050601884 0z z C I CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CQNTRACTORQNFORMATJQN`�� BWLDING ADDRESS: U 3 041 7 AMqr)T\T A17 CONDITIONED AIR PERMITND 5 0 6 0 18 8 OWNER'S NAME: CHANCAL SAHAT 1701 T.TTTT,P. r)RrPART) ST PERMIT ISSUE DAM ()612SZ2nnr ONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO, (408)291-2220 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDSEs MECH r__I PLUMB LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing Job cri III with Section 7") of Division Sof ibc Business and Proforations Code. and my licarea, is born f..O,nd effect. LicentruClaces C-90 Lb`-*_ L-4 U4 -4 A�a REPLACE FURNACE & ADDW"!ALED C nf- Dow ("wit(05 croarrolf ARCHppECT`S DECLARATION I understand my plans shall he used ar public records Licensed Prufratimed OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm 021 1 am exempt from the CortharCIOT'S License Law for the following reason. (Section 7161.5. Business and professions Code: Any city Or county B which icrimme a permit to consumer, ititer, inionative. domeolish. or iriou, any traction, prior to its issuance. also bruirem, tho applicant for such Permit to file A Signed scirriniOn that he is licensed purromml. to doo POOVOJOOS Of the COOKOCIOT'S LCrmC LOW (chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area VaTuation (commencing with Section 71M) of Division 3 of the Business, and Profirmumis Code) or that he 0 exempt therefrom and the Wes for dre, alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicantpermit subjects the applicant tocivil Penalty of — 3 2W4lMftibcr0 0 6ccupancy -Type .at dr. door five hundred delta. ($500). 0 1, as mmear of he property. W my craployeaca with wages as their =]a compensation will do Ne work. and she sonactum is not intended ., offered for a.]. (so. 70,1,1. Bmonis� and Professions Code: no Commenor's Liescrea Law decd net apply as an Owner of Required Inspections property who Wilds or improves thercon, and who ducassuch work himselforitiough his Own employems, provided thrusuch improvements are not Intended or offered forse le. It, however, the Wilding or improvement is sold within a= year of completion. the owner. builder will have the armed of innovin, chat M did ... Wild or Improve to, purainces, of sarl'.). C] 1, as owner of the Property. am exclusively connecting wish licensed COnVWLOM 10 consimart the project (Sec. 7044. Business and Professions Cudt,:) The Oarracum's Lt. course Law d= not apply to an owner of property who Wilds or improves themon, and. who conounce, for such pmjccm with a comosturr(s) licamard formation to the Cononactor's License Law. 0 1 .m exempt under Ser. B & P C for Nisreuon Owner Data WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby itiffinnal under penalty of panpiry noe of the following deriamlimix- I have and will maintain a Cardfican, of Consent to self-insum for Worker's Comport- scown, as provided for by Section 3700 of she Labor Code, for she Performance of the annic for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurnince. as; molumd by Section of she Labor Code, for the performance of Ne work for which this Ferran is issued. My Work rCompensationInsurance cam or and Policy number am: Cclrin'. Nir�lLI11CPoll, No.: 1 —II 19 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This .,I. dad mAlaxecandi,icd ildhe permit is Were hundred do]]. ($HR) or Irss.) I comfy don in the farlionaturce of the work to, which his permit Is issued. I shall rat employ thyperven in any manner so as at become subject to ft Waflaors'Componsidon Laws of California. Do. Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT. If. after making this Certificate of Exemption. you should amount subject in the Worker's Compensation Provisions of the Labor Code. you mum forthwith comply With such provisions or this Permit shall be deemed nowillood. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby AMM that them is a construction lending agency for the Performance of the work fur which this permit Is issued (Sce, 3097. Co. C.) Loode"s Name tondo's Address I c.ifify car I have mad this application and sue that ffic:have information is correct. I Fmc to comply iffi all city and county ordinances and .11 laws .[arm& to building immicurtrotim., and hereby Wiliminm minnermund. of this city to color upon live, above mendorml propery for inspection purposes. (We) agree 1. saw, indemnify and keep hamblead the City .( Cilipold.0 gain st liabiles, judgmarou. cones and expenses which may in any way accom againstacid city in consequence of the granting of this Permit. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS D WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT REGULATI SOU S.. Issued by: Date 0�_2,p_,f qE _,7 Re -roofs 7�/� (2 S(lituituh. of A,licilm/Comorsomir Data HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will Ne applicant ., furure building occupant iume mh..dlc hiscaundmixoninedid as defined! by One Cupertino Municipal Code. Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety onle. Socom. 255324)? 0 Y.. C5& All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will she applicant or future building Occupant use equipment or dcvi= which lit If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove ba,andous; air contaminants ter coffined by ft Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. Duariet' C] yes 0�m I have mad the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 offfic C.1for. his Health & SafrLYCOKJO. Said. 25505,25533 and 25514. I.Ournmend distaifthe Wilding does not currently haw . end that it is my mismailbiliky M modify the ciectiparrou Of de61,9eloS mquirionarchas which4 mo Met poor tu issuance or a condriesse, or borupouncy. Signature of Applicant Date xl� All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better 9 _�iirr or todhonedi,ria uDow SAP CITY OF �UPEI�TINO Community Development 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino CA 95014 Telephone (408) 777-3228 Fax (408) 777-3333 Building Department JOB ADDRESS: o Li I-+ nSo r C PERMIT # 6o 1$$ OWNER'S NAME:, Ch � S RAL COTR GENENACTOR:Co r � PHONE # og j -O I am not using any subcontractors: Signature Date Please check applicable subcontractors and complete the following information: Ate' Owner/Con actor Signature 4 tggiob Date SUBCONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets & Millwork Cement Finishing Electrical Excavation Fencing Flooring: Carpe Linoleum / Wood Glass / Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing Masonry Ornamental Sheet Metal Painting / Wallpaper Paving Plastering Plumbing Roofing Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock Tile Ate' Owner/Con actor Signature 4 tggiob Date h� CIN of UPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO FURNACE/AC PERMIT APPLICATION FORM APN # � 6 "too l Date: G' 2g los Buildin Add 10%( Address: Au k- cr`i I.Y, O 64�- BREMFURN O's Name: uncal Saha) Phone #: 1 -7 D ontr ct r: Phoe: a9r aaa.d License #: t ySf co;t— / BREMAIRHAN aC o - Contact: Phone: Contact, v> �l 908- aRc -aaa o Cupertino Business License #: 0 Building Permit Info/ BSEISMICRE Bldg ❑ Elec Plumb ❑ Mech Job Description: Seismic Commercial Residential Commercial ❑ EPERMTTFEE 3 6- Qrl 7QC ELECTRICAL For Residential In t 1 tions: ❑ F1 Mech Permit Issuance Attic 1" floor 2"d floor PPERMITFEE dhere to min set back requirement ❑ PLUMBING For Commercial Installations: Replacement same weight ❑ Additional weight (structural calcs) ❑ Bldg Permit Fees Structural Calculations required for new installation ❑ BPLANCHK New installation Planning A roval Required ❑ BUILDING Cos oProject: T e of Construction: Occupancy group: �Nao Stra ped ❑ On Platform ❑ Bonded ❑ Sq.Ft. Floor Area: New Location ❑ Re lacement Qty. if A nnlirahlP FPP rr) Fee Description Fee Group /^ BENERGY Energy BUILDING BREMFURN Relocation of Furnace MECHANICAL BREMACOVER A/C Unit > 10,000 cfm MECHANICAL / BREMAIRHAN A/C Units <= 10, 000 cfm MECHANICAL BREMRECEPT Rec tl, Switch & Outlets ELECTRICAL BSEISMICRE Seismic Fee Res BUILDING BSEISMICOM Seismic Commercial BUILIDNG EPERMTTFEE Elec Permit Issuance ELECTRICAL MPERMITFEE Mech Permit Issuance MECHANICAL PPERMITFEE Plumbing Permit Issue PLUMBING BPERMFEE Bldg Permit Fees BUILDING BPLANCHK Plan Check Fee BUILDING BUSLIC Business License BUILDING vt/