103-Wellness Survey Results.pdf WELLNESS SURVEY 2008-2010 2010***2009**2008* 1. Did you have a physical exam? YES646763 NO303829 2. Were your cholesterol and glucose levels tested? YES647765 NO302827 3. For women 40 and over, did you have a mammogram? YES192521 NO81110 N/A276961 4. For men 50 and over, did you have a PSA test? YES172612 NO132513 N/A165467 5. How many times per week did you have 20 minutes of cardiovascular exercise? NONE71012 ONE-TWO2939 28 THREE-FOUR343331 FIVE+2423 21 6. How many dental cleanings did you have? ONE8812 TWO 455549 THREE251819 FOUR 12229 NONE423 Total Employee Responses: *2008 - 92 responses out of 154 employees **2009 - 105 responses out of 150 employees ***2010 - 94 responses out of 149 employees