101-Staff Report.pdf
1010300 TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255
TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3354www.cupertino.org
Meeting: November 29, 2010
Scenic Circle Access, Progress Update.
Recommended Action
Review the finaldesign and authorize bidding in early December2010 for Scenic Circle Access.
On February 16, 2010 the City Council reviewed alignment alternatives for providing access
from Scenic Circle to Stevens Creek Trail and Blackberry Farm Park. The City Council
supported proceeding with the project and providing a pathway to an existing bridge over
Stevens Creek.
On April 6, the City Council conducted a hearing on a petition for reconsideration of its February
16, 2010 decision. At the conclusion of the hearing,the Counciladopted a resolution denying
the petition, therebyaffirming the original decisionto proceed with the project.
On October 5, the City Council reviewed and discussed the results of two neighborhood
meetings held in May and June. Staff, assisted by consultants, listed the concerns of the
residents and their ideas for addressing issues that could arise with implementation of the project.
In brief, residents requested the following:
Locate the path entry midway between and opposite two residents’rear yards
Provide tiered actions to address parking issues as they arise
Lock the gate every day at park closing time
Locate animal resistant trash receptacle out of sight of the homes
Remove the trash regularly
The City Council voted unanimously to include the neighbors’ requests in the project,and the
current bid documents include solutions to those concerns.
The bid documents have also been refined to incorporate required elements and actions identified
in the environmental clearance (“CEQA”) documents.Some of the requirements include:
Conduct pre-construction wildlife surveys
Install protective creek bank construction fencing
Plant two new native replacement trees
Hydrological review of conceptual and final design
The bid documents include a pathway made of stabilized crushed granite (DG), similar to what
exists in the Blackberry Farm group picnic area. The path connects Scenic Circle to the bridge
with a gentle slope that meets ADA requirements. A low retaining wall protects a large but non-
native Chinese elm considered importantdue to its size.(See Attachment A -Site Plan)
The bid documents include minor changes to the bridge to meet code requirements. A wooden
ramp on the west end of the bridge and a wooden ramp and stair on the east end of the bridge are
required to replace the existing non-ADA compliant wooden maintenance stairs.
Some existing small plants, in the way of construction, will be transplanted within the site. A
number of new plants will also be planted to help establish additional understory. Two larger
native trees will be planted as well to offset the necessary removal of several small oaks.
The bid documents specify materials appropriate for the creek corridorand the ranch-style
setting. The wood and DG are “natural” and in keeping with the nearby features at Blackberry
Farm. The path is fully accessible and meets applicable requirements. The materials are also
suitable for the floodplain location and compatible with wildlife.
Several aspects of the project, including the current design and the environmental review, were
not contemplated in the original budget of $235,000. As the project has progressed, some of
those costs havebecome more realistic. It now seems likelythat the overall project cost will
exceed the budget, but we won’t know to what extent until the bids are opened.
Both the Scenic Circle Access and the Blackberry Farm Upgrade bids are scheduled to be
opened in the afternoon of January 18,2011. Later that evening, Council has scheduled a full
CIP review.
Environmental clearance documents for the project were issued for public reviewand comment
on November 5, 2010. The public comment period closes on December 6, 2010. The
environmental clearance documents and responses topublic comments will be presented to
Council in January.
The Council has requested completion of project construction prior to the start of next year’s
school season. In order to do that, construction will have to occur during wildlife breeding
seasonand the winter storm season. Of course, both seasons bring the risks of delay and
additional cost. To avoid these risks, construction would have to be deferred to summer, but
unfortunately, summer work would prevent completion before the start of the school yearand
probably not be complete until late fall.
Sustainability Impact
The Scenic Circle Access project supports the City’s sustainability goals. The new path will
encourage and improve pedestrian and bicycle access from residential areas west of Stevens
Creek to areas east of the creek including Stevens Creek Trail, Blackberry Farm, and the nearby
Fiscal Impact
If the City Council authorizes bidding, the amount of additional funding necessary to complete
the project will be confirmed after bids are opened and construction costs and contingencies are
Prepared by:Terry W. Greene, City Architect
Reviewed by: Mark Linder, Director of Parks and Recreation
Approved for Submission by:David W. Knapp, City Manager
Attachments:Attachment A –Site Plan