Exhibit CC 11-15-2011 Item No. 16 Wireless Communications Facility at Jollyman Park cc is - Ic - Ii Ifevh � �
412V/ 10300 Torre Avenue
9ss 408-777-CITY (www.cupertino.org)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cupertino City Council will hold a study session and
hearing on the matter described below. The public is encouraged to attend and speak.
APPLICANT: Alex Morin for Cortel, LLC and AT&T
LOCATION: Jollyman Park(Stelling Road near Highway 85) APN: 359-25-049,
359-25-002, 359-25--024, 359-25-048
DESCRIPTION: Study session and hearing regarding the review of AT&T's request
to submit planning permits and enter into a land lease in order to
construct a wireless communications facility at Jollyman Park
(Ste ing oa near Tiighway 85)
HEARING DATE: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 beginning at 5:30 p.m. for the study
session and 6:45 p.m. for the hearing
ADDRESS: Council Chamber, Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue
Agenda may be subject to change. If you are interested in an item or have questions, please call
the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223 prior to the meeting date to verify that the item is still on
the agenda. The time this item will be heard on the agenda cannot be predicted.
For more information, agendas and packets are available for review on the Thursday afternoon
prior to the meeting, and are also on the Internet at www.cupertino.org/agenda.
NOTE TO OWNERS OF RECORD: This notice is sent to owners of real property as shown on
the last tax assessment roll. Tenants are not necessarily notified.
Kimberly Smith
City Clerk
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Karen B. Guerin
From: David Knapp
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 1:26 PM
To: 'Ardith West'
Cc: City Council; Department Heads
Subject: RE: J011yman Park AT&T Hearing
Thank you Ardith. I'll pass this on to Council.
From: Ardith West f mailto:ardith.west@ att.neti
Sent: November 14, 2011 10:52 PM
To: Cupertino City Manager's Office
Subject: J011yman Park AT&T Hearing
Dear Mr. Knapp,
I am writing to register MY OPPOSITION to the constructlion of a wireless communications facility at Jollyman
Park. A park is to be a community"nature preserve" for members of the city to retreat to for recreation,
relaxation, health preservation and recharging from the stresses and pressures of today's society.
Constructing this facility will have a negative effect on the quality of life for not only nearby residents but also
for all park users, the majority of whom are the youth in our community.
In 1994 the State of California constructed Freeway 85 adjacent to Jollyman Park. Many of the nearby
residents, including me, opposed this construction not only for personal health reasons but also for health
concerns of people visiting the general area. Freeway 85 brings air pollution in the form of fuel emissions,
concrete &tire tread particle transmission, as well as excessive noise pollution. All of these factors detract
from the vision of a park to be a "nature preserve."
With PG&E now having installed the controversial "Smart Meters," on residences in this Cupertino area,
electronic pollution has been added on top of the negative pollutants from Freeway 85. With the installation
of a wireless communications facility at Jollyman Park, added electronic pollution will target not only nearby
residents but also park users, increasing possible health risks, particularly to our youth who most frequently
enjoy use of the park.
Creating a facility such as this for the benefit of those passing through our area devalues our neighborhoods
and community. Property values & park usage will be affected by adding another negative factor of
electronic transmissions to the already present pollutants of fuel,tire, concrete particulates and freeway
noise. All of this diminishes the health &wellbeing of Cupertino as well as its residents.
If Cupertino is doing this as a means to increase our city's coffers, ask yourselves, are you putting the citizen's
health at risk in exchange for the almighty dollar? It's the same dollar that we're coming to realize is being
snatched from us by many public and government entities in the form of"bail-outs" & salaries for the top
1%. I'm asking you to think about the 99%whose health is at stake by constructing the wireless facility in
Jollyman Park. If it's needed for future regional growth find an area that won't impact the health of
Cupertino citizens and its prized youth.
Ardith West, November 14, 2011
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Colin Jung
From: Bhavini Kamarshi [bhavini111 @yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 11:19 AM
To: Cohn Jung
Cc: V-yahoo
Subject: AT&T cell tower
Dear Mr. Jung,
We live at 10695 Orline Court(near Jollyman Park) and have been resident here for almost seven years. We are writing
to to express our concern and voice our objection about the proposed tower site at Jollyman Park.
-We are sure that the City of Cupertino is aware that this park s the neighborhood park for thousands of residents and
children, not to mention the church next door. There are also rumerous children's sports programs that are held at this
park throughout the year and there is an after-school program at the church. As a result, this park is one of the most
heavily used and popular parks in the area.
-We believe that housing a cell tower or any other wireless communications facility at this park will be extremely
detrimental to the neighborhood and the park's appeal. The height and proximity of the cell structure will be an absolute
-We strongly believe that our parks should be maintained primarily for the interests of our children and our residents, who
do not need any towers or structures that impede the use and beauty of the park. The nation and the state are struggling
to fight the obesity problem in the country and the City of Cupertino should ensure that this park's beauty and attraction
are not compromised in order to encourage our children to get out and exercise more. The access, use and appeal of the
park should not be compromised under any circumstance.
-We think cell towers should not be located anywhere near parks and residences. Aside from the aesthetic issue, there is
significant documented concern about interference to TV and radio signals, as well as risk of cancer, that suggests these
issues affect the safety and quality of life.
-We are aware of at least two other occassions in the last seven-eight years when cell tower construction was considered
at the park or the adjoining neighborhood. Both of those attempts were convincingly defeated. We do not understand
why the City Council repeatedly wastes the time of the City and its residents by considering these proposals over and
over again. We believe the residents have already convinced the Council in previous hearings that cell towers should not
be contructed in or near parks and residences. We suggest the City and its residents would be better served by the
Council outright rejecting these kinds of proposals (towers near residences or children's parks) now and in the future.
-We are also disappointed at the way the Council has chosed to notify the local residents about this proposal. By
avoiding the mention of cell towers and describing this innocuously as"a wireless communication facility", we feel the
Council is trying to mislead the City and its residents. Cupertino is home to a very professional community and we believe
the Council should be professional and forthright in its business conduct.
Thank you for taking our concerns into consideration..
Yours sincerely,
Bhavini and Vijay Kamarshi
10695 Orline Court
Cc i ( - ts - 1 ( Ifev \ ( �
f1:10 10300 Torre Avenue
y1.194s 408-777-CITY (www.cupertino.org)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cupertino City Council will hold a study session and
hearing on the matter described below. The public is encouraged to attend and speak.
APPLICANT: Alex Morin for Cortel, LLC and AT&T
LOCATION: Jollyman Park(Stelling Road near Highway 85) APN: 359-25-049,
359-25-002, 359-25-024, 359-25-048
DESCRIPTION: Study session and hearing regarding the review of AT&T's request
to submit planning permits and enter into a land lease in order to
construct a wireless communications facility at Jollyman Park
(Stel il'ng-Road near Tli vay
HEARING DATE: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 beginning at 5:30 p.m. for the study
session and 6:45 p.m. for the hearing
ADDRESS: Council Chamber, Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue
Agenda may be subject to change. If you are interested in an item or have questions, please call.
the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223 prior to the meeting date to verify that the item is still on
the agenda. The time this item will be heard on the agenda cannot be predicted.
For more information, agendas and packets are available for review on the Thursday afternoon
prior to the meeting, and are also on the Internet at www.cupertino.org/agenda.
NOTE TO OWNERS OF RECORD: This notice is sent to owners of real property as shown on
the last tax assessment roll. Tenants are not necessarily notified.
Kimberly Smith
City Clerk
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Karen B. Guerin
From: David Knapp
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 1:26 PM
To: 'Ardith West'
Cc: City Council; Department Heads
Subject: RE: J011yman Park AT&T Hearing
Thank you Ardith. I'll pass this on to Council.
From: Ardith West f mailto:ardith.westAatt.neti
Sent: November 14, 2011 10:52 PM
To: Cupertino City Manager's Office
Subject: J011yman Park AT&T Hearing
Dear Mr. Knapp,
I am writing to register MY OPPOSITION to the construction of a wireless communications facility at Jollyman
Park. A park is to be a community"nature preserve" for members of the city to retreat to for recreation,
relaxation, health preservation and recharging from the stresses and pressures of today's society.
Constructing this facility will have a negative effect on the quality of life for not only nearby residents but also
for all park users, the majority of whom are the youth in our community.
In 1994 the State of California constructed Freeway 85 adjacent to Jollyman Park. Many of the nearby
residents, including me, opposed this construction not only for personal health reasons but also for health
concerns of people visiting the general area. Freeway 85 brings air pollution in the form of fuel emissions,
concrete &tire tread particle transmission, as well as excessive noise pollution. All of these factors detract
from the vision of a park to be a "nature preserve."
With PG&E now having installed the controversial "Smart Meters," on residences in this Cupertino area,
electronic pollution has been added on top of the negative pollutants from Freeway 85. With the installation
of a wireless communications facility at Jollyman Park, added electronic pollution will target not only nearby
residents but also park users, increasing possible health risks, particularly to our youth who most frequently
enjoy use of the park.
Creating a facility such as this for the benefit of those passing through our area devalues our neighborhoods
and community. Property values & park usage will be affected by adding another negative factor of
electronic transmissions to the already present pollutants of fuel, tire, concrete particulates and freeway
noise. All of this diminishes the health &wellbeing of C:upertino as well as its residents.
If Cupertino is doing this as a means to increase our city's coffers, ask yourselves, are you putting the citizen's
health at risk in exchange for the almighty dollar? It's the same dollar that we're coming to realize is being
snatched from us by many public and government entities in the form of"bail-outs" & salaries for the top
1%. I'm asking you to think about the 99%whose health is at stake by constructing the wireless facility in
Jollyman Park. If it's needed for future regional growth find an area that won't impact the health of
Cupertino citizens and its prized youth.
Ardith West, November 14, 2011
Colin Jung
From: Bhavini Kamarshi [bhavini111 @yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 11:19 AM
To: Colin Jung
Cc: V-yahoo
Subject: AT&T cell tower
Dear Mr. Jung,
We live at 10695 Orline Court(near Jollyman Park) and have been resident here for almost seven years. We are writing
to to express our concern and voice our objection about the proposed tower site at Jollyman Park.
-We are sure that the City of Cupertino is aware that this park is the neighborhood park for thousands of residents and
children, not to mention the church next door. There are also numerous children's sports programs that are held at this
park throughout the year and there is an after-school program at the church. As a result, this park is one of the most
heavily used and popular parks in the area.
-We believe that housing a cell tower or any other wireless communications facility at this park will be extremely
detrimental to the neighborhood and the park's appeal. The height and proximity of the cell structure will be an absolute
-We strongly believe that our parks should be maintained primarily for the interests of our children and our residents, who
do not need any towers or structures that impede the use and beauty of the park. The nation and the state are struggling
to fight the obesity problem in the country and the City of Cupertino should ensure that this park's beauty and attraction
are not compromised in order to encourage our children to get out and exercise more. The access, use and appeal of the
park should not be compromised under any circumstance.
-We think cell towers should not be located anywhere near parks and residences. Aside from the aesthetic issue, there is
significant documented concern about interference to TV and radio signals, as well as risk of cancer, that suggests these
issues affect the safety and quality of life.
-We are aware of at least two other occassions in the last seven-eight years when cell tower construction was considered
at the park or the adjoining neighborhood. Both of those attempts were convincingly defeated. We do not understand
why the City Council repeatedly wastes the time of the City and its residents by considering these proposals over and
over again. We believe the residents have already convinced the Council in previous hearings that cell towers should not
be contructed in or near parks and residences. We suggest the City and its residents would be better served by the
Council outright rejecting these kinds of proposals (towers near residences or children's parks) now and in the future.
-We are also disappointed at the way the Council has chosed to notify the local residents about this proposal. By
avoiding the mention of cell towers and describing this innocuously as"a wireless communication facility", we feel the
Council is trying to mislead the City and its residents. Cupertino is home to a very professional community and we believe
the Council should be professional and forthright in its business conduct.
Thank you for taking our concerns into consideration..
Yours sincerely,
Bhavini and Vijay Kamarshi
10695 Orline Court
C C i l
Karen B. Guerin
From: Keithddl527 @aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 1:48 PM
To: Barry Chang; Orrin Mahoney; Mark. Santoro; Kris Wang; Gilbert Wong
Cc: City Council; City Clerk; Cupertino City Manager's Office; City of Cupertino Planning Dept.
Subject: Agenda Item 17: Reconsideration of EXC-2011-10
Regarding CitjCouncil Agenda Item 17;Reconsideration of an exception to the HOC plan, Petition for Reconsideration of
EXC-2011-10 requested by Dr. Lum
Dear City Council
Cupertino's General Plan, a plan once crafted in partnership with your constituents to give our elected leaders clear
guidance for our city's governance and your once official mandate to act on our behalves, this document has been hi
jacked by non elected actors.
You, the City Council, have willing and enthusiastically transferred your powers of governance over to actors who do not
have to answer to the electorate, clearly you do not wish to lead any more, perhaps you desire just the robes of office, the
stylish title, the simple ceremonial duties, or why would you undermine your elected duties and responsibilities, not just for
yourself, but for all future city council's by default as well?
Appeal's requested by your constituent's of your prior approved exceptions or variances to our General plan, to a specific
plan, to our zoning—to our municipal code in general—these appeals are a reflection of these individual's or group's
desire to challenge any defective legislative act of the planning commission or city council or any administrative approval
by unelected city official, as your constituents are typically motivated without regards to personal gain, but with a deep
heartfelt civic duty to protect our fellow residents, as you feel empowered to act once too.
The old guard of Cupertino which wields power has been knocking heads with upstarts from all areas of our community,
those who dare to voice contrary ideas for our city's future direction. That heated dialog has come a long way the past
few years and where once there was only fear there is now a begrudged growing respect, perhaps these groups will never
become friends, but they do have a common political enemy and that is against manufactured consent, rather
facilitated manufactured consent, which can be turned against not only the lone voices in our community, but against
the old power structures too, and those that wield it unwisely, as no one is immune to this anti democratic virus once it has
been let loose in our community.
It must be understood, as your constituent's clearly understanc today, that our city's general fund is held hostage by many
actors; federal, state and county, with each actor desiring specific actions in trade for supplying ongoing funding to our
community, the trade of choice, is for changes to be made to our General Plan, as community development pressures
fabricated from outside our community have shouted down our own resident's desires for community development as
directed by our own general plan documents. Typically, our overseeing bureaucratic actors demand revisions to our
general plan which go against our community's quality of life manifesto, so your constituents are under attack.
Our voices are made mute with every professional consultant group that city staff hires with your city council's uninspired
approval, these professional facilitator's who can manufacture a "group think" consensus, whispering away community
descent with polite algorithmic precision, then claiming that a majority public mandate has been magically reached,
freeing our city father's to act as they alone desire, avoiding any true consensus building efforts, dirty as that process may
be, but taxpayers paid the ultimate price for this deceit all the same, as manufactured consent now replaces -your once
inspired governance-shame on us all for letting this come to pass.
Resident's have been quietly counting there pennies, selling off unwanted possessions, gathering these funds to renew a
dialog with their elected officials, you, the city council, and with the actors who direct you from behind the scenes, benign
or malignant as they may be, as we now understand we have lo"Pay to Play" as the pain of the status quos is now too
painful to ignore, equally vast is the manufactured distance you desire to keep us at, why our appeals now come at a very
high price.
But we can whisper too, we will respectfully request that government transparency be restored, we will respectfully ask for
our three minutes at all public hearings, we will politely ask that administrative approvals be posted on the city's web site,
we will exercise the appeal process as never seen before in our city's history, as the betrayal of authentic governance has
come at too great a price; I will miss some of my possessions, but I will not sit by and do nothing, as will many in our