05-070, Fehr & Peers Transportation Consultants
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
408-777 -3200
BY THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ~day of Auqust, 20QQ, by and between the CITY OF
CUPERTINO (Hereinafter referred to as CITY) and Fehr & Peers Transportation Consultants, 255 North Market
Street, Suite 200, San Jose, CA 95110, Phone (408) 278-1700, (Hereinafter referred as CONTRACTOR), in
consideration of their mutual covenants, the parties hereto agree as follows:
CONTRACTOR shall provide or furnish the following specified services and/or materials: Transportation Impact
Analysis for the Proposed Vallco Northwest Residential Development Project in Cupertino, CA
EXHIBITS: The following attached exhibits hereby are made part of this Agreement: See attached proposal
TERMS: The services and/or materials furnished under this Agreement shall commence on Auqust 11, 2005
and shall be completed before December 31.2005
COMPENSATION: For the full performance of this Agreement, CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR: Amount not to
exceed $32,500.00
California Labor Code, Section 1771 requires the payment of prevailing wages to all workers employed on a Public
Works contract in excess of $1,000.00.
Hold Harmless. Contractor agrees to save and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees from any
and all damage and liability due to negligence, errors and omissions, including all costs of defending any claim, caused
by or arising out of the performance of this Agreement. City shall not be liable for acts of Contractor in performing
services described herein.
Insurance. Should the City require evidence of insurability, Contractor shall file with City a Certificate of Insurance
before commencing any services under this Agreement. Said Certificate shall be subject to the approval of City's
Director of Administrative Services.
Non-Discrimination. No discrimination shall be made in the employment of persons under this Agreement because
of the race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion or sex of such person.
Interest of Contractor. It is understood and agreed that this Agreement is not a contract of employment in the sense
that the relationship of master and servant exists between City and undersigned. At all times, Contractor shall be
deemed to be an independent contractor and Contractor is not authorized to bind the City to any contracts or other
obligations in executing this agreement. Contractor certifies that no one who has or will have any financial interest
under this Agreement is an officer or employee of City.
Changes. This Agreement sha!! not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the City. No changes or
variations of any kind are authorized without the written consent of the City, ~ ENTEREri
CONTRACT CO-ORDINATOR and representative for CITY shall be: - U u
Glenn Goepfert
Public Works
This Agreement shall become effective upon its execution by CITY, in witness thereof, the parties have executed this
Agreement the day and year first written above.
By -Y. . .,
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Title " rc I reA.
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Tille Assistant Director ~
Transportation Impact Analysis for the
Proposed Vallco Northwest Residential Development in Cupertino
The proposed project consists of 156 town homes located in the northwest area of Vallco
Fashion Park on land currently occupied by a surface parking lot. The site is generally
bounded by Interstate 280 to the north, additional Vallco parking and retail uses to the south,
Wolfe Road to the east, and existing single-family residential uses to the west.
The off-site traffic impacts will be evaluated following the guidelines of the City of Cupertino
and the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) , the congestion management
agency for Santa Clara County. Based on a preliminary trip generation estimate, the
proposed project will generate 74 AM and 87 PM peak hour trips, which is less than the 100
peak hour trip threshold requiring a full transportation impact analysis. Accordingly the traffic
study will focus on the eight signalized and two unsignalized intersections located closest to
the site:
1. Wolfe Road and 1-280 Northbound Ramps
2. Wolfe Road and 1-280 Southbound Ramps
3. Wolfe Road and Vallco Parkway
4. Stevens Creek Boulevard and Wolfe Road/Miller Avenue
5. Homestead Road and Wolfe Road
6. Pruneridge Road and Wolfe Road
7. Perimeter Road and Stevens Creek Boulevard
8. Perimeter Road and Vallco Parkway
9. Perimeter Road Connector and Northbound Wolfe Road (right in/right out)
10. Perimeter Road Connector and Southbound Wolfe Road (right in/right out)
This list may be adjusted based on input from City staff and refinements to the trip
generation estimates. Since the project will generate fewer than 20 trips in one direction on
the freeway, no freeway segment analysis is proposed.
The operations of the key intersections will be evaluated during the morning (AM)and
evening (PM) peak hours. These intersections will be evaluated for the following scenarios:
Scenario 1: Existing Conditions - Existing volumes obtained from counts.
Scenario 2: Background Conditions - Existing volumes plus traffic from approved
but not yet constructed and occupied developments in the area.
Scenario 3: Project Conditions - Background volumes plus traffic generated by
the proposed project.
Scenario 4: Cumulative No Project Conditions - Traffic from pending
developments in the area will be added to the volumes from Scenario
2 to establish traffic volumes under cumulative "no project"
Scenario 5: Cumulative Plus Project Conditions - Project-generated traffic will be
added to the volumes from Scenario 4 to establish cumulative
conditions with the proposed project. This analysis scenario is
required by the Congestion Management Agency and CEQA.
The tasks to be conducted in the analysis are:
Task 1 - Prepare Trip Estimates and Finalize Scope of Work with City of Cupertino
The amount of traffic generated by the proposed project will be estimated using standard
Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) trip generation rates and allowable trip reductions
determined by the City and the VT A.
The directions trips use to approach and depart from the site will be estimated based on
existing travel patterns and relative locations of complementary land uses. The site-
generated traffic will be assigned to the roadway system based on the directions of approach
and departure discussed above and the location of the site driveways.
The trip generation estimates, distribution pattern, and trip assignments will be submitted to
City of Cupertino staff for review and approval. We will also request pertinent background
data (available intersection counts and a list of approved and pending projects near the study
site). Our scope of work will be refined or expanded to address issues raised by city staff.
Task 2 - Collect Data/Existing Conditions
The physical characteristics of the site and the surrounding transportation network will be
reviewed during a site visit to identify existing roadway cross-sections, intersection lane
configurations, traffic control devices, surrounding land uses, and the locations of pedestrian,
bicycle, and transit facilities.
Recent traffic counts have not been conducted at the study intersections since Year 2000
data have been used to account for the economic downturn and the relatively large amount
of vacant office/R&D space. City Public Works staff is requesting that new count data be
obtained at seven (7) of the study intersections to provide a more accurate evaluation of
existing conditions. This proposal assumes 14 new peak period intersection counts (7 AM
and 7 PM counts). '
The existing operations of the key intersections will be evaluated for the AM and PM peak
hours with the level of service method adopted by the City of Cupertino using the TRAFFIX
level of service analysis software. The operations of the key intersections will also be
Task 3 - Evaluate Background Conditions
Future traffic volumes from approved (but not yet constructed and occupied) developments,
to be provided by city staff, will be estimated and assigned to the roadway network. Level of
service calculations will be conducted to evaluate intersection operations under Background
Task 4 - Evaluate Project Conditions
The project trip generation estimates, distribution pattern, and assignments developed in
Task 1 will be refined to respond to comments received from city staff. Project trips will be
added to the background traffic volumes to represent Project Conditions. Intersection level of
service calculations will be conducted to estimate the operating levels of the study
intersections during the AM and PM peak hours after completion of the proposed project.
As a part of the project conditions, a qualitative assessment will be made as to the potential
impacts of the development on local school traffic. This assessment will focus on the
likelihood that project generated traffic will access the schools located south of Steven Creek
Task 5 - Assess Site Access, On-Site Circulation, and Parking
The site plan for the project will be reviewed to assess the operation of the proposed site
driveways, connections to access points on Wolfe Road, and the internal circulation system
within the parking areas. The proposed parking supply will be evaluated based on City
municipal codes. The loss of retail parking will be addressed qualitatively based on current
plans for the shopping center and information from City staff.
Task 6 - Evaluate Cumulative Conditions
A list of pending projects will be obtained from City staff. Traffic from these developments will
be obtained from the corresponding traffic study or estimated using standard traffic
engineering practice. Pending project volumes will be added to background traffic volumes
from Task 3. Project-generated volumes will be added to cumulative no project volumes, and
level of service calculations will be conducted to evaluate the operations of the key
intersections under both cumulative scenarios. Cumulative impacts will be determined using
criteria established in consultation with City staff.
Task 7 - Identify Significant Impacts and Recommend Mitigation Measures
The impacts of the proposed development on the surrounding roadway system will be
identified by comparing the results of the level of, service calculations for Background
Conditions to the results for Project Conditions. Impacts to pedestrian, bicycle and transit
facilities and services will also be evaluated as part of this task. Potential cumulative impacts
will also be identified but are not anticipated.
If significant impacts are identified, feasible mitigation measures will be recommended.
Measures could include physical improvements, such as adding lanes to intersections and
installing traffic signals, signal interconnect upgrades, or methods to modify the traffic
demand of the project, such as reducing the size of the project or instituting Transportation
Demand Management (TOM) measures.
Task 8- Prepare Documentation
The results of the analysis will be documented in a transportation impact analysis (TIA)
report following the City of Cupertino and VT A guidelines. The draft report will be submitted
to city staff for review and comment. Review comments will be incorporated into the final
report and five (5) copies, one (1) unbound copy and one (1) electronic copy will be
submitted to city staff. Our fee estimate includes eight staff hours to respond to city staff
,comments and prepare a final TIA report. Responding to comments requiring additional
technical analysis will be conducted as an additional service.
This proposal assumes that an environmental consultant will prepare the transportation
section of any environmental document that is required. Our fee estimate includes up to eight
hours to respond to comments on the draft environmental document.
Task 9- Meetings and Hearings
Fehr & Peers staff will attend one project meeting, and two public hearings as part of this
project. The budget includes time for preparation and attendance. Additional meetings and
hearings will be attended upon authorization and billed on a time-and-materials basis
according to our standard rates.
Additional Services
The scope of services has been tailored to meet the requirements of the City of Cupertino.
There may be some additional services needed during the course of the analysis. These
would include but are not limited to preparing conceptual designs of proposed mitigation
measures, conducting more than fourteen (14) peak hour intersection traffic counts,
analyzing additional intersections, evaluating revised project descriptions, conducting
detailed traffic operational analyses (such as micro-simulation analysis), and attending more
than one project meeting or two public hearings. Additional services will only be conducted
upon our receipt of written authorization.
City Hall
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014-3255
(408) 777-3354
FAX (408) 777-3333
Ralph A. Qualls, Jr., Director
August 11, 2005
Robert Eckols
Fehr & Peers Transportation Consultants
255 N. Market Street, Suite 200
San Jose, CA 95110
Subject: Vallco Residential Transportation Impact Analysis
Professional Services Agreement
Dear Mr. Eckols:
Enclosed is a professional servIces agreement for the Valko Residential Project
transportation impact analysis. The scope of work and fee estimate of $32,500 are attached
to the agreement as exhibits. Please sign the agreement and return it to this office to my
attention. We will forward a copy of the fully executed agreement.
In keeping with the City's standard practice, we will request that the project developer
forward a deposit in the amount of $32,500, against which your invoices for work under the
agreement will be drawn.
Please call (408-777-3354) with any questions or comments you may have.
. -
Glenn Goepfert
Assistant Director of Public Works
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