2010: Scenic Circle Acces~~ to Blackberry Farm Since we cannot attend on such short notice, please read the ~-ollowing at the meeting. We are long-term residents of Scenic Circle. We have attended many Planning and Council meetings concerning the Stevens Creek Trail since 2002. Access to the trail from Scenic; Circle has always been an issue of concern and discussion. Hundreds of hours of discussion have transpired leading to the Council decision on December 6, 2005 to close access to the park and the trail from our neighborhood. 'JVe find it disappointing and disturbing that the current Council is considering a reversal of that decision. What "new" nformation that wasn't discussed and debated years ago has now surfaced to lead to this proposed reversal? The recent report from the Public Works Department suggests 3 proposals for access to Blackberry Farm from Scenic Circle. These were prepared to provide alternatives to the current closed gate (Alternative A) since this was in front of Scenic Circle homes and privacy was compromised. AlternativE: B as proposed by the PWD just moves the access to the front of another home and does not solve the issue. Alternative C is just plain too costly and environmentally flawed. There has always been a discussion of an "Alternative D" using the existing route through the Simms property to provide a safe access to schools from our neighborhood. Wf~y was this left off the proposal? In addition, it is interesting that the Council would consider spending this amount of money in these economic times for the potential benefit of such a small group. Perhaps, this money could be better spent providing improved safety and security near and around the schools themselves? Furthermore, the proposed budgets for these alternatives have: some omissions: 1. There is no provision for providing additional security ~~nd patrols of our neighborhood. Each time the gate has been opened in the past there have been incidents of civil disorder and vandalism. Budgeting for increased security in our neighborhood would be necessary. Even now, groups of young people converge on the south east "corner" of Scenic Circle in the afternoon following a makeshift trail down to the creek for undefined activities. Do we really want to make their access easier? 2. There is nothing in the budget to prevent the parking of cars along the access point. Scenic Circle should never be allowed to become overflow parking for Blackberry Farm or a "trail head" for bikers. Funds must be allocated for No Parking signs, Resident Parking permil:s, Parking code enforcement, vehicle towing etc. We urge the council to honor the previous council decision and leave the trail as it is, with no access to Scenic Circle. Mary Lou and Bob Murphy 10402 Scenic Circle ~- I' ~ ~ j~ ~~ Linda Lagergren From: Debi Jamison [ddjamison@comcast.net] Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 9:15 PNl To: Kris Wang; Gilbert Wong; Orrin Mahoney; Mark Santoro; Barry Chang Cc: Ralph Qualls; Gail Seeds; Mark Linder; Barbara Banfield; Julia Lamy; David Knapp Subject: New Trail in Blackberry Farm? Dear Mayor Wang, Vice Mayor Wong, and Council Members, You have a very important decision to make soon: whether or not to reverse the decision of previous city councils regarding the access gate and bridge into Blackberry Farm from Scenic Circle. The SCCP Master Plan/Mitigated Negative Declaration explicitly states that the bridge will be removed. Previous Councils have decided to lock the gate and end access. I recently visited the area of Blackberry Farm through whi~~h the 3 route options pass with several other people. We all agreed unequivocally that our version of Option A is clearly the best route if you decide to allow this access point. 1. Let's be clear. Any trail alternative (A, B, or C) is an intrusion into an area of Blackberry Farm that was planned to be the one area of the Blackberry Farm renovation that is away and protected from human presence or activities. Putting a trail into this completely revegetated and quiet section will impact wildlife breeding, nesting, feeding, resting, etc. That's the reality and those who want to do this -parents, city leaders, west side residents for access -should not be in denial or ignorance. Most people do not have a ecological background and do not realize or recognize these impacts, or will tend to minimize them. But as Joanne McFarlin's research paper on the subject shows (Cl~eekside News, November 2010), these impacts are real. 2. Alternative B has several problems: a. It enters from Scenic Circle directly in front of a residential home's front entrance. b. It will involve a lot of vegetation removal, including quite a few small trees (not counted by staff among the larger trees noted) and understory shrubs and vines. It ,vas very difficult for us to move through this jungle of plants as we followed the route of Option B. c. The trail construction would be along a hillside, clc-se to the creek. Imagine heavy machinery bulldozing it's way along the heavily vegetated creek bank, then depositing base rock, gravel, and the surface material. The swath taken out will be wider than the 8 foot wide trail itsf~lf. Once in use, the habitat will experience the disruptive presence of human presence lengthwise for 25Ci feet. 3. "Our" Alternative A, starting where the wide gate is now, is definitely the least destructive of the riparian plant community, least disturbing of the wildlife habitat, and less expensive. Furthermore, it begins on the side of the one house and not directly in front of any house. The area below the wide gate is relatively free of woody vegetation except for the restoration plantings which would have to be transplanted. The length of the trail would not be along the creek bank ~~ut would approach from above. 4. Alternative C is completely unacceptable due to the close proximity of the new sidewalk/"trail" to the creek bank. 6. Council Members should do a site visit to better visualize for yourselves these alternatives before making a decision. The staff could flag the alignment of the routes and the large and small trees to be removed. 6. The SCCP Master Plan/Mitigated Negative Declaration clearly states that this bridge would be removed. Putting it back and into use as an extension oaf the Stevens Creek Trail to a new trailhead definitely requires a separate environmental review. It'~~ impacts and mitigations should be professionally evaluated. 7. If you do decide to proceed with this project, it should n~~t occur during the wildlife breeding period, which begins in January for raptors and continues into July. Thank you for your serious consideration of our site visit f.ndings. Deborah Jamison ~l ~~ l~~ Linda La er ren ~~ ~ From: Bill Walster [billwalster@gmail.corr~] on behalf of G. William (Bill) Walster [bill@walster.net] Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 7:17 AM To: Kris Wang; Gilbert Wong; Orrin M~~honey; Mark Santoro; Barry Chang Subject: [Fwd: New trail in Blackberry Farm'?] Attachments: New trail in Blackberry Farm?.eml; bill.vcf Dear Council Members, I urge you to oppose construction of yet another human intrusion into what little is left of our wild habitat. In 100, 150, or 200 years from now, what will be the value of yet more human access from any point to another at the co:~t of all that is natural and wild in our urban sprawl? You still have an opportunity to preserve what little is left of the natural habitat on either side of Stevens Creek. Rather than decreesing the natural habitat, I urge you to reverse course, stop all development along the creek and systematically return it back to its original inhabitants. In the long run, this will be a much more valuable investment for which our successors will thank us all. Don't forget what Native Americans used to ask a1. their Council meetings before making an important decision: "What will our grandchildren's grandchildren think of the wisdom of the decision we make here tonight?" We still have a lot to learn from those who came before us. Dr. G. William Walster, Ph. D. 22116 Dean Court Cupertino, CA 95014-2723 408-253-9577 1 cc ~Cc~~f~ Linda La er ren 9 9 From: Zimmers, Karen [karen.zimmers@Irnco.com) Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 9:31 AI~1 To: City Council Cc: saferidescupertino@gmail.com; Ma~~k Linder; Cupertino City Manager's Office Subject: PLEASE approve re-opening of access to Scenic Circle Dear City Council Members, Thank you very much for considering the opening (re-opening) ~f access from Scenic Circle for a safer route to schools for the children of my neighborhood! I just want you to know that I am very much in support of this access and will hope that you take the time to review the options and choose c-ne that is most appropriate for the neighborhood. Thank you very much for all your hard work in representing the people of Cupertino. Karen Zimmers Mira Vista Road resident ~~i(~~C~ Linda L ~~ ~ agergren From: Tom Scannell [tscanne1101@earthlir~k.net] Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 9:45 AI1/I To: City Council; Mark Linder; saferidescupertino@gmail.com; Cupertino City Manager's Office Subject: Bicycle and pedestrian access through Blackberry to Kennedy and Monta Vista To the members of the City Council I understand that the topic of access gate from Scenic Circle to Blackberry farm is once again on the city council agenda. I would once again like to express my strong support for the opening of the access as soon as possible. I think such access will provide a safer route to school for the :students living on the west side of Cupertino as well as providing an excellent and convenient access to the Blackberry Farm city park for west side residents. Best regards Tom Scannell 10208 Cass Place Cupertino, Ca 95014 Cupertino Resident for 30 years On 12/12/09 9:40 AM, "Tom Scannell" <tscanne1101 ~earthlir~k.net> wrote: To the members of the City Council of Cupertino I understand that the City Council will be considering the opening of a gate in Scenic Circle to allow safe access to Blackberry farm for the young people making their way to Kennedy Junior High and Monta Vista High. While my schedule will not allow me to attend the City Council meeting on Tuesday, I would once again like to express my support for this plan. As I mentioned in my earlier a-mail (below), I think a small pedestrian /bicycle gate in Scenic Circle would be the natural, safer and easier route for the kid: making their way from the west end of town to these schools. I would also like to support the access being open other than school hours. The restored Blackberry farm and its access through McClellan park is really a great addition to thE~ City. I have incorporated the current path through Blackberry farm on my weekend "loop" walks through the neighborhoods and would appreciate the opportunity to include Scenic Circle route in my walk. It is a bit of a sad seeing the blocked off "bridge to nowhere" near the children's playground. It would be super if a path in Blackberry with access to Scenic Circle would also be made available to us walkers. I acknowledge the concerns of my neighbors on Scenic CirclE~ regarding trash and "off-hours" partying in Blackberry Farm. These problems have existed for years and come whenever private homes are near public sites. I'm hoping that, amongst neighbors of good will, the opening of a small gate allowing pedestrian and cycling access can be dealt with. Best regards Tom Scannell 10208 Cass Place Cupertino, CA 95014 On 11/27/09 12:38 PM, "Tom Scannell" <tscanne1101(a~earthlink.net> wrote: Hello My name is Tom Scannell and I live at 10208 Cass Place in Cupertino. I have lived here for 25 years and Cupertino for 30 years. It has recently been brought to my attention that the City Council will be considering a petition at the November 30 City Council meeting regarding pedestrian/bicycle access through Scenic Boulevard/Scenic Circle to Blackberry Farm and onto Kennedy Junior High and Monta Vista High School. I want to let the City Council know that I fully support the formation of this task force and I am in favor of opening such a trail. My son is a graduate of Stevens Creek, Kennecly and Monta Vista. While he was attending Kennedy and Monta Vista my wife and I encouraged him (and all his friends) to use the then "unofficial access" through Blackberry rather than risking his safety riding his bike down the very heavily trafficked McClellan road. I know many other parents at our end of town also encouraged this practise. I was disappointed, but understood, when the "unofficial" access was lost during the Blackberry restoration. Now that the restoration is complete, I would like to support the opening of "official" access for the safety and convenience of the kids at this end of town. As a weekend walker I would also appreciate the opportunit~~ to gain access to the newly restored Blackberry farm from Scenic. Once the other end of the Blackberry park is o~>ened at Stevens Creek I think the path through the park to both McClellan and Scenic will make for a good circuit! With all this said, I fully appreciate the concerns that my neighbors on Scenic Blvd/Scenic Circle may have about public access through their neighborhood. I understand many of them were relieved when the access was closed. I am hoping that this task force can address both access and my neighbor's concerns. I am sure there must a reasonable accommodation that can be reached with good vrill on both sides. Tom Scannell ~-IfC~l~r~ Linda La er ren ~~ "~ From: teresa dickerson [teresa dickerson@hotmail.com] Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 4:31 PM To: City Council Subject: Scenic Circle Access Dear City Council, I have 4 children and live on Scenic Blvd. I was very upset when the access through Scenic Circle was terminated. My kids used the access through Blackberry every day. It is much safer and shorter than going down McClellan. I have seen 2 kids in the mornings that have got hit by cars when they were on bicycles riding down Mc Clellan. Luckily they were not seriously injured. What is it going to take? A kid getting killed before the access gets reopened! Another thing is people that live in the neighborhood can't walk down Scenic Circle with their kids and go play on the playground or go walking on the new path. You have to get in your car and ride through the neigborhood,down McClellan,left on Orange and thE~n down to the parking lot at Blackberry to use it. I think that with all of the tax payers money spent on redoing Blackberry it is a shame that people that live next to it can't even enjoy it without getting into their cars and driving to use it. It takes me longer to drive there than it would to walk there if the gate was reopened. It would be great to have the access on Scenic Circle reopened for kids going and coming to school and for the people who live in the neighborhood to be able t:o walk or bike down to Blackberry and enjoy it. Thanks for considering reopening the access, I am hoping to be using it again soon. My kids and I use to use it almost every day before it was closed with the nE~w fence. Teresa Dickerson Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. Get it novv. 21~~ fro Linda La er ren g 9 From: Ronda Hoxsie [rhoxsie@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 7:59 P1~1 To: City Council Cc: Mark Linder; Cupertino City ManagE~r's Office; saferidescupertino@gmail.com Subject: Scenic access to Blackberry Farm Dear City Council Members, I was very happy to see that City of Cupertino staff recommended opening the gate on Scenic to allow residents and students west of Blackberry Farm to have access. Having access to Blackberry Farm from the west side of the creek will provide a safe alternative for students walking and riding their bikes to school away from speeding cars. As a neighbor, I am very excited that the gate is going to bf; opened as it will be another great route for walking. I've loved walking through the new and improved Blackberry Farm. I hope the gate will be opened soon. Please accept the Staff s recommendation at your next mee~:ing. We have been waiting for a very long time to get the gate opened. Regards, Ronda Hoxsie 10545 Mira Vista Road Cupertino, Ca 95014 408.252.5019 Zlr~ Iro Linda La er ren "~ From: Stewart Kelly [stuman@mavericksys.com] Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 10:14 f'M To: Kris Wang; Gilbert Wong; Orrin Mahoney; Mark Santoro; Barry Chang Subject: Agenda Item 17 -- February 16 Council Meeting Dear City Council Members, Regarding Agenda Item # 17 of the Feb. 16 Council Meeti~ig, Scenic Circle access to Stevens Creek Park, I am strongly opposed to opening access to Stevens Creek Park from Scenic Circle as proposed within this agenda item. First of all, the cost of any of the proposed alternatives is mind boggling. Spending a quarter of a million dollars to simply create access to a park is fiscally unsound with the city facing a budget deficit and difficult economic conditions. There must be far higher priorities within the city for such a large amount of money. Second, the proposal that began as a "safe route to school" has now grown to be one of general access from Scenic Circle to the park. Based on the historically low numbers (1-2 per day) of school children using this route I don't believe that access limited to school times ana. days will impact the surrounding neighborhood. However the agenda item does not discuss any such access limits and even highlights the proposed new access as a "branch of the existing Stevens Creek Corridor Trail". This is alarming and makes Scenic Circle effectively the parking lot for this new trail access point. ()pen trail access will have a very negative impact on the Scenic Circle neighborhood. I urge the Council to help protect the Scenic Circle neighborhood as you would your own or any other neighborhood of Cupertino. I am confident you will be able create a better solution that provides safe routes to school at a reasonable cost, the original goal that we have lost sight of in the current proposal. Thank you for your efforts on this item and all the other service you provide our city. Stewart Kelly Scenic Circle Resident ~ ~r~ ~~~a ~~~ Linda Lagergren From: Ckc10392@aol.com Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 2:45 PM To: Barry Chang; Mark Santoro; Orrin ~~ahoney Cc: joy6007@aol.com; Ckc10392@aol.com Subject: Fwd: FW: !Ps~~!A?oO!IHappy New Year Attachments: LifeCNYYearOfTiger.pps Dear Barry, Mark and Mr former Mayor - O. Mahoney: My family championed very hard for your elections and we are cllad that you gentlemen are all seated in the City Council. We trust that you shall vote for the Plan which is best for the residents as well as for the City. May we copy you gentlemen an a -mail addressed to the Mayor and Vice Mayor earlier. Please consider our loyal supporting to you and our future life quality at Scenic Circle. Be kind vote for Plan A and to reject plans B, C or D. Thank you Cheng's Family at 10392 Scenic Circle, Cupertino, . From: Ckc10392@aol.com To: kris@kriswang.com, gwong~7a~cupertino.org CC: joy6007@aol.com, Ckc10392@aol.com Sent: 2010/2/17 A.M. 06:23:49 Taipei Standard Time Subj: Fwd: FW: iPs~~iA?oO!IHappy New Year Dear Mayor and Vice Mayor: My family has been living at Scenic Circle for more than thirty years. We have voted you both into the City Council twice. We are not asking to do any favor for us but trust you would vote for the right plan i.e. the plan A. . We would like to point out that the Plan A is the right one for the Scenic Circle folks as well as for the safety of students and the folks at the west side of creek/trail. Any other plans (B,C, or D) would impact more residents' life qualities and wasting more tax payer's money. Please reject plan B,C or D plans. Thank you Respectfully, Charles Cheng Joyce Cheng Kate Cheng Brian Cheng Chase Cheng Calleigh Cheng All are your loyal supporters From: Ckc10392@aol.com To: Ckc10392@aol.com BCC: 4kitfox@gmail.com, anhui1996@yahoo.com, benjamin_vong@sbcglobal.net, ccwang@cgl.ucsf.edu, cheng_alvina@allergan.com, cychen8~38@yahoo.com, fanghsiu@ymail.com, frank@symposoft.com, gracevong@hotmail.com, ignatius_ding_2000@yahoo.com, janeclee48@hotmail.com, jennifer178888@hotmail.com, jimmyylho@sbcglobal.net, john.c.cheng@boeing.com, Johnson@atc.gov.tw, Joy6007@a~l.com, kate I_kwan@yahoo.com, kris@kriswang.com, mina.otani@yahoo.com, yulie888@gmail.com, ajiang@sbcglobal.net, terrychiang 115@yahoo.com Sent: 2010/2/11 A.M. 09:39:08 Taipei Standard Time Subj: Fwd: FW: ~s;~ ~°~ilHappy New Year Best Wishes for the Year of Tiger Charles Cheng Sent: 2010/2/11 A.M. 03:23:56 Taipei Standard Time Subj: FW: ~fr~~.#~ !Happy New Year Subject: ~fr~~,~ !Happy New Year ~r~~~ ! 2 -~f~ Linda Lagergren From: Susan Sievert [spsievert@gmail.corn] Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 3:26 PIVI To: City Council; City Clerk Subject: Written Communication Agenda Itern 17 Written Communication Agenda Item 17 Dear Cupertino City Council, There will be significant environmental impacts from this project, but I am confident in the council's leadership and collective expertise. However, I am concerned because I do not see anything in the Staff Report regarding the required CEQA review for this new project. Thank you. Susan Sievert Monta Vista/Cupertino ~~~ Linda Lagergren From: Ralph Riddle [rwriddle@comcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 2:26 PPJI To: Kris Wang; Gilbert Wong; Orrin Mahoney; Mark Santoro; Barry Chang; David Knapp Subject: RE: new bridge at Blackberry Farm 1~or Scenic circle Resident's use Regarding the proposed bridge connection between "Scenic Circle" and Blackberry Farm. This seemingly a benefit to the residents of Scenic Circle but none of the rest of us. I recall that the residents of Scenic Circle opposed routi~~g the Sevens Creek Trail extension along part of Scenic Circle Drive, which resulted in disrupting McClellan Ranch Park. A bridge would have had to been built which would have given them access to Blackberry Farm. So now, they want their cake and eat it too? Please vote against this. Respectfully, Ralph Riddle rwriddle(a)comcast .net