FAC 04-27-2010 APPROVED MINUTES FINE ARTS COMMISSION Tuesday, Apri127, 2010 CUPERTINO PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At 7:00 p.m., Chairman KC Chandratreya called the meeting to order in Conference Room A, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California, and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman KC Chandratreya and Commissioners John Fiegel, Robert Harrison, Jessi Kaur, and Srilakshmi Sitaraman Absent: None. Staff pre:sent: Recording Secretary Liz Nunez ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Minutes of March 23, 2010. Commissioners Fiegel moved and Kaur seconded to approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATIONS - None NEW BUSINESS 2. Architectural theme for a proposed T-Moti�ile equipment enclosure at Jollyman Park. T-Mobile representatives have requested the Fine Arts Commission's input for an architectural theme to be used on equipment screening. The proposed location for the unit is in a redwood grove in Jollyman Park (se:e photos for samples of a similar screen in Arizona). The commission decided that the theme sriould reflect the natural habitat of the redwood trees and its surroundings along with showing people enjoying the park environment with kids running and playing, people jogging s�long trails, families walking together. They requested that staff relay their ideas to the artist and send renderings for review by the next meeting in May. 3. Status report on Distinguished Artist & Emerging Artist program outreach, including a possible newspaper feature story. The commission discussed whether to ext�:nd the May 3` deadline if there are no submissions. It was decided to keep the c urrent deadline and proactively promote this program earlier and to a broader audience next year to increase participation. Commissioner Kaur noted that she had so�me discussion with the San Jose Mercury News reporter about a possible feature story but unfortunately the paper didn't current have April 27, 2010 Fine Arts Commission Page 2 sufficient staff to pursue the story at this ti:me. It is anticipated that the Courier reporter will be in contact with the commissioners about the upcoming Distinguished Artist nominations. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 4. Status report from ad hoc committee (Fiegel and Chandratreya) regarding opportunities to leverage grant funds via the "Evolve" proj��ct Chairman Chandratreya submitted a written description regarding the proposed Evolve program and read the details to commission. The commissioners discussed their level of involvement and requested the ad hoc committee present specific ideas at the next meeting as they consider kicking off the program. (:hairman Chandratreya noted that he would like to present to City Council first to get approval from City. 5. Update on the participation in the San Jose: Zerol arts event, which begins September 16, 2010. Recording Secretary Liz Nunez reported tY�at Jan Rindfleisch from Euphrat Museum relayed a message that the Museum is planning to be at the Zero 1 event on September 1 g` with the "game show" theme. 6. Continued discussion regarding an event on the "City Arts Day" with the help of other organizations. (First Friday of each OctobE;r) The commission discussed possibility of i�icluding one of the groups described in the "Evolve" program. Further discussion will be continued at next meetings. COMMISSIONER REPORTS 8. Report from April Mayor's meeting with c:ommission representatives (Chairman Chandratreya) Chairman Chandrateya was unable to attetid the April Mayor's meeting. STAFF REPORTS 9. Reminder of upcoming Mayor's meeting �vith commission representatives, 2:00 p.m. on second Wednesday of each month, in Conference Room A. The commissioners confirmed that Chairrttan Chandrateya will attend the Mayor's meeting on May 12, and Commissioner Sitaraman will attend on July 14, and the attendee for June 9 will be determined at a later date. 10. Reminder that the City Council budget study session will be held on Monday, May 24, at 5:30 p.m. in the Cupertino Community Ha.11. The study session will also be available on TV Channe126 and live via the internet. I�fo action will be taken, but public testimony is pertnitted. There will also be public heari�igs on the budget on June 1 and 15, and the budget goes into effect on July 1. No action was taken. Apri127, 2010 Fine Arts C ommission Page 2 NEWS ARTICLES ADJOURNMENT At 8:45 p.m. the meeting was adjourned. G'' Liz Nune Recording Secretary