114-M: Comments from Subcommittee on administrative processes.pdfATTACHMENT M Comments from November 23, 2010 from Subcommittee on process changes Comments from the subcommittee related to internal administrative processes focused on the following key principles: 1. Customer service comes first. 2. Coordinate the development process so that projects are processed in parallel among all departments to make for a seamless and efficient experience. 3. Provide consistency among staff and across departments to allow for certainty in the process. 4. Provide online resources, training and workshops to applicants, contractors and the public to help them understand the permit process. 5. Use feedback from participants in the process including applicants, the public, staff and decision -makers to make continuous improvements to internal processes. The following are specific comments related to the abovementioned principles: A. Promote Case Manager approach to projects B. Avoid inconsistency related to project requirements or code interpretations among staff members - by having regular staff discussion and sessions on project conditions and requirements. C. Improve consistency and clarity in the review process (i.e., clarify interpretations and definitions) - for example, what items need to be completed before final occupancy is granted and what items can be deferred with bonds, agreements, etc.? D. Clarify and/or simplify dependencies of the development review process - for example - is a tentative map application required before architectural site approval for home design for a subdivision can be approved? E. Promote parallel processes where possible F. On -site signage for projects is a good idea G. Improve inter -departmental coordination H. Provide online training resources and links for information such as the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance requirements, Green Building resources, etc. I. Host "how to" workshops, especially for first-time users of the permitting process - for example, single-family homeowners considering an addition/remodel or building a new home. J. Create "how-to" manuals K. Allow flexibility (i.e., tree selection for privacy protection trees and/or mitigation for removal of protected trees)l L. Streamline process and approval requirements (i.e., remove architectural review for two story home approvals) M. Consider eliminating onerous requirements (i.e., story poles, noticing, landscaping requirements, tree removal process)1 N. Review ways to get input on improvements from users of the process including survey cards for applicants, discussions with staff, Commissioners, Council, etc. Notes: 1. May require ordinance amendment(s).