29119APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION APPLICATION/PERMIT �C �L•Gt"✓ . 9id 1 hereby affirm that 1 em licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (aimmencing �aZ wish Seniom 00mof Divisim.1 efthe Bnsinesa and Profes.emo Ccul,ondmy llcem, is in full 1.6 and effect. M�UV License Clms' Lic.if " hG L Date Contractor ' ,ARCHITIiCr;' DECLARATION Z86,2 2 I understand my plans shall he used es Public reaeNs OZ4- 't- Fun It - Q Licensed Professional b(f3 0WNER- BUILDER DECLARATION WW, I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the 3 d U following revs.... (Section 7031.5, Business and Pmfessinne Code: Any chy o. county LL I- which mature, a permit m consmun, alter, improve, demolish, or repair by structure F LL'0 prior to its issuance. alse) mquims the applicant for suctipermitto Etc a signed smlement 17} that he is limbed pursuamunhe provisions efthe Commeme, License Law (Chapter 9 (cnnnnceriog with Section ,lgq)al "Division 3of the Business and l'nrlaaalmns Ctde)nr thin he is exempt therefrom and he basis fur the alleged exemption. Any violation of aX1 of Section 7031.5 by any upplicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil frosty of not more than five noitued dollars ($5001. , n C ❑has owner of the pnnpeny, or my employees with wages as their stir, comp......:.., 3 wdl do Nawnrk, vnd theawmure is notlmendesl, oroRerul forsnle (Sec.9(W4, Business G unit Professions Cut The Contractors License Lust does not apply m as owner of "'p oiaty who builds m improves tbercmi, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, providW that such improvements arc no. immmded nr offered far 'at..If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of rnmplccZ', the owner -builder will have the burden ofpmving that he did not build or improve for pur- ps st, f 1 7, ❑ I, as aware of the P pert' min c.o.,ively a.on,.to, ith beensW contractors 1. construct d pro,ect (Sea 91144 Bu: rte.:.. ) Professions C d-, 1'1c Co macro. cerise L wd sn not apply t fpropeny who builds orimproves thereon and who Contracts far such pnlee.s with ac:mbecous)licensed pursuant to the Cmanob s License Lgov. El I am exempt under Sec - ,B &P C hn idt"Zo/t - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY BUILDING - ELECTRICAL PLUMBING - MECHANICAL BUILDING PROJECT IIIENTIFICATH ;ONTRACTOR:S NAME: LI M P, 46 IDDRIESS: ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) )TY. ELECTRIC PERM IT FERMI "I'ISSUANCE - �t APPLIANCES - R ESNIPTI'I AL PANELS " UPTO 210 AMPS 201- IIX0AMPS OVER 1000AMPS SIGNS ELECI'I C SPECIAL CI li'IMI' TEMP. MI: : R 1 -1, ST. POWER DEVICE. SWIMMING I.00LEI.. RIC OUT LETS- SW1'rCHES -FI URES , NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECT R, TOTAL, TTY. PLUMBING PERMIT WORKER;' COMPENSATION DEVLG¢APIOfI 1 hefehy affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will mairmin a Ceniticam of Consent to evil Giosum for Workers Campcn- sation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Cute, for the perf arommee of Ne work f r which this penmi. is :camel. ❑ I have and will maintain WorLer's Compensation insurance, as required by�Seciion 3900 of 0r, Labor Code, ftnhe performance of the work lie' which Nls front is issued: My Workers Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number am: Curler: Pont, No.: CERTIFICATE OF EXL'MPHON FROM WORKERS' ` COMPFNSA'I'ION INSURANCE (T1oaaectirn need not be completed Who Permit for one hundred dollar. $100) or IesiJ1 certify that in the Performance of the work for which this permit is issued, T shall of any person in any manner m acv becnm ,ith Ict In Ne Warlse. Cooper' Q z salion laws of California. Date Z Applicant .N. NOTICE TO APPLICANT: ih afar making this Certificate of Exemption, you should a become subject m the Workers Compensation provisions of the Labor Curie, you must forthw hh comply with .och provisions or this permir shall he deemed revoked. O CONS' I'RUCYION LENDING AGENCY" - 1 hemhy affirm that hem is a construction lending agency for the performance of the wok for which this perm) l is lssued(Sm. 3197, Ci v. C.) Q U Lenders Name tG: Lender's Address - - I certify that I have read this application and smte that the above information is, V!)i corbel. l agree to comply wile all city and cman, ob inance: and state law'x relmi.g m QTY, l.7 building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon 'he above. (We) ed propery lnr iosp ft' an Purposes. - (We) agree n,. cove, indemnify and keep harmless the y ac o anoint against ibotlw,mcdeofthe nand expenses which may in any way aceme against said City • in consequence of NC grunting of this pemit. ' APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALI NON -''�tA1NT SOURCE REGULATIONS, . //a, _ HAZ RDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE 4 , - • Will the applicant or future building occupant smut or handle acandous material of defined by me Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the Hedll and Safety Crate, Seerinn 25532(e)'! ❑Yes, No , Will Ne applicant or filaiv building occupant use equipment or devices which nit h:vmdous air contaminants as defined by the Hay Area Air Quality Management 1Okincfl s El Yrs Fl No I have read the he ... due, materials re".r6c is under Chapter 6.95 .(,he Cali- human Health & Safety Code, Stations 25505, n533 and 25534.1 understand that if the mildimg does am carten0y I.... a turnm. that it is my real msdiihty to re fy Ihr ocuapam of the nomination. which at be met prim m ismarec of a Ceriifiewc of Occupancy. PERMITISSUANCE ALTER - DRAIN & VEN BACK DRAINS DRAINS - FLOOR, R FIXTURES - PER TRAP GAS - EA. SYSTEM -I D GREASETRAP SEWER - SANITARY -STO 1EA T. WATER HEATER WNENT /IiLF.Ci' WATER SYSTEMNREATING WATER SERVICE NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMIL. "SQ. EL •MECHANICAL TERM IT PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER OR ADD TO MP-CH. AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10.000 CFM) AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER Iy"CFM) EXHAUST HOOD OVIDUCT HEATING UNIT (TO R1000 BTU) , HEATING UNIT (OVER 100.000 BTU) VENTILATION PAN (SINGLE RISID) BOILER -COMP UHP OR 100,000 B'M BOILI7R - COMP (OVER HIT" BTU) AIR CONDITIONER NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ. r ' OFFICE PERMIT NO, 29119 SANI'T'ARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE 12'L'1�'S JO: NIC - O T a 1 ❑ BUILDING PI: MIT INFO BLDG ; ELECT y% IT EST Imo• MECH' FEE LrS -G,/ JOB DESCRIPTION WL' �❑ KITCHEN REMODEL IiJADD[TiON ❑ PLUMBING RIPIPF. ❑MULTI -UNIT ❑STRUCTURAL. MODIFICATION ❑ INTERIOR - ❑ CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT) n ❑ BATH REMODEL/REPAIR '❑ DEMOLITION .�OTHHR w �ntAl pRi 11 n 9J9 7 Comm _ ' ❑NEW BhDG /ADDTION( -t'b OF,MOLITION i 'OTENANT " tEl FOOD SERVICE IMPROVEMENT ❑ OTHER GRADINVEN `SOILS FEE J, PAID 'Date RceeiPtp TOTAL: FEE SEISMIC FE ELECTRIC FEE PLUMBING PEE PAID " Dam Receipt a 'TOTAL: .. s SSUANCF A P SSUED BY: SQ, FT FLOOR AREA &'fkaSQI FEE LGAT I N - - STORIES 1' TYPECONSTRU OCC.GROUP APN In ILDIAIC( UI .ION ITiCS GRADINVEN `SOILS FEE J, PAID 'Date RceeiPtp TOTAL: FEE SEISMIC FE ELECTRIC FEE PLUMBING PEE PAID " Dam Receipt a 'TOTAL: .. s SSUANCF A P SSUED BY: