26555APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINOUILD APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING - MECHANICAL. BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PROJRCT IDENTIFICATION PERMIT NO, �i GN C C C G v J J J DING ADDRESS: SANUARYNO, APPPLICATIONSUBMITI'ALDA'M I OSlB C UNIT Is LOT# �C+ OWNERS NAME, PHONE: ohbJ b f'p G*kevj l 'z5S, • 7 CONTRACTOR'S NAME: LIC NO: N/C CONTROL# ARCIIITF:C'f/ENGINEER: - LIC NO. A KESS: L. 6 t ✓p coNTAcr: Pxorve: QTY. ELECI'RICPHRMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO PLu_ MB MECH ��—s/�, '/IOIy`. p' L . �, i �j��— Zy • Z Q '• PERMIT ISSUANCE ►'• LICENSED CONTRACTOR 'SDECLARATION thereby isionsof (co mmencing wird thatI amlicensedinto APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIAL - JOB DESCRIPTION PANELS of i a Coer9 Section 7d0I) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my llcemse Is in rand fill force and effect �q �# Licen ¢Class Lic.# 'Y/ `�yK UP TO 200 AMPS /� 201- 1000 AMPS hill Du- Contmcior' ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 1 understand plans shall he mad as public recoMs. IL�i# OVER 1000 AMPS SQ. ET. FL OR AREA /$$//SQ. FT. SIGNS ELECTRICAL ed Licensed Pm(eselmnel OWNER -BUILDER rcDECLARATION I hereby affirm tihoton 1 am exempt Fourche Contractors License Lew for the SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MI following reason (Section 703L5, Pm&salons Coda: Any pity or county TEMP. ME'IBR OR E T. ITL 1 r, of e,, land which requires n permit to cmastm a poli improve, demolish, fi repair any stmcturo ch fileese its icenancc,armara tires Neapplme, - POWER DEVICES of the CopeamiRo ,bar he Lava 9(comisncing ,in cti t70 proDivision the GmGnclors License Lew (Chapter 9(oommeneing with Section7W0)of Divisinn3nf the Business and Professions Code) SWIMMINGPOOLELECTRIC W ,,,that he i, exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant m e civil penalty of /�VA(yr�UA ��"k D ' Q LETS - SWITCHES - FIXTURES not more than live hundred dollars($500). ❑ I,nsmwn,rofNeprmpetty,ormyemployeeswi0wagesastheirsolecompcnsation, NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR SQ. FT. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION will do the work, and do, sourn is not lnumbumroffered mature (Set, Business and Professions Cade: The Contractors License Law does not apply m an owner of Property whobmldsmimprover thereon, and whodoes such work hirrec ordium,hhis employees,pmviAW thetsuchimpmvententsarenolintended oroffered fmrsole. If, �. i � �O'C.�ROi P_� i .UNI 5 L, -v mveoenlisse, he dilnoneycar of improve for theowner- builder will have the harden o[prmving that he did not bund or improve for purpose o[ build.,willhav the burden QTY, ',' PLUMBING PERMIT FEE ,:tied. E]I.inins erofthepropeny,amexclusively,momictiagwithlicenseiembercmmm construct the project (Seo. 9044, Business and Professions Cafe) The Continuities License Lowdoesmtapplytoaaownerofproperly wholmildsmrimpowes thereonand FLOOD' TE g Iq APN PERMIT ISSUANCE , 73— who contracts mrsuch projects with acmntractuo(s) licensed pnmuant to the Contractors License law. ALTFR- DRAINffi VP.NT- WATER (PA) FEE SUMMARY ❑ I am exempt under Sec. , B & P C for this reason BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE - OUTSIDE FEES SANITARY Y N RECEIPT# Owner Date DRAINS- Ell ROOF, AREA, COND. WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION SCHOOLTAX Y N ❑ thereby affirm l have acmntm lfi,meofconsoself-Insure,am mth mcemimaof Wmomi Comperemlma Insurance me cettlfedcopythereof(Sen. 3800, Lab C.) which RECEIPT ' PIXTURES - PER TRAP �� PARK FEE Y N GAS -EA. SYSTEM -1 INC.INC40UTLB1'S rs all empin ee's under this croil.ECEI y F Pnliay# # BUILDING DIVISILN FOES PLANCHBCK FEE Company ❑ Certified copy is hereby fumished. GAS - EA. SYSTEM OVER 4 EA) GRFASE/INDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING FEE ❑ Certified copy is filed with the city inspection division. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASETRAP SOILS COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEWER - SANITARY - STORM EA, 200FT. ENERGY •(This section need not be completed ifthe permit is fommehumbeed dollars ($100) or less.) WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELECTR l certify thmin Ne performance of the work for which this permit is iasued,ISM1aII t employ any person any manner so to to become suhiecl m the Workers' PAID WATER SYSTEM/CREATING C mp,neatloo Laws of California. hate I ate Rewipt# pp". ii/ / Ami . NOTICETOA ICANT:If, aftermaking this Certificate of Exemption,you should NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQ. FT. TOTAL: bject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Cade, you must mrthwithsucomply with such provisions or this permit shell be deemed revoked. BUILDING FEE -4 SEISMIC FEE Wo CONSTRUC 70N LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3099, Co. G) Qcff— ELECTRIC FF.E f Lendcts Name - QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FILE Lenders Address I certify that 1 have read this application and some that Ne above information is erect. Iagree m comply with all city and county ordinances and sate laws relating to PERMIT ISSUANCE MECHANICAL FE . buildingrnnswnion, and hereby arithmetic representatives ofthis city to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. ALTER OR ADD TO MECH, Lf CONSTRUCTION fAx (We) agmo to save, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against limbilities,judgment,.ends nnd,s,e,. which may many way recon, against said CityAIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,000 CPM) in consequence of te hgounting of this permit T AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10,000 CFM) Signature ml Appbcan ontracmr Date EXHAUST HOOD (W/DUCT) PAID HEATING UNIT (TO 100,000 BTU) ' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Dam Receipl R HEATIND UNIT (OVER IW,000 BTU) Will the applicant or future building occupant store or handle heaerdoes material as dmOced by the Cupertino Municipal Cade, Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESID) 0 Crile, Section 25532(a)'I ❑ Yes ❑ No BOILER - COMP (3HP OR 100,000 BTU)' I SUANAgl Dir T.B P.l9 � {/ Will the npplicun[orfuwm huilrl,ingoccupamueeequipmunardevioeswhich emit BOILER - COMP(O PIER 100.000 BTU). i, hazardous air contaminants Is defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management / Dinlrict't ❑ Yes ❑ No A 1Q9,4 v �U� 141994 NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ. FT. I have rend the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health & Safety Code, Sections 25505,25533 and 25534. l understand that now building does not currently have tenant that it is my responsibility to notify the CITY (fir 4VECn IIIYU occupant of the requirements which mum be met prior to Issuance of s Certificate of ' Ocatpuney. ISSUED BY: Owner or authorized agent - Date TOt'A OFFICE