FSP 08-24-2010 City of Cupertino Fiscal Strategic Plan Committee Minutes August 24, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER At 3:12 p.m. Carol Atwood called the meeting to order at Cupertino City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, Conference Room A, Cupertino, CA. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Kris Wang, Orrin Mahoney, Carol Atwood, Aarti Shrivastava, Roger Lee, David Woo Absent: Kelly Kline 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Aarti Shrivastava noted a correction to the roll call of the July 27, 2010 minutes. Mayor Wang moved to approve the minutes with the correction. Councilmember Mahoney seconded and motion passed unanimously. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None. 6. OLD BUSINESS — None. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Budget Cuts /Deferrals Agenda Items 7A and 7B were discussed concurrently. Carol Atwood, Mayor Wang, and Councilmember Mahoney discussed the status of board elections in Sunnyvale, Palo Alto, and Cupertino Sanitary District moving to even years. It was decided that the City will monitor the actions in these jurisdictions and school districts with their effect on election costs and then bring a report about even -year elections to the City Council. The same Committee members discussed the outcomes of staff meetings with Hewlett - Packard about the timing of their move and tax revenue possibilities. It was noted that City actions did not affect HP's decision. Development plans and revenue opportunities of the Shashi Corporation hotel on DeAnza Boulevard were also discussed. Committee members, along with Terry Greene from City staff and Ralph Qualls formerly from City staff, went over a list of potential action items in lieu of HP's relocation. It was decided that the following actions will be brought to the September 21, 2010 Council meeting: Revisit FY 10 /11 fee increases, pursue ERAF property tax correction, new assessment for storm water program, and reduce or defer the project budgets of Blackberry Farm infrastructure, antenna relocation, emergency van, Wilson Park irrigation system, park path/parking lot/school field trail resurfacing, and Mary Avenue dog park. B. Revenue Enhancement - Discussed concurrently with Agenda Item 7A. 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:53 p.m. David Woo, Finance Director \ \cupertinosan \groups \finance \strategic plan \8 -24 -10 fspc minutes.docx