09-160 Second Supplemental Technology License and Professional Services Agreement, Comcate, Inc.SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL TECHNOLOGY LICENSE AND
This Second Supplemental Technology License and Professional Sen•ices
Agreement ("Second Supplemental Technolgy Agreement") between Comcate, Inc.
("Comcate" or "Licensor"), a Delaware corF~oration. and the City of Cupertino ("City" or
"Licensee"), a California municipal corporation, is dated December°.~.~ 2009, and is for
the purpose of expanding the Agreement to iinclude the provision ofa Citizen iPhone
Application includinb a Google Map Snippet.
Whereas, Comcate and the City have; previously entered into a Technology
License and Professional Services Agreement, dated April 1 2003 (the "Technology
Agreement") in which Comcate agreed to provide the City with access to its citizen
management technology known as eFeedba~~kManager ("the Technology"): and
Whereas, Comcate and the City also have previously entered into a First
Supplemental Technology License and Professional Services Agreement, dated April 1
3004 (the "First Supplemental Technology Agreement") in which Comcate agreed to
continue providing the City with access to cFeedbackManager ("the "Technology"): and
Whereas. Comcate and the City nov/ desire to expand the service provided under
the Agreement to include the provision ofa. Citizen iPhone Application including a
Google Map Snippet,
NOW TI~EREFORE in consideration of thy terms and conditions of this Second
Supplemental Technology Agreement the parties agree as follow:
1 . Incorporation of Terms from the First Technology Agreement. All of the
provisions of the First Technology Agreen-gent are incorporated herein by reference and
made a part hereof All terms and provisions of the existing Agreement between
Comcate and the City of Cupertino remain in full force and effect.
2. Additional Provisions. l'he parties agree that Comcate will provide the
services as described in the November 3, 2009 letter from David Richmond to Rick
Kitson, and that City will pay the amounts specified at the various milestones. all as set
forth the November 2009 letter which is ir.,corporated by reference and attached as
Attachment ] .
In tV`iutc~a Ab'hercc.~f. the }~:ertic~ havc ~xuciu«I tlyis ~e~~iixl `auE~plr~t~cntal
t~cchnc~lc?gy 1-ICCIIStL ,uu1 1'ru~cssic,iaal Scrri~cs r\_iv~•mv~it ;is o!-th~ dsate ~i~i~i ~<<ir lira
~i'ritteu aho~~c. ~ -
Cc»nritc- In~• <'iEr .~I-Cu~~ertinc~
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~t~~icl I:uhmnncL Yi~~i~lcnt I7~~~id }.n.~hr. {'iii A1an:~ai
:~ovsmbar t7:3, 2UU!1
\4r. Rick F:itson
City oi'Cul>ertino
lU=C1C1 T'a~rre .\~. nuc
Cu{>rnino. C'A y~t.t1~:-3"-r tl:"
Sui)jecr. C~itiun iPhouc ,\.pp t'l.ti art if ~ I.1 :uul G~Fn_Ic •talt tiuil>pct
\\'c en-c pluaacii to hat's the opportunity to i.a pcfnii .>tt rclatiamship avith the C'it~ of Cupeninu. 1'a:r ya.7tu'
rrqucat av~ have s}>icif icd the dclituy of < trtncatc'ti C Flizcu il'hF.)ne -\pp. C'itiicn's gill hat-e utt7in)itcd tFSc
oi'thc appL~ntion and can u~c it in a t'ariet} of:uidit~a nal siutatiasns .ts hell. Lt addition. C<rmcati trill
activate Ciao~_Ic A9ap Sniplxt which nllc~tvs citizen and st;t ll~ to solccl points on a Wrap tt> designate the
\- pan oi'this ag recntcnt C'auncatc is int-e ten _ siun~fic:un resaxtrcc+ hi-y:md the C'ita 's invcsuticnt ter
proatitce the :tpplication.
~3-be 1<rllotvin_ sntn mnrizr4 the sp: cific soft.-care tlrit tsiil be pt~nidca:
>• Citien iPhunr hpp P`uncCiunalitp Sumrnarimd
. Citizens will b^ :dtlc tc.> dotrnlood tlu C'itq il'honc app on apples app su>rc
. ('itizcns toil! be able tF.. take pfioto and enter in li+rrt):n ica) ,horn request on their iPhone
. ~I"hc avail:d>fe C;1S data a-jll be :ueur ntatic.t~lp addrd to the east:
Citizens uili he able to tia~tr then t qu;:>t tin a map trn their ph;ane
-I"hc re<}uest trill hr reenvcned ir. uz a c.tsc :Foil it •~:ill be rooted through the C"ity'+ C"K\t
sp}){iention provide.i by C'a7ntcair to the apltrctp ri:ue staff person tvhp trill he at?le to respond
and nruta_~c. as appro print c.
tax~t_ryle tap Snippet
-_. Citizens and slnlY c:ut select n point on ns.p iFr idcnti(j Iuc:Ftion
_, A9up imase and IaFCatiott arc sawed fitr t~i e.tin_ by out 11
~hha inv eSLtt-r nt is co ntltrised :.yl three cotttp.au•nt> :a .roe-tints }>ral~.xiorr_ 1 c •t-viccs l~-c ti> <lati•lop [hc
anp3icati<,n and intc•~ratic?n. a .>nc-tints implemenaitia~n ice. :utd he \nnu:d L. i::cnse.
Invca utcnt _
~ Int'l'S(Fnl'nl
-PF Otassiirnal i+CF • t ..> :uu1 1 Tt-lit - Ft nl r 1 .O Y 1) ....., ___. -_ ..._. 1 ... 1-, .Il
f'ro~essional cttt is and Uclit uy ofvl.l 1~1 ( 1.0
of \lan Flntctit
E~cause this is an e~pansi: sn of .,ur esiain~= rrlttiun>hip x, tth the ( in-,,ac h;sve incarpc,ra[ed a i_niliruu
d isc: runt baa: (±) boles»'. 4 ..
(1) Uerclr,pnunt and delivery of il'iuux• app as des.:ribed in f:~Itibit .A nd sttbntission on h.;hatf o1'
<~it~ to Apple App Suxre.
(^1 I_'p to tut htnms (s f~prt~l>i<,nal cr.-ices ti, pr•oride additional en hautcent~:nts hued un u.u.•r
(3t !'roviales (ixr ~,n-~asiue support rxi'[he ('itizcn ilxlwnc ,-App su Hutt arized in Lishil.?ii r1- "L'ltis will he
pro-rand t<, catncide with the a•f-'\1 a;;recnu nt. It ~~i91 ittc rea>~ 'u the sanse c+te at el~\1 in tits
ln-person nrectinu can br rccµtcsted by the client- 'I~r<tvc) .i 11 h;. hill~d at actual traa•cl ccss is incurrr<!. :111
tr:arl ezpcn>es wviii he pre.-apprnccd krd ti:c C.'it~ -
Vl ~• can bciin implenw•tttatia~n invtted iatel}- lire pa~mcnt schedule and n;ilcst(>ues arc:
A}ilcstssuc l : l: pon siettiua_ the. rzxntr~s-.-t: 3?..(7(tO
\9 ilestone 2: Uclivcr~cxf Ga,u~.ln V-lap Snippet: 5?.SOd
\lilcsi.iu~ it l7elircr~- ot':Apl, 1_'dR11t
\-t ilcstone-J: Pc•livcr~ t.rf ~~1.1 enhancements Sl,(ih(1
please si.~::n bola s,v ruin i;u buck t<~ us ctxnlinnine .-r.ur asrcrntcnt of the al?r±a•a terms. Rlcase let me knoav if-
you hav~~;in} question>.
~' l
,~ ;
LXtM;i Ri.:hnx,nd~
,.r i-I,tu r,~~•
i i:: { i-:
~.;;a :: cry. K ...~ -..:> 1 t:•. :,: . .;-. `..~ •-. ~ .. - ~.- ~ -.... ..~
}'ahibit :\ - iI'honc. Spa•citicatiun~
A gcnc~= I D, location. ar: c} logo avill be hard-cctdcd into thr app.
tiuhm}t11'rafilc pn;r.
CToscriFUio rr
A pae to submit a request to cP.~i. "1 he. usrr sclrcu crntael intttrntatiun fbr himself f'rc>m the. address b.?c=t.
:uui can spccity aehich t+elds to send an-ith the reyuiat. "I'hc users oottt:rct in fr+rmanicm Crom F~rc a-icius
submission well be saved.
• Firs[ Rama [roaiuircd)
Last Anntc ~rcgnilzzct~
1=. m:tii addty s:
Ntailin~ address (separne fields li>r purls f~ucat lrunil>cr. street n.uttc:, ctc.)1
e i'itOlll' lltrlttbir
• Dc,criptien of"mqucst ~lvc;ui rrd]
1_nt-km (usin_ device C.iPS :md overri<Ea h1c by user ttsin_ a ntap wit~doas }
. AdcJ ress iiclds (in c:ue crap dc:esn `t worltt
• ltlCtllrl`. [nutitiylc. allowed. a!I opticnrol~
. iPhone device IC) [hufdenJ
• "I he ^tap window acill dcliwlt to [he ~ienice C3 'ti location if available. It'<iPS is not avai!ahlc. ttic
nmp will dcf'ault to tltc u~cnc}''s Iccatiun.
• l"he pictures licld axill alkxr 1~>r the t::.R.itt_ oi'a tteav pieta r4 ur uttachin«. au csixtin_ pier arc
. C,pon submit. ntakc; an FI"T`1"P i'(l5-f .all to the Cont.r.ate •vcb scrviee> :\PI to create the rase.
• 1°laa-e a subanis;ion in progri ss pat ~_c so dre us.rr [:nod+s the ubmissic~n is n.ri finished . et-
e If'there. is tto data connccti.?n or tha appliruirwt is cited bcfarc sucecatill submis+ian.. queue the
request fir the ne~a tiux the uphli croon is st.u~ted.
l'pcn succe ss tLl suttmi[, ~o to the "\ty ta~r.c applic:u i..n page
\IV- Cases ~C Case llet:tils pa;.;es
Itcst t it r[itrn
A pa!,<c listin_ cases :r user has submitted atith the taut. of-~_ h ~•~ac. (.-licking i>n n indiridual char dives
ease tictaitpa ec for that csrse_ 'The case details p:e_c aaill haa~• Z l-RL nt the acb c se detaila page uherc
the user can add further comments to the case.
f mlrla nurn t:ttion
C'c>m~.ae will pr.}vide a iSG\ (cecl ctl c,.tses •a itlt aa5~ inlbrntat k>n when passed an iPhone id fc •=.
hnp:=client>.comeate.comil'hone.phphlcaiccll>-i^;3-}>G77. `The tt"ecd wi11 c.nttain varic;nl5 casc~fcids
. C: asc rtamber
[.)ate- e•mered
tacscription of rcyuest
• Additional comnxnts frc.>u~ the user trntzttipfe: ulloavcdl
Repctnsas l7om the ageu.~ lmuhiplc alk,aaclt
I I >uact ]te..:;. 4u1.~ iti4S %:•n I-r n.;..:... 1'.1 +-t Itt-I -i ~'• _'.1.1-4•a ~.1 ~~;xr -`/.{S- IAA f::
S:nnlHc ~iurl,-(."lis f~.~r llluslr:atinn (hil~~
(Note -for a/1 mockups below generic /abets, buttons, text and imoges, and
placement were used. These wi/1 be replaced with the actual icons, text, colors,
placement and language when appropriate. The functionaiity displayed is NOT
consistent with the specificotions listed above)
Santtile of (ioU_IG' Snippe[ ~+rvne comcata: con-,
-"fhe citizen will be ably to select point on trap and the location .rill bc. saved and viewable by suriT:
_ _ ::.
di _... ti-
\l'.1ltit \ i._