FSP 01-26-10City of (;upertino
Fiscal Strategic Plan Committee
January 26, 201 O
At 2:40 p.m. Carol Atwood called the meeting to order at Cupertino City Hall, 10300
Torre Avenue, Conference Room A, Cupertino.
Present: Carol Atwood, Kelly Kline, Roger Lee, Orrin Mahoney, Aarti Shrivastava, Kris
Wang, David Woo
Absent: None
Dave Woo moved to approve the minutes of the May 27, 2009. Kelly Kline seconded
and motion passed unanimously.
A. Budget Update
Carol outlined the goals of the Committee and that the process for the meeting
was to identify revenue opportunities, expenditure streamlining and/or program
changes and reserve levels and policies that the Committee would forward to the
City Council for consideration ire the 2010/1 1 budget process.
B. Work Program
The Committee discussed the following items:
Revenue Opportunities
1. Re-zoning opportunities - .Kelly Kline discussed a proposal to overlay a
commercial designation (CI)) on several large sites in Cupertino to provide
more flexibility for retail/commercial use if an opportunity were to present
itself in the future. The PGt~E and Stelling/Homestead church site were used
as examples for potential development other than their current zoning. Aarti
Shrivastava estimated that it would cost approximately $65,000 for a re-
zoning study and stated that. many municipalities are doing similar overlays.
The Committee concurred to pursue further.
January 26, 201 O Fiscal Strategic Plan Committee Minutes Page 2
2. BMR fees - No change for office, retail or hotel fees;
BMR fees - Fee structure is inconsistent for requirements of BMR units.
Developments with up to 6 units pay fees and over 6 units provide actual
residential units. The Committee concurred to pursue further.
BMR fees -Aarti Shrivastava stated that a recent court case prohibits the City
from requiring these units if the development is purely rental property and that
the project must have a condo map or for-sale units. She suggested that we
charge a mitigation fee instead. The Committee concurred to pursue further.
3. Mar Juana zoning -The Committee concurred to table the item at this time.
4. E-services - Aarti Shrivastava proposed a fee associated with the permit
process to establish a technology replacement fund that would be used to
upgrade the e-service software in Planning, Building and Public Works. The
Committee concurred not to pursue this item.
5. Vehicle Impact Fees -The Committee concurred not to pursue the item at this
6. Entertainment Tax -The Committee concurred not to pursue the item at this
Expenditure Streamlining and/o:r Program Changes
1. Paperless Agendas - Carol Atwood distributed proposals from the City's
financial auditors to consider new ideas for service delivery. The auditors
propose that agendas and attachments be in electronic format to all
Commissions and City Council. The Committee concurred to pursue further
if notebooks can be available an the dais. The Committee also concurred that
this should be required and not optional.
2. Consent Calendar -Carol Atwood discussed the audit proposal to identify
and reduce consent calendar items that already have appropriate approval
controls (see attached). Th~~ Committee concurred to pursue with the
exception of CIP projects and final subdivision and parcel maps.
3. Electronic Outreach - Carol Atwood discussed establishing electronic
outreach in lieu of city wide; mailings and newsletters. The Committee
concurred to pursue one city-,wide mailing only with sign up for electronic
notification/mail for all future discussions of a topic if confidential and no
phone numbers are listed. The Committee concurred not to change the
Cupertino Scene format or other city newsletters.
C. Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 2 at 4:00 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
~~ ~'~~~;
Carol Atwood
Director of Administrative Services