01110127 - .. _.. / _ UPERTINQ , - xummrc' VESN DR t COSMOS TOR INFORMATION CTTY OF C PERMIT �CONTRAC > + ____._......PERMITNO . 9}I QDR�S ROOFING 01110127 LTJ.t.-5...5_ l-� _. _. . . _ _- ... ._.. ...---...... .__ _._ ..... -.. :Aw 2's '§E LL ELLEN-M.,TRUSTEE..;',,:.., 1.._. ..1.90.1_,_OLD,.—MIDDLEF.IELD_WY_._ ...... PHONE `'� -. (415) 493-6373 +. SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. • - ARCHITECf/ENGINFR: „ - BUILDING PERMIT INFO ,� BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH H :z ad ��, NTRACTOR S DECLARATION .,.Job Description D Z — licensed under provisions (Co pt 9(commencing '.. ."'REROOF.•... .. " . q ftheB and Protcss Cd,and rayl nae - - - s t full T/O COMP. SHINGLES, ADD 30# FELT & _��a Lrnaecla 000lrD an,3 x 40 YR. ELK COMP SHINGLES <rc y t t m d m Dr Cunion n r 3 e.y ARCHITECT'S DF.CLARAT r' OAF 1 understand d y pl m'-0hall be used a public recoN. Eo,O 0 License d Pmfe:i al , OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION + r ec-� I hereby Moor than am'exempt from the Cantrad s License Law for the ,. o,.,� I „ . - ,` < =.4< followingnausea.(Section 7031.5°Business and Professions Cade Any city or county _ - uu��$ -d h p y t t priort t al requiresthe applicantf suchPa inti flsignedstatement Chpt9wt h licensed put int the P m th Cn uxcmis o e L ( N I t t+7' .5-. ..t19d i A ua[ion (commencingw1(00)orn3ofine aaCad) T Ft Floor Area1 or t h rlit the f and theb f ub tnied exemption.Any violation i 1 t on , , . tit_:I ofSection 1031.56yany upPlie+m(ora pemtssubjects the applicant tocivil penalty "frootmre than five h unreddrs(5500) 363F1I)9AuI0 I' -- ... .. ;.,"�, „'.Occupancy..Type._...._ .-- _DI a o n r fdr P pcny Y PI y th a8 as than s 1 pc t ', .-.. _. - ..w n da the ork'ana th m t x t tad rf ep.f . I Is< 7044' FRAME+ - - ... B roptyiWProfession,Code Th cat t. t: L d t applyn an Regwired Inspectrons r owner fp his l et armies to - ana n rtnedor _ ... -30-7-- or th gqh f pvethe provided that h, nimprovementso t intended of -, - - ..ofr of -.m whehowever,tfiebumng b p nt emhedidnneyearar ._ ..601':_-- ROOF `TEAR OFF `m plefor m e16Jld) will havethe hurdenofprovingnhanhedidnot bmldor 602 - ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL t Prov puryose a 603 ._....ROOF- BATTENS, __.. .. - ❑Pasy e. f the,popeny,am exclus ly mare im,g to licensed connote,...no •:,' consumer the pro act(See 70".Business and Pmfiasatoas Code:)The ComurchiCs 6 04 — ROOF IN—PROGRES S � - 1t Lice se Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts kens.Lawsach projects with a contrdcmr(s)1i<enseJ,pursuam to the ... .,.._ _ ___._ -. - ., ...._....- .. .___ .-.- _...1.. ... _.._. . .__.__ ....,. ... .. ........ Contractorsng,mida,Sea. ❑lam exempt,unaers �'��� ;B&PCbirths reason n, ' Owner ... .e - ' COMPENSATION DECLARATION - '• F��r�itmEt� Ihcmby affinnu dr penalty of pe Jury,one of the following declarations ❑ and a Consent 1 r Workers pe , as for l wr Code, for the - - t ;'I.•DCrC 1 1 2001 O01 Performance of twork hisatms. ed . h d'will'tiontionam WLkcjdppahi.then Insurance: s 9 d by S le {� } W of ilia Labdr Cod f th aped f to k f i In h this pemut s' it . ',B VILDING l. 1. .issued MY Work 's C pe t n ns y ' y mW arc. . C` '� carrier andP h Cam rI[FIC EXEMPTIONTROM.WORI®RS +COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This sba`hn and not be cbmPlded (ilia permi is forrnehmndraileollers vu'" 1 certify That in the p dOman=of the wild for which this permit issued,I' •' t Y. Ij;i,t i'I�^+ `�Of shall not employan rs - so a io bcccur b t to Ne Workers Cmpnealmn awsYof CaRkinia.Endo 1" . ......... .... _.._.__._._. . ............ _ _ .. __,,..,..-�. ._...., __.. .... _-.__ ,. ... _.._ ... pp nation. :NOTICE TO APPLICANT If, ❑ ak g this Cenificate of Exemption,you should' I bet m s biart t the Wo ker C t p provisions of th Lab Code you m st 0 forthwith ply with such provisions a,,his pc n shall be Steamed rc oked. 1 1. _. _..._. _ ..._... .. —:------. , .... _ N tyCONSTRUCTION I ENDING AGENCY a ? '. -I h eby firm that the a i. con tru t n lending agent}for Ne performance ::I 4L Q Leder Aad of the kf h ', - U 0 1 certify that I h se rcatl this application ana installed the above information is w [r to t 1 g tr comply with all city and e umy,ordinances and state laws relining to talawag umaim ad and herehy authorize representatives of this coy m enter upon thebo thane.sapeny for inspectionp rpt CC es j agree m save. ndemnlfy and k p h '1 th Gry of Cupertino against + _ F-In City in .,judgment cents grunting g Offl h h y..'any ay accrue against send U`� City m consequence f theg arcing of Nis Permit. + ' ' ' APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS WILL COMPLY LITH+ALLNON DIN Issued by:'• `• i ;_it t Date4v SOURCE REGULATIONS r BIW/O/ , Sig m eAipr tic t t r ,DateRe roofs . HAZARDOUSM ER IA Es DISCLOSURE ! !.; Ifj ryt, Will me Pplicirrd or fithrom n to ng occupharl store or handle ha to dris materiel ....'Type Of Roof, as aehned by the CupertinoMunicipal- C d Chapter 9.12. d the Health d Safety Cod 5 tin 25532(¢) ,'p , I r t tore Nn ,1 a Aq roofs shall be inspected riot to.an ioofin material bait installed rl k r... P P Y- g.: g W1l the applicant future building en,am use equtpmnt r devices which' ' Ifa'roof is"ins talled,without first obtaining"an inspeetiom;I''agree'to`tremove ' - D in t q P I 5geme t - s defined b m Ba Area Air asm Man . all new materials-for inspection Applicant understands and will comply with Quality Vifin m t n°< alcontaminants me n zmaoaasmat all non point source regulations;-,, coals rc mrcmems under Cha w 69 of the ........... ..._... _,_ .. .... . ._.._. _I... .. _,.. ,_... . _ ..-,..... evcu ant of the rc uuemeniawhich a t be met ' Invisibility y hat" California Health&Safety Coil Sections 25505 25533 d 25534 1 underwear]t m d a e t t a t that t resot onf the .._-. _.. -. _...... . . .. -. .. .. 'if plus Occupant q p ss a a CeniBcane of " ti owMbpraatno nY. I Signature o`pplicant Date _ 0«apgp ocsn tc cranially Is,,e g - 1 Data All roof coverings to be Class B"or better — OFFICE