106-5. Noise Study.pdfEnvironmental Consulting Services 18488 Prospect Road — Suite 1, Saratoga, CA 95070 Phone: (408) 257-1045 stanshel.19%@_toast.net FAX: (408) 257-7235 August 13, 2010 Mr. Yun-Dian Zou O-Mei Academy 10070 Imperial Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 RE: Noise Impact and Mitigation Study for Conditional Use Permit Application for O-Mei Academy, 10070 Imperial Avenue, Cupertino Dear Mr. Zou, In response to your request I have evaluated the potential noise impacts that could be produced at nearby sensitive receptors by the proposed use of the building at 10070 Imperial Avenue in Cupertino for an elementary school learning center. This report discusses the present environment, the proposed project and activities, and the associated operational noise impacts on nearby receptors, and compliance with the Cupertino Noise Ordinance. To summarize the conclusions of this report, the proposed changes to the use of the project site, building and new activities would be expected to meet the City Noise Ordinance and not produce any significant noise incidents on the site. Project Description [11] [2] The O-Mei Academy proposes to provide a year-round elementary school experience for approximately 30 kids on the subject site of approximately 16,900 square feet. O-Mei Academy proposes to operate a new Cupertino elementary school, using the existing 5600 square foot building at the subject address in Cupertino and the existing outdoor paved area for play activities behind the building. The property is in a Light Industrial planning zone, with the Occupancy code to be changed from B/F- 1 to A-3, B, E applying to school activities. Paved parking for 7 vehicles would be provided in front along the street and for 15 vehicles in back. The site has a 6-7 foot wood fence on the east and south property lines. The facility would accommodate a group of 30 kids initially with a staff of 3, on class schedule of 8:30 am to 6:30 pm Monday through Friday. No evening, holiday or weekend activities are planned for site. Inside activities would include normal school educational, creative and play activities using three classrooms and also several other rooms for special activities. The outdoor paved play area behind the building would allow a number of types of play activities for school kids. Daily outdoor play periods for all kids at the same time would be 15 minutes in the mid -afternoon and 30 minutes at the end of the day during the parent pickup period. In the summer there would also be a 15-minute play period in the mid -morning period. There would be at least one staff person on duty for every 10 kids. Sensitive Receptor Locations The project area is a mixed residential and commercial neighborhood along Imperial Avenue at Granada Avenue in west Cupertino. The nearest sensitive receptor locations for noise generated by the Academy are several 2-3 story apartment buildings south of the site on Imperial and several single family residences across Imperial at the Granada intersection. Other types of uses near the site on Imperial Avenue are commercial and are not considered sensitive to O-Mei Academy activities. A small park and an infrequently -used rail line are adjacent to the site to the east. Vehicle access to the project would be from Imperial Avenue, as at present. Environmental Consulting Services Saratoga O-Mei Academy Project Noise Study -- Cupertino Page 2 of 4 This study investigates the extent to which adjacent receptors could be impacted by noise from planned O-Mei Academy activities. The existing noise environment and potential noise impacts from the proposed project are discussed in the following sections. Ambient Noise Levels and Noise Sources in the Area The primary source of ambient noise near the project site is traffic on Imperial Avenue, a local street bounding the project site on the west side. Typical vehicle passby noise levels are in the 60-70 dBA range at a distance of 25 feet. Trucks, buses, motorcycles, and poorly -muffled vehicles produce peak noise levels 5 to 15 dBA higher on passby. Noise is contributed to a lesser extent by sporadic vehicles on Granada Avenue. Large and small aircraft and helicopter overflights create infrequent noise incidents of 55 to 65 dBA. Background ambient noise levels are established by arterial traffic on Stevens Creek Boulevard one block north and high volume and high speed traffic on the 1-85 freeway two blocks east. An auto repair facility across imperial Avenue generates a small amount of intermittent noise from power tools and pneumatic devices during the workday. Other than typical sporadic neighborhood yard care and garbage pickup activities, there are no other notable noise sources in the project area. Field noise measurements were made during the morning of August 6, 2010 with a CEL-440 Precision Noise Meter and Analyzer, calibrated with a B & K Model 4230 Sound Level Calibrator. Measurement locations were chosen to represent the site and key receptor locations, as described below: Location 1 — middle of O-Mei Academy play yard behind building. • Location 2 — at the corner of residential property across the Imperial Avenue/Granada Avenue intersection from the site (25 feet from traffic) • Location 3 — at the side of the multi -story residential property south of the project, 75 feet from Imperial Avenue and 70 feet from the south O-Mei property line. Noise levels were measured and are reported using percentile noise descriptors, as follows: L90 (the background noise level exceeded 90 % of the time), L50 (the median noise level exceeded 50% of the time), L1 (the peak level exceeded 1 % of the time), and Leq (the average energy -equivalent noise level). Measured noise levels are presented in Exhibit 1 below. The DNLILdn noise levels were computed as the long-term average of the Leq using the daily traffic distribution in the area, with standard weighted penalties for the nighttime hours, and modeled with an enhanced version of the National Cooperative Highway Research Board traffic noise model [4]. EXHIBIT 1 EXISTING NOISE LEVELS (dBA) Proposed O-Mei Academy project, Imperial Avenue, Cupertino Location L90 L50 Leq Ll Ldn 1. middle of play yard in back of site 46 48 50 58 51 2. across intersection from site 47 50 56 67 59 3, residences south of site 46 48 51 60 54 Traffic is the dominant noise source near the project site, so noise levels at any location depend upon volume, speed and distance to the nearest traffic, and the Exhibit 1 monitored levels indicate those relationships. Location 1 is behind the O-Mei building and shielded from direct traffic noise, so noise levels are set by indirect traffic noise on nearby streets. Location 2 is close to both Imperial and Granada traffic, which sets the noise level, even though vehicle volume and speeds are low. Location 3 at the adjacent residential buildings is 70 feet from the Imperial/Granada intersection, but has direct noise from both streets. At all locations the L90 background noise level is a result of the moderate -volume traffic on Stevens Creek Boulevard one block north and 1-85 two blocks east. During morning and evening periods, when Environmental Consulting Services Saratoga O-Mei Academy Project Noise Study — Cupertino Page 3 of 4 temperatures are lower and humidity higher, noise is transmitted more efficiently, and noise levels from 1-85 can be higher by 5-10 dB. Relevant Cupertino Noise Ordinance Limits [3] Section 10.48.040 of the Cupertino Noise Ordinance applies to this project, which limits noise during daytime hours (7 am to 8 pm) produced by sources adjacent to a residential property to 60 dBA, or by sources adjacent to commercial property to 65 dBA. Note that there are no activities during night time periods associated with the project, when City noise limits are more restrictive. in addition, brief daytime noise incidents on the site would be allowed somewhat higher noise levels by Ordinance section 10.48.050. For example, noise incidents that last less than 15 minutes during any two hour period are allowed to be 5 dB higher than the long-term general limits. Potential O-Mel Academy Noise Impacts Outdoor play activities behind building All potentially noisy activities associated with the project would be in the play yard behind the building and adjacent to the parking lot area. Indoor school activities would not be expected to be noticeable at any nearby locations. The potential noise impacts from outdoor activities are described in the following paragraphs: Kids have one or two outdoor play periods of 15-30 minutes each day. During school hours there could be approximately 30 school kids at a time playing outside, including a 30 minute period starting at 6 pm when parents pickup the kids that do no walk to school. Outdoor kids' activities would include games with balls, such as basketball, kickball, tetherball and other outdoor games that can be played on a hard surface. Balls bouncing on the paved surface can create intermittent noise levels of 55-60 at 75 feet. Some of the noise generated would be from sporadic voices of kids playing and also staff directions, creating brief noise levels of 45 to 55 dBA at 75 feet. However, the only nearby receptors with a direct sound path from the play yard are upper floor windows at the residential buildings to the south, of which the closest are about 75 feet away. So a few of the upper floor windows could be exposed to sporadic sounds of 45-60 dBA, similar to noise from cars coming in the residential driveway between the project and the residences. For this reason, the play yard noise would not be disturbing, even with the residential windows open. With the property line wood fence, ground level noise at nearby receptors would be less than 55 dBA, which is near the L50 ambient noise level and would not be noticeable. Properties across Imperial are farther away and would have similar noise levels as those adjacent at ground level. The anticipated noise levels for key locations are summarized in Exhibit 2. None of the anticipated noises would exceed the Noise Ordinance standards, since brief incidents are allowed. EXHIBIT 2 POTENTIAL RECEPTOR NOISE LEVELS (dBA) O-Mel Academy — Imperial Avenue, Cupertino Location Max Noise Levels 1. residences south of property -- closest upper 45-60 windows facing project 2. residences south of property — ground level 40-54 facing project 3. residences across Imperial Avenue 40-55 Activities inside the building Potential noise impacts from O-Mei Academy activities inside the building, such as reading, art, music, and other classroom -type activities would be negligible because of noise attenuation by the walls and windows of the building, as well as distance. Environmental Consulting Services Saratoga O-Mei Academy Project Noise Study — Cupertino Conclusions and Summary Page 4 of 4 Overall ambient noise levels in the project area now depend primarily on traffic noise, and this will continue to be the dominant noise source in the area in the foreseeable future. The primary noticeable noise would be intermittent and brief voice incidents and ball bouncing. With the type of activities planned, the small number of kids, the distances involved, and property -line fence protection, the planned O-Mei Academy activities would be within the City noise ordinance limits, and would not be expected to create any noise impacts at adjacent receptor areas. If I may be of further assistance on this project, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully submitted, H. Stanton Shelly Acoustical Consultant Board Certified Member (1982) Institute of Noise Control Engineering REFERENCES 1. Project Drawings: OMEI LEARNING CENTER, Conditional Use Permit, 5 sheets; Arun Shah and Associates, Fremont, CA; July 8, 2010. 2. Operational information sheet and facility activity description for O-Mei Academy, July 2010. 3. Noise Ordinance, Municipal Code Section 10.48, Noise levels for residential and commercial zones; City of Cupertino; 199 4. Highway Noise - A Design Guide for Highway Engineers, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 117, Highway Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., 1971 (model enhanced and field validated by ECS). Environmental Consulting Services Saratoga