Draft Minutes 02-08-11 CITY OF CUPERTINO
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
6:45 P.M. FEBRUARY 8, 2011 TUESDAY
The regular Planning Commission meeting of February 8, 2011 was called to order at 6:45 p.m. in
the Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA., by Chairperson Winnie Lee.
Commissioners present: Chairperson: Winnie Lee
Vice Chairperson: Marty Miller
Commissioner: Don Gun
Commissioner: Paul Brophy
Commissioner: Clinton Brownley
Staff present: Community Development Director: Aarti Shrivastava
City Planner: Gary Chao
Discussion of Renresentation on Various Committees:
Environmental Review Committee Representative: (Meets 1�` and 3 Thursdays at 9:30
a.m. Conference Room C; Recommendation to Ciry Council)
• The chair of the Planning Commission serves as the ERC Representative, subject to the
City Council approval. Chair Winnie Lee will serve on ERC.
Housin� Commission (Meets 2" Thursday at 9: 00 am., Conference Room C.)
• Com. Brownley volunteered to serve as representative to the Housing Commission.
Design Review Committee Chair and Member: (Meets 1�` and 3 Thursdays at 5:30 p.m.,
Conference Room C.)
• Vice Chair Miller volunteered to as first representative on the DRC.
� Com. Brophy volunteered to serve as the second representative to the DRC.
• Staff will contact the Commissioners in the event a backup person is needed to attend
a meeting.
Economic Develonment Committee: (Meets 2" Tuesday, Quarterly beginning in Feb. at
3:30 p.m.; Conference Room A; 2011 Schedule: 2/8, S/10, 8/9 and 11/8)
• Com. Sun volunteered to serve as representative to the EDC.
• Chair Lee volunteered to serve as alternate representative to the EDC.
Attendance at Mavor's Monthlv Meeting: (Meets 2" Tuesday at 4:30 p.m., Conference
Room A, beginning February 8, 20I1. Scheduled Attendance is:
Feb — Chair Lee June — Com. Sun Sept. — Com. Brophy
Mar. — Com. Brownley July — Chair Lee Oct. — Vice Chair Miller
April — Com. Brophy Aug — Com. Brownley Nov. — Com. Sun
May — Vice Chair Miller Dec. — Chair Lee
Cupertino Planning Commission 2 February 8, 2011
Discussion of 2011 Meeting Schedule
Aarti Shrivastava:
• Noted that the November 2011 meeting is scheduled for November 8 election day; November
22 meeting is scheduled during Thanksgiving week; December 27 City Hall will be closed; it
is recommended that the December 27 Planning Commission meeting be cancelled also.
Motion: Motion by Com. Brownley, second by Vice Chair Miller, and unanimously
carried 5-0-0, to cancel the December 27, 2011 Planning Commission meeting
1. ABAG/MTC Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) Overview of the Subregion
Regional Housing Needs Allocation (Sub RHNA) Process. Continued from the January
25, 2011 Planning Commission meeting.
Aarti Shrivastava, Community Development Director, presented the staff report:
• Reviewed that the background information on the Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS)
process was provided at tY�e previous Planning Commission meeting. Planning for affordable
housing in the Bay Area is an essential task of sustainable development, and the process for
setting goals for housing growth is a necessary precursor to the Housing Element process and
is known as the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA). There is a March 16, 2011
deadline for the City Council to decide whether or not to form a subregion with other cities.
The Directors of the Santa Clara County level have been meeting and will be making
recommendation to the County Managers' Association; multiple cities must agree on the desire
to form a subregion, and have been working on what the advantages of a subregion are. She
explained that each city is required to adopt a Housing Element which looks at how they plan
to accommodate all of the units that are projected for their city. The pro�ections come from the
State to every metropolitan planning organization; (ABAG for Cupertino) and they develop a
formula in collabora.tion with the cities and counties.
• The experiences heard from various entities who have tried the subregion, mainly San Mateo,
is not only do you have to monitor what ABAG is doing; because that is the safety net should
the subregional process fall apart; but you also have to run your own process and have an
entity that will make decisions for the subregion. That requires a huge amount of resources;
and at this point other cities have not stepped up to the plate to lead the charge with the funds
and staff. Page 1-2 of the staff report outlines what some of the things are that can be done
without a subregion.
• She reviewed the timelines set forth on Page 1-4 of the staff report. The appointrnent of
RI�A Methodology Committee will take place in January 2011, March 16 is the deadline for
the final decision on whether or not to participate in the Sub RHNA process; February through
August 2011 is the participation and review period of the housing methodology formula
including local agency input.
Cupertino Planning Commission 3 February 8, 2011
Staff answered Commissioners'questions.
Chair Lee opened the meeting for public comment.
Jennifer Griffin, Rancho Rinconada resident:
• Commented about ABAG's role, and said she felt they did not strictly mandate how much
housing is going into cities. ABAG in the past with their housing element has lagged, and not
been in sequence with their housing numbers, stating Cupertino needed new housing. She said
she was uncomfortable with any type of mandated housing for Cupertino as she felt the city
was already built out, and she preferred Cupertino to be a healthy community of tech and
suburbia; and the communiTy needed to pay attention and proceed cautiously and not have
other cities mandating how much housing Cupertino needs. Cupertino should decide for itself
particularly in light of the recovering economy and the high unemployment rate.
Chair Lee closed the public input portion of the meeting.
Vice Chair Miller:
• Said he felt they should start thinking about it from what must Cupertino do, what would
Cupertino like to do, and what can Cupertino practically do. When they contemplate that, they
cannot ignore that there are some constraints and with regard to housing, the bigger constraints
are the school systems which the majority of residents in Cupertino are concerned about. The
school systems are now in dire financial straits, with another parcel taar coming up for a vote
soon. It is hard to see how they can support a large increase in students because of their
fmancial situation.
• Said another issue with respect to housing is have limited land resources to put it on; in the
Vallco azea there are significant amounts of land, with interests to be concerned about as well.
One being the new owner of a large piece of land in North Vallco as well as the impacts that
housing might have on neighboring communities in terms of the school system. Another
concern is the city's finances; and as the State's finances continue to deteriorate, they seem to
reach out to the schools, cities and counties to fill their budget deficit.
• Moving forward, there is a financial issue and an issue that is always controversial in town in
terms of building more housing; and the question is what can they practically do. There have
been a number of significant projects; two in particular that have been approved that aren't
being developed are the Main Street project, which Peter Pau has entitlements for, but hasn't
started the project, which could be a significant source of revenue for the city. Another
ongoing project that has not reached its potential is the Vallco Shopping Center, which also
could be a considerable source of revenue for the city. The third large project is the Rose Bowl
which has been approved for almost a decade, but hasn't been developed and is one of higher
density housing which could meet a large portion of the needs seen from RHNA. It seems that
Cupertino is very constrained in what it can do regardless of what ABAG or the State say they
must do. They can give more areas in town to develop; however, they know practically they
v�ill not be able to develop them. If the focus was on the key areas plus tl�e commitments
made to the State in the last time around where they actually sent parcels of land to encourage
for housing development, and focused on what is on their plates now, that is all that can be
done in Cupertino. If that train of thought is followed, the decision of whether or not to join a
subgroup, or how they participate in those arenas, has to do with where they are coming from,
what they would like to practically achieve, and which particular subgroup or arena they want
to participate in to further their own needs as a community.
Chair Lee:
• Said she agreed with Vice Chair Miller's comments, and expressed concern about the state of
Cal Train's deficit budget and the impact on the community.
Cupertino Planning Commission 4 February 8, 2011
Aarti Shrivastava:
• Said the Commission's deliberations and comments will be summarized and forwarded to City
CounciL Many may not be action items, but will help incrementally to understand the larger
plan as more information is gained. Staff will provide information on the vision scenazio that
is developed, that might put more form into what is a nebulous idea at this point, but the
numbers will not come out until the end of the year; the draft RHNA numbers are going to
come out in 2013, which is a long term time frame at this point.
� Said that once a subgroup is created, an administrating body is needed for the subgroup. In
San Mateo County, the County took leadership and provided staff and resources and the
CCAG, which is a mechanism that Santa Claza County doesn't have. She said the amount of
work involved was similar to staffing another commission or council. Cupertino does not
currently have the resources to shoulder the entire burden and most cities have more fiscal
constraints. They are currently looking to see if there is an alternative approach to continue to
keep the positives in place, understanding that there isn't that kind of resources and time
• She said it did not necessarily have to be the County, but could be any one ciTy or number of
cities that would want to do it; at this point, it is still in preliminary discussions, the city
managers haven't talked about it, the individual cities haven't talked about it and there isn't a
lot of time left. They do not hold out a lot of hope but what regardless of what happens, they
want to have a Plan B so that they can continue to receive some of the benefits that they would
have received without one. She said the conversations have been encouraging; there has been
a lot of discussion where previously they were individual cities trying to find out what was
going on; it is becoming more collaborative and they are exchanging information.
• Said she was not certain of the time or cost involved in staffing a group of cities, but San
Mateo had at least one staff person fully assigned to the project as well as other resources. San
Mateo also had about 30 public meetings to get people at a countywide level to understand the
process; it is a big endeavor, and not as simple as individual cities in a subregion talking to
each other.
Vice Chair Miller:
• Said there is already a forum for doing this; up to this point it has just been information under
the leadership of the Silicon Valley Group. If there is interest in moving forward, it would be
worthwhile to contact them to see what kind of role they would be interested in taking.
Aarti Shrivastava:
� Said they were on the Housing Methodology Committee, and are already showing an interest.
They have not yet extended the offer of either staffmg or financial support; they do understand
that cities are looking at the issue and they support either a subregional or a region light which �
is a collaborative approach if that is not possible.
Environmental Review Committee
� Chair Lee reported that at the recent meeting the mitigated negative declaration relative to the
existing bridge connecting Scenic Circle to Blackberry Farm was approved.
Housin� Commission: No Meeting
Cupertino Planning Commission 5 February 8, 2011
Mavor's Monthlv Meeting With Commissioners:
Chair Lee reported on the following:
� Fine Arts Commission will be selecting the Distinguished Artist of the Year and will be
showcased at the Rotary Club's Fall Festival.
• Tech Commission: Goals include providing Planning Commission and staff with their input on
cell tower applications; new member Rob Livengood; Also working on implementing vehicle
charging station for electric cars for the city.
• Library Commission selected poet laureate; continues to advocate for library hours for 7 day
operation; circulation is 3 million per year; also formed a subcommittee to address parking
issue around library.
• Public Safety Commission is focusing on safety around the schools; have walk/carpooUbike to
school program. Each PS Commissioner is assigned to 2 or 3 schools and remains in touch
with PTO and principals; Voltage Program at Lincoln and Kennedy.
• Teen Commission, WOW Program; 9 schools.
• Parks and Rec: Stevens Creek Trail proceeding; trail doesn't encroach on the 9`� hole of
Blackberry Farm as much; New organization, Our City Forest provides training on planting
• Bike Commission: Application submitted to be a Bike Friendly community; bike
transportation plan approved
Economic Develonment Committee MeetinE: No meeting.
Aarti Shrivastava reported:
• Feb. ls City Council meeting: Council continued Green Building Ordinance; they would like
to see an ordinance closer to Phase 2 recommendations which staff will prepare. Staff will
keep Commission updated.
• Council heard the reconsideration of denial of the Bubb Road Wireless appeal; continued to
Mazch 15 since it was not clear if more time was needed by appellant.
• At Feb. 15� meeting, Council will hear reconsideration of Miller Parking Pad and Results Way
Wireless projects.
Adiournment: The meeting was adjourned to the neart regular Planning Commission meeting
scheduled for February 22, 2011.
Respectfully Submitted: /sBlizabeth Ellis
Elizabeth Ellis, Recording Secretary