S 1196APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO��j - BUH.D[NG-ELECTRICAL P ITNO. BUILDINGDIVISION'G'502APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING - MECHANICAL J 1196 BOLI.DIN(:'PROJI?CTII)EN'PIFICATION• L �� BUIL .MNGA DRIi..: 13 ,^) SANITARY NO. N'PLICAI ION SUBMITTAL DA'Z'E OW :SN PHONIT: sA�. - ONIEA .'flRS NA '' LIC pNOp' _- , '3A - p 0 llV U C NIC ❑ CDNTRDLN /A �I ��VVC/.7 H11130'/ENGIN`HIT: �� LIC NO: 1 A DRESS: �\ l.Je\ h \+L. CONTACT: PHONE: •- ;' BIJILDING PERMfl' INFO . 0z2 DO T.UU tFaa Fo w Z on �Z OZ-, 4y Fyy a pe3ak- a LLpNa J C Ty on 1-,zy SSC W " �' .. . Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) IH.D - ITLEC'1' PLUMB MECH LICENSED CONTRA( TOR S DECLARATION ION I hereby affr.i mal tan licensed d p ' � 1 Chapter Y aomm its with Sen un'l000)ol Davision3oOhe Ru. aJlmfessnnsCslde vnd mylicenscs rml latex opts encQ� �I a Licenx➢Caux _'1]I.ic.p `�� oK� Dmc-�_�tj—Conlrac v1u .ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 1 uudersnonA 1ny Clonx.eholl he umd m puMlc raonlx QTy t. I ELP.(}TRIC I I RMIT I : I PEE + ' - � �''. JOB DESCRIPTION ❑SIDWL ❑KITCIILNREM110DIil. )DITION ❑PLUMBING RE-I'll'1? DLTI-UNIT ❑MODIFICATIO MODIFICATION INTERIOR ❑CHIMNHYRHPAIR / IMPROVEMENT ❑SWIMMING POOLS ❑ BATH REMOT EUREPAIR 0 DEMOIA TION ❑OI'lll!R PERMIT ISSUANCE nfiRE APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL PANELS UPT0200AMVS�y�+t Licensed Prefeesimnal OWNER-BUILDERDECLARATION 1 hckhy nflirm in., 1 n;n exempl from the Corna'an , Licen..c Lnw for the fold & (S T ](1315.8: dP f.:' C I�AY city oumy which respire, .pe ,,all t, alm, onTromi.t 1'h l Ytcure pno t ec L q . ah pplt I f h Pe 'r l TI .'ymilitate cal 'it.' [at is licensed artal thi n I the C t t I'_r,mm 1 (Chapter) (commencing with Section Who) o[Dvsion3 of The nosiness and Profmn'm. Ctvle) nr than he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged e.emplinn. Any violmion of Section 70115 by any upplicre, for a pe ....it sukieas the applicant m a civil penally of non more than rise hundred dollum ($SIN). Q1..(wnerofnhe progeny, onny employees with wagesas lheirsnlc forn,fsarion, will do he work, and the structure is not intended oronered on.eile(See 70,14, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Lnw does nor apply to an nwncr of property who build. or improves thereon. and who docs such work himself or through 201-1000AMPS OVER IIMXIAMPS SIGNS ELIC IEICAL SPECIAL CIRCUI'UMISC. TEMP, MCTER OR POLIS INST. COMMERCIAL: ❑ NEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION ❑'i'IiNANT ❑FOOD SIiIiVICF, IMN OVIiMFNT ❑OTHER POWIiK DEVICES SWIMMING POOL ELECT RIC OUTLP.'I'S-SW ITCHES-Iq XTUR17S his own employees, provided that such improvements are net intended or offered for NEW REST DEN I' IAL ELECTR SQ Irl'. sale. If, however, The building or impnwencnl is sold within one year of completion, 'he SQ, IT. FLOORAREA VSQ. UT. weric,laii lder will lave the burden of proving Thm he did nor build or improve for par- of sale). [IT, ns owner of the pronely, tun exclusivelyProfession, with licensed contractors as A 'A . mswet rbc project (See 7I44, Rosiness ad Professions Code:) TTe Conrmsiar's Li- whserpt milds Law not apply to ownerif properly who or improves thereon,ond o contracts for such pmiecls with a cnnlmctm(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors QTY. 'I1j, i ' PI.UMBINGPERMIT.s •4�T (�'; .FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE License Law. ❑Iam scmpnmder See. ,B& P C for this rntson ALTER ALTER -TRAIN & VENT- WATER IEA) Owner ))am WORKER'S COMPENSq'['ION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under formally of perjury one of The following eechuations: BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE DRAINS-FLOOR, ROOF. AREA, GOND' ❑ Ihavenad will maimtuin. Cenificamof C.nncmmselLinsitrcfor Wnrkcr's Cnmpcn- sation, as provided for by Section 37W of the Lothar Code, for the performance of theON STORIES 'TYPE C(INSTRUC'1T FIXTURES -PER (RAP Cfor which this Firmin is issued. hove std will nerinerin Workers Contpenedon Imammr. tis mileacd by Section ofdte labor Carlo, for The performinceirromwul, far which do, permit is i... ed, My WarWi. (AryRensmion Insurance carrier andPolicysh, number am. GAS -ITA. SYS'1'IiM-I INC.40UTLE'I:S (ICC. CROUP APN 'SYS Colace F0.11 Polley No.: GAS - HA. '1'HM-OVER 4(EA) CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' �-1 sz Q Vl a ^ COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need nut be<omplcted if the permit is (crone hundred dollars ($100) sir lexs,l r. toy any in the myofthe work lin permit in issued,lnlmll not employ Canon in any manner so onmttannm subjectnlhe WnrAcrs'Comltcn- radon Lawsof California. Due onl + GREASIUINDUS'I RL WASTE INTHRCHPMR I I ISION FEES PLANCH GREASE TRAP EA. 2lM) FT. .W ENERGY PIE 7. is GRAVING FEE WAY HEATER W/VFN'I'/I?LErTIt NOTIAppliCE NOTICE TO APPLICANT. IL arta making this Certificate re rf Exemption, you shouts the Workers Compemauon provisions of the Lahr masa TER SYSTEMrt REA'1'INGM SOILS PEE W G a0 �z U� coatm forthbecowithvoke,ynu fnrttiwirh comply with such provisions in this pwmit nhallhdameA revoked. hal Ihereby Cat(herRUrT[ONLENDING AGENCY there is len ding agency for performance of agency WATEI15f?RVICII PAID Dam Re iplp NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMII. SQ, ]in W � O U p• V) U Z which InThal rho work for which this pcnniT is inyucd ISec 309], Civ. C.) - md(Scei30 Lendeh Nome 'TOTAL; Lenders Address I certify that 1 have rearl (h',a application d state that the b sit miction isr correct. I agree to comply with II city d county m mr d:el r l ll to build ngcmnxwclnn a dh rchyamh rze p t f fah'. tyl j h the 'q BUILDING FEL: � _ QTY MECHANICAL Is'ERMI'r : FEE' - II' SEISMICF atone me t oned pmparty for aspect on purp (We) agree at save ndemnfy.raIkeep h I.. the GoofCprt lada,l PERMIT ISSUANCE, - asIfiZ ELECT"MITIGNTIONI udgmm� s,enlsandcs,sex%Inch nay inany way accme agnnsr mad CityALTER ofine granting of this permit: ORADD'IOMECH.imcon....e PLUMAPPLICANT AIR IIA NDLING UNIT 0010,000 CFM)SOURCE NDERSTANDS ANO WILL COMPLY WITH AL1. NON-POINT REGU NY ONS. MEC I[TAIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10.000CFM) CONST"�Dale HAZARDOUS MA'I'ERTALS DISCLOSURE EXHAUSTH000(W/DUCI) HOUSI HEATING UNIT(To Floods) BTU) Will the applicant or future building acuarmio a or handle hazanlous material ac defined ey 0e Cupertino Municipal Coale, Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safely Code, Scudnn 25532001 • ❑Ycs �No BEAT INO UNIT (OVER 100.000 BTU) PAID VENTILATION BAN (SINGLE RISID) lWmi Wethe applicant orfurorebuilding up: eq mentsirdeviseswhich OccBuy et Imzunleus air cnnlaminanvs us Aeilned by the ILry Ann Am Quality Management Di.vVicl? Dyes No - Dare Receipt BOILER-COMP(1TI' ,1HPOR 100, 000U) TOTAL: BOILER -COMP (OVER IIXI,1%10 BTU) AIR CONDII INER c mad the bamNous malerluls requirements under Chapter 695 of the Culi- fomia Flcahh Safety Castle, Sections 255115, 3531 and 25544. I understand Na if the huddingdoennot normal haveul ants than it is my rcspnnsibiliny To nmify the a:alpanT ✓V-• ISSUANCE DATE NEW RESIDENI'[Al. MECIT SQ. IT. o lheroquiremeal which noel be r parr ut isuuno,cof it cert merl'(kcnpem'. ./� Owner or agent Date /^�- ISSUED BY: (y 5s7i f^ ,� OFFICE