102-Attachment A.pdfAttachment A Donna Henriques From: Monica Viruegas-Ferrante [mviruegasferrante@dsj.org] Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 5:34 PM To: Mark Linder Subject: St. Joseph of Cupertino Church/School Dear Mr. Linder: In support of our request for a field fee waiver, please consider that St. Joseph of Cupertino Parish was originally established in 1913 and has served the Cupertino community ever since. A church by this name has been in the city proper since 1908. St. Joseph of Cupertino has been an active member of the Chamber of Commerce for many years. The church/school is completely non-profit. The after -school sports program exists solely for the benefit of the children, and is run entirely on a volunteer basis with parents serving as coaches. The payment of non-resident fees would unfortunately force us to eliminate the three sports that require the use of the field (flag football, and boys and girls soccer). We could not pass on the costs to the students, as many are already receiving tuition assistance. The city does receive increased sales tax revenue as a benefit of the church/school being in Cupertino. Non-resident school families and non-resident parish members are drawn to the city and patronize city shops and restaurants because of where their children attend school. Many non-resident families also choose St. Joseph's because they work for companies located in the city, and are therefore more likely to shop locally. Allowing the school to continue using the city field at Jollyman Park also helps draw in families from other schools located outside of the city that will likely patronize city shops and restaurants following games. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Monica Viruegas-Ferrante Business Administrator St. Joseph of Cupertino Church 408-252-7653 ext 23 busadminta"}.st4oscup.org 1