22387 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY -rtfsBuroiMl PId.rutf llon —}— q 4 I'FLLMIT NO. e.Bamg A.d : - �V V l+ J ► e .� 22387 - e arc: o e: CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION Cmttrad.rsName: Lk Na APPLICATION / PERMIT Upw7-2- C? ® Mchltect/Ggl�uer: Lb.Na BUfI.DINGF].ECTRIGV�1'LUMBINGMOCHANICAI. CA Y CONTROL. QTY ELECTRiC PERMIT FEE .BUILDING PERMIT INFO Addrtaf: PFRIATISSUANCE ❑ ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hhSecuo 700D).lamlkmaefuMB.M .b dP fCha.0(mmmenc API'1]ANCESRF9DEM7AL DESCRIPTION Ingwith5ectbn N00)of itvfect, ofthegutltrsewdProfeselauCodt,and t license b In full d dlM. PANELS � I r Lloeeiyt C�IJCN SOK '393 G Date GTy ComnaooJjQ(�P�/Lr�./�G 12 - AROIITECTSDECLARATION 201-1000AMPS U �gvpR7 I uedeutaed my plaeu shall be rued u public movda. OVERIOOOAMPS FT.FLOOR AREA S/SQ.FT. Fi f: Llmued Pderbvl SIGNS ELECTRICAL I ��Cn` < OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIALCIRCUIT MRS. IL�l `�J 7F, � Ihemby.M.that lam exempt from the Contractor'sLkxnse law for the / '�".�J� pp foOowing rtason.ISedlmi7mlS,Business and lhofeubeu Code:Mydty or 1 �rml 6 Z TEMP.MEYER OR POLE INST. P�p —y urechkh niorto abauance,mrutwuilmstheaprne,demsuch,armilt w 5t�< anyrtructurtprlertolbbuanee,sboreyuirnsuant t Bthe for such preeemof to ]OWER DEVICES -s-i 0.V fileCo a signed strtemeLa ( he b Bcen.ed pursuant rt the proalbru of the 331�i I- Comnct.fs Llceroelaw(Chapter9(mmmendng wbh Section 700D)of Dld- SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION OJ don3.!lht Business and Pedeeebm Code).rthrt he6eremptthert(rom.nd OUT ...]]] ' the bask for the alleged exemptbn. My vidatbn d Sectbn 70415 by any <^ lee huntforapllars% bjcRstheappllcanetoadvll ptvHy ofnd rro¢tlun 'LAS �}�}1K['(JRTS p Ilve hundred ddlva(L+OU4. NEWRES16WHALELECTR SQXT. CONSTRUCTION . ❑I,u owner of the property,or my employee with wages as their sok comptneatice,will do the svork,..d theatrumum b not bm dedor offered for - T tale f.,70K Bu lnessand Prd¢eloeu Code:The Comnctole license law 1 does not.pply to an owner of property who W ids or Improves themon,and OCCG 1)P 66 who doe much work himself or through hie own employee,provided that ouch rG p �� lmpevsemtmeart nor lnlended proffered for uk. 14 however,ihebuldbgor TOTAL: DATE ` .1i�i Improvementbsdd Within.rcyear.fcompleH.n theowever thderwW love en of proving that h,did t build or Improve for purpose of ule). Of Y. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE �bre 1 u owner of the property,am e.loswdUm .,d contracting with Bneed FLOOD ZONE APNt contractm.tocorWruct the project(See.70K Buflnessaed Profeaelom Code: PERMIT EiUANCE . 'ie Com metoe.License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or Improve thereon, and who mmracta for such p5ejecta with a ALTER-DRAIIV&VENT-WATER(EA) C17�ctc,w llrenied p.rauant to the ConaadQ.License Law. BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE FEE SUMMARY LII .m exempt under Sec B& P C for this mae.n OUTSIDEFEES DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,AREA.COND. SANITARY Y N Owner Date RECEF' WORgNAN COMPWSATION DEMRATION FDn1JRE&PER TRAP SCHOOLTAX Y N lam[Fereby affirm that I have.oenl/iute d conemt to rB-Lwrt,a a REC IPT a 380D, 3800 S F.A. to of WorkeriC ST ptvatlanlruuran¢ma¢niflad mpythertof(See GASYSTEM..INCA OUT[MS PARK FEE Y 'N Tab CJ MGgL/ RETIED.'I Cn nv Ae.4e.� / CAS FA.S1'SIF1(-0VFRI(FA) BUILDING DIVISION FEES 5CertNed ilco rthehed. Certified ropy is filed with the d[y lvM peon divlelmW . GREASE/ DI15I'RL WASINTERCEPTOR 74RCQ'lDR PLANCHBCK FEE Y`' CERTIFICATE OF IXFM MON FROM WORK ERS' GREASE TRAP PAID ' COMPENSATION U:SURANCE �yplygAh,H. Y-BIL�RM et aTaFT Date Recd tit (This section need out be completed If the perrnit b for one hundred dollars ($100)orless.) WATER HEATER W/VENT/EI.ECTR ENERGY FEE Y N 1 certify thrt b the perromunceof the work forwhich thlmUt e peb issued, I.hail not employ any pe.in any canner an as to become subject to the WATERSYSIFM/TREATING Wmkerf Cmnpensatbn Law.d UlBmnb. Date - PAID O Z Applicant - NEW RESIDENTIAL.'LMB. SQFT. Date Recti tic Z O N'OTICETO APPLICANT':If,after trukingthla Ceniflnteof Exemptlon,yw F N should become aub),t to the Worker:Comperoatwn previsions of the labor TAE: _ Code,you must forthwith mm ply withsuch provWou orthis permit shall be W > deemed revoked. I W o CONSTRUCTIONLFADINGAGENCY EISMIC -E I hereby affirm that then b.construction knitting agency for the pedorm ELECTRIC FEE". 7 = an¢ofthe work(or which tial permit hlfved bee 3097,Civ.C) TOTAL U O Leteer'.Name - PLUMBING FEE LL H 1<Mer'e Add. QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE O W Iced Bythrtlhave¢ndthbspp"k ..rdmatethaltheaboveinformdlm bcorrtct.Iag.t.cornplywfth Wcdyaedcounty.edlnancee.ndtl tel.w. PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: Y1 } N rdming to bu llding coneuuctice,andere hby authoube representative.of this F (n dty to enter upon the abovcmentbned property for inspection purpo.ea. ALTFRORADDTOMH:H. Date Recef tit (We)agree to seva,Ind ernmfy.n d keep harmless the City of Cu Perrino, _ V galore llab5ate.,Itdgmema,cons and expenses which cony N any way.., AIR HANDLING IINIT(IO IO,ODO CFM) SUBTOTAL: agabuts C i qu t granting dthls pemJL AIRHANDLING UNIT(OVER IO,ODOCFVO CONSTRUCIIONTAX � � �/�/9/ CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: Sl�iufAppBgq Cmtrx IXHAIJST HOOD(W/DI1CI) 2irfutum SMAng cmupant momRIALS O UR Wbi Cheap nedby the urc building o¢vpantstort h ptedk ha and HEATING IINTT(IT3I00,0006I1J)rnaterDate Recci to Health la Safety odthe Cupertino tion255MutddpalCode,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety cede Section 7S532(a)7 HFA7lNC:UNIT(OVER tOD,IXA BIT!) TOTAL: Ya Sj No Will tht•ppllae�(yf(0wreinlitabuilding oaapaedby the Bay Are. devices VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RFSTU) ISSUANCE DATE which eMthaerent airriaMnemaas dtOrud by the Bay Aren Ak Quality hhnagemem IXs ct7 BOIIF.R{OMP OHP OR I%000 BTU) , OYe No ve¢ad'he h am sash requirerocons under Chapter 695 of BO Q{OMP(OVER 100,0008 the C Ivenh Health&Safety Code,Sectle.Te505,75533and 2:534. 1 urdceetand that it the budding dna not currently have a tenant,that it h urry NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.FT m,poeulbllit tonally theeme not orbs requlumew which rtwR be met prior to -ensue Ce fire off"Fancy. w!h agent Dae ISSUE TOTAL: — — OFFICE COPY