030701751 C C CITY OFCUPERTINO r BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTMIN,FOOkAkTI�ON: BUILDING ADDRESS: 0927 AlAIRS DR. ADVANCED ROOFING TECHNIQUE ERMIT N003070175 OWNER'S NAME: 1179 MYRTLE DR PERMIT ISSUE DAT. ONE: (408)249-4937 SANITARY N0. CONTROL N0. ARCHITECTIENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH 0 0 0 0 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description 1 hucby affirm Nn 1 am liceoucd under p orts of Chapter 9 (commencing wish Susion7 )lar IvuionJof NC Businuyr9 Ro(cuinns Code. and my license is in full fomeond '. %�C�S��" -- S REROOF Litems Clns' Le. N Dam cmion.ciak ARCHITECTS DELL ION ,,I understand my plans shall he used as public records Licensed professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 Wreso . (Slim ,has 11. ,Bump, from the Cnnln& Co License law co IW reason. (Senium 71131.5, Business and Professions Any tiny or county _ s, h, to tatucwm which requires a peril, re .Twit imgmve, demolish, lace which M { , ed "ire rho aligned iense Lw(swemem requires the pMvigilicanl fnr such Conrector'tLicense Por at he issie sed e. pursuant Ll Purction7 he .S � Area }) Valuation Poressw(Chagmr9 orDiainna 3 of tCnmcuwr'a (commis ming ith hce l of the and Pr. ata CMe) of With �j` from, and th ballon aged ext Any WI he u uunp' Ihert(rom and the beau for dw alleged exemption. Any vloblion of that Me exempt q - APN Number `` Occupancy Type Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects Ne applicant to a civil penalty of not more than fin hundred dollen (5500). U ❑ 1, As owner of the property, or my employees with wages u their sole compensation, Nvx Inspections p will do the work, and timmucu, is or intended or offered fornle(Sec. 7044, BusinessReaired and Professions Code: The Continent's- ent's License Law does not apply he an owner of progeny who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or ONmugh his 3 0 I NSUi ON own employee, provided that such improvements are not intended croffered for ule. If, 601 — ROOF TEAR OFF however. the Wilding or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner. Wilder will have the hmden of proving that he did Am Wild o, improve far purge a of 602 — ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL late.). 603 - ROOF BATTENS ❑ I, as ownu of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed min ecmrs to construct the poom,(Sec.7044, Business and Profesaiam Cade:) The Contractwt Lb 604 — ROOF IN -PROGRESS moue 4w does not apply no an owner of property who Wilda or onpmw" Merton, ma who comracts for such projects with a toms teimb.) licensed punuanuo Ne Committees - Liccnse law, ❑ 1 Am exempt under Sec. . B k P C fnr this reason owner Dau _ WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby 01ion under Peully of perjury oro of the following doelonione 1 ,r I have and will nummain • Cenifnm id' Consent m mif-Immo far WmIrm's Compem "then, la provided for by Section 3700 of de labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this pnmin is issid. 01 hive and will mainuin Wakei s Compensation Inurance, n required by Section a 3700 of ate labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. _ �/ V My Worker'. m matron lnsunnce ea7uu mml Policy mon r •m: hyo 1 37- Ce r. Policy 4 CERTIFICATE OF PION WORKERS' COMPENSATION'IN�SU1RANCE (Dissection need not IN, completed If, tach is for one hundwadollau(Slip) to mss.) I certify that in she performance of the work for which this Permit is issued, I Nell not employ any person in any manner an As to hccame ubjut to she Workers' Compensation Laws of Califumia. Dow Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: IL after making this Ccnificae of Exemption, you should Woome subject to the Workers Competuasion provisions of she Labor Code, you most forthwith comply with such provisions in this permit mill be deemed mrokcd. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hemhy effort Nn Nen, is a connruninn lending agency far the Performance of due work (or which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.1 Lender's Name , Lender's Address I certify lost) lave read Nis application and We Na,,hc above infmmatiun is correct, I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and sura laws tela,ing ,o building counnion,and hereby auNorin Mpreunu,ive or this city turner upon the alWn-mendexd property for Inspection purposes. (Wc) agree w save, indemnify and keep harmless Ne City of Cupertino against Iiebili""' cues antl eapensos which may In my way taut against aid Cisy ibit AnPPnu ANTel1NDe STANDS�AN� IL MPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT Issued by: Date SO CEREGULA ONS. 21` Re -roofs Type of Roof Si are ppbsanl/Conuumr '/ Dau HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISC�4f1RE Will the applicant or fluor building occupant store or handle hrrudous material "defined by the Cupenuo Municipal Code. Chapter 9.13, and the Health and Safety Cnote, Section 15533(,)? All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Uflu 0Yrs If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove ill the applicant or Imam building occupant use equipment or devices which It ha"Nnus air conuminanu As drMca by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. istrict7 ❑Yes s*b`No I have read the hanrdnua materials requirements under Charwr&95 of the Califon v/\•, jo— niI Health&S c,Satiom255(I 5533and25534.lundenunatha,ifthchuilding 2�r �• dies ally hove hoes nt, the m gonsihilisy no notify the a an of the cou, WhlCh a1 bC met ante ora CCNRraw ofa Sig Of Applicant Date _e All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better lav, onxtl agcnn Oanc �, 37m �' Cm UPEkTINO Community Development Department Building Division City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Telephone: (408) 777-3228 Fax: (408) 777-3333 Building Department Subject: Re -roofing policy for the City of Cupertino 1. Prior to permit issuance, you must agree to comply with 1997 UBC Standards and manufacturers specifications on re -roofing. 2. New roof coverings shall not be applied without first obtaining all inspection and written approval from the building inspector. A final inspection and approval shall be obtained from the building inspector when the re -roofing is completed. 3. All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing installation. 4. To receive a final sign off from the City, the following steps are required: 1) Pre -inspection and/or tear off approval. 2) In -progress inspection approval. 3) Final inspection approval. a) Spark arrester installation. 5. If plywood is installed, a plywood nail inspection is required. 6. Any roofing which is applied without first obtaining an inspection, will require the removal of all new material down to the sheathing, so a proper City inspection can be performed. IMPORTANT: 1. Flat roofs must have a minimum of 1/4 " per foot slope and demonstrate that there is no ponding. 2. An I.C.B.O. report is required to be on the job site at the time on inspection. I understand and will cl I ith the above stated policy on re -roofing. Homeowner's Name:' \ J Job Site Address: 2 d C Z� A4 (A -a-5 0-r— Roofing Company N Greg C4teel Building Official Revised 1/30/03 Printed on Recycled Papei Date: 2-- _1?_T- a"_7 u ITY40 CUPERTINO is CITY OF CUPERTINO REROOF PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 03 6 01) Is APN # Bld Permit Fees BUILDING Date: Energy BUILDING BSEISMICRE Seismic Fee Res Building Address: BSEISMICOM Seismic Commercial Z (✓ C . Plan Check Fee Owner's Name: BUSLIC Business License Phone #: ,,; c �3� cJ Z-�( Contractor: Phone #: a ( c License #: Co t: one #: Cupertino Business License #: `-( `Z -- L( Type of Roof Covering: Existing: Proposed: ❑ Built -Up Roof ❑ Built -Up roof 9W Asphalt Shingles JW* --Asphalt Shingles ❑ Wood Shakes ❑ Wood Shakes O— Wood Shingles ❑ Wood Shingles ❑ Other (Specify) ❑ Other (Specify) Number of existing coverings ❑ Provide I.C.B.O. Report # ❑ To be Removed ❑ Provide Mfgr. Installation Specs. I Have Read, Understand and Will Comply With Cu ertino's Tear Off Policy: ❑ Job Description�• p 1 AD Residential 2jr mmercial ❑ Fire Zone: Yes ❑ No Confirmed with Planning if there are any restrictio C �Pro� Project: ` ype of Const tion: �1 OccS�upancy group: Antyi&Annl' a-ble� Fee Til P.. riner^irf:nn moo r BPERMFEE Bld Permit Fees BUILDING BENERGY Energy BUILDING BSEISMICRE Seismic Fee Res BUILDING BSEISMICOM Seismic Commercial BUILDING BPLANCHK Plan Check Fee BUILDING BUSLIC Business License BUILDING