PC Reso 752 81,005 RESOLUTION N0. 752 (MINUTE ORDER) OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO regarding Santa Clara County Planning Department's Files Nos. 6Z70.1 and 6Z70.2 requesting a rezoning of the southwest corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Orange Avenue from CN-h to R3-2.4 and a rezoning of the southeast corner of Stevens Creek.Boulevard and Byrne Avenue from R3-h to R3-2.4 respectively. The Commission does hereby state that the proposed rezonings are nat in conflict with the adopted General Plan for the area; however, the Commission questions the future right-of-way width of Stevens Creek Boul.evard.as-related to the properties involved, therefore the Planning Director is permitted to have further discussion with the County Planning Commission regarding this width. PASSED AND ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY this 23rd. day of March, 1970, at a.r.egular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino, State of California. APPROVED: �, �... �_.�-�t.�-'',�� � ._ ���� ' ) -� ! ---•..._ Jack T. Hirshon, Chairman ~ Planning Commission ATTEST: ��!%'� , James H. Sisk Planning Director