05-008, Thomas Reid Associates
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 777-3200
FY 04-05
BY AGREEMENT made and entered into on the 17th day of December 2004, by and between the
CITY OF CUPERTINO (Hereinafter referred to as CITY) and Thomas Reid Associates, 545 Middlefield
Road, Suite 200, Menlo Park, CA 94025 (hereinafter referred to as CONTRACTOR), in consideration of
their mutual covenants, the parties hereto agree as follows:
CONTRACTOR shall provide or furnish the following specified services and/or materials: Stevens Creek
Corridor Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration as detailed in Exhibit A-Stevens Creek
Corridor Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) Scope of Work.
EXHIBITS: The following attached exhibits hereby are made part of this Agreement: Exhibit A: Stevens
Creek Corridor Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) Scope of Work
TERMS: The services and/or materials furnished under this Agreement shall commence on December
27,2004 and shall be completed before November 1,2005.
COMPENSATION: For the full performance of this Agreement, CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR: an
amount not to exceed $53,798.00.
Hold Harmless. CONTRACTOR agrees to save and hold harmless the CITY, its officers, agents, and
em.ployees from any ~n.d all damage and liability of e~ery nature, including all costs of. defendi~ng a......._......"". '
claim, caused by or arising out of the performance of thiS Agreement. CITY shall not be liable for ac f .'\
CONTRACTOR in performing services described herein. f'~ '..
Insurance. Should the CITY require evidence of insurability, CONTRACTOR shall file with . ITY ",1 ~~"
Ce~ificate of Insurance before com.mencing any ~e.rvice.s under .this Agreement. Said Certificate ~hall b ~.......'.....,d....' ) \
subject to the approval of CITY'S Director of Administrative Services. ' p , ~.-
Non-Discrimination. It is understood and agreed that this Agreement is not a contract of employ~ent i ";, ,
the sense that the relation of master and servant exists between CITY and undersigned. At all ~es"
CONTRACTOR shall be deemed to be an independent contractor and CONTRACTOR is not authorl~ /
to bind the CITY to any contracts or other obligations in executing this Agreement. CONTRACTOR---""
certifies that no one who has or will have any financial interest under this Agreement is an officer or
employee of CITY.
Changes. This Agreement shall not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the CITY.
No changes or variations of any kind are authorized without the written consent of the CITY.
CONTRACT COORDINATOR and representative for CITY shall be:
NAME: Therese Smith
DEPARTMENT: Parks and Recreation
This Agreement shall become effective upon its execution by CITY. In witness thereof, the parties have
the day and year first written above.
TAXI :_~_~_:J_;bl!:t~___________
dlgO- $53,798.00
Stevens Creek Corridor CEQA Scope of Work
Page 1
Thomas Reid Associates (TRA)
TRA will provide an IS format that is easily understood by agencies, groups, and
individuals and which meets the standards of CEQA and the City of Cupertino. TRA will
prepare an IS that contains mitigation measures to reduce environmental impacts to less than
significant levels or identify those impacts that cannot be reduced to less than significant levels.
TRA will prepare an Administrative Draft IS; and a Public Draft IS (including Findings, Basis of
Findings of Environmental Impacts, and Mitigation Measures); respond to Public comments in a
Final IS/Responses to Comments Report; and then will prepare the Mitigation, Monitoring and
Reporting Plan.
Content of the IS
Task 1
Define Project and Environmental Issues
TRA will define the project and environmental issues using data from the Stevens Creek
Trail Draft Master Plan Report (Master Plan) and Restoration Plan. To determine the level of
impacts and possible methods of avoiding or reducing these impacts, we will present a
completed Initial Study Checklist for discussion at our Kickoff Meeting. Review and discussion
of the Initial Study Checklist will enable the City and Consultant Team to arrive at workable
conclusions for each of the Checklist questions.
The implementation of use of all program elements as listed in the Master Plan scope of
work will be analyzed, including the design solutions resulting from the "Design Refinements
Needed" section of the Master Plan scope of work.
Separate analyses by other qualified consultants will need to be prepared to determine
the level of impacts on archaeological and pedestrian/traffic issues, and more data may be
needed from Cotton Shires & Associates, geotechnical consultants, and Dr. Lynne Trulio,
biological consultant, the preparers of those sections in the previous reports. We are very
familiar with both Cotton Shires & Associates and Dr. Lynne Trulio; in addition to working with
them on the Study Area A IS/MND, Cotton Shires & Associates was our subconsultant on the
San Jose Bay Trail Constraints Analysis and Initial Study, and Dr. Trulio has worked with us on
biological issues in the South San Francisco Bay area for the past 15 years. For this project we
will again use Basin Research Associates as the Archaeological consultant. We used Colin
Busby of Basin Research Associates on the Stevens Creek Study Area A Initial Study/Mitigated
Negative Declaration, and have allotted time and materials costs associated with a literature
search, field visit and preparation of project recommendations in a letter report that will either
avoid impacts to cultural resources, or will reduce any potentially significant impacts to less than
significant levels.
Task 2
Prepare Initial Study
TRA will prepare the Initial Study (IS), with mitigation as necessary to reduce potentially
significant impacts to less than significant levels. This IS will be supplemented by text and
graphics for the environmental analysis. In addition to the archaeological report listed above,
TRA will incorporate data from any other subconsultants as necessary, including Hexagon
Transportation Consultants (Traffic and Parking Report) (See Table at end of this scope of work
for contact data). We will use an aerial photo for the base map. It is assumed that Jana Sokale
can supply electronic versions of all data, and that she or Hill Associates can supply us with
hard copies of 8 1/2 x 11 graphics and 11 x 17 site plans that we can use in our graphic
presentation. We will provide 8 copies of the Administrative Draft IS to the City.
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Stevens Creek Corridor CEQA Scope of Work Page 2
Current CEQA Guidelines require that all impacts be tied to a threshold of significance, if
possible. This threshold is quantitative. For areas of potential effect, TRA will work with the City
of Cupertino to establish relevant standards of significance. We have listed in the attached cost
table the environmental issues that will be covered in the IS. Specifically, the issues of
biological resources, cultural resources, hydrology, pedestrian safety, noise and temporary
construction may have the potential to be significantly affected.
We will identify mitigation measures to reduce all impacts to insignificance. All
potentially significant impacts must be demonstrated in the IS to be reduced by mitigation
incorporated into the project in order to prepare the Mitigated Negative Declaration. For each
mitigation measure we identify, we will include, if possible, performance standards to a II ow the
City or other interested parties to demonstrate that the measure is being properly implemented
and does, in fact, reduce the impact to less-than-significant.
Project mitigation measures and monitoring requirements per CEQA will be presented in
the following format, which includes implementation and monitoring responsibilities:
Impact: Construction noise levels may exceed current levels, but this noise would
be temporary, and would be diminished by the use of the following BMPs (Best
Management Practices):
Noi-1 Construction BMPs to reduce ambient noise levels shall apply at all
times during the construction phase. These BMPs include:
· Appropriate mufflers shall be in place for large vehicles;
· Use of music radios of any type by construction personnel at the
construction site is prohibited; and construction activities shall
occur onlv between 7AM-5PM, M-F.
Implementation: General Contractor, City of Cupertino Public Works Department
Effectiveness: The recommended BMPs will reduce temporary construction noise
impacts to less than significant levels.
Monitoring: Site inspections by City of Cupertino Public Works staff.
If the Initial Study determines that there may be potentially significant impacts that
cannot be mitigated to below significant levels, an Environmental Impact Report {EIR) will need
to be prepared. The Scope of Services and budget for the EIR shall be determined by TRA,
Jana Sokale and the City at the time the service is requested and as directed by the City.
Contents of the Initial Study
Below is the proposed outline for the Initial Study, followed by a detailed description of
the sections and issues to be addressed.
I. Introduction
II. Project Description
III. Initial Study Checklist
IV. Responses to Checklist Questions
1. Aesthetics
2. Air Quality
3. Biological Resources
4. Cultural Resources
5. Geology ISoils
6. Hazards & Hazardous Materials
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Stevens Creek Corridor CEQA Scope of Work
7. Hydrology / Water Quality
8. Land Use / Planning
9. Mineral Resources
10. Noise
11. Population / Housing
12. Public Services
13. Recreation
14. Transportation/Traffic
15. Utilities / Service Systems
16. Mandatory Findings of Significance
V. Report Preparation
VI. Bibliography/Citations
VII. Appendices
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I. Introduction
In the introduction, TRA will describe the purpose of the Initial Study; discuss
relevant project history and the master planning process, including a description of
the community's and City's extensive visioning process and recommendations; and
identify the scope of the issues to be addressed per the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA); and present the report organization.
II. Project Description
TRA will provide a complete description of the proposed project, including a
description of the project's regional and vicinity location, a description and
illustration of all aspects of the project, including all elements from the Restoration
Plan and Master Plan scope of work, proposed trail alignment, type of trail (Class I,
" etc.), infrastructure improvements, landscaping/ design features, usage estimates,
a discussion of project implementation and schedule, a description of the project
objectives, and a list of required permits and approvals. Alignment alternatives will
be discussed, including 1) an east bank alternative with one all-weather trail (non-
asphaltic) one bridge crossing at the Stocklmeir property; and 2) an east and west
bank alignment with three new bridge crossings, including the one at the Stocklmeir
property and 2 at Horseshoe Bend; 3) two trails, with one trail to be all-weather and
the other trail to be surfaced with bark chips, and one trail on one side of the creek
with the other on the other side; 4) limited trail bark-chip surfaced trail. We will
describe trail linkages and features, such as the proposed trail staging areas, as
well as fencing, lighting, signing and trail materials. Mitigation incorporated into the
project will include standard Best Management Practices (BMPs) for working in
steelhead streams (as prepared by TRA for the Santa Clara Valley Water District's
Stream Maintenance Project (SMP) EIR and approved by all applicable regulatory
All project description data will be provided to us from the Master Plan,
supporting documentation from Jana Sokale, Hill Associates, and the Restoration
III. Initial Study Checklist and Responses
TRA will complete the CEQA 2003 Initial Study Checklist, and will provide a
response to every Checklist question, including those answered with a No Impact
response. TRA will provide an appropriate level of discussion for each question,
including existing setting information, project information, identification of potential
impacts and recommended mitigation measures, if any. TRA will provide a brief
listing of the impacts in each section of the Checklist for each of the four project
alternatives identified above.
The impact analysis will apply specific criteria for determining the
significance of impacts (including thresholds of significance) and applicable agency
and professional standards. Mitigation measures will be identified for each
significant impact. Mitigation measures shall be recommended as necessary to
reduce potentially significant impacts. TRA will indicate the sources used to answer
each question. TRA will include the following disciplines:
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A. Aesthetics. TRA will describe whether the project has an impact on
scenic resources, whether the project will create a demonstrable negative
aesthetic effect, or create light and glare. TRA will adequately describe the
scenic value of the area traversed by the proposed project and describe
whether the Master Plan elements will adversely impact scenic resources in
the area. TRA will recommend mitigation measures to reduce any potentially
significant impacts.
B. Air Quality. TRA will provide appropriately detailed discussions when
answering the Checklist questions regarding air quality standards such as
objectionable odors or alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature.
The Initial Study will discuss the potential to expose sensitive receptors (park
users) to pollutants emitted from existing nearby land uses, as applicable.
Information for this section will be obtained from existing sources,
specifically, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD).
C. Biological Resources. TRA will rely upon the proposed biological
studies to answer the Initial Study Checklist questions on biological resources.
TRA will conduct a series of focused biological surveys to assess the potential for
special status plants and animals to occur within the project area. These surveys
will include U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) protocol-level focused
surveys for California red-legged frog (Rana Aurora draytonil), focused surveys
for foothill yellow-legged frog (Rana boylil) and western pond turtle (C/emmys
marmorata), a USFWS/CDFG protocol-level habitat assessment for California
tiger salamander (Ambystoma califomiense), and focused surveys for special
status bats, and birds. Finally, a wetland delineation and jurisdictional
determination will be conducted along the entire creek corridor, pursuant to
District direction. With exception of special status bats, the SCVWD does not
have specific species information on the subject reach of Stevens Creek.
Based on the findings of these surveys, determinations will be made on whether
the proposed restoration plan and SCC Master Plan elements, both short-term
(construction-related) and long-term (operation related) will exceed CEQA
Standards of Significance. Mitigation measures will be designed to avoid any
adverse impacts or reduce them to less than significant levels.
D. Cultural Resources. TRA will respond to the Checklist questions based
on information contained in the archaeological literature search and resources
report prepared for this Initial Study by the archaeologicalsubconsultant.
Specifically, this report will highlight two areas of cultural resource interest:
McClellan Ranch and the pre-historical uses of the Creek along the entire reach
of Corridor. Based on this report, TRA will specify whether the project will impact
archaeological or historical resources or cause changes which will affect unique
ethnic cultural values. TRA and Basin Research Associates will also review the
evaluation of the Stocklmeir property being provided to the Cupertino Historical
Society. Mitigation measures will be recommended, as necessary, to reduce
potentially significant impacts.
E. Geologic/Soils. TRA will answer the Checklist questions regarding
geologic issues with the level of detail necessary to describe the project's
geologic setting, any potential geologic impacts, and mitigation
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recommendations. The analysis will recommend mitigation measures as
necessary. The analysis will be prepared based on available information
obtained from existing sources, including the new Restoration Plan and Master
Plan program design and construction information.
F. Hazards & Hazardous Materials. TRA will answer Checklist questions
regarding risk of accidental explosion or release of hazardous substances,
creation of any potential health hazard, including from new parking areas along
Stevens Creek Boulevard. TRA will describe existing setting information in an
appropriate level of detail to allow a complete and thorough response to the
questions. Mitigation measures will be listed as necessary. Discussion of
hazard impacts will be based on existing available information.
G. Hydrology/Water Quality. TRA will provide an impact discussion that
addresses impacts to water quality from short-term construction activities and
long-term maintenance and usage activities, related to the trail construction,
implementation of the Restoration Plan, and continued operation of Blackberry
Farm and McClellan Ranch. The impact discussion will focus on NPDES permit
requirements for construction projects, the preparation of a SWPPP and BMPs
for erosion control, as necessary; and design features that will prevent runoff
from creating erosion. A map of the 1 DO-year flood plain boundaries affecting the
trail shall be provided to TRA as necessary and as directed by the City.
H. Land Use/Planning. The existing land use setting and that of the
immediate area surrounding the Corridor will be described, including City of
Cupertino and Santa Clara County General Plan designations, zoning
designations, any special designations (easements) as well as nearby existing
facilities. The description must be complete in order to adequately describe
potential land use impacts. The checklist questions will be answered in detail
and sources will be cited. Applicable environmental plans or policies that may
regulate the project include, but are not limited to the following:
. NPDES requirements for construction projects and preparation of a
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
. Federal Endangered Species Act
. California Endangered Species Act
. USACE wetland protection requirements
. Regional Water Quality Control Board
. California Department of Fish and Game (1602 Stream Bed Alteration
agreements, species of special concern)
. Santa Clara Valley Water District
. City of Cupertino General Plan
. County of Santa Clara Trails Master Plan
I. Mineral Resources. TRA will discuss whether the project has an impact
on existing or potential mineral resources.
J. Noise. TRA will address whether the project will result in an increase in
existing noise levels and whether any aspects of the project, including the
construction phase(s) will expose people to severe noise levels. Both temporary,
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construction-related noise and permanent, project-related noise will be
characterized. TRA will use available information to characterize the noise
environment along the creek corridor, no new noise testing will occur.
K. Population and Housing. TRA will describe the project's impact on
regional and local populations or housing.
L. Public Services. TRA will address whether the project will require any
additional public services, such as police and fire protection services and
emergency call boxes, and if the project will result in a need for new or altered
services. TRA will identify the City of Cupertino as providing police and fire
protection to the project area, and will identify the City Department responsible
for maintenance of the Corridor.
M. Recreation. TRA will respond to the Checklist questions regarding
potential project impacts on neighborhood and regional recreational facilities. As
the project is a recreational facility, TRA will describe any potentially beneficial as
well as adverse impacts on recreational facilities. TRA will also describe and
analyze the impact of new recreation uses in the area on existing residents
(potentially sensitive receptors).
N. TransportationfTraffic. TRA will rely upon the traffic analysis prepared
for this project by Hexagon Transportation Consultants (Hexagon) in responding
to the Transportation Checklist questions relating to trip generation and parking
characteristics. TRA will describe any at-grade street crossings and wet weather
access or linkages on local streets. Mitigation measures will be recommended
by Hexagon and TRA as necessary to reduce potentially significant impacts.
Measures incorporated into the design of the project to reduce traffic or traffic
safety impacts will be listed as mitigation measures.
o. Utilities and Service Systems. TRA will describe utilities and services
needed for the Corridor, such as power for lighting, storm water drainage,
sewage disposal, or solid waste disposal.
P. Mandatory Findings of Significance. TRA will respond to the Checklist
questions regarding Mandatory Findings of Significance. Our responses to these
questions will be based on the impact discussions of the Initial Study and
whether the project has any potentially significant impact unless mitigation is
incorporated or potentially significant impact even with mitigation incorporated.
Our discussion will reference incorporated and recommended mitigation
measures as appropriate.
Source References.
TRA will provide a numbered reference list, identifying sources used in
answering each question.
VI. Report Preparation.
TRA will list the names of firms and individuals that contributed to the preparation
of the Initial Study.
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VII. Appendices.
TRA will provide as appendices, any reports or technical studies used in the
preparation of the Initial Study, as appropriate, including the following:
Appendix A Hydrological and Hydraulic Report prepared by Balance Hydrologics
Appendix B Cultural and Archaeological Report for the Stevens Creek Corridor,
prepared by Basin Research Associates
Appendix C Traffic Study for the Stevens Creek Corridor, prepared by Hexagon
Transportation Consultants, Inc.
Appendix D Biological Reports
VIII. Administrative Record.
TRA will maintain the Administrative Record for the Initial Study and will transmit
it to the City 30 days prior to the public hearing.
Task 3.
Prepare Public Draft IS
We will prepare 25 copies of the Public Draft IS after the City has reviewed and
approved the Pre-Print Draft IS. We will also provide an electronic copy of this
document. As an optional item, we can also prepare the Notice of Preparation and
mailing labels. We will also attend the Public Information Hearing to be held within the
Public Review period and the Public Hearing at the City Council.
Task 4.
Prepare Responses to Comments on Public Draft IS
We will respond to all comments received during the public review period, both
written and oral. The level of effort we have allotted to this task is dependant upon the
City receiving comments that can either be responded to by a "master comment"
process or pointing the commenter to data found on certain pages of the Public Draft
document. No new analysis will be prepared. This document will incorporate the Draft
IS by reference, and will be bound with the Draft IS for convenience for the City Council
Public Hearing; we will not recirculate the Draft IS with individual changes. We will
prepare 25 copies of the Responses to Comments document.
Task 4A.
Prepare and File Notice of Determination
TRA will prepare and file the Notice of Determination after the Public Hearing at
the City Council within the time prescribed by CEQA.
Task 5.
Prepare Mitigation, Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MMRP)
TRA will prepare a matrix that lists all necessary data for the MMRP, including
the following: Summary of all impacts and mitigation measures; status of impacts
after mitigation measures have been applied; locations or conditions under which
impacts will occur and where mitigation is required; persons or entities/agencies
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responsible for implementing, funding and maintaining mitigation measures; and
performance standards and timeframe(s) to determine if performance criteria have
been met.
Task 6.
Project Meetings
TRA provides for attendance at up to eleven meetings: a start-up meeting to
review identified environmental issues, a field visit, three staff meetings, three meetings
with City staff and SCVWD (including one to present CEQA findings of significance and
proposed mitigation measures), and three public hearings for the Draft IS. The hours of
each meeting are listed in the Cost Proposal and are broken down as follows: 1) meeting
to define project and environmental issues [4 hours]; 2) field visits (with representatives
of the City, Jana Sokale, TRA staff and representative(s) from Balance Hydrologies and
Basin Research as necessary [20 hours total]; 3) 3 staff meetings [4 hours each, for a
total of 12 hours]; 4) 3 staff meetings with SCVWD personnel [18 hours total] 3 public
hearings [4 hours each, for a total of 12 hours]. Christine Schneider will attend these
meetings. Additional staff for the field visit and/or SCVWD meetings include Janet
Cochrane, Senior Associate, Barbara Beard, Senior Associate, Patrick Kobernus, Senior
Biologist, Kim Briones, Biologist, and Kelly Strain, Associate.
Staffing and cost
Christine Schneider, Senior Associate, will be project manager, and will be
responsible for technical work, meetings and hearings, subconsultants, and coordinating
with the City. She worked most recently with Jana Sokale and the City of Cupertino on
the Stevens Creek Trail Study Area A [2002] City of Milpitas Coyote Creek Trail Initial
Study [2001], which received many positive comments from the City of Milpitas and the
general public. She has been with TRA for 8 years, and has over 17 years of CEQA and
project management experience. Thomas Reid, Principal in Charge, will provide quality
control for each document. Other key staff members include Barbara Beard, Senior
Associate [Project Manager for the San Jose Bay Trail EIR, 2002]; Janet Cochrane,
Senior Associate [Project Manager for the San Tomas Aquino Trail Initial Study, 1999];
and Patrick Kobernus, Senior Biologist [ecologist familiar with sensitive species and
wetland analysis protocol.] Ms. Schneider was one of the primary authors of the Santa
Clara Valley Water District's Routine Maintenance Activities Program EIR [2001], and
Final EIR. This team has an extensive knowledge of CEQA, biological, hydrological,
geotechnical and safety issues pertinent to Stevens Creek and within Cupertino, since
the majority of the team members worked on the Study Area A Initial Study/Mitigated
Negative Declaration.
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Thomas Reid Associates proposes to complete the Initial Study (IS) for the
Stevens Creek Master Plan for $52,688. Hours to complete the task are indicated for
each discipline of the IS as well as administrative costs such as quality control and
document production. Please see Table 3 immediately following this page for a
breakdown of costs for both labor and expenses.
This breakdown of hours is by task is given for the purpose of estimating our
overall budget. We do not bill by task. We bill on a time and materials basis, not to
exceed the above stated amount.
TRA Expense Estimates
Expenses listed are based on direct costs anticipated by the project. This
estimate includes printing 8 copies of the Administrative Draft and 25 copies of the
Public Draft Initial Study documents, and 25 copies each of the Responses to
Comments and Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. Alternatively, we can deliver to the City
of Cupertino a camera-ready copy and an electronic copy of the documents for
document reproduction.
Contingencies Not Included in cost upper limit above
1. Additional Meetings or Hearings
The proposed budget includes the attendance at meetings and hearings as listed
in this scope. If more meetings or hearings are required, they will be subject to
additional compensation.
2. Expenses
The printing expense estimate is based on 25 copies of the Initial Study copies,
and estimated page limits, including technical appendices. All expense estimates are
typical estimates; actual expenses are billed according to cost, and may exceed or be
less than the amounts shown. The upper limits shown here do not apply to expenses
and travel cost in excess of those specifically budgeted. We have allotted $2,500 for this
3. Administrative Drafts
The cost estimate assumes there will be only one round of administrative review
prior to publication of the Initial Study. It will be assumed that the administrative draft will
be complete and of high quality. If more administrative drafts are required, the cost of
additional consultants' time and materials will be subject to negotiation with the City.
4. Project Information or Changes in Project
The budget and schedule both assume a timely response by the Applicant to the
Initial Study data request, and that the applicant can provide all information necessary to
adequately describe the project. The following contingencies would be subject to
additional compensation and an amendment to the scope of work:
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. The process identifies additional issues that will require more meetings, data
collection or analysis;
. The City or its representatives make changes to the project or the site plan
once the Initial Study is underway, provide additional alternative site plans; or
Preparation of an EIR: This Agreement carries the environmental review of the
Stevens Creek Corridor Master Plan through to the completion of an Initial Study.
If the Initial Study determines that there are potentially significant impacts that
cannot be mitigated to below significant levels in the opinion of the City, an
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will need to be prepared. TRA could provide
the necessary consulting services to complete an EIR on the Stevens Creek
Corridor Master Plan according to CEQA and City requirements. The Scope of
Services and budget for the EIR may be determined by TRA and the City if the
service is requested and as directed by the City.
. If an EIR is required, the City may select a different consultant to prepare the
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Table 3
Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Thomas Reid Associates
Principal (Project Senior Senior Assoc. CAD Support Support TRA
in Mgr) Sr. Assoc. Assoc. Staff III I Total
Charge Associate
Rate $150 $100 $85 $85 $58 $58 $58 $36
Define Project and Env. 16 8 24
Admin. Draft Initial Study
I. Introduction 4 4
II. Summary 8 8
III. Project Description 36 8 8 52
IV. 15 Checklist
A. Aesthetics 14 4 18
B. Air Quality 8 8
C. Biological Resources 2 26 28
D. Cultural Resources 2 18 4 24
E. Geologic Issues 18 4 22
F. Hazards 12 4 16
G. Hydrology/Water Quality 2 18 20
H. Land Use 20 20
I. Mineral Resources 6 6
J. Noise 16 16
K. Population and Housing 2 2
L Public Services 2 6 8
N. Transportation/Circulation 6 18 2 26
M. Recreation 2 8 10
O. Utilities and Services 2 2
P. Mandatory Findings 2 2
Q. Bibliography/Citations 2 2 4 4 12
R. Appendices 2 4 6
Project Administration/QC 10 24 2 36
Revise Admin. Draft 15 8 24 8 8 4 8 60
Prepare Responses to
Comments 4 48 12 64
Prepare MMRP 2 18 20
Prepare Admin Record & 4 4
Meetings 46 4 2216 4 76
TOTAL HOURS 10 160 78 100 182 18 6 40 594
TOTAL COST $1,500 $16000 $6,630 $8,500 $10,556 $1,044 $348 $1,440 $46,018
Basin Research Assoc. $5,280
(includes our std. 10%
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Stevens Creek Corridor CEQA Scope of Work
Page 13
List of Consultants for
Stevens Creek Restoration Plan
and CEQA document
Company Name Contact(s) Phone Number Address E-mail
1. Restoration Plan
Thomas Reid Christine 650-327-0429 x84 P.O. Box 880 schneider@traenviro.com,
Associates Schneider, fax 650-327-4024 Palo Alto, CA 94301 cochrane@traenviro.com
Janet After 8/1: 545
Cochrane Middlefield Rd. Ste.
2000, Menlo Park, CA
Balance Stacey 510-704-1000 x211 841 Folger Ave sporter@balancehvdro.com,
HydroloQics Porter fax 510-704-1001 Berkeley, CA 94710 bhechttfj)balancehvdro.com
2. CEQA document and
3. Bioloaical Surveys and Analysis
Thomas Reid Christine 650-327-0429 x84 P.O. Box 880 schneider@traenviro.com,
Associates Schneider, fax 650-327-4024 Palo Alto, CA 94301 cochrane@traenviro.com
Janet After 8/1: 545
Cochrane Middlefield Rd. Ste.
2000, Menlo Park, CA
Basin Research Colin Busby 510-430-8441 1933 Davis Street colinbusby@basinresearch.com
Assoc. fax 510-430-8443 Ste.210
San Leandro, CA
H.T. Harvey Dave 408-448-9450 x203 3150 Almaden diohnston@harvevecoloQY.com
Assoc. Johnston fax 408-448-9454 Expressway, Ste. 145
San Jose, CA 95118
Hexagon Mike Waller 408-971-6100 40 S. Market St., Ste. cmwaller@hextrans.com
Transportation fax 408-971-6102 600, San Jose, CA
Consultants 95113
Thomas Reid Associates
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