22792 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY BuildingProject Identification PFRMITNO. building Address: (off 4 22,792 . wnera ams: one: A ' 2 ►� a CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION Contractow� _ LI " APPLICATION / PERMIT �6 Architea/Engineer. Llc.Na: BUfLDING-ELECTRICAI.PLUMBING-MECHAMCAL CATEGORY CONTROL'# ` t •.BUICDIIyG RERMIT',INPC) . - Addreas: MUMS PERMITISSUANCE 4 ❑. ' LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION ❑ - Iherebyaffirm that am licensed under provisonsof Chapter9(comment. APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL jOeD RIPTION. InenseI ectionInfull force atd offeon3oftheBus(nwsandlProfnalonsCode,and my � � license is In fuB(orre end effect. PANELS License Claw LIe.# Date Cmnhactor ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 201-luu(JAMPS q�q�uu 0 CO I understand my plans shall be used u public records. OVER 1000 AMPB W—LU-1 R ARTA §/G,j.PT. 6%d f1 Licensed Professional - SIGNS ELECTRICAL "� - 6 61 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISCX'�4 Iherebyaf( mthatIamexempt(romtheContractorsLicenseLawfortheZQcmntyngreason.(Section7031.5,gu ti sand Professions Code:Any sly it -METER OR POLE INET. Y..,(r0 �" @fountywhleamquirection7edttocosinassandProfproveCode: ny city it � B J� .nanystreeture prierto Its Issuance,also requireslhe applicant for such permIth,of the POWER DEVICESof Divi-mantl ' D'Y'ING POOL ELECTRIC ...- pALUA Nby anyrethan OUTLETS SWITCHESFIXTURES `- five hundred dollars($50%. NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR �n ❑I,as owner o!the property,or my employees with wages act Oracle _SQFL STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION C compenaatlon,willdothe work andthe strucNrebnoHntensed or otlneed for /►w 5 O sale(Sec.704y BusNess and Pr°feasioro Code:The Contractors Llrensa Law S does not apply lm an owner of property wha halide or Improves thereon,and at such OCC.GROUP RES.UNITS , whodcessuchworkhlmsel(orthrough hiaown employees,provldedth Improvementaare not intended orolfered(or sale.((however,/hebullding or TOTAL: improvementisaoldwithinomeyearofcomplmion,theowner-bullderw(llhave Men of proving that he did not build or improve for purpose of sale) QTy, PLUMBING,PERMIT FEE',. }TARO ZONE —A—PN e.owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed PERMIT ISSUANCE IrIltd. ctora to mnstrud the project(See.7044,Business and Proftesimu Code '� ontra or'License Taw does not apply to an owner of property who ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WATER 03NN or Improves thereon,and who contracts fee such pwiscts with a m,➢.tfaao` exemt Me,pursuantmthe Contractor's License&P Law. BACK PLOW PROTECT.DEVICE "``aFE$SUMMARY ' L�I am exempt under Sec. B&P C for this reawn Owner Date DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,AREA,CON I. SANITARY RECEIPT # WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION ❑1 hereby af(Irm that I have a rertiRcate of consent to self-Insure,ora FLX1l1RES(PER TRA(' V BOOL TAX Y N certificate ofWorkere Compensatlmnlneuranceora certified copythereo((Sec. 07 RECEIPT# 38W,UbC) _ GAS EA.SYSTEM-1 INC,40UTLE7S PARK FEE V N P°liryp M` RECEIPT .. Com any GASEA.SYSTEM-OVER4(EA) #rV BUILDING DIVISION FEES [-]CeMfled copy is herebyfurnished.the cid. CREASE/INDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCI'IECKFEE �Certitied copy Is filed with the sty inspection divlslan. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASE TRAP URA I O CPAID OM - COMPENSATION INSURANCE - Date Re'ceI tri sseaimnneed CO be comp)Tif the Spermit UdollarsSEWER SANITARY STORM EA 200PT(oronehundred dollars ($100)or less.) ENERGY FEE WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELEC'TR Y N I rortify that in the performenceof the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person In any manner se,w to Become subject to the - Workers'Compensation Laws m(Calitornla.Date WATER SYSTEM/TREATING PAID . O Z Applicant Z O NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,alter making thCaCertl(Icate of Exemption,you NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB.__SQ.7. Date Recei pHf H W should become subject to the Worken'Compensation provisions of the Labor TOTAL: Code,you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be W > deemed revoked. BUILDING ^M CL CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE = Z Thereby a(firm that there Isacorotroalmn lending agency for the pertmrm. TOTAL: ECTRIC FEE ance of the work for which this permit is Issued(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) U O Lenders Name PLUMBING FEE IL F Iander.Addrew ¢1Y: [ MECHANIC, RM T% FEE:, MECHANICALFEG O W Irertlfythatl have read thbapplicationand statethatthe above information - 1 Is correct.lagree to comply with al city and county ordinances and state laws PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: } N relating to building conahualon,and hereby authorize representatives of this f.. Z city to enter upon the above-mentioned property for Inspection purposes. ALTERORADDTOMECH. (We)agree to save,indemnify an d keep harmlew the City of Cupertino - Date Receipt# against liabilities,judgments,cortsand expenses which may lo.eywayaceue AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,Wo CFM) SUBTOTAL: against sal 1 in consequence of t a ing of this pe I. _ . LS AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10,000 CFM) 72;i , o(A Brant/Co a or Da E)(HAOSTHOOD(W/DUC) PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERI SDISCLOSUREWill the applicant or future building occupant store or handle hazardous HEATING UNIT(TO 100,000BTU)material as defined bythe Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,andthe I tishealthand SafetyCode Section25532(a)2 HEATING UNIT(OVFA IDQ00D BTU)Q Yea �No - AL:Willthe applicantorfuture building occupant use equipment ordevices VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) ATE which emit hazardous air contaminants as de0ned by the Bay Area Air@+ Ilty Management D❑isMa2BOILER-COMPpFI1POR]OO,IXO BT U)q Yea d No have read the haza musmaterials requrements underChapter6.95 of the California I lealth&Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533 and 25534. I '# SEP #j q understand that lithe building does not currently have a tenant,that it is my NEWRESIDENTIALMECH.0 �.FT. Fa re+Poruibility to notify the occupant of the requirements which must be met - O prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. - Of CU�mO Owner or authorized agent Date • TOTAL: ISSUEDB OFFICE COPY