115-N. Comparison table of standards in Sunnyvale, Morgan Hill & Palo Alto.pdfATTACHMENT N COMPARISON TABLE OF CITIES W/SQUARE FOOTAGE THRESHOLDS FOR RESIDENTIAL (MORGAN HILL, PALO ALTO, SUNNYVALE) City Single -Family Multiple -Family - Single -Family -- Multi -Family - Residential, New New Construction Renovations Renovations Construction Morgan Hill 5 2,000 sf per unit <_ 2,000 sf per unit Addition >- 250 sf Addition > 250 sf or renovation or renovation 70 GPR pts. 70 GPR pts, permit valuation >_ permit valuation >_ or LEED certified or LEED certified $100K: $100K: > 2,000 sf per unit > 2,000 sf per unit BIG Existing BIG Existing 70 GPR + 1 pt per 70 GPR + 1 pt per homes checklist homes checklist each additional 70 each additional 70 min. 25 pts. min. 25 pts. Addition >_ 700 sf Addition >_ 700 sf sf (150 pt. sf (150 pt. maximum) or maximum) or or renovation or renovation LEED Silver LEER Silver permit valuation > permit valuation > $250K: $250K: BIG Existing BIG Existing homes checklist homes checklist min. 50 pts min. 50 pts Permit valuation Z Permit valuation z $100,000 $100,000 25 pts. of BIG 25 pts. of BIG checklist checklist Permit valuation >_ Permit valuation z $250,000 $250,000 50 pts. BIG 50 pts. BIG checklist checklist Palo Alto SFR >_ 1,250 sf: MFR >- 3 units: SFR addition or MFR renovations or rebuild Z 1,250 sf: alterations z 50% of 70 pts. GPR + 1 pt. GPR 70 pts. & existing unit sf and for each 70 sf. over exceed Title 24, Part Choose GPR Rated include replacement 2,550 sf & exceed 6 by 15% (min. 50 pts.) or CA or alteration f at least Title 24, Part 6 by Energy Code T-24, 2 of the 4 systems MFR z 30 units: 15% Part 6 and HERS II (HVAC, building Existing home envelope, hot water GPR 70 pts. & renovations, rebuilds system, lighting Complete LEED-ND and/or additions system): (Neighborhood totaling z 250 sf and Development) <1,250 sf and >_ GPR 50 pts. min. & checklist & exceed $100K: exceed Title 24, Part Title 24, Part 6 by 6 by 15% MFR renovations, 15% GPR Checklist and HERS II additions and/or rebuilds to individual units >_ 250 sf and valuation z $100K in a single unit: GPR Checklist, HERS II Sunnyvale SFR <_ 1,500 sf: MFR < 3 dwelling >$100K construction > $250K construction units: value valuation: GPR checklist (no N/A min. pts. required) GPR Checklist (no minimum pts. GPR Checklist (no minimum pts. MFR z 3 dwelling units: SFR > 1,500 sf: GPR 70 pts. required) required) GPR 70 pts. * * Palo Alto's threshold of 2,550 square feet is based upon the allowable FAR for a 6,000 square foot lot (standard size lot) in Palo Alto. The additional point for every 70 SF above this threshold was to proportionally raise the bar as homes get larger to achieve certain points for a certain size home (e.g. 90 points for a 4,000 SF home or 100 points for a 4,600 SF home)