108-G. Abatement fee schedule.pdf2011 COUNTY BRUSH ABATEMENT FEES Please be advised that should the abatement work be performed by a County contractor, you will be assessed the contractor's charges plus a County administrative fee of $169.00 per parcel. 2011 COUNTY CONTRACTOR'S BRUSH ABATEMENT PRICE LIST A) Disc Work** PARCEL SIZE: 1` Disc + 2nd Disc = Total Discs 0-12,500 sq R. $324.58 $32.45 _ 357.03 12,501sq.ft.- 43,560sq.ft. $324.58 $43.28 $367.86 Larger than 1 Acre 216.39 $43.28 $259.67 (PER ACRE) ** It is required that parcels be disced twice a year. The cost for the first discing is higher due to additional work normally required during the first discing. B) HANDWORK $45.99 PER PERSON, PER HOUR C) FLAIL 6 Foot Mower $77.89 PER HOUR MOWING 12 Foot Mower $155.80 PER HOUR D) LOADER WORK $135.25 PER HOUR E) DUMP TRUCK $135.25 PER HOUR F) BRUSH WORK $4599 PER HOUR G) BOOM MOWING $17852 PER HOUR G) DUMP FEE 100% Added to orders with debris removal at 100% of the dump site charge. *Please note this program does not offer herbicide application as a method of abatement.