00060010t CITY OF'CUPERTINO -pERNIIT' �'- CONTRACTOR' INFORMATION: --, I. BUILDING DIVISION' BUILDING' 1 R HLPiNh UH P ERMITN - OWNER'S rTAJBBS� RLITH' . ePP1;; AT .d W. PHONE: - SANI'fARYNO. CON "I'ROI. NO.• a9Z O O ARCHITECDHNGINPYR: • - , - BUILDING PERMIT INFO a Opp _ ._ Ill L ,• ,DG .ELCI', ,; PLUMB MFCH O'Z LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I 'dOb DCSCIIpt]C7 ` Z that I' d d l'Ch 9 - H r of t y license '• - qqmm is Infllf 1lderfecd,, License Cl ... Lie Dan, Contractor c+ 3 p• - ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION I be,.al r - V - ,nd,ndand my 'I mil shall : puldle'na,Nv i , •, a a'O O - Da ea Professional] . Y y� o DECLARATION Oat ' •2C a I am 1 M1osh} aB ec that 11. exempt 1 IM1 L i t . Locale Law, far tae GP f: Cd Any city seamy following reason, fS Secular Businessland f .t ` wh'h 4 Palo... t .I t Inc' pone. demolish, -p Y t cmrc al .• - a .' l5dor to its I q 'th applicant f such nt fl signed .t)t rent -_ -Ft, ,- - °aS' . Floor Area I'' AAA5 08 n (bath licensed p sI n P of the Contractor's 1 L (Chp¢r9 (eomt min, vv N Section 7000) of D'v's 3 f the Business and Pmfe.....s Cadet q' _ t nrlh In '. pt lhcrefron and the basis for the alleged c pr Any vicl ton of S_ f 70115hY nY nppl'eant for a fair rf,yrn he afThicaur to civil pemll, oronamone than Five handled dollar, fb50% ^ - . , /XLi6N ntoq. 00 Occupancy!Type, ° I.as owner of the Wopery, or lay employee, with wages as their sole eonipensndon, ' ' will a the k a a o t . I t 1 offered f l (s 7044. J P f . s C fh C t t L d t apply t 1, 305 FRAMEegriied Inspections v m f property WI builds p th d a such k h' x if i ,hI p> : p provided ch lap er t ,e I t I - — - - TION offered for If, e the b ddid, at itatim,emorl k sold ',thin car of the 'n builder brdenofprovngmth ddnotbrlaor '601 —' ROOF = OFF: completion, will - •TEAR ilnprn er parpt,arnr I - - 1. F - 602 — ROOF,`PLYWOOD NAIL o L a' sti r one pr e ty ly a roofing ,h l t rd eat t r: n 13 d Parnassian, il d The ' ' 60 3 ­.ROOF BATTENS . :' ) Clam mr a imWet the present (5 in a License fLawJmmn,a apply p p ty bull' tip ferwm . _. 604 — ROOF IN—PROGRESS n. • .an I wan omrtnw L .an prnleew win ommnmaa) 1 eti.ul pnr.aa,t m. mo Law:. _. ,+,• , ❑lam exempt under Sec. ,B &PCfor Nis 111 mor exempt pt arge Owner Dnec - ' WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION Ihereby affifor are" penalty fP J Y c ra III ,d I t � ❑ d ill t C tf t [C et t If f Work,,', _ ♦ -Col p f p d d t by Section f 3700 t Labor C d f the e, pert tiff kl I' M1tl': p t d. , , - • °'1 v and will ablation W Let's C and, did. 1. ummucl', a rectured by Section 1 3700 of the Labor Colle, For the performance of [no work for which i1finTintall is _ maned My Worker, Conam,nsummi Insurance ra 'er and Policy murder mm, I f Local: CERTIFICATION Fit PXEMPf10N FROM WORKERS' - COMPENSATION INSURANCE ♦I - (,,l 'mf nneed Ibe completed Ca 1 n t' fo hu Wmddoll. is r I cenpl Net n In of d work for which N Fiction 1 my shell t t empl in ma r, ,,1c, icy [Anson Y : t tame subject to the Wnrkcre'- t- r Com'en d<n Law, ofCalifimmi.. Uam I ` _ Applicant NM IC LT OAP LICANT f, after narkingthis centineacurEscomphor, you h u - - z becomic,subject ill NtW k r ar cca a o. p lfth Lathe, Code. y no t,, Q ror M1wfill n ply with r6h Pr ro i: ne resulted. , r Ih permit eht II bed iced -' - Hcn ,n ti _, CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY ' a I c icy' ff I then there t net on lending agency! c @e tm perfoence 'K °+. work fir wh ah ll I rnlis slued (SCe 3097 C, C) . annual's Name z Lender: Address U 1certify that l have read OLs application stiff stale that (lie above information, is it ) .�,• _ Q coned l agree m co of ly with all city and county onfirrances and state laws relining tobuilding faaamcton dl IyvuNO (f the to - - -' C.7 p es of city enter upon- the abovo ice n aped p l icy, fT invpecti t pamp �y We) agree dtmify and keep h less the City of Cupertino against „ V] limbilifles, judgmerts, rolls and expenses which may,in try way accrue against sad. - •- i Z Cry in aegteneo off gamin,of ilrti Perri ' APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITHA_LLNON -POINT Issued y: Date SOURCE REGULATIONS' Slgnaturc of Applicanllconnmmr >�Dme RB -COOPS . HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE ( - _ ' Will the rpplirnt umbra building nccupunr.Inre or manic hiourdousnrcerad of Roof - , - •. ` - as delmirl by the Ctparnntan Municipal Cole Coulter 9.12, and the Henth and Safety. ,Type _�'. R _ �„ Code, O year r `L7 • '. t �, . - - ., 2553z No v .. - All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed.:. Will the applradnl officture n Id s mmapant ow equ p to t which If a roof is installed without first obtaining' an inspection, I agree to remove moil hnza'douaar eonlamnann asderned by the Bay Are A Qtalty Ma age ions District, c .- - _ all new materials for - inspection,' Applicant understands and will comply. with °Y' °" - on point source regulations .,I. - Ch VI G95 ff Itr read h J t q net: under - f •! 1 Culs H IN k NinetyCal S f n. 25505 25533 d 25534 1 J ug= i fee'n d 11 In an yoponsibilinytal trN' e 'xcup ������ r ��— �,.= �•—QL% t cyu e t h tit xt b n t eIm sic f C li me of Signature of Applicant. :.' , - Date,,. (� , , . .,. All roof coverings to.be.Class "B" or better M Owr` ufmi,rd agent ,Date