101-Staff Report.pdf
1010300 TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255
TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3354www.cupertino.org
Meeting:July5, 2011
Approval for an additional $25,000 in constructioncontingencies for the Garden Gate Safe
Routes to School Project No. 2009-9549, for a total of $334,000.
Recommended Action
Approve additional $25,000 in construction contingencies.
At the May 17, 2011 City Council meeting, the City Council awarded a construction contract to
J.J.R. Construction, Inc, for the Garden Gate Sidewalk Installation Project, Project No. 2009-
9549, in the amount of $259,000, with approval for another $50,000 in construction
contingenciesfor unforeseen work. The City was awarded $393,788 in federal funding in 2009
for this project as a result of a successful Safe Routes to School application submitted by the City
to enhance safety for pedestrians walking to Garden Gate Elementary School and De Anza
College. The scope of the grant project includesconstructing new sidewalks where there were
gaps in the existing sidewalk network along Stelling Road between Alves Drive and Highway
280, along Greenleaf Drive between Stelling Road and Garden Gate Elementary School, and
along Flora Vista Avenue in the vicinity of Greenleaf Drive; constructing new handicap ramps
and upgrading existing handicap ramps; reconstructing driveways; and performing a safety
upgrade of the traffic signal at Stelling Road/Greenleaf Drive.
The Engineer’s estimate for the concrete sidewalk, driveway and handicap ramp portion of the
work came to $405,000, slightly in excess of the $393,788 available to the City from the Safe
Routes to School federal grant. Consequently, the traffic signal upgrade portionof the work was
excluded from the original bid because staff believed that there would be insufficient funding
available to complete that portion of the work. However, the lowest responsive and responsible
bid, from J.J.R. Construction, came in at $259,000, well under the $405,000 Engineer’s estimate
and the $393,788 available from the grant. As a result, staff now has the opportunity to include
the additional traffic signal upgrade work, estimated at $19,074, within the contract with J.J.R
construction with no fiscal impact to the general fund.
Because some additional work has already been performed on the contract for concrete and
drainage work using in excess of $30,000of the approved contingency, staff recommends
approving an additional $25,000 contingency to cover the traffic signal upgrade portion of the
work and any other smaller clean-upitems necessary to complete the project. This additional
contingency is within the scope and budget of the grant and will not be borne by the General
Fiscal Impact
Aproject budget of $442,000wasapproved by City Council in the 09/10CIP. This money is
being reimbursed through the Federal Safe Routes to School Grant, in the amount of $393,788.
The total project cost,including contingencies, is $334,000. Consequently, there is no net fiscal
impact to the City.
Prepared by:David Stillman, Senior Civil Engineer
Reviewed by: Timm Borden, Director of Public Works
Approved for Submission by:David W. Knapp, City Manager