22412APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALLPOINT PEN ONLII Building Project Identification - Building Address: PERMIT NO. 22412 cess one: a_ - CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION /'PERMIT BUILDINGELECTRICALML BING-MECHANICAL ' c°no-. ,a • :Q—Lc.Na: CATEGORY CONTROLN .:'( 4BUILDINC'PERMIT INFO .UI '.._. IT INFO 8' Architect/Englnm . c. o: ,� , ,... a;'w C Ix" tet "(r r)p';, .. EL_ECTRiC PERMIT.-"'�", ,. IM711 i:FEEt,", Addrces: LICENSED CO N DCCLARATIO - Iherebyaftlrmthat l amllcrosed underprovbions of Chapter9(commmc ingwithset1onMOD)of Dlvislon3oflhe Businenand ProfnsionCode, and m litnseis in 11f andeffet. Lirenx Lic N Date Contracto JJA ARCHITECPS DECLARATION I understand my plane shall be used as public records. Licensed Professional A OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby a(Ormthat I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the cwntywMch rcqulreaa penNt to covvuct, alter,lmprove, demolish, orrepalr cmntingreason.(Sesape Bu tmdand Pimp i, eo ]e hnympair anyatroctureuitemeits lhatecgabosedpursuant toto file a algned aicens eLa that he b licensed pursuant it the tion 7 0D) of the provisions Contractor's License and PChapte,es Cosde)or le, withxetlon70r)of and the basis3 of for the alleendexamptionC Any violation f exempt therefrom and the blab for the alleged exemption. Any Wblatlon of Section 74115 by any applicant fore perndt svbje is the applicant to a civil penalty does mreathan five hundred dollars (SSrXB. F11, a• owner of the property, br my employees with wages as their wale °mpenwation, willdothe work, andthe strum m isnot intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Pmfnslom Code: The Contractors License law does not apply to an owner of property who Wilds or improves thereon,and who doessuch work himself or through hisown employees, provided that such impnevemenbare not Intended oroffered forests. If, howeverthebuildlegor improvement bsold withinone)carofcompletlon,theowner-b iiderwill have t)l,hundenof proving that he did not build or Improve for purpose of sale.). "S aacaveer of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to mnstrud the project (Sec. 70K Business and Profession Code: The Contractor's License law does not apply to an owner of property who Wilds or Improves thereon, and who contracts for such Ptojets with a ,�[actor(s)Ikensed pursuant to the CmtractorLLkense Law. c LJI am exempt under Sec' B & P C for this reason •..,. PERhBTI55UANCE •- . . ❑ ❑ ElACTOR'S APPLIANCESRESIDENTIAL JOB DESCRC710N - / '��� 7 . PANES LIE TO 200AHM — 201 -IOW AMPS OVER1000AMPS �, n 5�rf. R � � R �a %�/ G { II 'S/EQ. FT, SIGNSELECTRICAL _ SPECIALCIRCUIT/MISC t � V,� TEMP, METER ORPOLE INST. POWER DEVICES SWNMI NG FOOL ELECTRIC V�ApLUATION ' (� J OUTLETSSWITCHFSFI%TIIItES NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR.FT . STORIES ., TYPE CONSTRUCTION TOTAL: , (j'1'Y, ',;, '1�"PLUMBINCPERMIT'"' ",i FEE;'t OCC,GROUI' ' 'RFS. UNITS ,�5, PERMIT ISSUANCE ' ALTER -DRAIN& VENT- WATER (EA) FT.oDDZONE APN BACKFLOW PROTECT. DEVICE s! ''FEE+SUMMARY.'' (­H11rellIn sees DRAINS FLOOR ROOF, AREA, COND. FD(NRES PER TRAP - SANITARY Y N_ - RECE117 N Owner - " Date .' WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION ❑1 hereby affirm that I haveper;sa o l rtunte of consent d spythemo ora ofWorkers'Comperuatlonlnuranceorarertifled copythereof(Sec. 3800, �difiLab Policy# C.) . - SQ'IOOL TAX Y_ N_ RECFTPT N GAS EA. SYSTEM -1 INCA OUTLETS PARK FEC Y_: N RECEIPT CAS EA.SYSI'EM-OVER4(EA) CnI Cam an CY BUILDING DIV] SION FEES ❑ C ertified copy in herebyth the cityed. ' F1 Certified! copy b Bled with the city inspection division. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' - COMPENSATION INSURANCE Cot W completed RhlsseNon need est W complied if the permit Is for one hundred dollars ($]Immly that I mrtlfy that In the performance of the work for Mcht bpermlt le Wved, I shall not employ any persynon an noon:, to the W°rkcrs'Com �LL�asn i�s/�F ai�/f rob. x Applicant NOTICE. L tot after making o thisionlcateof Exemption, you Compentlonprovbionrmit the s Lab be Code,shoulo m 6stforthwith co ply with Code, you mus forthwith comply with such provision or solo permit shall be deemed revatrea. � CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY„ P^ Ibercbya(firm thatiherelsamrutrudlonlendingagenryfortheperlorrry Lend e(the work for which this permit is Issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. CJ Lender•:Name LendersAdhatI - - W � I cent. 14g I have read this apalatyand c state that tnances a Information countyordinances is turret. building complywith and hereby reprcesandaatelaws relating to building mmtrotlon, end hereby authorize reprcsentallvn of this city to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save, Indemnify an d keep harmlese the City of Cupertino against llabillties,/adgrrents, sand evpenses wh nuy loan way cerue a aloe Ch iseque o(th granites of spermit. sigruatu Applies, Com -dor D a ' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOS E Will theappllcaut or future building occupant stare er ndle hvallow material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Cole,Chapwr9.12, and the HealthandSafetyC a tion 75534(.1)7 > ❑ Yes o Will the applicant tum building ocmPaul use equipment or -devices which emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Arca Air QualityManagement t'ct7: 4 a n No h beread the baz materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of theerstan thatlith Safety Code, otcurrentlyh have a tend, that 'ueporudndthal notifloue ing oc=pces not currently haves tenant, slut h met r priorto bauunllty to cis oats of of the requirements which must be met Certificate prior to fssuanre cats Ccrtl(Icate of Occvpanry. GREASE/WDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE ' PAID , Date Remi tN GREASETRAP SEWER-SANI.f.ARY-STORM EA. 2DOFI.. WATER 14FATER W/VENT/ELECTR ENERGY FEE Y N- PAID ' Date Remi t# ' WATERSYSTEM/TREATING NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB.SQ,FT, TOTAL: BUIL ING FEE '5,5i 051 SEISMIC FEE L TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE - QTY. ', MECHANICAL' PERMIT ,FEE,, PLUMBING FEE - -- MECHANICAL FEE ' PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: ' ALTM-ORADDTOMECH. AIR HANDLING UNIT 10,0(ID CFM) - Date ReCeiptq SUBTOTAL: AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER10,000CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX EXFLIUST HOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HEATING UNIT (TO 100,000 BTU) - -Date ReceiptN HEATING UNIT iW,OW BTU) TOTAL: L% VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RFSID) ISSUANCE DATE - ' (/ rs, � � r ISSIIEDO BOILER -COMP DEEP OR 100,DM BTU) BOILER.OMP(OVER 100,000 BTU) NEW RESIDFN77AL kiCQi. SQ.Ff. Owner or authorized agent - Date TOTAL: OFFICE COPY O 0 7�GLJ 1l ab. �arn,✓10� �i �0�vp �, � LS la�5e Ir(�h.IUI �n BLDG. INSPECTION DEPARTHIM OWV er I\ \,\t\ SN N1ag�erGra� � PD �x 2415 Rw 9440�/-h 11�� 484350 zc- ame. PO 3>10 � pLOT p LAtfS - -- --- 0PR_ .Y N i T �� STS L=a .AT D N_.